
Defines functions findMotifsInPromoterSeqs

Documented in findMotifsInPromoterSeqs

#' Find occurence of input motifs in the promoter regions of the input gene
#' list
#' Find occurence of input motifs in the promoter regions of the input gene
#' list
#' This function outputs the motif occuring locations in the promoter regions
#' of input gene list and input motifs. It also can find paired motifs within
#' specificed gap threshold
#' @param patternFilePath1 File path containing a list of known motifs.
#' Required
#' @param patternFilePath2 File path containing a motif requried to be in the
#' flanking regions of the motif(s) in the first file, i.e, patternFilePath1.
#' Requried if findPairedMotif is set to TRUE
#' @param BSgenomeName A BSgenome object. For a list of existing Bsgenomes,
#' please refer use the function available.genomes in BSgenome package. For
#' example,BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38 is for hg38, BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19
#' is for hg19, BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10 is for mm10,
#' BSgenome.Celegans.UCSC.ce6 is for ce6 BSgenome.Rnorvegicus.UCSC.rn5 is for
#' rn5, BSgenome.Drerio.UCSC.danRer7 is for Zv9, and
#' BSgenome.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3 is for dm3. Required
#' @param findPairedMotif Find motifs in paired configuration only or not.
#' Default FALSE
#' @param txdb A TxDb object. For creating and using TxDb object, please refer
#' to GenomicFeatures package. For a list of existing TxDb object, please
#' search for annotation package starting with Txdb at
#' http://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/BiocViews.html#___AnnotationData,
#' such as TxDb.Rnorvegicus.UCSC.rn5.refGene for rat,
#' TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene for mouse,
#' TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene and TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene for
#' human, TxDb.Dmelanogaster.UCSC.dm3.ensGene for Drosophila and
#' TxDb.Celegans.UCSC.ce6.ensGene for C.elegans
#' @param geneIDs One or more gene entrez IDs. For example the entrez ID for
#' EWSIR is 2130 https://www.genecards.org/cgi-bin/carddisp.pl?gene=EWSR1 You
#' can use the addGeneIDs function in ChIPpeakAnno to convert other types of
#' Gene IDs to entrez ID
#' @param upstream Number of bases upstream of the TSS to search for the
#' motifs. Default 5000L
#' @param downstream Number of bases downstream of the TSS to search for the
#' motifs. Default 5000L
#' @param name.motif1 Name of the motif in inputfilePath2 for labeling the
#' output file column. Default motif1. used only when searching for motifs in
#' paired configuration
#' @param name.motif2 Name of the motif in inputfilePath2 for labeling the
#' output file column. Default motif2 used only when searching for motifs in
#' paired configuration
#' @param max.distance maximum required gap between a paired motifs to be
#' included in the output file. Default 100L
#' @param min.distance Minimum required gap between a paired motifs to be
#' included in the output file. Default 1L
#' @param motif.orientation Required relative oriention between paired motifs:
#' both means any orientation, motif1UpstreamOfMotif2 means motif1 needs to be
#' located on the upstream of motif2, and motif2UpstreamOfMoif1 means motif2
#' needs to be located on the upstream of motif1. Default both
#' @param ignore.strand Specify whether paired motifs should be located on the
#' same strand. Default FALSE
#' @param format The format of the files specified in inputFilePath1 and
#' inputFilePath2. Default fasta
#' @param skip Specify number of lines to skip at the beginning of the input
#' file. Default 0L
#' @param motif1LocForDistance Specify whether to use the start or end of the
#' motif1 location to calculate distance between paired motifs. Only applicable
#' when findPairedMotif is set to TRUE. Default end
#' @param motif2LocForDistance Specify whether to use the start or end of the
#' motif2 location to calculate distance between paired motifs. Only applicable
#' when findPairedMotif is set to TRUE. Default start
#' @param outfile File path to save the search results
#' @param append Specify whether to append the results to the specified output
#' file, i.e., outfile. Default FALSE
#' @return A vector of numeric. It is the background corrected log2-transformed
#' ratios, CPMRatios or OddRatios.
#' An object of GRanges with metadata "tx_start", "tx_end tx_strand", "tx_id",
#' "tx_name", "Gene ID", and motif specific information such as motif name,
#' motif found, motif strand etc.
#' @author Lihua Julie Zhu
#' @export
#' @importFrom GenomicFeatures transcriptsBy 
#' @importFrom S4Vectors mcols
#' @importFrom utils write.table
#' @examples
#' library("BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38")
#' library("TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene")
#' patternFilePath1 =system.file("extdata", "motifIRF4.fa", package="ChIPpeakAnno")
#' patternFilePath2 =system.file("extdata", "motifAP1.fa", package="ChIPpeakAnno")
#' pairedMotifs <- findMotifsInPromoterSeqs(patternFilePath1 = patternFilePath1,
#'    patternFilePath2 = patternFilePath2,
#'    findPairedMotif = TRUE,
#'    name.motif1 = "IRF4", name.motif2 = "AP1",
#'    BSgenomeName = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38,
#'    geneIDs = 7486, txdb = TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene,
#'    outfile = "testPaired.xls")
#' unPairedMotifs <- findMotifsInPromoterSeqs(patternFilePath1 = patternFilePath1,
#'     BSgenomeName = BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38,
#'    geneIDs = 7486, txdb = TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene,
#'    outfile = "testUnPaired.xls")
findMotifsInPromoterSeqs <-
           findPairedMotif = FALSE,
           upstream = 5000L,
           downstream = 5000L,
           name.motif1 = "motif1",
           name.motif2 = "motif2",
           max.distance = 100L, min.distance = 1L,
           motif.orientation = c("both", "motif1UpstreamOfMotif2", 
           ignore.strand = FALSE,
           format = "fasta",
           skip = 0L,
           motif1LocForDistance = "end",
           motif2LocForDistance = "start",
           outfile, append = FALSE)
    if (missing(patternFilePath1))
      stop("missing required parameter patternFilePath1!")
    if (missing(txdb) || !is(txdb, "TxDb"))
      stop("txdb is required as Txdb object!")
    if (missing(geneIDs))
      stop("geneIDs is required as Entrez IDs")
    motif.orientation <- match.arg(motif.orientation)
    tx <- transcriptsBy(txdb, by = "gene")
    tx <- tx[names(tx) %in% geneIDs]
    peaks <- promoters(tx, upstream = upstream, downstream = downstream)
    x1 <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_along(peaks),function(i) {
      thisPeak <- peaks[[i]]
      mcols(thisPeak)$gene_id = names(peaks)[i]
      summarizePatternInPeaks(patternFilePath = patternFilePath1, 
                              format = format,
                              skip = skip, 
                              BSgenomeName = BSgenomeName, 
                              peaks = thisPeak)
    colnames(x1)[2] = "start"
    colnames(x1)[3] = "end"
    colnames(x1)[9] <- "strand"
    colnames(x1)[11] <- "tx_start"
    colnames(x1)[12] <- "tx_end"
    colnames(x1)[14] <- "tx_strand"
    if (!findPairedMotif) {
      if (!missing(outfile))
        write.table(x1, file = outfile, sep ="\t", row.names = FALSE)
    else if(missing(patternFilePath2)) {
      stop("missing required parameter patternFilePath2!")
    else {
      x2 <- do.call(rbind, lapply(seq_along(peaks),function(i) {
        thisPeak <- peaks[[i]]
        mcols(thisPeak)$gene_id = names(peaks)[i]
        summarizePatternInPeaks(patternFilePath = patternFilePath2,
                                format = format,
                                skip = skip, 
                                BSgenomeName = BSgenomeName, 
                                peaks = thisPeak)
      colnames(x2)[2] = "start"
      colnames(x2)[3] = "end"
      colnames(x2)[9] <- "strand"
      colnames(x2)[11] <- "tx_start"
      colnames(x2)[12] <- "tx_end"
      colnames(x2)[14] <- "tx_strand"
      x1.gr <- toGRanges(x1)
      x2.gr <- toGRanges(x2)
      res <- annotatePeakInBatch(x1.gr, AnnotationData=x2.gr,
                                 PeakLocForDistance = motif1LocForDistance,
                                 FeatureLocForDistance = motif2LocForDistance,
                                 ignore.strand = ignore.strand)
      temp <- res[res$shortestDistance <= max.distance & 
                    res$shortestDistance >= min.distance,]
      if (motif.orientation == "motif1UpstreamMotif2" )
        temp <- temp[temp$insideFeature == "upstream",]
      if (motif.orientation == "motif1UpstreamMotif2" )
        temp <- temp[temp$insideFeature == "downstream",]
      temp <- as.data.frame(temp)
      m2 <- cbind(names(x2.gr), as.data.frame(x2.gr))
      colnames(m2)[1] <- "feature"
      m2 <- m2[, c(1:2, 7:8, 11)]
      colnames(m2)[3:5] <- paste(name.motif2, colnames(m2)[3:5])
      #m2$seqnames <- paste("chr", m2$seqnames, sep = "" )
      res <- merge(m2, temp, by = c("feature", "seqnames"))
      colnames(res)[6:14] <- paste(name.motif1, colnames(res)[6:14])
      res <- res[, -c(1, 21, 28)]
      colnames(res)[grep("insideFeature", colnames(res))] <- 
        paste(name.motif1, name.motif2, sep  =   "relatviePositionTo")
      colnames(res)[20:21] <- paste(name.motif2, colnames(res)[20:21])
      colnames(res)[22] <- paste(name.motif2, "strand", sep ="_")
      tem <- cbind(as.numeric(res[,5]), as.numeric(res[,6]), 
                   as.numeric(res[,20]), as.numeric(res[,21]))
      res2 <- cbind(seqnames = res[,1], compositMotifStart= rowMins(tem),
                    compositMotifEnd = rowMaxs(tem), res[, -1])
      res2 <- res2[, -grep("Offset", colnames(res2))]
      d.ind <- grep("distancetoFeature", colnames(res2))
      res2 <- cbind(res2[c(1:6, d.ind, 7:dim(res2)[2])])
      res2 <- res2[, -(d.ind +1)]
      colnames(res2)[grep("distancetoFeature", colnames(res2))] <- 
        paste(name.motif1, name.motif2, sep="distanceto")
      colnames(res2)[grep("feature_strand", colnames(res2))] <- 
        paste(name.motif2, "strand")
      strand.ind <- grep("strand", colnames(res2))[1:3]
      strand <- res2[, strand.ind[1]]
      strand2 <- res2[, strand.ind[3]]
      strand <- ifelse(strand == strand2, as.character(strand), "*")
      res2 <- cbind(res2[,1:3], strand = strand, res2[,4:dim(res2)[2]])
      if (!missing(outfile)) {
        write.table(res2, file = outfile, sep ="\t", row.names = FALSE)
      colnames(res2)[2:3] <- c("start", "end")

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ChIPpeakAnno documentation built on April 1, 2021, 6:01 p.m.