CancerInSilico Version: 2.5.0

Bioc downloads Build Status

The CancerInSilico package provides an R interface for running mathematical models of tumor progresson. This package has the underlying models implemented in C++ and the output and analysis features implemented in R.

Installing CancerInSilico

CancerInSilico is a bioconductor R package (link) and so the release version can be installed as follows:


The most up-to-date version of CancerInSilico can be installed directly from the FertigLab Github Repository:


Using CancerInSilico

Follow the vignette here

Try the CancerInSilico package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

CancerInSilico documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:32 p.m.