#' add legend to AllelicImbalance barplot
#' adds a very customizable legend function for AllelicImbalance barplots.
#' the function is preferably called from within the AllelicImbalance barplot method.
#' @param lowerLeftCorner position of the plot to add legend to (default c(0,0))
#' @param size scale the plot, default is 1
#' @param rownames rownames in legend
#' @param colnames colnames in legend
#' @param boxsize size of each box fill
#' @param boxspace space inbetween the box fill
#' @param fgCol color for allele1
#' @param bgCol color for allele2
#' @param ylegendPos placement of the legend within the plot for y
#' @param xlegendPos placement of the legend within the plot for x
#' @param cex size of legend text
#' @author Jesper R. Gadin
#' @keywords legend barplot
#' @examples
#' #code placeholders
#' #< create a barplot with legend >
#' #< add legend >
#' @export legendBarplot
legendBarplot <- function(lowerLeftCorner, size, rownames, colnames, boxsize=1, boxspace=1,fgCol,bgCol,
ylegendPos=1, xlegendPos=0.96, cex=1){
cex.legend <- cex
#first fill/box
x = lowerLeftCorner[1] + size[1] * seq(xlegendPos, (xlegendPos -
(0.02 * boxspace * (length(unique(fgCol)) - 1))),
length = length(unique(fgCol)))
y = (lowerLeftCorner[2] + size[2] * (ylegendPos + 0.02 * boxspace)) * rep(1,
squares = rep(c(size[1] * 0.012 * boxsize), length(unique(fgCol)))
symbols(x=x, y = y , bg = unique(fgCol), squares = squares, add = TRUE,
inches = FALSE,xpd=TRUE)
#second fill/box
x = lowerLeftCorner[1] + size[1] * seq(xlegendPos, (xlegendPos -
(0.02 * boxspace * (length(unique(bgCol)) - 1))),
length = length(unique(bgCol)))
y=(lowerLeftCorner[2] + size[2] * 1) * rep(ylegendPos, length(unique(bgCol)))
squares=rep(c(size[1] * 0.012 * boxsize), length(unique(bgCol)))
symbols(x=x, y = y , bg = unique(bgCol), squares = squares, add = TRUE,
inches = FALSE,xpd=TRUE)
# row-lab
x = c(lowerLeftCorner[1] + (size[1] * (c(xlegendPos, xlegendPos)+0.02 * boxspace)))
y = lowerLeftCorner[2] + (size[2] * c(ylegendPos+(0.02 * boxspace), 1))
y = y, rownames,
srt = 0, cex = cex.legend, adj = c(0, 0.5), xpd = TRUE)
}else if(length(rownames)==1){
x = c(lowerLeftCorner[1] + (size[1] * (c(xlegendPos)+0.02 * boxspace)))
y = lowerLeftCorner[2] + (size[2] * c(ylegendPos+(0.02 * boxspace)))
y = y, rownames,
srt = 0, cex = cex.legend, adj = c(0, 0.5), xpd = TRUE)
# col-lab
x = lowerLeftCorner[1] + size[1] * seq(xlegendPos, (xlegendPos - ((0.02 * boxspace) *
(length(unique(fgCol)) - 1))), length = length(unique(fgCol)))
y = lowerLeftCorner[2] + size[2] * (ylegendPos+0.03*boxspace)
y = y, colnames,
srt = 90, cex = cex.legend, adj = c(0, 0.5), xpd = TRUE)
#' add annotation to AllelicImbalance barplot
#' adds a customizable annotation functionality for AllelicImbalance barplots.
#' the function is preferably called from within the AllelicImbalance barplot method.
#' @param strand strand, "+", "-", "*" or "both"
#' @param snp integer for the described snp
#' @param lowerLeftCorner position of the plot to add legend to (default c(0,0))
#' @param annDfPlus annotation dataframe plus strand
#' @param annDfMinus annotation dataframe minus strand
#' @param cex size of annotation text
#' @param ypos relative y-axis position for the annotation text
#' @param interspace space between each annotation block
#' @author Jesper R. Gadin
#' @keywords annotation barplot
#' @examples
#' #code placeholders
#' #< create a barplot without annotation >
#' #< add annotation >
#' @export annotationBarplot
annotationBarplot <- function(strand,snp, lowerLeftCorner, annDfPlus, annDfMinus,
cex=0.7, ypos=0, interspace=1){
i <- snp
#ypos, is relative to the default
# check which columns to extract
dfType <- c("symbol", "exon_id", "tx_id", "cds_id")
TFann <- (dfType %in% colnames(annDfPlus)) | (dfType %in% colnames(annDfMinus))
if (strand == "+" | strand == "-" | strand == "*" ) {
# placed on left side
if (strand == "+" | strand == "*" ) {
df <- annDfPlus[, TFann, drop = FALSE]
yPosTmp <- lowerLeftCorner[2] + (1.03) + ypos
text <- paste("Plus-strand")
text(x = lowerLeftCorner[1] + 0.01, y = yPosTmp, labels = text,
adj = 0, xpd = TRUE, cex=cex)
yPosTmp <- yPosTmp - (0.03*interspace)
for (j in 1:length(colnames(df))) {
text <- paste(colnames(df)[j], df[i, j], sep = ": ")
text(x = lowerLeftCorner[1] + 0.01, y = yPosTmp, labels = text,
adj = 0, xpd = TRUE, cex=cex)
yPosTmp <- yPosTmp - (0.02*interspace)
# placed on left side
if (strand == "-" & (!strand == "*" )) {
df <- annDfMinus[, TFann, drop = FALSE]
yPosTmp <- lowerLeftCorner[2] + (1.03) + ypos
text <- paste("Minus-strand")
text(x = lowerLeftCorner[1] + 0.01, y = yPosTmp, labels = text,
adj = 0, xpd = TRUE, cex=cex)
yPosTmp <- yPosTmp - (0.03*interspace)
for (j in 1:length(colnames(df))) {
text <- paste(colnames(df)[j], df[i, j], sep = ": ")
text(x = lowerLeftCorner[1] + 0.01, y = yPosTmp, labels = text,
adj = 0, xpd = TRUE, cex=cex)
yPosTmp <- yPosTmp - (0.02*interspace)
# placed on right side
if (strand == "*" ) {
df <- annDfMinus[, TFann, drop = FALSE]
yPosTmp <- lowerLeftCorner[2] + (1.03) + ypos
text <- paste("Minus-strand")
text(x = lowerLeftCorner[1] + 1, y = yPosTmp, labels = text,
adj = 0.95, xpd = TRUE, cex=cex)
yPosTmp <- yPosTmp - (0.03*interspace)
for (j in 1:length(colnames(df))) {
text <- paste(df[i, j], colnames(df)[j], sep = " :")
text(x = lowerLeftCorner[1] + 1, y = yPosTmp, labels = text,
adj = 0.95, xpd = TRUE, cex=cex)
yPosTmp <- yPosTmp - (0.02*interspace)
# Dual barplot
}else if (strand == "both") {
# plus strand (over)
df <- annDfPlus[, TFann, drop = FALSE]
yPosTmp <- lowerLeftCorner[2] + (1.01) + ypos
for (j in 1:length(colnames(df))) {
text <- paste(colnames(df)[j], df[i, j], sep = ": ")
text(x = lowerLeftCorner[1] + 0.01, y = yPosTmp, labels = text,
adj = 0, cex=cex)
yPosTmp <- yPosTmp - (0.02*interspace)
# minus strand (under)
df <- annDfMinus[, TFann, drop = FALSE]
yPosTmp <- lowerLeftCorner[2] - (0.01) + ypos
for (j in 1:length(colnames(df))) {
text <- paste(colnames(df)[j], df[i, j], sep = ": ")
text(x = lowerLeftCorner[1] + 0.01, y = yPosTmp, labels = text,
adj = 0, cex=cex)
yPosTmp <- yPosTmp + (0.02*interspace)
#' lattice barplot inner functions for ASEset objects
#' Generates lattice barplots for ASEset objects. Two levels of plotting detail
#' are provided: a detailed barplot of read counts by allele useful for fewer
#' samples and SNPs, and a less detailed barplot of the fraction of imbalance,
#' useful for more samples and SNPs.
#' \code{filter.pValue.fraction} is intended to remove p-value annotation with
#' very large difference in frequency, which could just be a sequencing
#' mistake. This is to avoid p-values like 1e-235 or similar.
#' \code{sampleColour}User specified colours, either given as named colours
#' ('red', 'blue', etc) or as hexadecimal code. Can be either length 1 for all
#' samples, or else of a length corresponding to the number of samples for
#' individual colouring.
#' @name barplot-lattice-support
#' @rdname barplot-lattice-support
#' @aliases barplot-lattice-support barplotLatticeCounts barplotLatticeFraction
#' @param identifier, the single snp name to plot
#' @param ... used to pass on variables
#' @author Jesper R. Gadin, Lasse Folkersen
#' @seealso \itemize{ \item The \code{\link{ASEset}} class which the barplot
#' function can be called up on. }
#' @keywords barplot
#' @examples
#' a <- ASEset
#' name <- rownames(a)[1]
#' barplotLatticeFraction(identifier=name, x=a, astrand="+")
#' barplotLatticeCounts(identifier=name, x=a, astrand="+")
#' @export barplotLatticeFraction
#' @export barplotLatticeCounts
#' @rdname barplot-lattice-support
barplotLatticeFraction <- function(identifier, ...) {
if (length(list(...)) == 0) {
e <- new.env(hash = TRUE)
} else {
e <- list2env(list(...))
e$ids <- unlist(e$ids)
e$strand <- e$astrand
if (!exists("mainvec", envir = e, inherits = FALSE)) {
e$mainvec <- rep("",nrow(e$x))
e$mainvec <- unlist(e$mainvec)
if (!exists("cex.mainvec", envir = e, inherits = FALSE)) {
e$cex.mainvec <- 1
if (!exists("main", envir = e, inherits = FALSE)) {
e$main <- e$mainvec[e$ids %in% identifier]
if (!exists("deAnnoPlot", envir = e, inherits = FALSE)) {
e$deAnnoPlot <- FALSE
if (!exists("ylab", envir = e, inherits = FALSE)) {
e$ylab <- ""
if (!exists("xlab", envir = e, inherits = FALSE)) {
e$xlab <- ""
if (!exists("middleLine", envir = e, inherits = FALSE)) {
e$middleLine <- TRUE
if (!exists("top.fraction.criteria", envir = e, inherits = FALSE)) {
e$top.fraction.criteria <- "maxcount"
df <- fractionPlotDf(e$x, identifier, strand=e$strand, top.fraction.criteria=e$top.fraction.criteria)
# Grah params
my_cols <- c("green", "red")
# set default values
parset <- list(superpose.polygon=list(col=my_cols))
scales = list(rot = c(90, 0))
if (e$deAnnoPlot) {
parset <- list(
layout.widths = list(
left.padding = 0,
axis.left = 0,
ylab.axis.padding = 0,
right.padding = 0,
axis.right = 0
layout.heights = list(
top.padding = 0.1,
between = 0.1, 0.1, = 0,
axis.xlab.padding = 1,
bottom.padding = 1,
axis.bottom = 0.3
scales = list(y = list(at = NULL, labels = NULL),
x = list(labels = rep("",ncol(e$x)))
#, rot = c(90, 0))
groups <- df$phase
df$groups <- groups
groups <- df$alleles
df$groups <- groups
if(!e$middleLine) {
b <- barchart(values ~ sample, group = groups, data = df, origin = 0,
stack = TRUE, scales = scales,
main = list(label=e$main, cex=e$cex.mainvec),
ylab = e$ylab, xlab = e$xlab,
par.settings = parset)
}else if (e$middleLine) {
b <- barchart(values ~ sample, group = groups, data = df, origin = 0,
stack = TRUE, scales = scales,
main = list(label=e$main, cex=e$cex.mainvec),
ylab = e$ylab, xlab = e$xlab,
par.settings = parset, panel=function(x, y, ...) {
panel.barchart(x, y, ...)
panel.abline(h=0.5, lty=1)
} )
}else {
stop("middleLine has to be TRUE or FALSE")
#' @rdname barplot-lattice-support
barplotLatticeCounts <- function(identifier, ...) {
#null out a variable later used in a lattice plot
#read here why:
alleles <- NULL
if (length(list(...)) == 0) {
e <- new.env(hash = TRUE)
} else {
e <- list2env(list(...))
#use requested strand instead of Gviz ranges strand
e$strand <- e$astrand
e$ids <- unlist(e$ids)
#e$auto.key <- list(points = FALSE, rectangles = TRUE, space = "top", size = 2,
# cex = 0.8)
if (!exists("mainvec", envir = e, inherits = FALSE)) {
e$mainvec <- rep("",nrow(e$x))
e$mainvec <- unlist(e$mainvec)
if (!exists("main", envir = e, inherits = FALSE)) {
e$main <- e$mainvec[e$ids %in% identifier]
#print(e$mainvec[which(e$ids %in% identifier)])
#print(which(e$ids %in% identifier))
if (!exists("deAnnoPlot", envir = e, inherits = FALSE)) {
e$deAnnoPlot <- FALSE
if (!exists("ylab", envir = e, inherits = FALSE)) {
e$ylab <- ""
if (!exists("xlab", envir = e, inherits = FALSE)) {
e$xlab <- ""
### Grah params set default values
parset <- list()
scales = list(rot = c(90, 0))
makePlotDf <- function(strand){
acounts<- alleleCounts(e$x, strand = strand)
arank<- arank(e$x, strand = "*")
#afraction<- fraction(e$x, strand = strand)
#amainVec<- e$amainVec
# prepare data to be plotted
#a.m <- amainVec[identifier]
a.r <- arank[[identifier]][1:2]
a.c <- acounts[[identifier]][, a.r, drop = FALSE]
values <- as.vector(t(a.c))
sample <- vector()
for (i in 1:nrow(a.c)) {
sample <- c(sample, rownames(a.c)[i], rownames(a.c)[i])
if(strand=="-" && e$strand=="both"){
values <- -values
alleles <- rep(colnames(a.c), nrow(a.c))
df <- data.frame(values = values, sample = sample, alleles = alleles)
# to get right order in barchart
df$sample <- factor(df$sample, levels = unique(df$sample))
if(e$strand %in% c("+","-","*")){
df <- makePlotDf(strand=e$strand)
if (e$deAnnoPlot) {
e$auto.key <- FALSE
parset <- list(
layout.widths = list(
left.padding = 0,
axis.left = 0,
ylab.axis.padding = 0,
right.padding = 0,
axis.right = 0
layout.heights = list(
top.padding = 0.1,
between = 0.1, 0.1, = 0,
axis.xlab.padding = 1,
bottom.padding = 1,
axis.bottom = 0.3
scales = list(y = list(at = NULL, labels = NULL), rot = c(90, 0), auto.key = e$auto.key)
b <- barchart(values ~ sample, horiz = FALSE, origin = 0, group = alleles, data = df,
stack = FALSE, scales = scales, ylab = e$ylab, xlab = e$xlab,
box.ratio = 2, abbreviate = TRUE, par.settings = parset, main = e$main )
}else if(e$strand=="both"){
df <- rbind(makePlotDf(strand="+"),makePlotDf(strand="-"))
if (e$deAnnoPlot) {
e$auto.key <- FALSE
parset <- list(
layout.widths = list(
left.padding = 0,
axis.left = 0,
ylab.axis.padding = 0,
right.padding = 0,
axis.right = 0
layout.heights = list(
top.padding = 0.1,
between = 0.1, 0.1, = 0,
axis.xlab.padding = 1,
bottom.padding = 1,
axis.bottom = 0.3
scales = list(y = list(at = NULL, labels = NULL), rot = c(90, 0), auto.key = e$auto.key)
b <- barchart(values ~ sample, horiz = FALSE, origin = 0, group = alleles, data = df,
stack = FALSE, scales = scales, ylab = e$ylab, xlab = e$xlab,
box.ratio = 2, abbreviate = TRUE, par.settings = parset, main = e$main)
}else {
stop("strand must be + - * or both")
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