
Defines functions tvcm_grow_splitpath tvcm_prune_terminal tvcm_prune_maxstep tvcm_prune_node tvcm_print_vclabs tvcm_get_estimates tvcm_get_vcparm tvcm_get_terms tvcm_get_node tvcm_get_fitted tvcm_grow_setparm tvcm_grow_setcontrol tvcm_formula tvcm_grow_splitnode tvcm_grow_exsearch tvcm_exsearch_dev tvcm_exsearch_nomToOrd tvcm_sctest_bonf tvcm_grow_sctest tvcm_setsplits_rselect tvcm_setsplits_splitnode tvcm_setsplits_sctest tvcm_grow_setsplits tvcm_getNomSplits tvcm_getOrdSplits tvcm_getNumSplits tvcm_grow_update tvcm_grow_fit glm.doNotFit tvcm_grow tvcm_complexity

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
## Author:          Reto Buergin
## E-Mail:          rbuergin@gmx.ch
## Date:            2017-08-21
## Description:
## Workhorse functions for the 'tvcm' function.
## Overview:
## Workhorse functions for partitioning:
## tvcm_complexity:          computes the complexity of the model
## tvcm_grow:                main function for growing the trees
## tvcm_grow_fit:            fits the current model
## tvcm_grow_update:          refits the model (with utility function
##                           'glm.doNotFit')
## tvcm_getNumSplits         get cutpoints of numeric variables
## tvcm_getOrdSplits         get cutpoints of ordinal variables
## tvcm_getNomSplits         get cutpoints of nominal variables
## tvcm_grow_setsplits:      get current splits
## tvcm_setsplits_sctest:    update splits after tests
## tvcm_setsplits_splitnode: 
## tvcm_setsplits_rselect:   randomly select partitions, variables and nodes
## tvcm_grow_sctest:         run coefficient constancy tests
## tvcm_grow_exsearch:       compute the 'dev' statistics
## tvcm_grow_splitnode:      split in variable x.
## tvcm_formula:             extract separate formulas for
##                           model and partitioning from
##                           input formula.
## tvcm_grow_setcontrol:     update the control argument before
##                           fitting the tree.
## tvcm_grow_setparm:        update the 'parm' slot
## Utility functions used by various functions:
## tvcm_get_node:            extract node vectors and assign the contrasts
## tvcm_get_terms:           creates a list which assigns coefficients
##                           to the corresponding type, partition etc.
## tvcm_get_vcparm:          extracts the names of the predictors on
##                           'vc' terms
## tvcm_get_estimates:       extracts the estimates from a fitted
##                           'tvcm' object and creates a list with
##                           an entry for each different type of
##                           estimate ('fe', 'vc' or 're')
## tvcm_print_vclabs:        creates short labels for 'vc' terms
## Functions for pruning:
## tvcm_prune_node:          main function for pruning 'partynode'
##                           objects
## tvcm_prune_maxstep:       recursive function for pruning
## tvcm_prune_terminal:      prunes branches
## tvcm_grow_splitpath:      creates a 'splitpath.tvcm' object
## Last modifications:
## 2017-10-16: add argument 'singular.ok' for 'glm.doNotFit', see mail
##             of Martin Maechler, 2017-09-30
## 2017-08-21: - rename arguments for 'tvcm_get_terms'.
##             - bug fix for 'tvcm_get_estimates' for situations where
##               'fe' terms include factor variables or operators
## 2017-08-19: improve tvcm_formula.
## 2017-08-17: - set model.frame in 'tvcm_get_node' for splitting variables
##             - delete model.frame.tvcm calls
## 2017-08-14: simplify function 'tvcm_formula'.
## 2016-01-08: change in 'tvcm_grow_fit' to allow fitting the approximate
##             search modell locally. For now only for 'glm' fits!
## 2015-11-31: enable the setting 'mtry <- Inf'
## 2015-10-15: add function 'tvcm_grow_setparm'
## 2015-08-25: replace 'fit' argument in 'tvcm_formula' by 'family'.
## 2015-08-21: - small changes in 'tvcm_grow_fit'.
##             - replace 'family' argument in 'tvcm_formula' by 'fit'.
## 2015-02-25: add check for fixed effects model matrix in
##             'tvcm_grow_update'.
## 2015-02-24: - improved 'tvcm_getNumSplits' (bugs for the upper limits)
## 2014-12-10: - added 'drop = FALSE' commands in 'tvcm_exsearch_nomToOrd'
##               which produced errors
##             - 'tvcm_getNumSplits' yielded sometimes more than
##               'maxnumsplit'
##               values. Now a random selection is applied for these cases
## 2014-12-09: implemented accurate search model. Involves changes in
##             'tvcm_formula', 'tvcm_grow_exsearch', 'tvcm_exsearch_dev'
##             and 'tvcm_control'.
## 2014-11-11: modified transformation of nominal into ordinal variables
##             to accelerate exhaustive search. There is now a function
##             'tvcm_exsearch_nomToOrd'.
## 2014-11-05: parallelized 'estfun.olmm' call in 'tvcm_grow_sctest'
## 2014-10-14: - modify dev-grid structure obtained from
##               'tvcm_grow_exsearch'
##               each combination of part/node/var has now a list of three
##               elements where the first contains the cuts, the second the
##               the loss reduction and the third the difference in
##               the number of parameters. Modifications concerned:
##               - tvcm_grow_setsplits
##               - tvcm_setsplits_sctest
##               - tvcm_setsplits_rselect
##               - print.splitpath
##             - tvcm_setsplits_splitnode allocates for the splitted
##               node a list structure (before it was a empty list
##               on the node level)
##             - small modifications in getSplits function
##             - deleted 'tvcm_setsplits_validcats'
##             - added 'tvcm_getNumSplits', 'tvcm_getOrdSplits' and
##               'tvcm_getNomSplits'
## 2014-09-22: deleted unnecessary 'subs' object in 'tvcm_grow_exsearch'
##             which I didn't remove when removing the 'keepdev'
##             option
## 2014-09-17: - delete 'keepdev' argument (also for prune.tvcm)
##             - add function 'tvcm_complexity'
## 2014-09-15: changed 'dev' labels to 'dev' etc.
## 2014-09-10: - add 'control' argument for 'tvcm_grow_update'
##               to allow the control of variable centering
##             - add variable centering in 'tvcm_grow_update'
##               (which was not implemented for some curious reasons)
## 2014-09-08: substitute 'rep' function by 'rep.int' or 'rep_len'
## 2014-09-07: - added 'tvcm_get_vcparm' function
##             - set default values in 'glm.doNotFit'
## 2014-09-06: modified function names for 'tvcm_fit_model' and
##             'tvcm_refit_model' for consistency reasons. The
##             new names are 'tvcm_grow_fit' and 'tvcm_grow_update'
## 2014-09-06: added new function 'tvcm_grow', which was formerly
##             in 'tvcm'
## 2014-09-04: added new function 'tvcm_print_vclabs'
## 2014-09-02: modifications on 'tvcm_get_node' to accelerate
##             the code
## 2014-08-10: modifications to speed-up the code
##             - update formulas of 'tvcm_formula' are now
##               always identical
##             - if 'doFit = FALSE', the call of 'glm.fit'
##               is avoided
## 2014-08-08: correct bug in 'tvcm_get_terms' for cases where
##             multiple vc() terms with equal 'by' arguments
##             are present
## 2014-08-08: correct bug in 'tvcm_grow_setsplits' regarding
##             'keepdev'
## 2014-08-08: add suppressWarnings in tvcm_grow_fit
## 2014-07-22: the list of splits is now of structure
##             partitions-nodes-variables
## 2014-07-22: AIC and BIC are no longer criteria and therefore
##             multiple functions were adjusted
## 2014-07-22: modified some function names
## 2014-07-06: implement method to deal with many nominal categories
## 2014-06-30: implement random selection if split is not unique
## 2014-06-23: correct bug for 'start' argument in 'tvcm_grow_exsearch' 
## 2014-06-17: modify documentation style
## 2014-06-16: deleted several 'tvcm_prune_XXX' functions
## 2014-06-03: modify 'tvcm_formula' to allow partition-wise
##             trees
## 2014-04-27: complete revision and improved documentation
## 2014-04-01: rename 'fluctest' to 'sctest'
## 2013-12-02: remove 'tvcm_grow_setupnode'
## 2013-11-01: modify 'restricted' and 'terms' correctly in
##             'tvcm_modify_modargs'
## Bottleneck functions:
## - tvcm_grow_sctest
## - tvcm_grow_setsplits
## - tvcm_grow_exsearch
## To do:
## - fitting local models when 'fast = TRUE' for 'olmm'
##   objects
## --------------------------------------------------------- #

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Compute the complexity of the model.
##' @param npar    the number of coefficients
##' @param dfpar   the degree of freedom per parameter
##' @param nsplit  the number of splits
##' @param dfsplit the degree of freedom per split
##' @return a scalar giving the complexity of the model
tvcm_complexity <- function(npar, dfpar, nsplit, dfsplit)
    return(dfsplit * nsplit + dfpar * npar)

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Growing a 'tvcm' tree.
##' @param object  a 'tvcm' object
##' @param subset  an integer vector indicating the subset on which
##'    the model is to be fitted. Used by 'cvloss.tvcm'. Entries
##'    may represent replicates (e.g., for \code{subset = c(1, 1, 2)}
##'    the first record is taken twice).
##' @param weights a vector of weights corresponding to the
##'    subset entries. Must be of same length as \code{subset}.
##' @return A 'tvcm' object.
##' @details Used in 'cvloss.tvcm' 
tvcm_grow <- function(object, subset = NULL, weights = NULL) {

    mcall <- object$info$mcall
    environment(mcall) <- environment()
    formList <- object$info$formula
    model <- object$info$model
    md <- object$info$data
    partData <- object$data
    control <- object$info$control
    family <- model$family
    if (!is.null(subset)) {
        md <- md[subset,,drop = FALSE]
        partData <- partData[subset,, drop = FALSE]
    if (!is.null(weights)) {
        mcall$weights <- weights
    } else {
        weights <- weights(model)
    ## get number of partitions
    nPart <- length(formList$vc)
    ## get partitioning variables
    partVars <-
        lapply(formList$vc, function(x) attr(terms(x$cond), "term.labels"))
    varid <- lapply(partVars, function(x) {
        as.integer(sapply(x, function(x) which(colnames(partData) == x))) })
    ## set the root node
    nodes <-
            nPart, partynode(id = 1L, info = list(dims = nobs(model),
                                                  depth = 0L)))
    names(nodes) <- names(formList$vc)
    where <- vector("list", length = nPart)
    partid <- seq(1, nPart, length.out = nPart)
    spart <- 0 # pseudo value
    ## allocate 'splits'
    splits <- lapply(seq_along(partid), function(pid) {
        lapply(1L, function(nid, pid) {
            lapply(seq_along(varid[[pid]]), function(x) {
                vector("list", 3)
        }, pid = pid)
    ## allocate 'splitpath'
    splitpath <- list()
    run <- 1L
    step <- 0L
    while (run > 0L) {
        step <- step + 1L; nstep <- step;
        test <- NULL; dev <- NULL;
        ## get current partitions and add them to the model data
        for (pid in seq_along(nodes)) {
            where[[pid]] <- factor(fitted_node(nodes[[pid]], partData))
            if (nlevels(where[[pid]]) > 1L)
                contrasts(where[[pid]]) <-
                    contr.wsum(where[[pid]], weights)      
            md[, paste0("Node", LETTERS[pid])] <- where[[pid]]
        nodeid <- lapply(nodes, function(x) 1:width(x))
        if (control$verbose) cat("\n* starting step", step, "...")
        ## --------------------------------------------------- #
        ## Step 1: fit the current model
        ## --------------------------------------------------- #
        vcRoot <- sapply(nodeid, length) == 1L
        ff <- tvcm_formula(formList, vcRoot, family,

        model <- try(tvcm_grow_fit(mcall))
        if (inherits(model, "try-error")) stop(model)
        control <- tvcm_grow_setcontrol(
            control, model, formList, vcRoot, TRUE)
        if (control$verbose) {
            cat("\n\nVarying-coefficient(s) of current model:\n")
            if (length(unlist(control$parm)) > 0L) {
                    Estimate = coef(model)[unique(unlist(control$parm))]),
                    digits = 2)
            } else {
                cat("<no varying-coefficients>\n")
        ## compute / update splits
        splits <- tvcm_grow_setsplits(splits, partid, nodeid, varid, model,
                                      nodes, where, partData, control)
        ## check if there is at least one admissible split
        if (length(unlist(splits)) == 0L | step > control$maxstep |
            length(control$parm) == 0L) {
            run <- 0L
            if (step > control$maxstep) {
                stopinfo <- "maximal number of steps reached"
            } else if (length(control$parm) == 0L) {
                stopinfo <- "no varying coefficients"
            } else {
                stopinfo <-
                    "no admissible splits (exceeded tree size parameters)"
            nstep <- step - 1L
        ## random selection (used by 'fvcm')
        if (control$mtry < .Machine$integer.max)
            splits <- tvcm_setsplits_rselect(splits, control)
        if (run > 0L && control$sctest) {
            ## --------------------------------------------------- #
            ## Step 2: variable selection via coefficient constancy tests
            ## --------------------------------------------------- #
            ## get raw p-values
            test <- try(tvcm_grow_sctest(
                model, nodes, where, partid, nodeid, varid, 
                splits, partData, control), TRUE)
            ## return error if test failed
            if (inherits(test, "try-error")) {
                run <- 0L
                stopinfo <- test
            } else {      
                testAdj <-
                                                 "nodewise", "none"))
                run <- 1L * (min(c(1.0 + .Machine$double.eps,
                                 na.rm = TRUE) <= control$alpha)
            if (run > 0L) {
                ## extract the selected partition
                testAdjPart <-
                        test, ifelse(control$bonferroni,
                minpval <- min(unlist(testAdjPart), na.rm = TRUE)
                spart <-
                if (length(spart) > 1L) spart <- sample(spart, 1L)
                ## select variable and node
                minsubs <- which(sapply(test[[spart]], identical,
                                        min(test[[spart]], na.rm = TRUE)))
                if (length(minsubs) > 1L) minsubs <- sample(minsubs, 1L)
                svar <- ceiling(minsubs / nrow(test[[spart]]))
                snode <- minsubs - (svar - 1L) * nrow(test[[spart]])
                ## print results
                if (control$verbose) {
                    ## tests
                    cat("\nCoefficient constancy tests (p-value):\n")   
                    for (pid in seq_along(nodes)) {
                        cat(paste0("\nPartition ", LETTERS[pid], ":\n"))
                                                digits = 2L)))              
                    ## selections
                    cat("\nPartition:", LETTERS[spart])
                    cat("\nNode:", levels(where[[spart]])[snode])
                        names(partData)[varid[[spart]][svar]], "\n")
                ## set dev statistic of not to selected nodes to 'Inf'
                ## to avoid model evaluations
                splits <- tvcm_setsplits_sctest(splits, partid, spart,
                                                nodeid, snode, varid, svar)
            } else {
                stopinfo <-
                    "p-values of coefficient constancy tests exceed alpha"
        if (run > 0L) {
            ## ------------------------------------------------- #
            ## Step 3: search a cutpoint
            ## ------------------------------------------------- #
            ## compute the dev of all candidate splits and extract
            ## the best split
            dev <- try(tvcm_grow_exsearch(splits, partid, nodeid, varid, 
                                          model, nodes, where, partData,
                                          control, mcall, formList, step),
                       silent = TRUE)

            ## handling stops
            if (inherits(dev, "try-error")) {
                run <- 0L
                stopinfo <- dev
                nstep <- step - 1L
            } else {
                splits <- dev$grid
                spart <- dev$partid
                if (is.null(dev$cut)) {
                    run <- 0L
                    stopinfo <- "found no admissible split"
                    nstep <- step - 1L
                if (run > 0L) {
                    if (dev$pendev < control$mindev) {
                        run <- 0
                        stopinfo <- paste("no split with",
                                          if (control$cp > 0) "penalized",
                                          "loss reduction > mindev")
                        nstep <- nstep - 1L
        ## incorporate the split into 'nodes'
        if (run > 0L)
            nodes <- tvcm_grow_splitnode(nodes, where, dev, partData,
                                         step, weights)

        if (run > 0L)
            splits <- tvcm_setsplits_splitnode(
                splits, dev$partid, dev$nodeid, nodeid)
        ## update 'splitpath' to make the splitting process traceable
        if (run >= 0L)
            splitpath[[step]] <-
                list(step = step,
                     dev = control$lossfun(model),
                     npar = extractAIC(model)[1L],
                     nsplit = step - 1L)
        if (!inherits(test, "try-error"))
            splitpath[[step]]$sctest <- test
        if (!inherits(dev, "try-error") && run > 0L) 
            splitpath[[step]] <- append(splitpath[[step]], dev)
        ## print the split
        if (control$verbose) {
            if (run > 0L) {
                if (!control$sctest) {
                    cat("\n\nPartition:", LETTERS[dev$partid])
                    cat("\nNode:", levels(where[[dev$partid]])[dev$nodeid])
                    cat("\nVariable:", names(partData)[dev$varid])
                } else {
                    dev$cut, 1L,
                    dimnames = list(dev$cutid,
                cat("Model comparison:\n")
                    cbind("loss" = c(
                              round(control$lossfun(model), 2),
                              round(control$lossfun(model) - dev$dev, 2L)),
                          ## if 'cp == 0'
                          "dev" = if (control$cp == 0)
                                      c("", round(dev$dev, 2L)),
                          ## if 'cp > 0'
                          "penalized dev" =
                              if (control$cp > 0)
                                  c("", round(dev$pendev, 2L)),
                          deparse.level = 2),
                    row.names = paste("step", step + c(-1, 0)),
                    check.names = FALSE))
            } else {
                cat("\n\nStopping partitioning.\nMessage:",
                    as.character(stopinfo), "\n")
                if (inherits("try-error", stopinfo))
    ## inscribe original node names for later pruning
    for (pid in seq_along(nodes)) {
        nodes[[pid]] <- as.list(nodes[[pid]])
        for (nid in 1:length(nodes[[pid]])) {
            nodes[[pid]][[nid]]$info$id$original <- nodes[[pid]][[nid]]$id
            nodes[[pid]][[nid]]$info$id$last <- nodes[[pid]][[nid]]$id
        nodes[[pid]] <- as.partynode(nodes[[pid]])
    ## prepare the title
    title <- c("Tree-Based Varying Coefficients Model")
    ## modify splitpath    
    splitpath <-
        tvcm_grow_splitpath(splitpath, varid, nodes, partData, control)
    ## the output object
    if (nPart == 0L) {
        tree <- model
    } else {
        ## delete environments
        environment(mcall) <- NULL
        environment(object$info$call) <- NULL
        formList <- vcrpart_formula_delEnv(formList)
        attr(attr(partData, "terms"), ".Environment") <- NULL

        ## attach terms to possibly modified data
        md[, paste0("Node", LETTERS[seq_along(nodes)])] <- NULL
        attr(md, "terms") <- attr(object$info$data, "terms")
        attr(attr(md, "terms"), ".Environment") <- NULL

        attr(partData, "terms") <- attr(object$data, "terms") 
        attr(attr(partData, "terms"), ".Environment") <- NULL
        ## build 'tvcm' object
        tree <- party(nodes[[1L]],
                      data = partData,
                      fitted = data.frame(
                          "(response)" = model.response(model.frame(model)),
                          "(weights)" = weights(model),
                          check.names = FALSE),
                      terms = terms(formList$original, keep.order = TRUE),
                      info = list(
                          title = title,
                          call = object$info$call,
                          mcall = mcall,
                          formula = formList,
                          data = md,
                          direct = object$info$direct,
                          fit = object$info$fit,
                          family = family,
                          control = control,
                          info = stopinfo,
                          model = model,
                          node = nodes,
                          grownode = nodes,
                          nstep = nstep,
                          splitpath = splitpath,
                          dotargs = object$info$dotargs))
        class(tree) <- c("tvcm", "party")

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Avoid calling glm.fit if 'fit == FALSE'
##' @param call    an object of class call
##' @param doFit   a logical indicating whether the parameters
##'    have to be optimized.
##' @return A list of formulas ('root', 'tree' and 'original').
##' @details Used in 'tvcm' and 'tvcm_grow_sctest'. 'glm.doNotFit'
##' is just an utility function to skip \code{\link{glm.fit}}
##' if \code{doFit = FALSE}
glm.doNotFit <- function(x, y, weights = NULL, start = NULL,
                         etastart = NULL,
                         mustart = NULL, offset = NULL, family = gaussian(),
                         control = list(), intercept = TRUE,
                         singular.ok = TRUE) {
    coefficients <- rep.int(0, NCOL(x))
    names(coefficients) <- colnames(x)
    if (is.null(weights)) weights <- rep.int(1.0, NROW(x))
    if (is.null(offset)) offset <- rep.int(0.0, NROW(x))
    if (!is.null(start)) {
        if (!is.null(names(start))) {
            start <- start[intersect(names(coefficients), names(start))]
            coefficients[names(start)] <- start
        } else {
            if (length(start) > length(coefficients))
                start <- start[seq_along(coefficients)]
            coefficients[seq_along(start)] <- start
    return(list(coefficients = coefficients, residuals = NULL,
                effect = NULL, R = NULL, rank = NULL,
                qr = NULL, family = family,
                linear.predictor = etastart,
                deviance = NULL, aic = NULL, null.deviance = NULL,
                iter = 0, weights = NULL, prior.weights = weights,
                df.residual = NULL, df.null = NULL, y = y,
                converged = TRUE, boundary = TRUE))

tvcm_grow_fit <- function(mcall, doFit = TRUE) {
    ## extract information from 'mcall'
    env <- environment(mcall)
    ## set mcall if coefficients are not to optimized
    if (!doFit) {
        fit <- deparse(mcall$name)
        if (fit == "olmm") {
            mcall$doFit <- FALSE
        } else if (fit == "glm") {        
            mcall$method <- glm.doNotFit # skips glm.fit

    ## fit model
    ## gc()
    object <- suppressWarnings(eval(mcall, env))
    ## return error if fitting failed
    if (inherits(object, "try-error")) stop("model fitting failed.")
    if (doFit && !is.null(object$converged) && !object$converged)
        stop("no convergence")
    ## delete heavy objects
    if (inherits(object, "glm")) {
        attr(attr(object$model, "terms"), ".Environment") <- NULL
        environment(object$formula) <- NULL
        attr(object$terms, ".Environment") <- NULL
    ## return model

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Updates the model matrix and re-fits the current node
##' model. Used for the grid-search in 'tvcm_grow_exsearch'.
##' @param object a prototype model
##' @param mcall   the mcall for the prototype model
##' @return A list of formulas ('root', 'tree' and 'original').
##' @details Used in 'tvcm' and 'tvcm_grow_exsearch'. Note that the
##' function will modify the slots of the original object as well!
##' To do:
##' Improve performance for non 'olmm' objects
tvcm_grow_update <- function(object, control, subs = NULL) {
    if (inherits(object, "olmm")) {
        ## set new partition
        data <- model.frame(object)
        nodeVars <- grep("Node[A-Z]", colnames(data), value = TRUE)
        object$frame[, nodeVars] <- data[, nodeVars]
        ## get terms
        termsFeCe <- terms(object, "fe-ce")
        termsFeGe <- terms(object, "fe-ge")
        ## get constrasts
        contrasts <- object$contrasts
        conCe <-
            contrasts[intersect(names(contrasts), all.vars(termsFeCe))]
        if (length(conCe) == 0L) conCe <- NULL
        conGe <-
            contrasts[intersect(names(contrasts), all.vars(termsFeGe))]    
        if (length(conGe) == 0L) conGe <- NULL
        ## update model matrix  
        object$X <-
            olmm_merge_mm(x = model.matrix(termsFeCe, object$frame, conCe),
                          y = model.matrix(termsFeGe, object$frame, conGe),
        object$X <- olmm_check_mm(object$X)
        if (control$center) {
            ## extract interaction predictors to be centered
            ## (the ones with 'Left' and 'Right')
            cColsCe <- which(rownames(attr(termsFeCe, "factors")) %in%
                             c("Left", "Right"))
            if (length(cColsCe) > 0L) {
                cColsCe <-
                    which(colSums(attr(termsFeCe, "factors")[
                        cColsCe,,drop = FALSE]) > 0 &
                        !colnames(attr(termsFeCe, "factors")) %in%
                        c("Left", "Right"))
                cColsCe <-
                    which(attr(object$X, "assign") %in%
                          cColsCe & attr(object$X, "merge") == 1)
            cColsGe <- which(rownames(attr(termsFeGe, "factors")) %in%
                             c("Left", "Right"))
            if (length(cColsGe) > 0L) {
                cColsGe <-
                    which(colSums(attr(termsFeGe, "factors")[
                        cColsGe,,drop = FALSE]) > 0 &
                        !colnames(attr(termsFeGe, "factors")) %in%
                        c("Left", "Right"))
                cColsGe <-
                    which(attr(object$X, "assign") %in%
                          cColsGe & attr(object$X, "merge") == 2)
            ## center the predictors
            object$X[,  c(cColsCe, cColsGe)] <-
                scale(object$X[,  c(cColsCe, cColsGe)],
                      center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
        ## prepare optimization
        optim <- object$optim
        optim[[1L]] <- object$coefficients
        optim[[4L]] <- object$restricted
        environment(optim[[2L]]) <- environment()
        if (!object$dims["numGrad"]) environment(optim[[3L]]) <-
        optim$env <- environment()
        FUN <- optim$fit
        subs <- which(names(optim) == "fit")
        optim <- optim[-subs]
        ## run optimization
        ## gc()
        output <- try(suppressWarnings(do.call(FUN, optim)), TRUE)
        ## check optimized model 
        if (!inherits(output, "try-error")) {
            object$output <- output
            object$conv <-
                       optim = object$output$convergence == 0,
                       nlminb = object$output$convergence == 0,
                       ucminf = object$output$convergence %in% c(1, 2, 4))
            if (!object$conv) object <- try(stop("not converged"), TRUE)
        } else {
            object <- output
    } else {
        ## extract interaction predictors to be centered
        ## (the ones with 'Left' and 'Right')
        X <- model.matrix(object$formula, model.frame(object))
        if (control$center) {
            ## get the columns of 'X' to be centered
            terms <- terms(object$formula)       
            cCols <- which(rownames(attr(terms, "factors")) %in%
                           c("Left", "Right"))
            if (length(cCols) > 0L) {
                cCols <- which(
                    colSums(attr(terms, "factors")[
                        cCols,,drop = FALSE]) > 0 &
                    !colnames(attr(terms, "factors")) %in%
                    c("Left", "Right"))
                cCols <- which(attr(X, "assign") %in% cCols)
            ## centering
            X[, cCols] <- scale(X[, cCols], center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
        ## if 'fast = TRUE' model is fitted locally (thereby nuisance
        ## parameter is left as a free parameter)
        if (!control$fast | is.null(subs)) subs <- rep(TRUE, nrow(X))
        start <- if (control$fast) object$coefficients else NULL
        ##subs <- rep(TRUE, nrow(X))
        object <- try(suppressWarnings(
            glm.fit(x = X[subs,,drop=FALSE], 
                    y = object$y[subs], 
                    weights = object$prior.weights[subs],
                    start = start, 
                    offset = object$offset[subs],
                    family = object$family, 
                    control = object$control,
                    intercept = TRUE)), TRUE)
        if (!inherits(object, "try-error")) {
            class(object) <- c("glm", "lm")
            if (!object$conv) object <- try(stop("not converged"), TRUE)
    ## return model

tvcm_grow_gefp <- gefp.olmm # see 'olmm-methods.R'

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Computes cutpoints of 'numeric' partitioning variables
##' @param z a numeric vector
##' @param w a numeric vector of weights
##' @param minsize numerical scalar. The minimum node size.
##' @param maxnumsplit integer scalar. The maximum number
##'    of cutpoints.
##' @return A matrix with one column and one row for each
##'    cutpoint
##' @details Used in 'tvcm_grow_setsplits'.

tvcm_getNumSplits <- function(z, w, minsize, maxnumsplit) {
    ## order the partitioning variable
    ord <- order(z)
    z <- z[ord]; w <- w[ord];
    cw <- cumsum(w)
    ## result if there is no split
    rval0 <- matrix(numeric(), ncol = 1L)
    colnames(rval0) <- "cut"
    attr(rval0, "type") <- "dev"
    ## get the first index
    subsL <- which(cw >= minsize)
    if (length(subsL) < 1L) return(rval0)
    subsL <- min(subsL)
    ## get the last index
    subsR <- cw < (cw[length(cw)] - minsize + 1)
    if (!any(subsR)) return(rval0)
    if (any(!subsR)) subsR <- subsR & z < min(z[!subsR])
    if (!any(subsR)) return(rval0)
    subsR <- max(which(subsR))
    if (subsL <= subsR && z[subsL] <= z[subsR]) {
        ## valid splits available
        z <- z[subsL:subsR]
        cw <- cw[subsL:subsR] - cw[subsL] + w[subsL]
        ## apply a cutpoint reduction if necessary
        if (length(unique(z)) > maxnumsplit) {
            nq <- maxnumsplit - 1
            rval <- c()
            cw <- cw / cw[length(cw)]
            while (length(unique(rval)) < maxnumsplit) {
                nq <- nq + 1L
                q <- (1:nq) / (nq + 1L)
                rval <-
                    unique(sapply(q, function(p) z[max(which(cw <= p))]))
        } else {
            rval <- unique(z)
        ## sometimes the while loop yields too many values ...
        if (length(rval) > maxnumsplit)
            rval <- sort(sample(rval, 9))
    } else {
        ## no valid splits
        rval <- numeric()
    ## prepare return value
    rval <- matrix(rval, ncol = 1L)
    colnames(rval) <- "cut"
    attr(rval, "type") <- "dev"
    ## return matrix with cutpoints

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Computes cutpoints of 'ordinal' partitioning variables
##' @param z a vector of class 'ordered'
##' @param w a numeric vector of weights
##' @param minsize numerical scalar. The minimum node size.
##' @param maxordsplit integer scalar. The maximum number
##'    of cutpoints.
##' @return A matrix with one column for each category and
##'    one row for each cutpoint
##' @details Used in 'tvcm_grow_setsplits'.

tvcm_getOrdSplits <- function(z, w, minsize, maxordsplit) {
    ## get integer cutpoints using 'tvcm_getNumSplits'
    nl <- nlevels(z) # all levels
    cuts <- tvcm_getNumSplits(as.integer(z), w, minsize, maxordsplit)
    zdlev <- 1:nl %in% as.integer(cuts)
    ## create a matrix to apply categorical splits
    rval <- diag(nl)
    rval[lower.tri(rval)] <- 1L
    rval <- rval[zdlev,, drop = FALSE]
    ## prepare return value
    colnames(rval) <- levels(z)
    attr(rval, "type") <- "dev"
    ## return matrix with cutpoints

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Computes cutpoints of 'nominal' partitioning variables
##' @param z a vector of class 'factor'
##' @param w a numeric vector of weights
##' @param minsize numerical scalar. The minimum node size.
##' @param maxnomsplit integer scalar. The maximum number
##'    of cutpoints.
##' @return A matrix with one column for each category and
##'    one row for each cutpoint
##' @details Used in 'tvcm_grow_setsplits'.

tvcm_getNomSplits <- function(z, w, minsize, maxnomsplit) {
    zdlev <- 1 * (levels(z) %in% levels(droplevels(z)))
    if (sum(zdlev) < maxnomsplit) {
        ## exhaustive search
        rval <- .Call("tvcm_nomsplits",
                      PACKAGE = "vcrpart")
        type <- "dev"
    } else {
        ## Heuristic reduction of splits: in tvcm_grow_exsearch,
        ## the 'isolated' coefficients of each category are
        ## computed. The coefficients are used for ordering
        ## the categories and finally the variable is treated
        ## as ordinal. See tvcm_grow_exsearch
        rval <- diag(nlevels(z))
        type <- "coef"
    ## remove splits according to 'minsize'
    sumWTot <- sum(w)
    sumWCat <- tapply(w, z, sum)
    sumWCat[is.na(sumWCat)] <- 0
    valid <- apply(rval, 1, function(x) {
        all(c(sum(sumWCat[x > 0]), sumWTot - sum(sumWCat[x > 0])) > minsize)
    rval <- rval[valid,, drop = FALSE]
    ## return matrix with cutpoints
    colnames(rval) <- levels(z)
    attr(rval, "type") <- type

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Computes candidate splits for the current step
##' @param splits   a list. The former list of splits
##' @param partid   a vector of candidate partitions for splitting.
##' @param spart    integer scalar. The partition in which the
##'                 last split was employed
##' @param varid    a \code{list} with a vector for each partition that
##'    that specifies candidate variables for splitting.
##' @param nodeid   a \code{list} with a vector for each partition that
##'    that specifies candidate nodes for splitting.
##' @param model    a fitted model of class \code{\link{olmm}} or
##'    \code{\link{glm}}.
##' @param nodes    a \code{list} with a \code{\link{partynode}}
##'    object for each partition.
##' @param where    a \code{list} with a factor vector for each
##'    partition that the assigns observations to nodes.
##' @param partData a data frame with variables for
##'    splitting.
##' @param control    a \code{list} of control parameters as produced
##'    by 'tvcm_control.'
##' @return A list of splits. Entries for splits that
##'    exceed the tuning parameters are a vector of length
##'    zero.
##' @details Used in 'tvcm'.
tvcm_grow_setsplits <- function(splits, partid, nodeid, varid,
                                model, nodes, where,
                                partData, control) {
    ## get tree size criteria of current tree(s)
    width <- sapply(nodes, width)  
    depth <- lapply(nodes, function(node) {
        unlist(nodeapply(node, nodeids(node, terminal = TRUE),
                         function(node) {
                             info_node(node)$depth }))
    w <- weights(model)
    getSplits <- function(pid, nid, vid) {
        ## prepare data
        subs <- where[[pid]] == levels(where[[pid]])[nid]
        z <- partData[subs, vid]
        w <- w[subs]
        if (width[pid] >= control$maxwidth[pid] |
            depth[[pid]][nid] >= control$maxdepth[pid] |
            sum(subs) < 1L |
            sum(w) < 2 * control$minsize[pid]) {
            ## return an empty matrix if control parameters exceeded
            rval <- matrix(, 0, ifelse(is.numeric(z), 1L, nlevels(z)))
            colnames(rval) <- if (is.numeric(z)) "cut" else levels(z)
            attr(rval, "type") <- "dev"
        } else {
            ## compute matrix according to their scale
            rval <- switch(class(z)[1L],
                           numeric = tvcm_getNumSplits(z, w,
                           integer = tvcm_getNumSplits(z, w,
                           ordered = tvcm_getOrdSplits(z, w,
                           factor = tvcm_getNomSplits(z, w,
                           stop("class of variable '",
                                "' not recognized"))
    ## compute splits in all partitions, partitioning variables and nodes  
    for (pid in seq_along(partid)) {
        for (nid in seq_along(nodeid[[partid[pid]]])) {
            for (vid in seq_along(varid[[partid[pid]]])) {
                split <- splits[[pid]][[nid]][[vid]]
                if (is.null(split[[1L]]) |
                    (!is.null(split[[1L]]) &&
                     attr(split[[1L]], "type") == "coef") |
                    width[pid] >= control$maxwidth[pid]) {
                    split[[1L]] <- getSplits(partid[pid],
                    split[[2L]] <- split[[3L]] <- rep(NA, nrow(split[[1L]]))
                } else {
                    if (nrow(split[[1]]) > 0L)
                        split[[2L]][] <- split[[3L]][] <- NA
                splits[[pid]][[nid]][[vid]] <- split
    ## return list of updated 'splits'

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Updates the list of splits after coefficient
##' constancy tests.
##' @param splits  a 'list' as produced by 'tvcm_grow_splits'
##' @param partid     a vector of candidate partitions for splitting.
##' @param spart      the selected partition
##' @param nodeid     a list with a vector for each partition that
##'    that specifies candidate nodes for splitting.
##' @param snode      the selected node
##' @param varid      a list with a vector for each partition that
##'    that specifies candidate variables for splitting.
##' @param svar       the selected variable

##' @return An modified list of splits.
##' @details Used in 'tvcm'.

tvcm_setsplits_sctest <- function(splits, partid, spart,
                                  nodeid, snode, varid, svar) {
    ## set loss of not selected parts to -Inf
    for (pid in seq_along(partid))
        for (nid in seq_along(nodeid[[pid]]))
            for (vid in seq_along(varid[[pid]])) {
                if (pid == spart & nid == snode & vid == svar) {
                    splits[[pid]][[nid]][[vid]][[2L]][] <- NA
                } else {
                    splits[[pid]][[nid]][[vid]][[2L]][] <- -Inf
    ## return updated 'splits'

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Updates the list of splits after grid search
##' @param splits  a 'list' as produced by 'tvcm_grow_splits'
##' @param partid     a vector of candidate partitions for splitting.
##' @param spart      the selected partition
##' @param nodeid     a list with a vector for each partition that
##'    that specifies candidate nodes for splitting.
##' @param snode      the selected node
##' @param varid      a list with a vector for each partition that
##'    that specifies candidate variables for splitting.
##' @param svar       the selected variable
##' @return An modified list of splits.
##' @details Used in 'tvcm'.
tvcm_setsplits_splitnode <- function(splits, spart, snode, nodeid) {
    ## expand the splits list
    lnodes <- nodeid[[spart]][nodeid[[spart]] < snode]
    unodes <- nodeid[[spart]][nodeid[[spart]] > snode]
    split0 <- splits[[spart]]
    split <- vector("list", length(split0) + 1L) 
    if (length(lnodes) > 0L) split[lnodes] <- split0[lnodes]
    if (length(unodes) > 0L) split[unodes + 1L] <- split0[unodes]
    nvar <- length(split0[[snode]])
    split[[snode]] <- split[[snode + 1]] <-
        replicate(nvar, vector("list", 3L), simplify = FALSE)
    splits[[spart]] <- split
    ## return updated 'splits'

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Randomly select partitions, variables and nodes
##' @param splits  a 'list' as produced by 'tvcm_grow_splits'
##' @param partid     a vector of candidate partitions for splitting.
##' @param spart      the selected partition
##' @param varid      a list with a vector for each partition that
##'    that specifies candidate variables for splitting.
##' @param svar       the selected variable
##' @param nodeid     a list with a vector for each partition that
##'    that specifies candidate nodes for splitting.
##' @param snode      the selected node
##' @return An modified list of splits.
##' @details Used in 'tvcm'.
tvcm_setsplits_rselect <- function(splits, control) {
    ## extract valid partition/node/variable combinations
    idmat <- matrix(, 0, 3)
    for (pid in seq_along(splits))
        for (nid in seq_along(splits[[pid]]))
            for (vid in seq_along(splits[[pid]][[nid]]))
                if (nrow(splits[[pid]][[nid]][[vid]][[1L]]) > 0L)
                    idmat <- rbind(idmat, c(pid, nid, vid))
    ## randomly select partition/node/variable combinations
    if (nrow(idmat) > control$mtry)
        idmat <- idmat[sort(sample(1:nrow(idmat), control$mtry)),,
                       drop = FALSE]
    ## delete unselected nodes
    for (pid in seq_along(splits))
        for (nid in seq_along(splits[[pid]]))
            for (vid in seq_along(splits[[pid]][[nid]]))
                if (!any(apply(idmat, 1, function(x)
                    all(x == c(pid, nid, vid)))))        
                    splits[[pid]][[nid]][[vid]][[2L]][] <- -Inf
    ## return updated 'splits'

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Processing of nodewise coefficient constancy tests.
##' @param model    the current model.
##' @param nodes    an object of class 'partynode'.
##' @param where    a list of vectors that locate the observations
##'    to their corresponding node(s)
##' @param partid   an integer vector that indicates which
##'    partitions should be tested.
##' @param varid    a list with a vector for each partition that
##'    that specifies the variables to be tested
##' @param partData a 'data.frame' with the partitioning variables.
##' @param control  an object of class 'tvcm_control'.
##' @return A list with partitions 'statistic' and 'p.value'.
##' @details Used in 'tvcm'.
tvcm_grow_sctest <- function(model, nodes, where, partid, nodeid, varid, 
                             splits, partData, control) {
    ## get variable types
    functional <- sapply(partData, function(x) {
               factor = control$functional.factor,
               ordered = control$functional.ordered,
               integer = control$functional.numeric,
               numeric = control$functional.numeric)
    ## prepare list with arguments for 'sctest'
    rval <- vector("list", length(nodes))
    for (pid in seq_along(nodes)) {
        dim <- c(nlevels(where[[pid]]), length(varid[[pid]]),
        dn <- list(paste0("Node", LETTERS[pid], levels(where[[pid]])),
                   colnames(partData)[varid[[pid]]], 1:control$nimpute)
        rval[[pid]] <- array(, dim = dim, dimnames = dn)
    ## call 'estfun' (eventually parallelized)
    eCall <-
        list(name = as.name(ifelse(inherits(model, "olmm"),
                                   "estfun.olmm", "estfun")))
    eCall$x <- quote(model)
    eCall[names(control$estfun.args)] <- control$estfun.args
    mode(eCall) <- "call"
    pCall <- list(name = as.name(control$papply),
                  X = quote(seq(1L, control$nimpute, 1L)),
                  FUN = quote(function(i) eval(eCall)))  
    pCall[names(control$papply.args)] <- control$papply.args
    mode(pCall) <- "call"
    scores <- simplify2array(eval(pCall))
    ## set the 'gefp' call (which is called in each iteration below)
    gCall <- call(name = "tvcm_grow_gefp", object = quote(model),
                  scores = quote(sc),
                  order.by = quote(z), subs = quote(rows),
                  parm = quote(cols), center = TRUE, silent = TRUE)
    terms <- # useful information to identify the coefficients to test
            names = dimnames(scores)[[2L]],
            ids = lapply(nodes, function(node)
                nodeids(node, terminal = TRUE)),
            vcParms = control$parm,
            feParms = NULL)
    ## note: fixed is set to 'NULL' for the case where a variable that is at
    ## the same time a fixed i.e. main effect and a 'by' variable in a 'vc'
    ## term without split is not dropped (which is meaningful for the 'coef'
    ## method)
    ## apply test for each variable and partition separately
    for (pid in seq_along(partid)) { # loop over partitions
        for (vid in seq_along(varid[[pid]])) { # loop over variables
            ## get variable to test
            z <- partData[, varid[[pid]][vid]]       
            for (nid in seq_along(nodeid[[pid]])) { # loop over nodes
                ## check if there is a permitted split
                if (nrow(splits[[pid]][[nid]][[vid]][[1L]]) > 0L &&
                    all(is.na(splits[[pid]][[nid]][[vid]][[2L]]))) {
                    ## observations of the current partition
                    rows <- where[[pid]] == levels(where[[pid]])[nid] 
                    ## columns corresponding to the tested subset
                    if (nlevels(where[[pid]]) == 1L) {
                        cols <- unlist(control$parm[[pid]])
                    } else {
                        cols <-
                            terms$partition == LETTERS[pid] & terms$node == 
                        cols <- dimnames(scores)[[2L]][cols]
                    for (k in 1:control$nimpute) {
                        sc <- matrix(scores[,,k,drop=FALSE],
                                     dim(scores)[1], dim(scores)[2],
                                     dimnames = dimnames(scores)[1L:2L])
                        gefp <- try(eval(gCall), TRUE)
                        ## extract test statistic
                        if (!inherits(gefp, "try-error")) {            
                            if (is.character(functional)) {
                                functional <- tolower(functional)
                                fi <- switch(
                                    "suplm" = supLM(from = control$trim),
                                    "lmuo" = catL2BB(gefp),
                                    stop("Unknown efp functional."))
                            } else {
                                fi <- functional[varid[[pid]][vid]]
                            test <-
                                try(sctest(x = gefp, functional = fi), TRUE)
                            if (!inherits(test, "try-error")) {
                                rval[[pid]][nid, vid, k] <- test$p.value
    rval <- lapply(rval, function(x) apply(x, c(1L, 2L), mean, 
                                           na.rm = TRUE))
    rval <- lapply(rval, function(x) {
        x[is.nan(x)] <- NA
    names(rval) <- LETTERS[partid]

tvcm_sctest_bonf <- function(test, type) {
    for (pid in seq_along(test)) {
        for (nid in 1:nrow(test[[pid]])) {
            k <- switch(type,
                        "none" = 1.0,
                        "all" = sum(!is.na(unlist(test))),
                        "nodewise" = sum(!is.na(test[[pid]][nid, ])),
                        "partitionwise" = sum(!is.na(test[[pid]])))
            pval1 <- pmin(1.0, k * test[[pid]][nid, ])
            pval2 <- c(1.0 - (1.0 - test[[pid]][nid, ]) ^ k)
            test[[pid]][nid, ] <-
                ifelse(!is.na(test[[pid]][nid, ]) &
                       (test[[pid]][nid, ] > 0.01),
                       pval2, pval1)

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Computes the loss for each possible split.
##' @param varid    an integer vector indicating the partitioning
##'    variables to be evaluated.
##' @param nodeid   an integer vector indicating the nodes to be
##'    evaluated.
##' @param model    the current model
##' @param nodes    an object of class 'partynode'.
##' @param partData a 'data.frame' with the partitioning variables.
##' @param control  an object of class 'tvcm_control'.
##' @param mcall
##' @param step     integer. The current step number.
##' @return A nested list with loss matrices. Partitions of nodes
##'    are nested in partitions for variables. 
##' @details Used in 'tvcm'. 'tvcm_grow_ordnom' and
##'    'tvcm_grow_dev' are help functions for 'tvcm_grow_exsearch'
tvcm_exsearch_nomToOrd <- function(cp, pid, nid, vid, 
                                   mcall, weights,
                                   where, partData,
                                   control) {
    ## get partitioning variable
    subs <- where[[pid]] == levels(where[[pid]])[nid]
    z <- partData[, vid]
    ## get categories for which the coefficients should be estimated
    levs <- which(colSums(cp) > 0)
    ## adjust formula
    ff <- mcall$formula
    aTerms <- attr(terms(ff),"term.labels")
    lTerms <- grep("Left",aTerms,value=TRUE)
    ff <- update(ff,paste(".~.-", paste(aTerms,collapse = "-")))
    lTerms <- unlist(lapply(levs, function(i) {
        lapply(lTerms, function(t) sub("Left", paste0("Left", i), t))
    ff <- update(ff,paste(".~+",paste(lTerms,collapse="+"),"+."))
    mcall$formula <- ff
    ## create a dummy for each category
    newdata <-
        as.data.frame(lapply(levs, function(i) 1 * (z == levels(z)[i])))
    colnames(newdata) <- paste0("Left", levs)
    mcall$data <- cbind(mcall$data, newdata)
    ## fit the model
    model <- tvcm_grow_fit(mcall, doFit = TRUE)
    if (!inherits(model, "try-error")) {
        ## extract coefficients
        st <- coef(model)
        stLabs <- strsplit(names(st), ":")
        stLabs <- sapply(stLabs, function(x) x[grep("Left[1-9]+", x)])
        ind <- sapply(paste0("Left", levs), function(x) which(stLabs == x))
        if (!is.matrix(ind)) ind <- matrix(ind, nrow = 1)
        ind <- t(ind)
        st <- matrix(st[c(ind)], nrow(ind), ncol(ind))
        ## get ordering
        score <- rep.int(0, nlevels(z))
        score[levs] <- prcomp(st)$x[,1]
        ## transform 'z'              
        z <- ordered(z, levels = levels(z)[order(score)])
        cp <- tvcm_getOrdSplits(z[subs], weights[subs],
        cp <- cp[, levels(partData[, vid]),drop=FALSE]
    } else {
        ## avoid splitting (better solution?)
        cp <- cp[-(1:nrow(cp)),,drop=FALSE]
    attr(cp, "type") <- "coef"
    ## return list
    return(list(cp, rep(NA, nrow(cp)), rep(NA, nrow(cp))))

tvcm_exsearch_dev <- function(cutpoint, 
                              pid, nid, vid, 
                              model, start,
                              modelNuis, startNuis, 
                              where, partData, 
                              control, loss0,
                              mfName) {
    ## set node indicator
    subs <- where[[pid]] == levels(where[[pid]])[nid]
    z <- partData[, vid]    
    if (is.numeric(z)) {
        zs <- z <= cutpoint
    } else {
        zs <- z %in% levels(z)[cutpoint > 0L]            
    if (control$fast) {
        model[[mfName]]$Left <- 1 * (subs & zs)
        model[[mfName]]$Right <- 1 * (subs & !zs)
    } else {
        model[[mfName]][subs & zs, paste0("Node", LETTERS[pid])] <- "Left"
        model[[mfName]][subs & !zs, paste0("Node", LETTERS[pid])] <- "Right"
        model[[mfName]][!subs, paste0("Node", LETTERS[pid])] <-
    model$coefficients <- vcrpart_copy(start)
    eta0 <- model$offset
    model <- tvcm_grow_update(model, control, subs)
    rval <- rep(NA, 2L)
    if (!inherits(model, "try-error")) { # new from the 2016-01-10
        dev.fast <- function(object, eta0) {
                                      y = object$y,
                                      mu = object$family$linkinv(eta0),
                                      wt = object$prior.weights)) -
                                      y = object$y,
                                      mu = object$family$linkinv(object$linear.predictors),
                                      wt = object$prior.weights)))
        rval[1] <- ifelse(inherits(model, "glm") & control$fast, 
                          dev.fast(model, eta0[subs]),
                          loss0 - control$lossfun(model))
        rval[2L] <- length(coef(model)[grep("Right", names(coef(model)))])
        if (is.null(modelNuis)) {
        } else {
            modelNuis[[mfName]]$Left <- 1 * (subs & zs)
            modelNuis[[mfName]]$Right <- 1 * (subs & !zs)
            modelNuis$coefficients <- vcrpart_copy(startNuis)
            modelNuis <- tvcm_grow_update(modelNuis, control, subs)
            rval[1] <- rval[1L] -
                ifelse(inherits(model, "glm") & control$fast,
                       dev.fast(modelNuis, eta0[subs]),
                       loss0 - control$lossfun(modelNuis))
            rval[2L] <- rval[2L] -
    } else {

tvcm_grow_exsearch <- function(splits, partid, nodeid, varid, 
                               model, nodes, where, partData, 
                               control, mcall, formList, step) {
    verbose <- control$verbose; control$verbose <- FALSE;
    loss0 <- control$lossfun(model)
    mfName <- switch(deparse(mcall[[1]]), glm = "model", olmm = "frame")
    if (verbose) cat("\n* computing splits ")
    mcall$data <- eval(mcall$data, environment(mcall))
    nodeData <- mcall$data[paste0("Node", names(nodes))]
    w <- weights(model)
    if (control$fast)
        mcall$offset <- predict(model, type = "link")
    if (inherits(model, "glm")) {
        mcall$x <- TRUE
        mcall$y <- TRUE
        mcall$model <- TRUE
    } else if (inherits(model, "olmm")) {
        if (control$fast) {
            mcall$restricted <-
                grep("ranefCholFac", names(coef(model)), value = TRUE)
            mcall$start <- coef(model)[mcall$restricted]
    if (control$fast) {
        root <- rep.int(FALSE, length(partid))
    } else {
        root <- sapply(nodes, width) == 1
    ff <- tvcm_formula(formList, root,
                       eval(mcall$family, environment(mcall)),
                       environment(mcall), full = FALSE,
                       update = TRUE, fast = control$fast)
    Left <- sample(c(0, 1), nobs(model), replace = TRUE)
    Right <- -(Left - 1)
    Node <- lapply(where, function(x) {
        levs <- c("Left", "Right", seq(1, nlevels(x) - 1,
                                       length.out = nlevels(x) - 1))
        return(factor(rep(levs, length.out = length(x)), levels = levs))
    for (pid in seq_along(partid)) { 
        if (length(unlist(splits[[pid]])) > 0L) {
            mcall$formula <- ff$update[[pid]][[1L]]
            ## for 'control$fast = TRUE'
            mcall$data$Left <- Left
            mcall$data$Right <- Right
            ## for 'control$fast = FALSE'
            mcall$data[, paste0("Node", LETTERS[pid])] <- Node[[pid]]
            sModel <- tvcm_grow_fit(mcall, doFit = FALSE)
            sStart <- vcrpart_copy(sModel$coefficients)
            sStart[intersect(names(sStart), names(coef(model)))] <-
                coef(model)[intersect(names(sStart), names(coef(model)))]
            sModel$control <- model$control
            if (length(control$nuisance[[pid]]) == 0L) {
                sModelN <- NULL
                sNStart <- NULL
            } else {
                mcallN <- mcall
                mcallN$offset <- predict(model, type = "link")
                mcallN$formula <- ff$update[[pid]][[2L]]
                sModelN <- tvcm_grow_fit(mcallN, doFit = FALSE)
                sNStart <- sModelN$coefficients
                sNStart[intersect(names(sNStart), names(coef(model)))] <-
                sModelN$control <- model$control
            ## run computation
            for (nid in seq_along(splits[[pid]])) {
                if (length(unlist(splits[[pid]][[nid]])) > 0L) {
                    for (vid in seq_along(splits[[pid]][[nid]])) {
                        ## get reduced cupoints for nominal
                        ## variables with many categories
                        if (attr(splits[[pid]][[nid]][[vid]][[1L]],
                                 "type") == "coef" &&
                            splits[[pid]][[nid]][[vid]] <-
                                    cp = splits[[pid]][[nid]][[vid]][[1L]],
                                    pid = partid[pid],
                                    nid = nodeid[[partid[pid]]][nid],
                                    vid  = varid[[partid[pid]]][vid],
                                    mcall = mcall, weights = w,
                                    where = where, partData = partData,
                                    control = control)
                        ## extract cutpoints
                        cp <- splits[[pid]][[nid]][[vid]][[1L]]
                        subs <- is.na(splits[[pid]][[nid]][[vid]][[2L]])
                        cp <- cp[subs,, drop = FALSE]
                        if (nrow(cp) > 0L) {
                            ## employ exhaustive search
                            st <- apply(
                                cp, 1, tvcm_exsearch_dev, 
                                pid = partid[pid],
                                nid = nodeid[[partid[pid]]][nid],
                                vid = varid[[partid[pid]]][vid],
                                model = sModel, start = sStart,
                                modelNuis = sModelN, startNuis = sNStart,
                                nuisance = control$nuisance[[pid]],
                                where = where, partData = partData,
                                control = control, loss0 = loss0,
                                mfName = mfName)
                            if (is.matrix(st))
                                st <- t(st) else st <- matrix(st, ncol = 1L)
                            splits[[pid]][[nid]][[vid]][[2L]][subs] <-
                                st[, 1L]
                            splits[[pid]][[nid]][[vid]][[3L]][subs] <-
                                st[, 2L]
        mcall$data[, paste0("Node", LETTERS[pid])] <-
            nodeData[, paste0("Node", names(nodes)[pid])]  
    ## extracts the penalized loss reduction
    pendev <- lapply(splits, function(part) {
        ## partition level
        lapply(part, function(node) {
            ## node level
            lapply(node, function(var) {
                ## variable level
                if (length(var[[2L]]) > 0L) {
                    return(var[[2L]] - control$cp *
                           tvcm_complexity(var[[3]], control$dfpar, 1,
                } else {
    ## function to extract the maximum loss reduction for each part/node/var
    getMaxPenDev <- function(x) {
        x <- unlist(x)
        if (length(x) == 0L) return(-Inf)
        x <- na.omit(x)
        if (length(x) > 0L) return(max(x)) else return(-Inf)
    ## the maximum loss reduction
    maxpendev <- max(c(-Inf, na.omit(unlist(pendev))))
    if (maxpendev > -Inf) {
        ## select the partition, node and variable
        spart <- which(sapply(sapply(pendev, getMaxPenDev),
                              identical, maxpendev))
        if (length(spart) > 1L) spart <- sample(spart, 1L)
        snode <-
            which(sapply(sapply(pendev[[spart]], getMaxPenDev),
                         identical, maxpendev))
        if (length(snode) > 1L) snode <- sample(snode, 1L)
        svar <- which(sapply(sapply(pendev[[spart]][[snode]], getMaxPenDev),
                             identical, maxpendev))
        if (length(svar) > 1L) svar <- sample(svar, 1L)
        ## select the cut
        stat <- splits[[spart]][[snode]][[svar]]
        cutid <- which(stat[[2L]] == max(stat[[2L]], na.rm = TRUE))
        if (length(cutid) > 1L) cutid <- sample(cutid, 1L)
        if (verbose) cat("OK")
        return(list(partid = partid[spart],
                    nodeid = nodeid[[partid[spart]]][snode],
                    varid = varid[[partid[spart]]][svar],
                    cutid = cutid,
                    cut = stat[[1L]][cutid, ],
                    dev = as.numeric(stat[[2L]][cutid]),
                    pendev = maxpendev,
                    npar = as.numeric(stat[[3L]][cutid]),
                    grid = splits))
    } else {
        if (verbose) cat("failed")
        return(list(partid = NULL, nodeid = NULL, varid = NULL, 
                    cutid = NULL, cut = NULL, dev = NULL,
                    pendev = NULL, grid = splits))

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Incorporates a new binary split into an existing
##' tree structure.
##' @param nodes    an object of class 'partynode'.
##' @param loss     a list produced by 'tvcm_grow_exsearch'.
##' @param partData a 'data.frame' with the partitioning variables.
##' @param step     integer. The current algorithm step.
##' @return A list of formulas ('root', 'tree' and 'original').
##' Used in 'tvcm'.
tvcm_grow_splitnode <- function(nodes, where, dev,
                                partData, step, weights) {
    pid <- dev$partid
    nid <- dev$nodeid
    vid <- dev$varid
    nidLab <- nodeids(nodes[[pid]], terminal = TRUE)[nid]
    cut <- dev$cut
    x <- partData[, vid]
    ## collect information for the split
    subs <- where[[pid]] == levels(where[[pid]])[nid]
    if (is.numeric(x)) { # numerical variables
        breaks <- as.double(cut)
        index <- NULL
        ordered <- TRUE
        subsL <- subs & x <= breaks
        subsR <- subs & x > breaks
    } else {
        subsL <- subs & x %in% levels(x)[cut == 1L]
    subsR <- subs & x %in% levels(x)[cut == 0L]
        if (is.ordered(x)) { 
            breaks <- as.double(max(which(cut == 1)))
            index <- NULL
            ordered <- TRUE
        } else {
            breaks <- NULL
            index <- as.integer(-cut + 2)
            index[table(x[subs]) == 0] <- NA
            ordered <- FALSE
    ## get current nodes
    oldnodes <- as.list(nodes[[pid]])
    ## setup 'newnodes' object
    subsN <- which(sapply(oldnodes, function(node) node$id) == nidLab)
    newnodes <- vector("list", length(oldnodes) + 2)
    newnodes[1:subsN] <- oldnodes[1:subsN]
    if (length(oldnodes) > nidLab)
        newnodes[(subsN + 3L):length(newnodes)] <-
            oldnodes[(subsN + 1L):length(oldnodes)]
    ## adjust ids of children
    ids <- sapply(newnodes, function(x) if (!is.null(x$id)) x$id else -1)
    for (i in 1L:length(newnodes))
        if (!is.null(newnodes[[i]]$kids))
            newnodes[[i]]$kids <- which(ids %in% newnodes[[i]]$kids)
    ## setup new split
    newnodes[[subsN]]$split <-
        partysplit(varid = vid, breaks = breaks, index = index,
                   info = list(ordered = ordered, step = step))
    newnodes[[subsN]]$kids <- nidLab + 1L:2L
    newnodes[[subsN]]$info$dims <- c(n = sum(weights[subs]))
    ## add new children
    newnodes[[subsN + 1L]] <-
        list(id = nidLab + 1L,
             info = list(
                 dims = c(n = sum(weights[subsL])),
                 depth = newnodes[[subsN]]$info$depth + 1L))
    newnodes[[subsN + 2L]] <-
        list(id = nidLab + 2L,
             info =
                 list(dims = c(n = sum(weights[subsR])),
                      depth = newnodes[[subsN]]$info$depth + 1L))
    ## adjust ids
    for (i in 1L:length(newnodes))
        newnodes[[i]]$id <- i
    ## return new nodes
    nodes[[pid]] <- as.partynode(newnodes)

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Extracts the formula for the root node and the tree
##' from the output of \code{\link{vcrpart_formula}}.
##' @param formList a list of formulas from 'vcrpart_formula'.
##' @param root     logical vector of the same length as the
##'    'vc' slot of 'formList'.
##' @param family   an object of class 'family' or 'family.olmm'.
##' @param env      the environment where the output formula
##'    is to be evaluated.
##' @param full     whether the full formula should be derived
##' @param update   whether the formula for the update model
##'    should be derived.
##' @return A list of formulas ('root', 'tree' and 'original').
##' @details Used in \code{\link{predict.fvcm}} and
##'    \code{\link{tvcm}}.
tvcm_formula <- function(formList, root, family,
                         env = parent.frame(),
                         full = TRUE, update = FALSE,
                         fast = TRUE) {

    ## get response variable
    yName <- deparse(lhs(formList$original))
    if (is.null(yName)) yName <- character()
    ## get the fixed effects terms
    feCeTerms <- unique(c(vcrpart_formula_terms.vc(formList, "ce", root),
                          vcrpart_formula_terms.fe(formList, "ce")))
    feGeTerms <- unique(c(vcrpart_formula_terms.vc(formList, "ge", root),
                          vcrpart_formula_terms.fe(formList, "ge"))) 
    ## ge the intercept
    feInt <- formList$fe$intercept
    vcInt <- unlist(lapply(formList$vc, function(x) x$intercept))
    direct <- sapply(formList$vc, function(x) x$direct)
    if (!is.null(vcInt) && any(direct) && root[direct]) feInt <- "ce"
    ## random effects
    reCeTerms <- vcrpart_formula_terms.re(formList, "ce")
    reGeTerms <- vcrpart_formula_terms.re(formList, "ge")
    subjectName <- character()
    if (!is.null(formList$re))
        subjectName <-  attr(terms(formList$re$cond), "term.labels")
    reInt <- character()
    if (!is.null(formList$re)) reInt <- formList$re$intercept
    if (length(reInt) > 0 && reInt == "ce") reCeTerms <- c("1", reCeTerms)
    if (length(reInt) > 0 && reInt == "ge") reGeTerms <- c("1", reGeTerms)

    ## functions to compute the formula from the terms

    pasteForm <- function(x) {
        if (length(x) < 2) return(x)
        return(paste(x, collapse = " + "))        

    pasteOp <- function(x, op) {
        if (length(x) == 0) return(x)
        return(paste0(op, "(", x, ")"))
    getForm <- function(yName,
                        feCeTerms, feGeTerms,
                        reCeTerms, reGeTerms,
                        reInt, subjectName,
                        family, env) {
        fTree <- character() # the return value

        ## fixed effects including varying effects
        feCeForm <- pasteForm(feCeTerms)
        if (inherits(family, "family.olmm"))
            feCeForm <- pasteOp(feCeForm, "ce")
        fTree <- pasteForm(c(fTree, feCeForm))
        feGeForm <- pasteForm(feGeTerms)
        if (inherits(family, "family.olmm"))
            feGeForm <- pasteOp(feGeForm, "ge")
        fTree <- pasteForm(c(fTree, feGeForm))

        if (length(fTree) == 0) fTree <- "1"
        if (inherits(family, "family.olmm")) {
            fTree <- paste0(fTree, ", intercept='", feInt, "'")
        } else {
            if (feInt == "none")
                fTree <- paste("-1", fTree, sep = "+")
        if (inherits(family, "family.olmm"))
            fTree <- pasteOp(fTree, "fe")

        ## random effects
        reForm <- character()
        if (inherits(family, "family.olmm")) {

            reCeForm <- pasteForm(reCeTerms)
            reCeForm <- pasteOp(reCeForm, "ce")
            reForm <- pasteForm(c(reForm, reCeForm))
            reGeForm <- pasteForm(reGeTerms)
            reGeForm <- pasteOp(reGeForm, "ge")
            reForm <- pasteForm(c(reForm, reGeForm))

            if (length(reForm) > 0)         
                reForm <- paste0(
                    reForm, "|", subjectName, ", intercept = '", reInt, "'")
            reForm <- pasteOp(reForm, "re")

        fTree <- pasteForm(c(fTree, reForm))
        fTree <- paste("~", fTree)
        if (length(yName) > 0) fTree <- paste(yName, fTree)
        return(as.formula(fTree, env = env))
    ## full formula
    fFull <- NULL
    if (full)
        fFull <- getForm(yName,
                         feCeTerms, feGeTerms,
                         reCeTerms, reGeTerms,
                         reInt, subjectName,
                         family, env)
    ## update formulas
    fUpdate <- NULL
    feCeTerms <- unique(c(
        vcrpart_formula_terms.vc(formList, "ce", rep(FALSE, length(root))),
        vcrpart_formula_terms.fe(formList, "ce")))
    feGeTerms <- unique(c(
        vcrpart_formula_terms.vc(formList, "ge", rep(FALSE, length(root))),
        vcrpart_formula_terms.fe(formList, "ge")))
    if (update) {
        ## get nuisance terms
        nuisance <- lapply(seq_along(formList$vc), function(pid) {
        ## update formulas for tvcm_grow_exsearch
        fUpdate <- vector("list", length(formList$vc))
        for (pid in seq_along(fUpdate)) {
            fUpdate[[pid]] <- vector("list", 2L)
            nLab <- paste0("Node", LETTERS[pid])
            if (fast) {
                feIntUp <- "none"
                feCeUp <- feCeTerms[grep(nLab, feCeTerms)]
                feGeUp <- feGeTerms[grep(nLab, feGeTerms)]
                feCeUp <- c(gsub(nLab, "Left", feCeUp),
                             gsub(nLab, "Right", feCeUp))
                feGeUp <- c(gsub(nLab, "Left", feGeUp),
                             gsub(nLab, "Right", feGeUp))
            } else {
                rootUp <- root
                rootUp[pid] <- FALSE
                feIntUp <- formList$fe$intercept
                if (!is.null(vcInt) && any(direct) && rootUp[direct])
                    feIntUp <- "ce"
                feCeUp <- unique(c(
                    vcrpart_formula_terms.vc(formList, "ce", rootUp),
                    vcrpart_formula_terms.fe(formList, "ce")))
                feGeUp <- unique(c(
                    vcrpart_formula_terms.vc(formList, "ge", rootUp),
                    vcrpart_formula_terms.fe(formList, "ge")))
            ## full formula
            fUpdate[[pid]][[1L]] <-
                         feCeUp, feGeUp,
                         reCeTerms, reGeTerms,
                         reInt, subjectName,
                         family, env)
            ## null formula (always use approximative model, even if
            ## fast = FALSE)
            feCeUp <- feCeTerms[grep(nLab, feCeTerms)]
            feCeUp <- intersect(feCeUp, nuisance[[pid]])
            feGeUp <- feGeTerms[grep(nLab, feGeTerms)]
            feGeUp <- intersect(feGeUp, nuisance[[pid]])
            feCeUp <-
                c(gsub(nLab, "Left", feCeUp), gsub(nLab, "Right", feCeUp))
            feGeUp <-
                c(gsub(nLab, "Left", feGeUp), gsub(nLab, "Right", feGeUp))
            fUpdate[[pid]][[2L]] <-
                        feCeUp, feGeUp,
                        reCeTerms, reGeTerms,
                        reInt, subjectName,
                        family, env)            
    return(list(full = fFull, update = fUpdate))

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Update the 'control_tvcm' object for internal purposes.
##' @param control  an object of class 'tvcm_control'.
##' @param model    a root node regression model, e.g., an 'olmm'
##'    or a 'glm' object
##' @param formList a list of formulas from 'vcrpart_formula'.
##' @param root parm.only
##' @return An updated 'tvcm_control' object.
##' @details Used in 'tvcm' and 'tvcm_grow'.
tvcm_grow_setcontrol <- function(control, model, formList,
                                 root, parm.only = TRUE) {
    family <- model$family
    if (is.null(formList$vc)) return(control)
    ## specify the tree size parameters separately for each partition
    if (!parm.only) {
        npart <- length(formList$vc)
        if (!length(control$maxwidth) %in% c(1L, npart))
            stop("'maxwidth' must be either of length ", 1L, " or ",
                 npart, ".")
        control$maxwidth <- rep_len(control$maxwidth, npart)
        if (!is.null(control$minsize) &&
            !length(control$minsize) %in% c(1L, npart))
            stop("'minsize' must be either of length ", 1L, " or ",
                 npart, ".")
        if (!is.null(control$minsize))
            control$minsize <- rep_len(control$minsize, npart)
        if (!length(control$maxdepth) %in% c(1L, npart))
            stop("'maxdepth' must be either of length ", 1L, " or ",
                 npart, ".")
        control$maxdepth <- rep_len(control$maxdepth, npart)
    ## update the 'parm' slot
    control$parm <- tvcm_grow_setparm(model, formList, root, control$direct)
    ## set 'nuisance' slots
    control$nuisance <- lapply(formList$vc, function(x) x$nuisance)
    control$estfun.args$nuisance <-
                 setdiff(names(coef(model)), names(fixef(model)))))

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Update the 'parm' slot
##' @param model a root node regression model, e.g., an 'olmm'
##'    or a 'glm' object
##' @param formList a list of formulas from 'vcrpart_formula'.
##' @param root a logical vector. Indicates for each varying
##'    coefficient whether there is at least one in the current
##'    model.
##' @param direct logical scalar. Whether there is a direct
##'    effect defined.
##' @return An updated 'tvcm_control' object.
##' @details Used in 'tvcm_grow_setcontrol' and
##'    'tvcm_get_estimates'.
tvcm_grow_setparm <- function(model, formList, root, direct) {
    rval <- lapply(formList$vc, function(x) {
        lapply(x$eta, function(x) attr(terms(x), "term.labels"))
    for (pid in seq_along(rval)) {
        for (j in names(rval[[pid]])) {
            terms <- rval[[pid]][[j]]
            if (root[pid]) {
                terms <- terms[terms != paste0("Node", LETTERS[pid])]
                terms <- gsub("Node[A-Z]:", "", terms)
            if (length(terms) > 0L) {
                type <- paste("fe", j, sep = "-")
                X <- model.matrix(model, which = type)
                assign <- attr(X, "assign")
                subs <- which(attr(terms(model, type), "term.labels")
                              %in% terms)
                if (length(subs) == 0L) {
                    terms <- sapply(terms, function(x) {
                        x <- strsplit(x, ":")[[1L]]
                        len <- length(x)
                        x <- c(if (len > 2) x[1:(len-2)], x[len], x[len-1])
                        return(paste(x, collapse = ":"))
                    subs <- which(attr(
                        terms(model, type), "term.labels") %in% terms)
                if (length(subs) > 0L)
                    terms <- colnames(X)[assign %in% subs]
            rval[[pid]][[j]] <- terms
    if (inherits(model$family, "family.olmm")) {
        for (pid in seq_along(rval)) {
            if ((len <- length(rval[[pid]][[1L]])) > 0L)
                rval[[pid]][[1L]] <-
                    paste0("Eta", rep(1L:model$dims["nEta"], each = len),
                           ":", rep(rval[[pid]][[1L]], model$dims["nEta"]))
    ## set the 'intercept' slot (which is always in the first 'vc' term)
    if (direct && root[1L]) {
        if (inherits(model$family, "family.olmm")) {
            rval[[1L]]$ce <- c(grep("Eta[1-9]+:\\(Intercept\\)",
                                    names(coef(model)), value = TRUE),
        } else {
            rval[[1L]]$ce <- c("(Intercept)", rval[[1L]]$ce)
    ## return the list

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Extract the node vector from 'newdata' and assign
##' the contrasts.
##' @param object  a fitted 'tvcm' object.
##' @param newdata a data.frame from which the nodes are to be
##'    extracted.
##' @param weights a numeric vector of weights with the same
##'    size than data.
##' @param formList a list of formulas as produced by
##'    \code{vcrpart_formula}.
##' @return A list with values of the variables in 'data'
##' @details Used in tvcm.predict and tvcm.prune.
##'    \code{tvcm_get_fitted} is merely a help function
tvcm_get_fitted <- function(pid, object, newdata, weights, setContrasts) {
    ## assumes that 'newdata' includes variable transformations
    fitted <- fitted_node(object$info$node[[pid]], newdata)
    fitted <-
        factor(fitted, nodeids(object$info$node[[pid]], terminal = TRUE))
    names(fitted) <- rownames(newdata) 
    if (nlevels(fitted) > 1L) {
        if (setContrasts) {
            contrasts(fitted) <- contr.wsum(fitted, weights)
        } else {
            contrasts(fitted) <-
                object$contrasts[, paste0("Node", LETTERS[pid])]

tvcm_get_node <- function(object, newdata, setContrasts = FALSE, weights,
                          formList = NULL) {
    if (is.null(formList))
        formList <- vcrpart_formula(object$info$formula, object$info$family)
    frame <- model.frame(formList$condTerms, newdata)
    fitted <- lapply(seq_along(object$info$node),
                     object = object,
                     newdata = frame,
                     weights = weights,
                     setContrasts = setContrasts)
    names(fitted) <- paste0("Node", LETTERS[seq_along(object$info$node)])

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Creates a list which can be used to extract the varying
##' coefficients.
##' @param names character vector. Names of coefficients of the
##'    current model.
##' @param ids character vector. Names of the current nodes.
##' @param vcTerms list. the 'control$parm' slot.
##' @param feTerms list. list with elements 'ce' and 'ge' of
##'    fixed effects terms.
##' @return A list with slots
##'    names:     the original coefficient names.
##'    terms:     the names of the terms to which coefficients
##'               belong according to the original formula.
##'    type:      which type of 'fe', 'vc' or 're' the term
##'               belongs to.
##'    node:      the node to which a coefficient belongs to.
##'    partition: the partition to which a coefficients
##'               belongs to.
tvcm_get_terms <- function(names, ids, vcParms, feParms = NULL) {
    ## modify 'vcParms':    
    ## modification 1: remove 'by' variables of 'vc' terms
    ## without splits in cases a corresponding feParms i.e. main effect
    ## is specified for the same variable.
    if (!is.null(feParms)) 
        vcParms <- lapply(vcParms, lapply, function(x)
            setdiff(x, unlist(feParms)))
    ## modification 2: remove duplicated variables that
    ## appear as 'by' variables in multiple 'vc' terms without splits
    ## By definition, such 'by' variables are assigned to the
    ## corresponding first 'vc' term.
    if (any(subs <- duplicated(unlist(vcParms)))) {
        doubles <- unique(unlist(vcParms)[subs])
        for (i in seq_along(doubles)) {
            first <- which(sapply(vcParms, function(x)
                doubles[i] %in% unlist(x)))[1L]
            vcParms <- lapply(vcParms[-first], lapply, function(x)
                setdiff(x, doubles[i]))
    ## change 'names' if no split was applied in some node
    if (any(unlist(ids) == 1L)) {
        getNames <- function(x) {           
            if (!x %in% unlist(vcParms)) return(x)
            pid <- which(sapply(vcParms, function(p) x %in% unlist(p)))
            if (grepl("(Intercept)", x))
                return(gsub("(Intercept)", paste0("Node", LETTERS[pid], 1),
                            x, fixed = TRUE))
            if (!grepl("Node", x)) {
                x <- strsplit(x, ":")
                x <- rep(x, length(pid))
                subs <- ifelse(grepl("Eta[1-9]+", x[[1L]][1L]), 2L, 1L)
                for (i in 1:length(x)) {
                    x[[i]][subs] <-
                        paste0("Node", LETTERS[pid[i]], 1, ":",
                    x[[i]] <- paste(x[[i]], collapse = ":")
        names <- unlist(lapply(names, getNames))
    nodes <- unlist(lapply(seq_along(ids), function(i)
        paste0("Node", names(ids)[i], ids[[i]])))
    split <- strsplit(names, ":")
    type <-
        sapply(split, function(x) {
            rval <- "fe"
            if (any(x %in% nodes)) rval <- "vc"
            if (any(substr(x, 1, 12) %in% "ranefCholFac")) rval <- "re"
    terms <-
        sapply(split, function(x) {
            paste(x[!x %in% nodes], collapse = ":")
    node <- 
        sapply(split, function(x) {
            rval <- ""
            if (any(subs <- x %in% nodes))
                rval <- substr(x[subs], 6, 500)
    partition <-
        sapply(split, function(x) {
            rval <- ""
            if (any(subs <- x %in% nodes))
                rval <- substr(x[subs], 5, 5)
    return(list(names = names, 
                terms = terms,
                type = type,
                node = node,
                partition = partition))

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Extracts the names of the predictors on 'vc' terms. 
##' @param object a 'tvcm' object.
##' @return A character vector.
tvcm_get_vcparm <- function(object) {
  vcTerms <- terms(object$info$formula$original, specials = "vc")
  vcTerms <- rownames(attr(vcTerms, "factors"))[
      attr(vcTerms, "specials")$vc]
  parm <- lapply(vcTerms, function(x) {
      eta <- eval(parse(text = x))$eta
      if (inherits(object$info$model, "olmm")) {
          etaList <- vcrpart_formula(eta)
          parmCe <- attr(terms(etaList$fe$eta$ce), "term.labels")
          if (length(parmCe) > 0L) {
              parmCe <-
                  paste0("Eta", 1:object$info$model$dims["nEta"],
                         ":", parmCe)
          } else {
              parmCe <- NULL
          parmGe <- attr(terms(etaList$fe$eta$ge), "term.labels")
          parm <- c(parmCe, parmGe)
      } else {
          parm <- attr(terms(eta), "term.labels")
  for (pid in seq_along(object$info$formula$vc)) {
      int <- object$info$formula$vc[[pid]]$intercept
      if (inherits(object$info$model, "olmm")) {
          if (int == "ce") {
              parm[[pid]] <-
                  c(paste0("Eta", 1:object$info$model$dims["nEta"],
                           ":(Intercept)"), parm[[pid]])
          } else if (int == "ge") {
              parm[[pid]] <- c("(Intercept)", parm)
      } else {
          if (int != "none") parm[[pid]] <- c("(Intercept)", parm[[pid]])

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Extracts the estimates a fitted 'tvcm' object and
##' creates a list used in various methods.
##' variances of a fitted 'tvcm' object.
##' @param object an object of class 'partynode'.
##' @param what   the type of estimate to be extracted.
##' @return A list of 'fe' (fixed effects), 'vc' (varying
##' coefficients) and 're' (random effects) coefficients. The
##' 'vc' slot consists of separate matrices for each varying
##' coefficient partition.
##' @details Used in 'coef', 'extract'.
tvcm_get_estimates <- function(object, what = c("coef", "sd", "var"), ...) {

    ## extract slots for the readability of the code
    what <- match.arg(what)
    model <- object$info$model
    control <- object$info$control

    ## prepare return value
    rval <- list(fe = numeric(),
                 vc = replicate(length(object$info$node), matrix(,0,0)),
               re = numeric())
    names(rval$vc) <-  LETTERS[seq_along(object$info$node)]
    ## extract coefficients
    estimates <- switch(what,
                        coef = coef(model),
                        sd = diag(vcov(model)),
                        var = diag(vcov(model)))
    ## ids of terminal nodes of tree structures
    ids <- lapply(object$info$node, nodeids, terminal = TRUE)
    ## the 'vc' terms that should exist in theory (without 'Node' in name)
    ## !!! works only because 'by' variables cannot be 'factors'
    vcTerms <- lapply(object$info$formula$vc, function(x) {
        ## get terms from 'full' formulas
        rval <- lapply(x$eta, function(eta) attr(terms(eta), "term.labels"))
        ## add 'Eta' term for 'olmm' models
        if (length(rval$ce) > 0 && inherits(model$family, "family.olmm")) {
            rval$ce <-
                paste0("Eta", rep(1:model$dims["nEta"],
                                  each = length(rval$ce)),
                       ":", rep(rval$ce, model$dims["nEta"]))
        ## remove 'Node' term and return
        return(lapply(rval, function(x) {
            x <- strsplit(x, ":")
            return(lapply(x, function(x) {
                x <- x[-grep("Node[A-Z]", x)]
                return(paste(x, collapse = ":"))
    ## the 'fe' parameters that should exist in theory
    feParm <- lapply(object$info$formula$fe$eta,
                      function(x) attr(terms(x), "term.labels"))
    for (j in names(feParm)) {
        if (length(feParm[[j]]) > 0L) {
            type <- paste("fe", j, sep = "-")
            X <- suppressWarnings(model.matrix(model, which = type)) # warnings contrasts
            assign <- attr(X, "assign")
            subs <- which(attr(terms(model, type), "term.labels") %in% feParm[[j]])
            feParm[[j]] <- colnames(X)[assign %in% subs]
    if (object$info$formula$fe$intercept != "none") {
        feParm[[object$info$formula$fe$intercept]] <-
            c("(Intercept)", feParm[[object$info$formula$fe$intercept]])
    if (length(feParm$ce) > 0 && inherits(model$family, "family.olmm")) {
        feParm$ce <-
            paste0("Eta", rep(1:model$dims["nEta"], each = length(feParm$ce)),
                   ":", rep(feParm$ce, model$dims["nEta"]))
    ## the terms for which estimates for 'type' (really) exist
    termsE <- tvcm_get_terms(names(estimates), ids, control$parm, feParm)
    ## restricted coefficients
    if (any(termsE$type == "fe"))
        rval$fe <- estimates[termsE$type == "fe"]
    ## random effects
    if (any(termsE$type == "re"))
        rval$re <- estimates[termsE$type == "re"]
    ## varying coefficients
    if (any(termsE$type == "vc")) {
        for (pid in seq_along(object$info$node)) {
            nnodes <- length(ids[[pid]]) # number of nodes
            rval$vc[[pid]] <-
                matrix(, nnodes, length(unlist(vcTerms[[pid]])),
                       dimnames = list(ids[[pid]], unlist(vcTerms[[pid]])))
            ## fill the matrix
            vcTermsE <-
                unique(termsE$terms[termsE$partition == LETTERS[pid]])
            for (i in seq_along(vcTermsE)) {
                subs <- termsE$terms ==
                    vcTermsE[i] & termsE$partition == LETTERS[pid]
                subsRows <- termsE$node[subs]
                subsCols <- which(colnames(rval$vc[[pid]]) == vcTermsE[i])
                rval$vc[[pid]][subsRows, subsCols] <- estimates[subs]
            ## add column names for varying intercepts
            subs <- which(colnames(rval$vc[[pid]]) %in% "")
            if (length(subs) > 0L) colnames(rval$vc[[pid]])[subs] <-
            if (ncol(rval$vc[[pid]]) > 0 &
                inherits(object$info$family, "family.olmm")) {
                tmp <- strsplit(colnames(rval$vc[[pid]]), ":")
                subs <- sapply(tmp, length) == 1L &
                    sapply(tmp, function(x) substr(x[1L], 1L, 3L) == "Eta")
                colnames(rval$vc[[pid]])[subs] <-
                          "(Intercept)", sep = ":")
            ## fill the last row if necessary
            if (nrow(rval$vc[[pid]]) > 1L) {
                subs <- is.na(rval$vc[[pid]][nnodes, ])
                if (any(subs)) {
                    ## compute the coefficients of the omitted node
                    con <- model$contrasts[[paste0("Node",
                                                   LETTERS[pid])]][nnodes, ]
                    for (i in which(subs)) {
                        rval$vc[[pid]][nnodes, i] <-
                                coef = sum(con * rval$vc[[pid]][-nnodes, i],
                                           na.rm = TRUE),
                                sd = sum(con^2 * rval$vc[[pid]][-nnodes, i],
                                         na.rm = TRUE),
                                var =
                                    sum(con^2 * rval$vc[[pid]][-nnodes, i],
                                        na.rm = TRUE))
    if (what == "sd") {
        getSqrt <- function(x) {
            if (is.list(x)) {
                return(lapply(x, getSqrt))
            } else if (length(x) > 0) {
            } else {
        rval <- lapply(rval, getSqrt)

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Create short labes for 'vc' terms
##' @param object a \code{\link{tvcm}} object
##' @param intercept logical scalar. Whether '(Intercept)'
##'    should be added to the label.
##' @return A character vector with a label for each 'vc'
##'    term.
##' @details Used in 'tvcm_print' and 'plot.tvcm'.
tvcm_print_vclabs <- function(formList, intercept = FALSE) {
    if (length(formList$vc) == 0) return(NULL)
    ## conditioning variables
    cond <- lapply(formList$vc, function(x) {
        rval <- all.vars(x$cond)
        if (length(rval) > 2L) rval <- c(rval[1L], "...")
    ## 'by' terms
    vcLabs <- terms(formList$original, specials = "vc")
    if (length(attr(vcLabs, "specials")$vc) == 0L) return(NULL)
    vcLabs <- rownames(attr(vcLabs, "factors"))[attr(vcLabs, "specials")$vc]
    vcLabs <- paste("getBy", vcLabs, sep = "_")
    getBy_vc <- function(..., by, intercept, nuisance) {
        mc <- match.call()
        rval <- deparse(mc$by, 500L)
        if (rval == "NULL") return("") else return(rval)
    by <- sapply(vcLabs, function(x) eval(parse(text = x)))
    if (intercept) {
        hasInt <- sapply(formList$vc, function(x) x$intercept) != "none"
        for (i in which(hasInt)) 
            by[i] <- paste0("(Intercept)",
                            ifelse(by[i] ==  "", "", " + "), by[i])
    ## collapse the short labels
    rval <- rep.int("vc(", length(formList$vc))
    for (pid in seq_along(rval)) {
        if (length(cond) > 0L) 
            rval[pid] <-
                paste0(rval[pid], paste(cond[[pid]], collapse = ", "))
        if (by[pid] != "")
            rval[pid] <- paste0(rval[pid], ", by = ", by[pid])
    rval <- paste0(rval, ")")

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' The main function to prune an object of class 'partynode'
##' according to some criteria.
##' @param nodes   an object of class 'partynode'.
##' @param alpha   criteria according to which 'nodes' is to be
##'    pruned.
##' @param maxstep the maximal number of step (splits) to be
##'    accomplished
##' @return A list of class 'partynode'.
##' @details Used in 'tvcm.prune'.
tvcm_prune_node <- function(object, alpha = NULL,
                            maxstep = NULL, terminal = NULL) {
    stopifnot(class(object)[1] %in% c("tvcm", "party", "partynode"))

    if (inherits(object, "partynode")) {
        rval <- list(object)
    } else {
        rval <- object$info$node    
    if (all(c(is.null(alpha), is.null(maxstep), is.null(terminal))))
    if (!is.null(alpha) && depth(rval[[pid]]) > 0L) {
        splitpath <- object$info$splitpath
        p.value <- extract(object, "p.value")
        ms <- c(0, which(!is.na(p.value) & p.value <= alpha))
        if (length(ms) > 0L)
            ms <- max(ms[c(1, diff(ms)) == 1])
        maxstep <- min(maxstep, ms)
    for (pid in seq_along(rval)) {
        ## prune the tree
        if (!is.null(maxstep))
            rval[[pid]] <- tvcm_prune_maxstep(rval[[pid]], maxstep)
        if (!is.null(terminal[[pid]]))
            rval[[pid]] <- tvcm_prune_terminal(rval[[pid]], terminal[[pid]])
        ## delete empty nodes and adjust id labeling
        tmp <- as.list(rval[[pid]])
        tmp <- tmp[sapply(tmp, function(x) !is.null(x))] # delete nodes
        ids_old <- unlist(lapply(tmp, function(x) x$id))
        ids_new <- 1L:length(tmp)
        for (i in ids_new) {
            tmp[[i]]$info$id$last <- tmp[[i]]$id
            tmp[[i]]$id <- ids_new[ids_old == tmp[[i]]$id]
            for (j in 1:length(tmp[[i]]$kids))
                tmp[[i]]$kids[j] <- ids_new[ids_old == tmp[[i]]$kids[j]]
        rval[[pid]] <- as.partynode(tmp)

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Recursive function to delete nodes according to
##' the step in the algorithm the nodes were created.
##' @param node    an object of class 'partynode'.
##' @param maxstep an integer scalar. The maximum step allowed.
##' @return A list of class 'partynode'.
##' @details Used in 'tvcm_prune_node'.
tvcm_prune_maxstep <- function(node, maxstep) {
    if (!is.terminal(node)) {
        if (node$split$info$step <= maxstep) {
            kids <- sapply(node$kids, function(kids) kids$id)
            for (i in 1:length(kids)) {
                node$kids[[i]] <-
                    tvcm_prune_maxstep(node$kids[[i]], maxstep)
        } else {
            node$kids <- NULL
            node$split <- NULL

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Recursive function to delete nodes according node labels
##' @param node     an object of class 'partynode'.
##' @param terminal an integer vector. The nodes considered
##'    as terminal nodes
##' @return A list of class 'partynode'.
##' @details Used in 'tvcm_prune_node'.
tvcm_prune_terminal <- function(node, terminal) {
    if (!is.terminal(node)) {
        if (!node$id %in% terminal) {
            kids <- sapply(node$kids, function(kids) kids$id)
            for (i in 1:length(kids)) {
                node$kids[[i]] <-
                    tvcm_prune_terminal(node$kids[[i]], terminal)
        } else {
            node$kids <- NULL
            node$split <- NULL

## --------------------------------------------------------- #
##' Creates a 'splitpath.tvcm' object for tracing the
##' fitting process.
##' @param splitpath the splitpath obtained by the fitting process.
##' @param nodes     an object of class 'partynode'.
##' @param partData  a 'data.frame' with the partitioning variables.
##' @param control   an object of class 'tvcm_control'.
##' @return A list of class 'splitpath.tvcm'.
##' @details Used in 'tvcm' and 'prune.tvcm'.
tvcm_grow_splitpath <- function(splitpath, varid, nodes,
                                partData, control) {
    if (all(lapply(nodes, width) < 2L)) return(splitpath)  
    ## get the terminal node labels for each varying coefficient partition
    ids <- lapply(nodes, nodeids)
    ## assign each terminal node the step in which it was created
    steps <- lapply(nodes, function(node) {
        ids <- nodeids(node)
        rval <- nodeapply(node, ids, function(node) node$split$info$step)
        rval <- sapply(rval, function(x) if (is.null(x)) Inf else x)
    ## upate each step
    for (step in seq_along(splitpath)) {
        ## the selected partition
        partid <- splitpath[[step]]$partid
        ## get the nodes at disposition at the current step
        kidids <- vector("list", length(nodes))
        for (pid in seq_along(nodes)) {
            parentids <- ids[[pid]][steps[[pid]] < step]
            if (length(parentids) == 0L) {
                kidids[[pid]] <- 1L
            } else {
                kids <- nodeapply(nodes[[pid]],
                                  parentids, function(node) node$kids)
                for (i in seq_along(kids))
                    kidids[[pid]] <-
                          unlist(lapply(kids[[i]], function(x) x$id)))
                kidids[[pid]] <- setdiff(sort(kidids[[pid]]), parentids)
        ## re-label the descriptions of splits
        if (!is.null(splitpath[[step]]$varid)) {
            splitpath[[step]]$node <-
            splitpath[[step]]$var <-
            splitpath[[step]]$cutpoint <-
                    nodeapply(nodes[[partid]], splitpath[[step]]$node,
                              function(node) node$split)[[1]],
                    data = partData)$levels
        if (control$sctest) {
            ## change row names of p-values tables
            for (pid in seq_along(nodes))
                if (!is.null(splitpath[[step]]$sctest[[pid]]))
                    rownames(splitpath[[step]]$sctest[[pid]]) <-
                        paste0("Node", LETTERS[pid], kidids[[pid]])
        ## change the names of the dev grid elements !!!
        if (!is.null(splitpath[[step]]$grid)) {
            names(splitpath[[step]]$grid) <- LETTERS[seq_along(nodes)]
            for (pid in seq_along(splitpath[[step]]$grid)) {
                names(splitpath[[step]]$grid[[pid]]) <-
                    paste0("Node", kidids[[pid]])
                for (nid in seq_along(splitpath[[step]]$grid[[pid]])) { 
                    names(splitpath[[step]]$grid[[pid]][[nid]]) <-
    class(splitpath) <- "splitpath.tvcm"

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