buildSBMLFromBiGG <- function(reactions.filename,,{
tab <- read.delim(reactions.filename, header=TRUE, sep="\t")
##parse equations and create reaction objects
all.reactions <- list()
all.compartment.names <- vector()
all.species.names <- vector()
for (i in seq_len(nrow(tab))){
row <- tab[i,]
##get reaction equation
eq <- as.character(unlist(row$equation))
## There are two different formats for reaction equations:
## -- "[c] : ru5p-D <==> xu5p-D" ##one compartment for all species
## -- "(2) ficytC[m] + (2) h[m] + q10h2[m] --> (2) focytC[m] + (4) h[c] + q10[m]" ##Compartment for each species
if (substr(eq, 1, 1)=="["){
##if equation starts with "[compartment] : "
reactants <- gsub(".*?:", "", gsub("[-|<].+", "", eq))
products <- gsub(".+>\\s?(.+)", "\\1", eq)
compartments <- gsub("\\[(.*)\\].+", "\\1", eq)
} else {
##if equation does not start with "[compartment] : "
s <- gsub("[\\[].+?[\\]]", "", eq, perl=TRUE) ##equation without brackets at the beginning
reactants <- gsub("\\s+[-|<|>].*" , "", s)
products <- gsub(".*[-|<|>]" , "", s)
compartments <- unlist(regmatches(eq, gregexpr("\\[.+?\\]", eq)))
compartments <- gsub("\\]|\\[", "", compartments)
##reactant and product vectors still containing possible stoichiometries
reactants <- unlist(strsplit(reactants, "\\+"))
products <- unlist(strsplit(products, "\\+"))
st.list <- regmatches(c(reactants, products), gregexpr("\\(.+?\\)", c(reactants, products)))
stoichiometries <- sapply(st.list, function(x){
1 ##if there is no stichiometry given, set it to 1
as.numeric(gsub("\\(|\\)", "", x))
##Clear reactant and product vectors from stoichiometries
reactants <- as.vector(sapply(reactants, function(x)gsub("\\s", "", gsub("\\(.+?\\)", "", x))))
products <- as.vector(sapply(products, function(x)gsub("\\s", "", gsub("\\(.+?\\)", "", x))))
##Assign compartment to each reactant and product if it is not yet assigned
if (length(compartments)==1 & length(reactants) + length(products)>0)
compartments <- rep(compartments, length(reactants) + length(products))
all.compartment.names <- append(all.compartment.names, compartments)
all.species.names <- append(all.species.names, c(reactants, products))
##get reversibility
reversible <- length(grep("<==>|<-->", eq))>0
##Build SBML objects
##species references for reactants and products
reactant.refs <- mapply(function(r, c, s)new("SpeciesReference", id=paste(r, c, sep="_"), species=paste(r, c, sep="_"), stoichiometry=s)
, reactants, compartments[seq_along(reactants)], stoichiometries[seq_along(reactants)])
product.refs <- mapply(function(r, c, s)new("SpeciesReference", id=paste(r, c, sep="_"), species=paste(r, c, sep="_"), stoichiometry=s)
, products, compartments[-seq_along(reactants)], stoichiometries[-seq_along(reactants)])
##reaction object
all.reactions[[i]] <- new("Reaction", id=as.character(row$abbreviation), name=as.character(row$name), reactants=reactant.refs, products=product.refs, reversible=reversible)
names(all.reactions) <- sapply(all.reactions, id)
##Build SBML objects for species and compartments
all.compartments <- lapply(unique(all.compartment.names), function(c)new("Compartment", id=c, name=c))
all.species <- apply(unique(cbind(all.species.names, all.compartment.names)), 1,
function(x)new("Species", id=paste(x[1], x[2], sep="_"), name=paste(x[1], x[2], sep="_"), compartment=x[2]))
names(all.species) <- sapply(all.species, name)
return(new("Model", species=all.species, reactions=all.reactions, compartments=all.compartments,
id=ifelse(length(, reactions.filename,,
name=ifelse(length(, reactions.filename,
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