
Defines functions .is.rank.useAsDefault

### =========================================================================
### The rank() generic
### -------------------------------------------------------------------------

### base::rank() doesn't have the ellipsis. We add it to the generic
### function defined below so methods can support additional arguments (e.g.
### the 'ignore.strand' argument for the method for GenomicRanges objects).

.is.rank.useAsDefault <- function(x, na.last=TRUE,
    ties.method=c("average", "first", "last", "random", "max", "min"), ...)
    base::rank(x, na.last=na.last, ties.method=ties.method, ...)

setGeneric("rank", signature="x",
    function(x, na.last=TRUE,
        ties.method=c("average", "first", "last", "random", "max", "min"), ...)

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BiocGenerics documentation built on April 17, 2021, 6:01 p.m.