
Defines functions edgeBetweennessEdgeTest clusteringCoefficientVertexTest eigenvectorCentralityVertexTest closenessCentralityVertexTest betweennessCentralityVertexTest degreeCentralityVertexTest retEdgesTable retTable edgesResEdgesInt resVertexInt spectralDistributionTest spectralEntropyTest degreeDistributionTest edgeBetweennessTest clusteringCoefficientTest eigenvectorCentralityTest closenessCentralityTest betweennessCentralityTest degreeCentralityTest edgesResInt resInt spectralEntropies spectralEntropy averageShortestPath averageClusteringCoefficient averageEigenvectorCentrality averageClosenessCentrality averageBetweennessEdgesCentrality averageBetweennessCentrality averageDegreeCentrality clusteringCoefficient eigenvectorCentrality closenessCentrality betweennessEdgesCentrality betweennessCentrality degreeCentrality absDiffSpectralEntropy JS JSspectrum KLspectrum spectralDensities spectralDensity JSdegree KLdegree nDegreeDensities degreeDensities invWeigthts clusterCoef

Documented in averageBetweennessCentrality averageBetweennessEdgesCentrality averageClosenessCentrality averageClusteringCoefficient averageDegreeCentrality averageEigenvectorCentrality averageShortestPath betweennessCentrality betweennessCentralityTest betweennessCentralityVertexTest betweennessEdgesCentrality closenessCentrality closenessCentralityTest closenessCentralityVertexTest clusteringCoefficient clusteringCoefficientTest clusteringCoefficientVertexTest degreeCentrality degreeCentralityTest degreeCentralityVertexTest degreeDistributionTest edgeBetweennessEdgeTest edgeBetweennessTest eigenvectorCentrality eigenvectorCentralityTest eigenvectorCentralityVertexTest KLdegree KLspectrum nDegreeDensities spectralDistributionTest spectralEntropies spectralEntropyTest

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Graph features
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper functions
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

clusterCoef <- function(A) {
  s <- sum(A)
  results <- c()
  n <- nrow(A)
  d <- (n-1)*(n-2)
  results<-apply(A,1,function(x) (s - 2*sum(x))/d)

# Inverting Matrix Weights
  A[which(A > 0)] <- 1/A[which(A > 0)]

# Density functions of the degrees of two graphs
# 'degreeDensities' estimates the density functions of the degrees for two
# graphs at the same coordinates
# @param G1 an igraph graph object
# @param G2 an igraph graph object
# @param npoints number of points used in density function estimation
# @param options a list containing parameters. It can be set to either
# \code{list(bandwidth="Sturges")} or \code{list(bandwidth="Silverman")}.
# @return a list containing the components, f1 (density estimate of the
# graph G1), and f2 (density estimate of the graph G2). Each component is
# a list, where the first element is the vector 'x' of 'npoints' coordinates
# of the points where the density function is estimated, and the second is
# a vector 'y' of the estimated density values.
# @examples G1<-erdos.renyi.game(30,0.6)
# G2<-barabasi.game(30,power = 1)
# d<-degreeDensities(G1, G2, npoints=1024, options=list(bandwidth="Sturges"))
# par(mfrow=c(1,2))
# plot(d$f1$x,d$f1$y,main="Erdos-Renyi\n Degree distribution",
# xlab="Degree",ylab="Frequency")
# plot(d$f2$x,d$f2$y,main="Barabasi\n Degree distribution",
# xlab="Degree",ylab="Frequency")
degreeDensities <- function(G1, G2, npoints=1024, options=list(bandwidth="Sturges")) {
  n1 <- vcount(G1)
  n2 <- vcount(G2)
  e1 <- graph.strength(G1)
  e2 <- graph.strength(G2)
  from <- min(e1, e2)
  to <- max(e1, e2)
  f1 <- gaussianDensity(e1, from=from, to=to, bandwidth=options$bandwidth, npoints=npoints)
  f2 <- gaussianDensity(e2, from=from, to=to, bandwidth=options$bandwidth, npoints=npoints)
  if (sum(is.na(f1)) > 0 || sum(is.na(f2)) > 0)
  return(list("f1"=f1, "f2"=f2))

#' Density functions of the degrees of n graphs
#' 'nDegreeDensities' estimates the density functions of the degrees for n
#' graphs at the same coordinates
#' @param Gs a list of n igraph graphs objects
#' @param npoints number of points used in density function estimation
#' @param bandwidth a parameters. It can be set to either "Sturges" or "Silverman".
#' @param from the lower value used to build the distribution
#' @param to the higher value used to build the distribution
#' @return a list containing the components 'x' and 'densities'. 
#' The first element is the vector 'x' of 'npoints' coordinates
#' of the points where the density function i estimated, and the second is
#' a vector 'y' of the estimated density values.
#' @examples G<-list()                                   
#' G[[1]]<-erdos.renyi.game(30,0.6)
#' G[[2]]<-barabasi.game(30,power = 1)
#' G[[3]]<-watts.strogatz.game(2,30,2,0.3)
#' d<-nDegreeDensities(G, npoints=1024, bandwidth="Sturges")
#' par(mfrow=c(1,3))
#' plot(d$x,d$densities[,1],main="Erdos-Renyi\n Degree distribution",
#' xlab="Degree",ylab="Frequency")
#' plot(d$x,d$densities[,2],main="Barabasi\n Degree distribution",
#' xlab="Degree",ylab="Frequency")
#' plot(d$x,d$densities[,3],main="Watts-Strogatz\n Degree distribution",
#' xlab="Degree",ylab="Frequency")
#' @seealso \code{graph.strength}
#' @seealso \code{density}
#' @import igraph
#' @export
nDegreeDensities <- function(Gs, npoints=1024, bandwidth="Sturges",from=NULL,to=NULL) {
  densities <- matrix(NA, npoints, length(Gs))
  if(is.null(from) || is.null(to)){
    from <- min(unlist(e))
    to <- max(unlist(e))
  for(i in seq_len(length(Gs))){
    f <- gaussianDensity(e[[i]], from=from, to=to, bandwidth=bandwidth, npoints=npoints)
    if (any(is.na(f))) return(NA)
  if (sum(is.na(x)) > 0 || sum(is.na(densities)) > 0)
  return(list("x"=x, "densities"=densities))

#' Kullback-Liebler divergence among the density functions of the degrees of
#' two or more graphs
#' 'KLdegree' computes the Kullback-Liebler divergence among the density
#' functions of the degrees of two or more graphs
#' @param f a list containing the components 'x' and 'densities'. 
#' The first element is the vector 'x' of 'npoints' coordinates
#' of the points where the density function i estimated, and the second is
#' a vector 'y' of the estimated density values.
#' @return returns a list containing the components 'theta' and 'partial'. 
#' 'theta' is a value representaing the Kullback-Liebler divergence among the corresponding distributions.
#' 'partial' is a vector of KL divergences between each network distribuiton and the average degree distribution.
#' @examples G<-list()                                   
#' G[[1]]<-erdos.renyi.game(30,0.6)
#' G[[2]]<-barabasi.game(30,power = 1)
#' G[[3]]<-watts.strogatz.game(2,30,2,0.3)
#' f<-nDegreeDensities(G, npoints=1024, bandwidth="Sturges")
#' KLdegree(f)
#' @seealso \code{graph.strength}
#' @seealso \code{density}
#' @import igraph
#' @export
    cat('Empty graph')
    return(list("measure"=NA, "p.value"=NA,"Partial"=NA))
  meanDensity <- list("x"=f$x, "y"=rowMeans(f$densities))
  partial <- vector(length=ncol(f$densities))
  for (j in seq_len(ncol(f$densities))) {
    f1 <- list("x"=f$x, "y"=f$densities[,j])
    partial[j] <- KL(f1, meanDensity)/ncol(f$densities)

# Jensen-Shannon divergence between the density functions of the degrees of
# two graphs
# 'JSdegree' computes the Jensen-Shannon divergence between the density
# functions of the degrees of two graphs
# @param G1 an igraph graph object
# @param G2 an igraph graph object
# @param options a list containing parameters. It can be set to either
# \code{list(bandwidth="Sturges")} or \code{list(bandwidth="Silverman")}.
# @return a list containing the components, f1 (density estimate of the
# graph G1), and f2 (density estimate of the graph G2). Each component is
# a list, where the first element is the vector 'x' of 'npoints' coordinates
# of the points where the density function i estimated, and the second is
# a vector 'y' of the estimated density values.
JSdegree <- function(G1, G2, options=list(bandwidth="Sturges")) {
  f <- degreeDensities(G1, G2, options=options)
  if (sum(is.na(f)) > 0)
  f1 <- f$f1
  f2 <- f$f2
  fm <- f1
  fm$y <- (f1$y + f2$y)/2
  return((KL(f1, fm) + KL(f2, fm))/2)

# Returns the spectral density for a given adjacency matrix A
spectralDensity <- function(A, bandwidth="Sturges", npoints=1024) {
  eigenvalues <- (as.numeric(eigen(A, only.values = TRUE)$values)/sqrt(nrow(A)))
  return(gaussianDensity(eigenvalues, bandwidth=bandwidth, npoints=npoints))

# Returns the spectral densities for given adjacency matrices A1 and A2 at the
# same points
spectralDensities <- function(A1, A2, bandwidth="Sturges",
                              npoints=1024) {
  n1 <- nrow(A1)
  n2 <- nrow(A2)
  e1 <- (as.numeric(eigen(A1, only.values = TRUE)$values)/sqrt(n1))
  e2 <- (as.numeric(eigen(A2, only.values = TRUE)$values)/sqrt(n2))
  from <- min(e1, e2)
  to <- max(e1, e2)
  f1 <- gaussianDensity(e1, from=from, to=to, bandwidth=bandwidth, npoints=npoints)
  f2 <- gaussianDensity(e2, from=from, to=to, bandwidth=bandwidth, npoints=npoints)
  if (sum(is.na(f1)) > 0 || sum(is.na(f2)) > 0)
  return(list("f1"=f1, "f2"=f2))

#' Spectral Density functions of n graphs
#' Returns the spectral densities for a list of adjacency matrices at the
#' same points
#' @param A a list of adjacency matrices
#' @param from the lower value used to build the distribution
#' @param to the higher value used to build the distribution
#' @param bandwidth a parameters. It can be set to either "Sturges" or "Silverman".
#' @return a list containing the components 'x' and 'densities'. 
#' The first element is the vector 'x' of 'npoints' coordinates
#' of the points where the density function i estimated, and the second is
#' a vector 'y' of the estimated density values.
#' @examples A<-list()
#' A[[1]]<-as.matrix(as_adj(erdos.renyi.game(30,0.6,directed = FALSE)))
#' A[[2]]<-as.matrix(as_adj(barabasi.game(30,power = 1,directed = FALSE)))
#' A[[3]]<-as.matrix(as_adj(watts.strogatz.game(1,30,2,0.3)))
#' d<-nSpectralDensities(A, bandwidth="Sturges")
#' par(mfrow=c(1,3))
#' plot(d$x,d$densities[,1],main="Erdos-Renyi\n Spectral distribution",
#' xlab="Eigenvalue",ylab="Frequency")
#' plot(d$x,d$densities[,2],main="Barabasi\n Spectral distribution",
#' xlab="Eigenvalue",ylab="Frequency")
#' plot(d$x,d$densities[,3],main="Watts-Strogatz\n Spectral distribution",
#' xlab="Eigenvalue",ylab="Frequency")
#' @seealso \code{KLdegree}
#' @seealso \code{density}
#' @import igraph
#' @export
nSpectralDensities <- function (A, from=NULL, to=NULL, bandwidth="Silverman") {
  npoints <- 1024
  ngraphs <- length(A)
  n <- ncol(A[[1]])
  spectra <- matrix(NA, n, ngraphs)
  for (i in seq_len(ngraphs)) {
    Adj <- A[[i]]
    eigenvalues <- (as.numeric(eigen(Adj, only.values = TRUE)$values)/
    spectra[,i] <- eigenvalues
  densities <- matrix(NA, npoints, ngraphs)
  minimum <- min(spectra)
  maximum <- max(spectra)
  if (!is.null(from) && !is.null(to)) {
    minimum <- from
    maximum <- to
  for (i in seq_len(ngraphs)) {
    f <- gaussianDensity(spectra[,i], bandwidth=bandwidth,
                         from=minimum, to=maximum,
    densities[,i] <- f$y
    x <- f$x
  return(list("x"=x, "densities"=densities))

#' Kullback-Liebler divergence among the spectral density functions of 
#' two or more graphs
#' 'KLspectrum' computes the Kullback-Liebler divergence among the spectral density
#' functions of two or more graphs
#' @param f a list containing the components 'x' and 'densities'. 
#' The first element is the vector 'x' of 'npoints' coordinates
#' of the points where the density function i estimated, and the second is
#' a vector 'y' of the estimated density values.
#' @return returns a list containing the components 'theta' and 'partial'. 
#' 'theta' is a value representaing the Kullback-Liebler divergence among the corresponding distributions.
#' 'partial' is a vector of KL divergences between each network distribuiton and the average spectral distribution.
#' @examples A<-list()
#' A[[1]]<-as.matrix(as_adj(erdos.renyi.game(30,0.6,directed = FALSE)))
#' A[[2]]<-as.matrix(as_adj(barabasi.game(30,power = 1,directed = FALSE)))
#' A[[3]]<-as.matrix(as_adj(watts.strogatz.game(1,30,2,0.3)))
#' f<-nSpectralDensities(A, bandwidth="Sturges")
#' KLspectrum(f)
#' @seealso \code{graph.strength}
#' @seealso \code{density}
#' @import igraph
#' @export
  meanDensity <- list("x"=f$x, "y"=rowMeans(f$densities))
  partial <- vector(length = ncol(f$densities))
  for (j in seq_len(ncol(f$densities))) {
    f1 <- list("x"=f$x, "y"=f$densities[,j])
    partial[j] <- KL(f1, meanDensity)/ncol(f$densities)

# Given two adjacency matrices, returns the Jensen-Shannon divergence between
# the corresponding graphs
# 'JSspectrum' computes the Jensen-Shannon divergence between the spectral density
# functions of two graphs
# @param G1 an adjacency matrix
# @param G2 an adjacency matrix
# @param bandwidth a parameters. It can be set to either "Sturges" or "Silverman".
# @return returns a value representaing the Jensen-Shannon divergence between the corresponding graphs
JSspectrum <- function(A1, A2, bandwidth="Sturges") {
  f <- spectralDensities(A1, A2, bandwidth=bandwidth)
  if (sum(is.na(f)) > 0)
  f1 <- f$f1
  f2 <- f$f2
  fm <- f1
  fm$y <- (f1$y + f2$y)/2
  return((KL(f1, fm) + KL(f2, fm))/2)

# Given two spectral densities, returns the Jensen-Shannon divergence between
# the corresponding graphs
# 'JS' computes the Jensen-Shannon divergence between the spectral density
# functions of two graphs
JS <- function(f1, f2) {
  fm <- f1
  fm$y <- (f1$y + f2$y)/2
  return((KL(f1, fm) + KL(f2, fm))/2)

# Returns the absolute difference of the adjacency matrix A1 and A2 spectral
# entropies
absDiffSpectralEntropy <- function(A1, A2, bandwidth="Sturges") {
  fs <- spectralDensities(A1, A2, bandwidth=bandwidth)
  if (sum(is.na(fs)) > 0)
  H1 <- entropy(fs$f1)
  H2 <- entropy(fs$f2)
  return(abs(H1 - H2))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Node scores
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Node scores
#' @description Node score (degree, betweenness, closenness, eigenvector centralities or clustering coefficient) for each network analysed.
#' @param expr Matrix of variables (columns) vs samples (rows).
#' @param labels a vector in which a position indicates the phenotype of the corresponding sample or state.
#' @param adjacencyMatrix a function that returns the adjacency matrix for a given variables values matrix.
#' @return a list of vector containing the node scores (degree, betweenness, closenness, eigenvector centralities or clustering coefficient) of each network.
#' @examples 
#' set.seed(1)
#' expr <- as.data.frame(matrix(rnorm(120),40,30))
#' labels<-data.frame(code=rep(0:3,10),names=rep(c("A","B","C","D"),10))
#' adjacencyMatrix1 <- adjacencyMatrix(method="spearman", association="pvalue",
#'  threshold="fdr", thr.value=0.05, weighted=FALSE)
#' @name nodeScores

#' @rdname nodeScores
#' @examples
#' # Degree centrality
#' degreeCentrality(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix1)
#' @export
degreeCentrality <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix) {
  for (a in seq_len(length(unique(labels$code)))){
    v[a]<-(sum(!(A[[1]] %in% c(1,0))) != 0)
  weighted <- NULL
  if(any(v)) weighted <- TRUE
  G<-lapply(A,graph.adjacency, mode="undirected", weighted=weighted)
  result <- lapply(G, graph.strength)

#' @rdname nodeScores
#' @examples 
#' # Betweenness Centrality
#' betweennessCentrality(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix1)
#' @export
betweennessCentrality <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix) {
  for (a in seq_len(length(unique(labels$code)))){
    v[a]<-(sum(!(A[[1]] %in% c(1,0))) != 0)
  weighted <- NULL
  if(any(v)) weighted <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(weighted)) A<-lapply(A,invWeigthts)
  G<-lapply(A,graph.adjacency, mode="undirected", weighted=weighted)
  result <- lapply(G, betweenness)

#' @rdname nodeScores
#' @examples 
#' # Edges Betweenness Centrality
#' betweennessEdgesCentrality(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix1)
#' @export
betweennessEdgesCentrality <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix) {
  for (a in seq_len(length(unique(labels$code)))){
    v[a]<-(sum(!(A[[1]] %in% c(1,0))) != 0)
  weighted <- NULL
  if(any(v)) weighted <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(weighted)) A<-lapply(A,invWeigthts)
  G<-lapply(A,graph.adjacency, mode="undirected", weighted=weighted)
  result<-lapply(G, function(x){
    M<-as.matrix(as_adj(x,edges = T,type = "lower"))
    M[M!=0]<-edge_betweenness(x, directed=FALSE)
  })# guarda a centralidade
  noEdges<-c(which(apply(s,2,function (x) all(x==0))))
  res<-lapply(result, function(x) x[-c(noEdges)])

#' @rdname nodeScores
#' @examples 
#' # Closenness Caentrality
#' closenessCentrality(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix1)
#' @export
closenessCentrality <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix) {
  for (a in seq_len(length(unique(labels$code)))){
    v[a]<-(sum(!(A[[1]] %in% c(1,0))) != 0)
  weighted <- NULL
  if(any(v)) weighted <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(weighted)) A<-lapply(A,invWeigthts)
  G<-lapply(A,graph.adjacency, mode="undirected", weighted=weighted)
  result <- lapply(G, closeness)

#' @rdname nodeScores
#' @examples 
#' # Eigenvector centrality
#' eigenvectorCentrality(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix1)
#' @export
eigenvectorCentrality <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix) {
  for (a in seq_len(length(unique(labels$code)))){
    v[a]<-(sum(!(A[[1]] %in% c(1,0))) != 0)
  weighted <- NULL
  if(any(v)) weighted <- TRUE
  G<-lapply(A,graph.adjacency, mode="undirected", weighted=weighted)
  result <- lapply(G, function(x) evcent(x)$vector)

#' @rdname nodeScores
#' @examples
#' # Clustering coefficient
#' clusteringCoefficient(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix1)
#' @export
clusteringCoefficient <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix) {
  for (a in seq_len(length(unique(labels$code)))){
    v[a]<-(sum(!(A[[1]] %in% c(1,0))) != 0)
  weighted <- NULL
  if(any(v)) weighted <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(weighted)) result <- lapply(A, clusterCoef)
  else {
    G<-lapply(A,graph.adjacency, mode="undirected", weighted=weighted)
    result <- lapply(G, transitivity, type="local", isolates="zero")

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Network features
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Network features
#' @name networkFeature
#' @description Network feature average nodes scores (degree, betweenness, closenness, eigenvector centralities or clustering coefficient) or spectral entropies for each network analysed.
#' @param expr Matrix of variables (columns) vs samples (rows)
#' @param labels a vector in which a position indicates the phenotype of the corresponding sample or state
#' @param adjacencyMatrix a function that returns the adjacency matrix for a given variables values matrix
#' @param options a list containing parameters. Used only in spectralEntropies function. It can be set to either \code{list(bandwidth="Sturges")} or \code{list(bandwidth="Silverman")}.
#' @return a list of values containing the spectral entropie or average node score of each network.
#' @examples set.seed(1)
#' expr <- as.data.frame(matrix(rnorm(120),40,30))
#' labels<-data.frame(code=rep(0:3,10),names=rep(c("A","B","C","D"),10))
#' adjacencyMatrix1 <- adjacencyMatrix(method="spearman", association="pvalue",
#'  threshold="fdr", thr.value=0.05, weighted=FALSE)

#' @rdname networkFeature
#' @examples 
#' # Average degree centrality
#' averageDegreeCentrality(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix1)
#' @export
averageDegreeCentrality <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix, options=NULL) {
  result <- degreeCentrality(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix)

#' @rdname networkFeature
#' @examples 
#' # Average betweenness centrality
#' averageBetweennessCentrality(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix1)
#' @export
averageBetweennessCentrality <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix, options=NULL) {
  result <- betweennessCentrality(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix)

#' @rdname networkFeature
#' @examples 
#' # Average betweenness centrality
#' averageBetweennessCentrality(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix1)
#' @export
averageBetweennessEdgesCentrality <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix, options=NULL) {
  result <- betweennessEdgesCentrality(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix)

#' @rdname networkFeature
#' @examples 
#' # Average closeness centrality
#' averageClosenessCentrality(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix1)
#' @export
averageClosenessCentrality <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix, options=NULL) {
  result <- closenessCentrality(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix)

#' @rdname networkFeature
#' @examples 
#' # Average eigenvector centrality
#' averageEigenvectorCentrality(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix1)
#' @export
averageEigenvectorCentrality <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix, options=NULL) {
  result <- eigenvectorCentrality(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix)

#' @rdname networkFeature
#' @examples 
#' # Average clustering coefficient
#' averageClusteringCoefficient(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix1)
#' @export
averageClusteringCoefficient <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix, options=NULL) {
  result <- clusteringCoefficient(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix)

#' @rdname networkFeature
#' @examples 
#' # Average shortest path
#' averageShortestPath(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix1)
#' @export
averageShortestPath <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix, options=NULL) {
  for (a in seq_len(length(unique(labels$code)))){
    v[a]<-(sum(!(A[[1]] %in% c(1,0))) != 0)
  weighted <- NULL
  if(any(v)) weighted <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(weighted)) A<-lapply(A,invWeigthts)
  G<-lapply(A,graph.adjacency, mode="undirected", weighted=weighted)
  result <- lapply(G, average.path.length)

# Returns the spectral entropy for a given adjacency matrix A
spectralEntropy <- function(A, bandwidth="Sturges") {
  f <- spectralDensity(A, bandwidth=bandwidth)
  if (sum(is.na(f)) > 0)
  y <- f$y
  n <- length(y)
  i <- which(y != 0)
  y[i] <- y[i]*log(y[i])
  return(-trapezoidSum(f$x, y))

#' @rdname networkFeature
#' @return spectralEntropies. A list of values containing the spectral entropy of each network.
#' @examples 
#' # Spectral entropies
#' spectralEntropies(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix1, options=list(bandwidth="Sturges"))
#' @export
spectralEntropies <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix, options=list(bandwidth="Sturges")) {
  for (a in seq_len(length(unique(labels$code)))){
  fs<- nSpectralDensities(A,bandwidth=options$bandwidth)
  if (sum(is.na(fs)) > 0)
  for(j in seq_len(length(A))){ # uma entropia para cada grafo
    entropies[[j]]<-entropy(list("x"=fs$x, "y"=fs$densities[,j]))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test of equality between network properties
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

resInt <- function(A,expr,weighted,fun){
  n <- ncol(expr)# numero de genes
  G<-lapply(A,graph.adjacency, mode="undirected", weighted=weighted)# guarda a rede
  s<-lapply(G, fun)# guarda a centralidade
  s<-do.call(rbind,s) # "s" é uma matrix onde serão guardados os vetores dos betweenness e um vetor de média deles
  partial<-apply(s[-dim(s)[1],],1, function(x) dist(rbind(x,s[dim(s)[1],]))/sqrt(dim(s)[2]))# calcula a distancia euclidiana entre cada vetor de betweenness e o vetor medio
  return(c(mean(partial),partial)) # A estatítica é a soma das distancias

edgesResInt <- function(A,expr,weighted,fun){
  G<-lapply(A,graph.adjacency, mode="undirected", weighted=weighted)# guarda a rede
  s<-lapply(G, function(x){
    M<-as.matrix(as_adj(x,edges = T,type = "lower"))
    M[M!=0]<-fun(x, directed=FALSE)
  })# guarda a centralidade
  s<-do.call(rbind,s) # "s" é uma matrix onde serão guardados os vetores dos betweenness e um vetor de média deles
  partial<-apply(s[-dim(s)[1],],1, function(x) dist(rbind(x,s[dim(s)[1],]))/sqrt(sum(s[dim(s)[1],]!=0)))# calcula a distancia euclidiana entre cada vetor de betweenness e o vetor medio
  return(c(mean(partial),partial)) # A estatítica é a soma das distancias

#' Network equality test
#' @name networkTest
#' @description Test of equality between network properties
#' @param expr Matrix of variables (columns) vs samples (rows)
#' @param labels a vector in which a position indicates the phenotype of the corresponding sample or state
#' @param adjacencyMatrix a function that returns the adjacency matrix for a given variables values matrix
#' @param numPermutations number of permutations that will be carried out in the permutation test
#' @param options a list containing parameters. Used only in degreeDistributionTest, spectralEntropyTest and spectralDistributionTest functions. It can be set to either \code{list(bandwidth="Sturges")} or \code{list(bandwidth="Silverman")}.
#' @param BPPARAM An optional BiocParallelParam instance determining the parallel back-end to be used during evaluation, or a list of BiocParallelParam instances, to be applied in sequence for nested calls to BiocParallel functions. MulticoreParam()
#' @return A list containing:
#' "measure" - difference among two or more networks associated with each phenotype. To compare networks by centralities and clustering coefficient, 
#' one uses euclidian distance. In spectral entropy comparison, one uses the absolute difference. In distributions (spectral and degree) comparison, 
#' one uses Kulback-Liebler divergence.
#' "p.value" - the Nominal p-value of the test.
#' "Partial" - a vector with the weigths of each network in a measure value.
#' @examples 
#' set.seed(1)
#' data("varFile")
#' gliomaData <- system.file("extdata", "variablesValue_BioNetStat_tutorial_data.csv", package = "BioNetStat")
#' labels<-doLabels(gliomaData)
#' adjacencyMatrix1 <- adjacencyMatrix(method="spearman", association="pvalue",
#'  threshold="fdr", thr.value=0.05, weighted=FALSE)
#' # The numPermutations number is 1 to do a faster example, but we advise to use unless 1000 permutations in real analysis

#' @rdname networkTest
#' @examples 
#' # Degree centrality test
#' diffNetAnalysis(method=degreeCentralityTest, varFile=varFile, labels=labels, varSets=NULL,
#'  adjacencyMatrix=adjacencyMatrix1, numPermutations=1, print=TRUE, resultsFile=NULL,
#'   seed=NULL, min.vert=5, option=NULL)
#' @export
degreeCentralityTest <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix, numPermutations=1000, options=NULL, BPPARAM=NULL) {
  lab<-levels(as.factor(labels)) # salva os fatores de labels em lab.
  if(any(lab=="-1")) lab<-lab[-which(lab=="-1")] # se houver o fator "-1" ele é retirado dos fatores.
  A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[labels==x,]))
  weighted <- NULL # Define o weighted como NULL, assim como na função original
  v<-vapply(A,FUN = function(x) sum(x==0) + sum(x==1) == length(x),FUN.VALUE = vector(length = 1))
  if(any(!v)) weighted <- TRUE
  if(is.null(BPPARAM)) results<-lapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
  else results<-bplapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
  pvalue <- (1 + sum(results >= output[1]))/(numPermutations + 1)
  return(list("measure"=output[1], "p.value"=pvalue,"Partial"=output[-1]))

#' @rdname networkTest
#' @examples 
#' # Betweenness centrality test
#' diffNetAnalysis(method=betweennessCentralityTest, varFile=varFile, labels=labels, varSets=NULL,
#'  adjacencyMatrix=adjacencyMatrix1, numPermutations=1, print=TRUE, resultsFile=NULL,
#'   seed=NULL, min.vert=5, option=NULL)
#' @export
betweennessCentralityTest <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix,numPermutations=1000, options=NULL,BPPARAM=NULL) {
  # Betweenness centrality test for many graphs
  lab<-levels(as.factor(labels)) # salva os fatores de labels em lab.
  if(any(lab=="-1")) lab<-lab[-which(lab=="-1")] # se houver o fator "-1" ele é retirado dos fatores.
  A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[labels==x,]))
  weighted <- NULL # Define o weighted como NULL, assim como na função original
  v<-vapply(A,FUN = function(x) sum(x==0) + sum(x==1) == length(x),FUN.VALUE = vector(length = 1))
  if(any(!v)) weighted <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(weighted)) A<-lapply(A,invWeigthts)
  if(is.null(BPPARAM)) results<-lapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
    if (!is.null(weighted)) A<-lapply(A,invWeigthts)
  else results<-bplapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
    if (!is.null(weighted)) A<-lapply(A,invWeigthts)
  pvalue <- (1 + sum(results >= output[1]))/(numPermutations + 1)
  return(list("measure"=output[1], "p.value"=pvalue,"Partial"=output[-1]))

#' @rdname networkTest
#' @examples 
#' # Closeness centrality test
#' diffNetAnalysis(method=closenessCentralityTest, varFile=varFile, labels=labels, varSets=NULL,
#'  adjacencyMatrix=adjacencyMatrix1, numPermutations=1, print=TRUE, resultsFile=NULL,
#'   seed=NULL, min.vert=5, option=NULL)
#' @export
closenessCentralityTest <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix,numPermutations=1000, options=NULL, BPPARAM=NULL) {
  # Closeness centrality test for many graphs
  lab<-levels(as.factor(labels)) # salva os fatores de labels em lab.
  if(any(lab=="-1")) lab<-lab[-which(lab=="-1")] # se houver o fator "-1" ele é retirado dos fatores.
  A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[labels==x,]))
  weighted <- NULL # Define o weighted como NULL, assim como na função original
  v<-vapply(A,FUN = function(x) sum(x==0) + sum(x==1) == length(x),FUN.VALUE = vector(length = 1))
  if(any(!v)) weighted <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(weighted)) A<-lapply(A,invWeigthts)
  if(is.null(BPPARAM)) results<-lapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
    if (!is.null(weighted)) A<-lapply(A,invWeigthts)
  else results<-bplapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
    if (!is.null(weighted)) A<-lapply(A,invWeigthts)
  pvalue <- (1 + sum(results >= output[1]))/(numPermutations + 1)
  return(list("measure"=output[1], "p.value"=pvalue,"Partial"=output[-1]))

#' @rdname networkTest
#' @examples 
#' # Eigenvector centrality test
#' diffNetAnalysis(method=eigenvectorCentralityTest, varFile=varFile, labels=labels, varSets=NULL,
#'  adjacencyMatrix=adjacencyMatrix1, numPermutations=1, print=TRUE, resultsFile=NULL,
#'   seed=NULL, min.vert=5, option=NULL)
#' @export
eigenvectorCentralityTest <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix,numPermutations=1000, options=NULL, BPPARAM=NULL) {
  # Eigenvector centrality test for many graphs
  lab<-levels(as.factor(labels)) # salva os fatores de labels em lab.
  if(any(lab=="-1")) lab<-lab[-which(lab=="-1")] # se houver o fator "-1" ele é retirado dos fatores.
  A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[labels==x,]))
  weighted <- NULL # Define o weighted como NULL, assim como na função original
  v<-vapply(A,FUN = function(x) sum(x==0) + sum(x==1) == length(x),FUN.VALUE = vector(length = 1))
  if(any(!v)) weighted <- TRUE
  output<-resInt(A,expr,weighted,function(x) evcent(x)$vector)
  if(is.null(BPPARAM)) results<-lapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
    return(resInt(A,expr,weighted,function(x) evcent(x)$vector)[1])})
  else results<-bplapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
    return(resInt(A,expr,weighted,function(x) evcent(x)$vector)[1])
  pvalue <- (1 + sum(results >= output[1]))/(numPermutations + 1)
  return(list("measure"=output[1], "p.value"=pvalue,"Partial"=output[-1]))

#' @rdname networkTest
#' @examples 
#' # Clustering coefficient test
#' diffNetAnalysis(method=clusteringCoefficientTest, varFile=varFile, labels=labels, varSets=NULL,
#'  adjacencyMatrix=adjacencyMatrix1, numPermutations=1, print=TRUE, resultsFile=NULL,
#'   seed=NULL, min.vert=5, option=NULL)
#' @export
clusteringCoefficientTest <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix, numPermutations=1000, options=NULL, BPPARAM=NULL) {
  lab<-levels(as.factor(labels)) # salva os fatores de labels em lab.
  if(any(lab=="-1")) lab<-lab[-which(lab=="-1")] # se houver o fator "-1" ele é retirado dos fatores.
  A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[labels==x,]))
  weighted <- NULL # Define o weighted como NULL, assim como na função original
  v<-vapply(A,FUN = function(x) sum(x==0) + sum(x==1) == length(x),FUN.VALUE = vector(length = 1))
  if(any(!v)) weighted <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(weighted)) { 
    n <- ncol(expr)
    s<-lapply(A, clusterCoef)
    partial<-apply(s[-dim(s)[1],],1, function(x) dist(rbind(x,s[dim(s)[1],]))/sqrt(n))
    output<-resInt(A,expr,weighted,function(x){transitivity(x,type="local", isolates="zero")})
  if(is.null(BPPARAM)) results<-lapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
    if (!is.null(weighted)){ 
      s<-lapply(A, clusterCoef)
      res<-apply(s[-dim(s)[1],],1, function(x) dist(rbind(x,s[dim(s)[1],]))/sqrt(n))
    else return(resInt(A,expr,weighted,function(x){transitivity(x,type="local", isolates="zero")}))
  else  results<-bplapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
    if (!is.null(weighted)){ 
      s<-lapply(A, clusterCoef)
      res<-apply(s[-dim(s)[1],],1, function(x) dist(rbind(x,s[dim(s)[1],]))/sqrt(n))
    else return(resInt(A,expr,weighted,function(x){transitivity(x,type="local", isolates="zero")}))
  pvalue <- (1 + sum(results >= output[1]))/(numPermutations + 1)
  return(list("measure"=output[1], "p.value"=pvalue,"Partial"=output[-1]))

#' @rdname networkTest
#' @examples 
#' # Edge betweenness centrality test
#' diffNetAnalysis(method=edgeBetweennessTest, varFile=varFile, labels=labels, varSets=NULL,
#'  adjacencyMatrix=adjacencyMatrix1, numPermutations=1, print=TRUE, resultsFile=NULL,
#'   seed=NULL, min.vert=5, option=NULL)
#' @export
edgeBetweennessTest <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix, numPermutations=1000, options=NULL, BPPARAM=NULL) {
  lab<-levels(as.factor(labels)) # salva os fatores de labels em lab.
  if(any(lab=="-1")) lab<-lab[-which(lab=="-1")] # se houver o fator "-1" ele é retirado dos fatores.
  A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[labels==x,]))
  weighted <- NULL # Define o weighted como NULL, assim como na função original
  v<-vapply(A,FUN = function(x) sum(x==0) + sum(x==1) == length(x),FUN.VALUE = vector(length = 1))
  if(any(!v)) weighted <- TRUE
  if(is.null(BPPARAM)) results<-lapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
  else results<-bplapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
  pvalue <- (1 + sum(results >= output[1]))/(numPermutations + 1)
  return(list("measure"=output[1], "p.value"=pvalue,"Partial"=output[-1]))

# #' @rdname networkTest
# #' @examples
# #'
# #' # Shortest path test
# #' shortestPathTest(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix1,numPermutations=1)
# #' @export
# shortestPathTest <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix, numPermutations=1000, options=NULL, BPPARAM=MulticoreParam()) {
#   # Shortest path test for many graphs
#   lab<-levels(as.factor(labels)) # salva os fatores de labels em lab.
#   if(any(lab=="-1")) lab<-lab[-which(lab=="-1")] # se houver o fator "-1" ele é retirado dos fatores.
#   A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[labels==x,]))
#   weighted <- NULL # Define o weighted como NULL, assim como na função original
#   v<-vapply(A,FUN = function(x) sum(x==0) + sum(x==1) == length(x),FUN.VALUE = vector(length = 1))
#   if(any(!v)) weighted <- TRUE
#   if (!is.null(weighted)) A<-lapply(A,invWeigthts)
#   # if(is.null(weighted)) output<-resInt(A,expr,weighted,function(x){average.path.length(x,directed=FALSE)})
#   # else output<-resInt(A,expr,weighted,function(y){apply(distances(y), 1, function(x){ min(x[x!=0])})})
#   output<-resInt(A,expr,weighted,function(y){apply(distances(y), 1, function(x){ min(x[x!=0])})})
#   results<-bplapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
#     l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
#     A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
#     if(is.null(weighted)){
#       A<-lapply(A,invWeigthts)
#       return(resInt(A,expr,weighted,function(x){average.path.length(x,directed=FALSE)})[1])
#     }
#     else return(resInt(A,expr,weighted,function(y){apply(distances(y), 1, function(x){ min(x[x!=0])})})[1])
#   results<-do.call(c,results)
#   pvalue <- (1 + sum(results >= output[1]))/(numPermutations + 1)
#   return(list("measure"=output[1], "p.value"=pvalue,"Partial"=output[-1]))
# }

#' @rdname networkTest
#' @examples
#' # Degree distribution test
#' diffNetAnalysis(method=degreeDistributionTest, varFile=varFile, labels=labels, varSets=NULL,
#'  adjacencyMatrix=adjacencyMatrix1, numPermutations=1, print=TRUE, resultsFile=NULL,
#'   seed=NULL, min.vert=5, options=list(bandwidth="Sturges"))
#' @export
degreeDistributionTest <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix, numPermutations=1000, options=list(bandwidth="Sturges"), BPPARAM=NULL) {
  lab<-levels(as.factor(labels)) # salva os fatores de labels em lab.
  if(any(lab=="-1")) lab<-lab[-which(lab=="-1")] # se houver o fator "-1" ele é retirado dos fatores.
  A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[labels==x,]))
  weighted <- NULL # Define o weighted como NULL, assim como na função original
  v<-vapply(A,FUN = function(x) sum(x==0) + sum(x==1) == length(x),FUN.VALUE = vector(length = 1))
  if(any(!v)) weighted <- TRUE
  G<-lapply(A,graph.adjacency, mode="undirected", weighted=weighted)# guarda a rede
  f<-nDegreeDensities(Gs=G, bandwidth=options$bandwidth)
  if(length(result$Partial)==1 & all(is.na(result$Partial))) result$Partial<-rep(NA,length(G))
  if(is.null(BPPARAM)) results<-lapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
    G<-lapply(A,graph.adjacency, mode="undirected", weighted=weighted)# guarda a rede
    f<-nDegreeDensities(Gs=G, bandwidth=options$bandwidth)
  else results<-bplapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
    G<-lapply(A,graph.adjacency, mode="undirected", weighted=weighted)# guarda a rede
    f<-nDegreeDensities(Gs=G, bandwidth=options$bandwidth)
  pvalue <- (1 + sum(results >= result$theta))/(numPermutations + 1)
  return(list("measure"=result$theta, "p.value"=pvalue,"Partial"=result$Partial))

#' @rdname networkTest
#' @examples 
#' # Spectral entropy test
#'  diffNetAnalysis(method=spectralEntropyTest, varFile=varFile, labels=labels, varSets=NULL,
#'  adjacencyMatrix=adjacencyMatrix1, numPermutations=1, print=TRUE, resultsFile=NULL,
#'   seed=NULL, min.vert=5, options=list(bandwidth="Sturges"))
#' @export
spectralEntropyTest <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix, numPermutations=1000, options=list(bandwidth="Sturges"), BPPARAM=NULL) {
  lab<-levels(as.factor(labels)) # salva os fatores de labels em lab.
  if(any(lab=="-1")) lab<-lab[-which(lab=="-1")] # se houver o fator "-1" ele é retirado dos fatores.
  A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[labels==x,]))
  f<-nSpectralDensities(A, bandwidth=options$bandwidth) # Lista com as coordenadas (x,y) da dist. espectral dos grafos de "A"
  entropies<-vector(length=length(A)) # vetor para guardar entropias
  for(j in seq_len(length(A))){ # uma entropia para cada grafo
    entropies[j]<-entropy(list("x"=f$x, "y"=f$densities[,j]))
  meanDensity <- list("x"=f$x, "y"=rowMeans(f$densities)) # Calcula a entropia média a partir de uma distribuicao media
  result<-sqrt((sum((entropies-entropy(meanDensity))^2))/length(entropies)) # idem e Calcula a raiz da soma dos quadrados das diferenças entre as entropias e a média
  partial<-sqrt(((entropies-entropy(meanDensity))^2)/length(entropies)) # idem e Calcula a raiz da soma dos quadrados das diferenças entre as entropias e a média
  if(is.null(BPPARAM)) results<-lapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE) # Reamostra os labels sem reposicao
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
    f<-nSpectralDensities(A, bandwidth=options$bandwidth) # Lista com as coordenadas (x,y) da dist. espectral dos grafos de "A"
    entropies<-vector(length=length(A)) # vetor para guardar entropias
    for(j in seq_len(length(A))){ # uma entropia para cada grafo
      entropies[j]<-entropy(list("x"=f$x, "y"=f$densities[,j]))
    meanDensity <- list("x"=f$x, "y"=rowMeans(f$densities)) # Calcula a entropia média a partir de uma distribuicao media
    }) # idem e Calcula a raiz da soma dos quadrados das diferenças entre as entropias e a média
  else results<-bplapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE) # Reamostra os labels sem reposicao
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
    f<-nSpectralDensities(A, bandwidth=options$bandwidth) # Lista com as coordenadas (x,y) da dist. espectral dos grafos de "A"
    entropies<-vector(length=length(A)) # vetor para guardar entropias
    for(j in seq_len(length(A))){ # uma entropia para cada grafo
      entropies[j]<-entropy(list("x"=f$x, "y"=f$densities[,j]))
    meanDensity <- list("x"=f$x, "y"=rowMeans(f$densities)) # Calcula a entropia média a partir de uma distribuicao media
    return(sqrt((sum((entropies-entropy(meanDensity))^2))/length(entropies))) # idem e Calcula a raiz da soma dos quadrados das diferenças entre as entropias e a média
  pvalue <- (1 + sum(results >= result))/(numPermutations + 1) # calculo do pvalor
  return(list("measure"=result, "p.value"=pvalue,"Partial"=partial))

#' @rdname networkTest
#' @examples 
#' # Spectral distribution test
#'  diffNetAnalysis(method=spectralDistributionTest, varFile=varFile, labels=labels, varSets=NULL,
#'  adjacencyMatrix=adjacencyMatrix1, numPermutations=1, print=TRUE, resultsFile=NULL,
#'   seed=NULL, min.vert=5, options=list(bandwidth="Sturges"))
#' @export
spectralDistributionTest <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix, numPermutations=1000, options=list(bandwidth="Sturges"), BPPARAM=NULL) {
  lab<-levels(as.factor(labels)) # salva os fatores de labels em lab.
  if(any(lab=="-1")) lab<-lab[-which(lab=="-1")] # se houver o fator "-1" ele é retirado dos fatores.
  A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[labels==x,]))
  f<-nSpectralDensities(A, bandwidth=options$bandwidth) # Lista com as coordenadas (x,y) da dist. espectral dos grafos de "A"
  if(is.null(BPPARAM)) results<-lapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
    f<-nSpectralDensities(A, bandwidth=options$bandwidth) # Lista com as coordenadas (x,y) da dist. espectral dos grafos de "A"
  else results<-bplapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
    f<-nSpectralDensities(A, bandwidth=options$bandwidth) # Lista com as coordenadas (x,y) da dist. espectral dos grafos de "A"
  pvalue <- (1 + sum(results >= result$theta))/(numPermutations + 1)
  return(list("measure"=result$theta, "p.value"=pvalue,"Partial"=result$Partial))

# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Test of equality of vertices between network properties
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

resVertexInt <- function(A,expr,weighted,fun){
  n <- ncol(expr)# numero de genes
  G<-lapply(A,graph.adjacency, mode="undirected", weighted=weighted)# guarda a rede
  s<-lapply(G, fun)# guarda o betweenness
  s<-do.call(rbind,s) # "s" é uma matrix onde serão guardados os vetores dos betweenness e um vetor de média deles
  result<-apply(s[-(nrow(s)),],1,function(x) abs(x-s[dim(s)[1],]))
  return(cbind(result,t(sp))) # A estatítica é a soma das distancias

edgesResEdgesInt <- function(A,expr,weighted,fun){
  G<-lapply(A,graph.adjacency, mode="undirected", weighted=weighted)# guarda a rede
  s<-lapply(G, function(x){
    M<-as.matrix(as_adj(x,edges = T,type = "lower"))
    M[M!=0]<-fun(x, directed=FALSE)
  })# guarda a centralidade
  s<-do.call(rbind,s) # "s" é uma matrix onde serão guardados os vetores dos betweenness e um vetor de média deles
  result<-apply(s[-(nrow(s)),],1,function(x) abs(x-s[dim(s)[1],]))

retTable <- function(results,output,expr,numPermutations,lab){
  pvalue <- (1 + apply(t(t(results) >= output[,1]),2,sum))/(numPermutations + 1)
  colnames(saida)<-c("Test Statistic","Nominal p-value","Q-value",paste(0:max(as.numeric(lab))))

retEdgesTable <- function(results,output,expr,numPermutations,lab){
  pvalue <- (1 + apply(t(t(results) >= output[,1]),2,sum))/(numPermutations + 1)
  colnames(saida)<-c("Test Statistic","Nominal p-value","Q-value",paste("Factor",0:max(as.numeric(lab))))
  saida<-saida[-c(which(apply(saida,1,function (x) all(x[c(1,4:6)]==0)))),]

#' Node score equality test
#' @name nodeTest
#' @description Nodes scores equality test between network
#' @param expr Matrix of variables (columns) vs samples (rows)
#' @param labels a vector in which a position indicates the phenotype of the corresponding sample or state
#' @param adjacencyMatrix a function that returns the adjacency matrix for a given variables values matrix
#' @param numPermutations number of permutations that will be carried out in the permutation test
#' @param options argument non used in this function
#' @param BPPARAM An optional BiocParallelParam instance determining the parallel back-end to be used during evaluation, or a list of BiocParallelParam instances, to be applied in sequence for nested calls to BiocParallel functions. MulticoreParam()
#' @return A table, containing on the columns, the following informations for each variable (rows):
#' "Test Statistic" - difference among the degree centrality of a node in two or more networks associated with each phenotype
#' "Nominal p-value" - the Nominal p-value of the test
#' "Q-value" - the q-value of the test, correction of p-value by FDR to many tests
#' "Factor n" - the node degree centrality in each network compared
#' @examples 
#' set.seed(1)
#' expr <- as.data.frame(matrix(rnorm(120),40,30))
#' labels<-data.frame(code=rep(0:3,10),names=rep(c("A","B","C","D"),10))
#' adjacencyMatrix1 <- adjacencyMatrix(method="spearman", association="pvalue",
#'  threshold="fdr", thr.value=0.05, weighted=FALSE)
#' # The numPermutations number is 1 to do a faster example, but we advise to use unless 1000 permutations in real analysis

#' @rdname nodeTest
#' @examples 
#' # Degree centrality test
#' diffNetAnalysis(method=degreeCentralityVertexTest, varFile=expr, labels=labels, varSets=NULL,
#'  adjacencyMatrix=adjacencyMatrix1, numPermutations=1, print=TRUE, resultsFile=NULL,
#'   seed=NULL, min.vert=5, option=NULL)
#' @export
degreeCentralityVertexTest <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix, numPermutations=1000, options=NULL,BPPARAM=NULL) {
  lab<-levels(as.factor(labels)) # salva os fatores de labels em lab.
  if(any(lab=="-1")) lab<-lab[-which(lab=="-1")] # se houver o fator "-1" ele é retirado dos fatores.
  A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[labels==x,]))
  weighted <- NULL # Define o weighted como NULL, assim como na função original
  v<-vapply(A,FUN = function(x) sum(x==0) + sum(x==1) == length(x),FUN.VALUE = vector(length = 1))
  if(any(!v)) weighted <- TRUE
  if(is.null(BPPARAM)) results<-lapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
  else results<-bplapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))

#' @rdname nodeTest
#' @examples 
#' # Betweenness centrality test
#' diffNetAnalysis(method=betweennessCentralityVertexTest, varFile=expr, labels=labels, varSets=NULL,
#'  adjacencyMatrix=adjacencyMatrix1, numPermutations=1, print=TRUE, resultsFile=NULL,
#'   seed=NULL, min.vert=5, option=NULL)
#' @export
betweennessCentralityVertexTest <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix, numPermutations=1000, options=NULL, BPPARAM=NULL) {
  # Betweenness centrality test for many graphs
  lab<-levels(as.factor(labels)) # salva os fatores de labels em lab.
  if(any(lab=="-1")) lab<-lab[-which(lab=="-1")] # se houver o fator "-1" ele é retirado dos fatores.
  A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[labels==x,]))
  weighted <- NULL # Define o weighted como NULL, assim como na função original
  v<-vapply(A,FUN = function(x) sum(x==0) + sum(x==1) == length(x),FUN.VALUE = vector(length = 1))
  if(any(!v)) weighted <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(weighted)) A<-lapply(A,invWeigthts)
  if(is.null(BPPARAM)) results<-lapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE) # Faz a permutação dos labels
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
    if (!is.null(weighted)) A<-lapply(A,invWeigthts)
  else results<-bplapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE) # Faz a permutação dos labels
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
    if (!is.null(weighted)) A<-lapply(A,invWeigthts)

#' @rdname nodeTest
#' @examples 
#' # Closeness centrality test
#' diffNetAnalysis(method=closenessCentralityVertexTest, varFile=expr, labels=labels, varSets=NULL,
#'  adjacencyMatrix=adjacencyMatrix1, numPermutations=1, print=TRUE, resultsFile=NULL,
#'   seed=NULL, min.vert=5, option=NULL)
#' @export
closenessCentralityVertexTest <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix, numPermutations=1000, options=NULL, BPPARAM=NULL) {
  lab<-levels(as.factor(labels)) # salva os fatores de labels em lab.
  if(any(lab=="-1")) lab<-lab[-which(lab=="-1")] # se houver o fator "-1" ele é retirado dos fatores.
  A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[labels==x,]))
  weighted <- NULL # Define o weighted como NULL, assim como na função original
  v<-vapply(A,FUN = function(x) sum(x==0) + sum(x==1) == length(x),FUN.VALUE = vector(length = 1))
  if(any(!v)) weighted <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(weighted)) A<-lapply(A,invWeigthts)
  if(is.null(BPPARAM)) results<-lapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE) # Faz a permutação dos labels
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
    if (!is.null(weighted)) A<-lapply(A,invWeigthts)
  else results<-bplapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE) # Faz a permutação dos labels
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
    if (!is.null(weighted)) A<-lapply(A,invWeigthts)

#' @rdname nodeTest
#' @examples 
#' # Eigenvector centrality test
#' diffNetAnalysis(method=eigenvectorCentralityVertexTest, varFile=expr, labels=labels, varSets=NULL,
#'  adjacencyMatrix=adjacencyMatrix1, numPermutations=1, print=TRUE, resultsFile=NULL,
#'   seed=NULL, min.vert=5, option=NULL)
#' @export
eigenvectorCentralityVertexTest <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix, numPermutations=1000, options=NULL, BPPARAM=NULL) {
  lab<-levels(as.factor(labels)) # salva os fatores de labels em lab.
  if(any(lab=="-1")) lab<-lab[-which(lab=="-1")] # se houver o fator "-1" ele é retirado dos fatores.
  A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[labels==x,]))
  weighted <- NULL # Define o weighted como NULL, assim como na função original
  v<-vapply(A,FUN = function(x) sum(x==0) + sum(x==1) == length(x),FUN.VALUE = vector(length = 1))
  if(any(!v)) weighted <- TRUE
  output<-resVertexInt(A,expr,weighted,function(x) evcent(x)$vector)
  if(is.null(BPPARAM)) results<-lapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
    return(resVertexInt(A,expr,weighted,function(x) evcent(x)$vector)[,1])})
  else results<-bplapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
    return(resVertexInt(A,expr,weighted,function(x) evcent(x)$vector)[,1])

#' @rdname nodeTest
#' @examples 
#' # Clustering coefficient test
#' diffNetAnalysis(method=clusteringCoefficientVertexTest, varFile=expr, labels=labels, varSets=NULL,
#'  adjacencyMatrix=adjacencyMatrix1, numPermutations=1, print=TRUE, resultsFile=NULL,
#'   seed=NULL, min.vert=5, option=NULL)
#' @export
clusteringCoefficientVertexTest <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix, numPermutations=1000, options=NULL, BPPARAM=NULL) {
  lab<-levels(as.factor(labels)) # salva os fatores de labels em lab.
  if(any(lab=="-1")) lab<-lab[-which(lab=="-1")] # se houver o fator "-1" ele é retirado dos fatores.
  A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[labels==x,]))
  weighted <- NULL # Define o weighted como NULL, assim como na função original
  v<-vapply(A,FUN = function(x) sum(x==0) + sum(x==1) == length(x),FUN.VALUE = vector(length = 1))
  if(any(!v)) weighted <- TRUE
  if (!is.null(weighted)) { 
    n <- ncol(expr)
    s<-lapply(A, clusterCoef)
    result<-apply(s[-(nrow(s)),],1,function(x) abs(x-s[dim(s)[1],]))
  else output<-resVertexInt(A,expr,weighted,function(x){transitivity(x,type="local", isolates="zero")})
  if(is.null(BPPARAM)) results<-lapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
    if (!is.null(weighted)) { 
      n <- ncol(expr)
      s<-lapply(A, clusterCoef)
      res<-apply(s[seq_len(dim(s)[1]-1),],1,function(x) abs(x-s[dim(s)[1],]))
    else return(resVertexInt(A,expr,weighted,function(x){transitivity(x,type="local", isolates="zero")})[,1])})
  else results<-bplapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
    if (!is.null(weighted)) { 
      n <- ncol(expr)
      s<-lapply(A, clusterCoef)
      res<-apply(s[seq_len(dim(s)[1]-1),],1,function(x) abs(x-s[dim(s)[1],]))
    else return(resVertexInt(A,expr,weighted,function(x){transitivity(x,type="local", isolates="zero")})[,1])

#' Edge score equality test
#' @name edgeTest
#' @description Nodes scores equality test between network
#' @param expr Matrix of variables (columns) vs samples (rows)
#' @param labels a vector in which a position indicates the phenotype of the corresponding sample or state
#' @param adjacencyMatrix a function that returns the adjacency matrix for a given variables values matrix
#' @param numPermutations number of permutations that will be carried out in the permutation test
#' @param options argument non used in this function
#' @param BPPARAM An optional BiocParallelParam instance determining the parallel back-end to be used during evaluation, or a list of BiocParallelParam instances, to be applied in sequence for nested calls to BiocParallel functions. MulticoreParam()
#' @return A table, containing on the columns, the following informations for each variable (rows):
#' "Test Statistic" - difference among the degree centrality of a node in two or more networks associated with each phenotype
#' "Nominal p-value" - the Nominal p-value of the test
#' "Q-value" - the q-value of the test, correction of p-value by FDR to many tests
#' "Factor n" - the node degree centrality in each network compared
#' @examples 
#' set.seed(1)
#' expr <- as.data.frame(matrix(rnorm(120),40,30))
#' labels<-data.frame(code=rep(0:3,10),names=rep(c("A","B","C","D"),10))
#' adjacencyMatrix1 <- adjacencyMatrix(method="spearman", association="pvalue",
#'  threshold="fdr", thr.value=0.05, weighted=FALSE)
#' # The numPermutations number is 1 to do a faster example, but we advise to use unless 1000 permutations in real analysis

#' @rdname edgeTest
#' @examples 
#' # Edge betweenness centrality test
#' diffNetAnalysis(method=edgeBetweennessEdgeTest, varFile=expr, labels=labels, varSets=NULL,
#'  adjacencyMatrix=adjacencyMatrix1, numPermutations=1, print=TRUE, resultsFile=NULL,
#'   seed=NULL, min.vert=5, option=NULL)
#' @export
edgeBetweennessEdgeTest <- function(expr, labels, adjacencyMatrix, numPermutations=1000, options=NULL,BPPARAM=NULL) {
  lab<-levels(as.factor(labels)) # salva os fatores de labels em lab.
  if(any(lab=="-1")) lab<-lab[-which(lab=="-1")] # se houver o fator "-1" ele é retirado dos fatores.
  A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[labels==x,]))
  weighted <- NULL # Define o weighted como NULL, assim como na função original
  v<-vapply(A,FUN = function(x) sum(x==0) + sum(x==1) == length(x),FUN.VALUE = vector(length = 1))
  if(any(!v)) weighted <- TRUE
  if(is.null(BPPARAM)) results<-lapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))
  else results<-bplapply(seq_len(numPermutations),function(i){
    l <- sample(labels, replace = FALSE)
    A<-lapply(lab, function(x) adjacencyMatrix(expr[l==x,]))

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