

## if you want to run it as a stand-alone app, you need to have a variable `ht_list` which
## contains the heatmap list or the single heatmap.

ui = fluidPage(
		tags$script(HTML(paste(readLines(system.file("app", "jquery-ui.js", package = "ComplexHeatmap"), warn = FALSE), collapse = "\n"))),

'$( function() {
	 stop: function( event, ui ) {
     start: function(event, ui) {
     	var mask = document.createElement("div");
     	mask.setAttribute("style", "position:absolute;top:0;background-color:rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5)");
     	mask.setAttribute("id", "mask");
     resize: function(event, ui) {

	 stop: function( event, ui ) {
     start: function(event, ui) {
     	var mask = document.createElement("div");
     	mask.setAttribute("style", "position:absolute;top:0;background-color:rgba(255, 255, 0, 0.5)");
     	mask.setAttribute("id", "mask2");
     resize: function(event, ui) {
		tags$style(paste(readLines(system.file("app", "jquery-ui.css", package = "ComplexHeatmap")), collapse = "\n")),
#heatmap_wrap, #sub_heatmap_wrap {
	margin-bottom: 10px;
#heatmap_wrap {
	margin-right: 10px;
#heatmap, #sub_heatmap {
	display: block;
    margin: auto;
    margin: auto;

	titlePanel("ComplexHeatmap Shiny App"),

	p("You can click or select an area from the heatmap. The original heatmap and the selected sub-heatmap can be resized by dragging from the bottom right. If the heatmap is too huge or you resize the heatmap too frequently, the heatmap might not be correctly updated. You can just need to slightly resize the heatmap again and wait for several seconds."),

		plotOutput("heatmap", height = 346, width = 396,
			        brush = "heatmap_brush",
			        click = "heatmap_click"
		style = "width:400px;height:350px;position:relative;border:1px solid grey;",
		id = "heatmap_wrap"
		plotOutput("sub_heatmap", height = 296, width = 296),
		style = "width:300px;height:300px;position:relative;;border:1px solid grey;",
		id = "sub_heatmap_wrap"
	div(style = "clear: both;"),

shiny_env = new.env()

server = function(input, output, session) {

	output$heatmap = renderPlot({
		width = session$clientData$output_heatmap_width
    	height = session$clientData$output_heatmap_height
    	showNotification("Making the original heatmap.", duration = 1, type = "message")

		shiny_env$ht_list = draw(ht_list)
		shiny_env$ht_pos = ht_pos_on_device(shiny_env$ht_list)
		message(qq("[@{Sys.time()}] make the original heatmap and calculate positions (device size: @{width}x@{height} px)."))

	# default
	output$sub_heatmap = renderPlot({
		grid.text("No area on the heatmap is selected.", 0.5, 0.5)

	output$click_info = renderUI({
		HTML("<pre>Not selected.</pre>")

	observeEvent(input$heatmap_brush, {
		output$sub_heatmap = renderPlot({
			width = session$clientData$output_sub_heatmap_width
    		height = session$clientData$output_sub_heatmap_height

    		if(is.null(input$heatmap_brush)) {
				grid.text("No area on the heatmap is selected.", 0.5, 0.5)
    		} else {
				showNotification("Making the selected sub-heatmap.", duration = 1, type = "message")

			  	lt = ComplexHeatmap:::get_pos_from_brush(input$heatmap_brush)
			  	pos1 = lt[[1]]
			  	pos2 = lt[[2]]
			    ht_list = shiny_env$ht_list
			    selected = selectArea(ht_list, mark = FALSE, pos1 = pos1, pos2 = pos2, verbose = FALSE, ht_pos = shiny_env$ht_pos)
			    shiny_env$selected = selected

			    if(is.null(selected)) {
					grid.text("Selected area should overlap to heatmap bodies", 0.5, 0.5)
			    } else {

			    	all_ht_name = unique(selected$heatmap)

			    	ht_select = NULL
		    		for(ht_name in all_ht_name) {
		    			selected_current = selected[selected$heatmap == ht_name, ]
		    			l1 = !duplicated(selected_current$row_slice)
		    			rlt = selected_current$row_index[l1]
		    			l2 = !duplicated(selected_current$column_slice)
		    			clt = selected_current$column_index[l2]

		    			ri = unlist(rlt)
		    			ci = unlist(clt)
		    			rs = rep(seq_along(rlt), times = sapply(rlt, length))
						cs = rep(seq_along(clt), times = sapply(clt, length))
						if(length(rlt) == 1) rs = NULL
						if(length(clt) == 1) cs = NULL

						ht_current_full = ht_list@ht_list[[ht_name]]
						m = ht_current_full@matrix
						subm = m[ri, ci, drop = FALSE]

						ht_current = Heatmap(subm,
							row_split = rs, column_split = cs,
					    	col = ht_current_full@matrix_color_mapping,
					    	show_heatmap_legend = FALSE,
					    	cluster_rows = FALSE, cluster_columns = FALSE,
							row_title = NULL, column_title = NULL,
							border = ht_current_full@matrix_param$border

						if(ht_list@direction == "horizontal") {
							ht_select = ht_select + ht_current
						} else {
							ht_select = ht_select %v% ht_current
				    message(qq("[@{Sys.time()}] make the sub-heatmap (device size: @{width}x@{height} px)."))

		output$click_info = renderUI({
			selected = shiny_env$selected
			if(is.null(selected)) {
					  "Selected area should overlap to heatmap bodies.",
					  sep = "\n"))
			} else {
				n_ht = length(unique(selected$heatmap))

				ht_list = shiny_env$ht_list
				if(ht_list@direction == "horizontal") {
					l1 = !duplicated(selected$row_slice)
					nr = length(unlist(selected$row_index[l1]))

					l2 = !duplicated(paste0(selected$heatmap, selected$column_slice))
					nc = length(unlist(selected$column_index[l2]))
				} else {
					l1 = !duplicated(paste0(selected$heatmap, selected$row_slice))
					nr = length(unlist(selected$row_index[l1]))

					l2 = !duplicated(selected$column_slice)
					nc = length(unlist(selected$column_index[l2]))

				selected_df =
				con = textConnection("dump_txt", "w")
				dump("selected_df", file = con)
				dump_txt = dump_txt[-1]
				dump_txt = paste(dump_txt, collapse = "\n")
					  qq("Selected over @{n_ht} heatmap@{ifelse(n_ht > 1, 's', '')} with @{nr} row@{ifelse(nr > 1, 's', '')} and @{nc} column@{ifelse(nc > 1, 's', '')}"),
					  "You can get the row and column indices by copying following code: ",
					  "<p><input id='show_code' type='button' value='show/hide code' /></p>",
					  "<pre id='code'>",
					  "$('#show_code').click(function(){ $('#code').toggle(); });",
					  sep = "\n"))

	observeEvent(input$heatmap_click, {
		output$click_info = renderUI({
			showNotification("Click on the heatmap.", duration = 1, type = "message")

			pos1 = ComplexHeatmap:::get_pos_from_click(input$heatmap_click)
		    ht_list = shiny_env$ht_list
		    pos = selectPosition(ht_list, mark = FALSE, pos = pos1, verbose = FALSE, ht_pos = shiny_env$ht_pos)
			if(is.null(pos)) {
					  "You did not select inside the heatmap.",
					  sep = "\n"))
			} else {
				ht_name = pos[1, "heatmap"]
				slice_name = pos[1, "slice"]
				row_index = pos[1, "row_index"][[1]]
			    column_index = pos[1, "column_index"][[1]]
			    m = ht_list@ht_list[[ht_name]]@matrix
			    v = m[row_index, column_index]
			    col = map_to_colors(ht_list@ht_list[[ht_name]]@matrix_color_mapping, v)
			    row_label = rownames(m)[row_index]
			    column_label = colnames(m)[column_index]
			    if(is.null(row_label)) {
			    	row_label = "NULL"
			    } else {
			    	# row_label = paste0("'", row_label, "'")
			    if(is.null(column_label)) {
			    	column_label = "NULL"
			    } else {
			    	# column_label = paste0("'", column_label, "'")

			    message(qq("[@{Sys.time()}] click on the heatmap @{slice_name}."))
					  qq("heatmap: @{ht_name}"),
					  qq("heatmap slice: @{slice_name}"),
					  qq("row index: @{row_index}"),
					  qq("row label: @{row_label}"),
					  qq("column index: @{column_index}"),
					  qq("column_label: @{column_label}"),
					  qq("value: @{v} <span style='background-color:@{col};width=10px;'>    </span>"),
					  sep = "\n"))

Try the ComplexHeatmap package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

ComplexHeatmap documentation built on Nov. 14, 2020, 2:01 a.m.