
combine <- function (x, y, z) {

	stopifnot(inherits(x, "Vegsoup"))

	#	get slots (as class data.frame)
	X <- species(species(x))
	Z <- taxonomy(taxonomy(x))
	Y <- coverscale(x)

	#	retrieve missing argument z
	if (missing(z)) {
		z <- list(Z$abbr[ match(y[[ 2 ]], Z$taxon) ], y[[ 2 ]])
	} else {
	#	ensure names, if not given
	names(y) <- c("from", "to")
	names(z) <- c("abbr", "taxon")
	#	valid strings
	z$abbr <- make.names(z$abbr)
	#	test if y$from exists in x	
	#	more precise and/or rigorious tests possible
	#	stopifnot(!any(z$abbr == abbr(x)))
	#	convert original abundance scale to numeric to allow calculations
	if (is.ordinal(coverscale(x))) {
		X$cov <- ordered(X$cov, levels = Y@codes, labels = Y@lims)
		X$cov <- as.numeric(as.character(X$cov))
	} else {
		X$cov <- as.numeric(X$cov)

	#	get list components	
	from <- y$from
	to <- y$to

	#	test if "from" exits in object 
	Z.from <- match(from, Z$taxon)
	if (any(is.na(Z.from)))
		stop(paste0(from[ is.na(Z.from) ], collapse = ", "), " not in data set")

	# no test yet if "to" exits in object		
	Z.to <- match(to, Z$taxon)

	#	the species
	#	get index for subsets	
	Zi <- Z$abbr[ Z.from ]
	Xi <- which(rowSums(sapply(Zi, function (i) i == X$abbr)) > 0)
	#	select subset of species to combine (c, Xc) or retain (r, Xr)
	Xc <- X[  Xi, ]
	Xr <- X[ -Xi, ]
	#	assign new abbr in subset to combine
	Xc$abbr <- z$abbr
	#	sum duplicates, we might get values bigger than 100!
	if (any(duplicated(Xc[ ,-4 ]))) {
		Xc <- aggregate(cov ~ plot + abbr + layer, data = Xc, FUN = "sum")

		test <- Xc$cov > 100
		if (any(test)) {
			message("summed abundance bigger than 100 for plot(s) ", Xc$plot[ test ])
			Xc$cov[ test ] <- max(Y@lims)
	#	merge subsets
	X <- rbind(Xr, Xc)
	#	explicit ordering!
	X <- X[ order(X$plot, X$layer, X$abbr), ]
	#	back convert to original abundance scale if it was character
	if (is.ordinal(coverscale(x))) {
		X$cov <- as.character(cut(X$cov, breaks = c(0, Y@lims), labels = c(Y@codes)))

	#	finally assign to species object		
	X <- species(X)

	#	the taxonomy
	#	select subset of species to combine (c) or retain (r)
	Zr <- Z[ -Z.from, ] # delete from
	#	do we need to add a new taxon for combination, or go ahead with what we have
	if (any(z$taxon == Zr$taxon) == FALSE) {
		Zc <- Z[ 0, ]
		Zc[ 1, ]$abbr <- z$abbr
		Zc[ 1, ]$taxon <- z$taxon	
		Z <- rbind(Zr, Zc)
	} else {
	#	Zr <- Zr[ z$taxon != Zr$taxon, ]
		Z <- Zr
	#	critical check if we need to drop a taxon
	test <- length(unique(Z$abbr)) != nrow(Z)
	if (test) {

	#	explicit ordering!
	Z <- Z[ order(Z$abbr), ]

	#	finally assign to taxonomy object	
	Z <- taxonomy(Z)

	#	assign object slots
	x@species <- X
	x@taxonomy <- Z

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vegsoup documentation built on Feb. 24, 2021, 3 a.m.