
#	implement route option in method!

".reverseGeocode" <- function (lnglat, pm = 100, route = FALSE, ...) {
	#	Suggests
	#	message("geonames requires users name")
	if (is.null(options()$geonamesUsername))
		stop("set geonames user name, see ?geonames")
	lnglat <- as.numeric(as.character(lnglat))
	r <- ggmap::revgeocode(lnglat, output = c("more"))
	#	run again if we fail for our attempt for some reason
	while (is.na(r$address)) {
		message("bad response from server, try again!")
		r <- ggmap::revgeocode(lnglat, output = c("more"))	
	r <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(r), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
	#	country
	r1 <- r[, grep("country", names(r))]
	#	first addministrative levels should always be present
	r21 <- unlist(r[, grep("administrative_area_level_1", names(r))])
	r22 <- paste(unlist(r[, grep("administrative_area_level_2", names(r))]), "(district)")
	r23 <- unlist(r[, grep("administrative_area_level_3", names(r))])
	#	either one should be returned?
	r31 <- unlist(r[, grep("locality", names(r))])
	if (!is.null(r31)) if (length(r31) > 1) r31 <- paste(rev(r31), collapse = ", ")
	r32 <- unlist(r[, grep("route", names(r))])
	#	might be identical
	if (!is.null(r31) & !is.null(r32)) if (r31 == r32) r32 <- NULL
	if (!is.null(r23) & !is.null(r31)) if (r23 == r31) r31 <- NULL
	#	route (r32) is mostly not meaningful
	if (is.null(r31)) {
		if (!is.null(r32)) r3 <- if (route) r32 else NA else r3 <- NA
	} else {
		r3 <- if (route) paste(r31, r32, sep = ", ") else r31
	locality <- paste(r1, ", ",	
		ifelse(!is.null(r23), paste(r21, r22, r23, sep = ", "), paste(r21, r22, sep = ", ")),
		ifelse(!is.na(r3), paste(", ", r3, sep = ""), ""),
		collapse = ", ", sep = "")
	options(warn = -1)
	masl <- GNsrtm3(lat = lnglat[2], lng = lnglat[1])[[1]]
	options(warn = 0)
	ew <- paste(format(abs(lnglat[1]), nsmall = 6), ifelse(lnglat[1] < 0, "W", "E"), sep = "")
	ns <- paste(format(abs(lnglat[2]), nsmall = 6), ifelse(lnglat[2] < 0, "S", "N"), sep = "")
	pm <- paste("\u00B1", pm, "m", sep = "") # PLUS-MINUS SIGN
	al <- paste(ifelse(masl == -32768, "N/A", c(round(masl/10) * 10)), "masl")
	coordinates <- paste(al, ", ", ns, ", ", ew, ", ", pm, sep = "") 
	return(list(coordinates = coordinates, locality = locality))

#if(!isGeneric("reverseGeocode")) {
	function (x, ...)

	signature(x = "Vegsoup"),
	function (x, ...) {
		m <- coordinates(x)[, 1:2]
		p <- grep("horizontal.precision", names(x))
		if (length(p) == 1) {
			p <- sites(x)[,p]
			if (!is.numeric(p)) {
				p <- as.numeric(p)
				if (any(is.na(p))) {
					na <- 20
					p[is.na(p)] <- na
					message("replace NA with ", na)
		} else {
			message("variable horizontal.precision not found")
		ll <- apply(cbind(m, p), 1, function (x) {
			.reverseGeocode(x[1:2], x[3], ...)	
		x$coordinate.string <- sapply(ll, "[[", 1)
		x$locality <- sapply(ll, "[[", 2)

	signature(x = "SpatialPointsDataFrame"),
	function (x, ...) {
		m <- coordinates(x)[, 1:2]
		p <- sapply(c("accuracy", "precision"),
			function (y) agrep(y, names(x)))
		l <- sapply(p, length) > 0
		if (any(l)) {
			p <- unlist(p[which(l)])
		} else {
			message("variables accuracy or precision not found")
		if (length(p) == 1) {
			p <- slot(x, "data")[, p]
			if (!is.numeric(p)) {
				p <- as.numeric(p)
				if (any(is.na(p))) {
					na <- 20
					p[is.na(p)] <- na
					message("replace NA with ", na)
		} else {
			message("multiple matches for variables accuracy or precision")
			p <- rep(NA, nrow(x))
		ll <- apply(cbind(m, p), 1, function (x) {
			.reverseGeocode(x[1:2], x[3], ...)	
		coordinate.string <- sapply(ll, "[[", 1)
		locality <- sapply(ll, "[[", 2)
		r <- as.matrix(cbind(coordinate.string, locality))

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vegsoup documentation built on Feb. 24, 2021, 3 a.m.