
Defines functions doubleCheckExistanceOfFilter doubleCheckExistanceOfParameter addReferencedObjectsToEnv objectNameToObject getObjectId addRectGateMinMax addCompensationRef isIdWrittenToXMLAlready addDebugMessage collectTransform createTransformIdentifier resolveTransformationReference shouldTransformationBeSkipped isNCNameChar filterIdtoXMLId addDimensionContents addDimensions addRatioGml1.5 addRatiotGml2 addLogtGml2 addLintGml2 addLogicletGml2 addHyperlogtGml2 addAsinhtGml1.5 addAsinhtGml2 addCompensation addGateWithParent addQuadGateNode addBooleanNotGateNode addBooleanOrGateNode addBooleanAndGateNode addEllipsoidGateNode addPolygonGateNode addRectangleGateNode addObjectToGatingML write.gatingML

# This file was copied from the flowUtils package on 5/6/2019.
# This represents the work of Josef Spidlen and the other flowUtils 
# authors who are also accordingly credited in the authors list for CytoML.
# Details:
# https://github.com/jspidlen/flowUtils/
# GitHub version: 1.35.8
# Bioconductor version: 1.49.0

## Code related to writing Gating-ML files ##

# NOTE: If somebody has the time, it may be nice to 
# rewrite this in an object-oriented fashion :-) 

# Write objects in the flowEnv environment to an Gating-ML 2.0 XML file.
# If file is NULL then output is written to standard output.
write.gatingML <- function(flowEnv, file = NULL)
    if(!is.null(file) && !is(file, "character")) 
        stop("A file has to be either NULL or a character string.", call. = FALSE)
    if(is.null(flowEnv) || !is.environment(flowEnv))
        stop("A flowEnv environment with objects to be saved is requred.", call. = FALSE)
    if(!is.null(file) && substr(file, nchar(file) - 3, nchar(file)) != ".xml")
        file <- paste(file, "xml", sep=".")
    flowEnv[['.debugMessages']] = c()

    namespaces <- c(
        "gating" = "http://www.isac-net.org/std/Gating-ML/v2.0/gating", 
        "xsi" = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance", 
        "transforms" = "http://www.isac-net.org/std/Gating-ML/v2.0/transformations", 
        "data-type" = "http://www.isac-net.org/std/Gating-ML/v2.0/datatypes")
    gatingMLNode = suppressWarnings(xmlTree("gating:Gating-ML", namespaces = namespaces, 
        attrs = c("xsi:schemaLocation" = "http://www.isac-net.org/std/Gating-ML/v2.0/gating http://flowcyt.sourceforge.net/gating/2.0/xsd/Gating-ML.v2.0.xsd http://www.isac-net.org/std/Gating-ML/v2.0/transformations http://flowcyt.sourceforge.net/gating/2.0/xsd/Transformations.v2.0.xsd http://www.isac-net.org/std/Gating-ML/v2.0/datatypes http://flowcyt.sourceforge.net/gating/2.0/xsd/DataTypes.v2.0.xsd")))

    gatingMLNode$addNode("data-type:custom_info", close = FALSE)
    gatingMLNode$addNode("info", "Gating-ML 2.0 export generated by R/flowCore/CytoML")
    gatingMLNode$addNode("R-version", sessionInfo()$R.version$version.string)
    gatingMLNode$addNode("flowCore-version", as.character(packageVersion("flowCore")))
    gatingMLNode$addNode("CytoML-version", as.character(packageVersion("CytoML")))
    gatingMLNode$addNode("XML-version", as.character(packageVersion("XML")))
    flowEnv[['.objectIDsWrittenToXMLOutput']] = list() # Use this list to collect XML Ids
    somethingUseful = FALSE
    for (x in ls(flowEnv)) {
	   object = objectNameToObject(x, flowEnv)
       if(is(object, "parameterFilter") || is(object, "singleParameterTransform") || is(object, "setOperationFilter"))
		   somethingUseful = TRUE
    if(!somethingUseful) warning("Nothing useful seems to be present in the environment; the output Gating-ML file may not be very useful.", call. = FALSE)

    # Go over everything and temporarily add transformations and argument gates to flowEnv
    # if they are not saved in flowEnv directly, but they are being used in other objects
    flowEnv[['.addedObjects']] = list() # List of object identifiers of objects that we have to temporarily add to flowEnv
    for (x in ls(flowEnv)) addReferencedObjectsToEnv(x, flowEnv) 
    flowEnv[['.singleParTransforms']] = new.env() # Use this env to collect transformations
    for (x in ls(flowEnv)) if(is(flowEnv[[x]], "singleParameterTransform")) collectTransform(x, flowEnv)
    # Transforms go first unless they can be skipped all together
    for (x in ls(flowEnv)) if(is(flowEnv[[x]], "transform"))
        if(!shouldTransformationBeSkipped(x, flowEnv)) addObjectToGatingML(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv)
    for (x in ls(flowEnv)) if(!is(flowEnv[[x]], "transform")) addObjectToGatingML(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv)
    if(!is.null(file)) sink(file = file)
    cat(saveXML(gatingMLNode$value(), encoding = "UTF-8"))
    if(!is.null(file)) sink()
    rm(list = ls(flowEnv[['.singleParTransforms']], all.names = TRUE), envir = flowEnv[['.singleParTransforms']])
    rm('.singleParTransforms', envir = flowEnv)
    rm(list = as.character(flowEnv[['.addedObjects']]), envir = flowEnv)
    rm('.addedObjects', envir = flowEnv)
    rm('.objectIDsWrittenToXMLOutput', envir = flowEnv) 

# Add the object x to the Gating-ML node
addObjectToGatingML <- function(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv, addParent = NULL, forceGateId = NULL)
    if(is(x, "character")) object = flowEnv[[x]]
    else object = x
        "rectangleGate" = addRectangleGateNode(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv, addParent, forceGateId),
        "polygonGate" = addPolygonGateNode(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv, addParent, forceGateId),
        "ellipsoidGate" = addEllipsoidGateNode(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv, addParent, forceGateId),
        "quadGate" = addQuadGateNode(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv, addParent, forceGateId),
        "intersectFilter" = addBooleanAndGateNode(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv, addParent, forceGateId),
        "unionFilter" = addBooleanOrGateNode(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv, addParent, forceGateId),
        "complementFilter" = addBooleanNotGateNode(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv, addParent, forceGateId),
        "subsetFilter" = addGateWithParent(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv),
        "compensation" = addCompensation(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv),
        "asinhtGml2" = addAsinhtGml2(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv),
        "hyperlogtGml2" = addHyperlogtGml2(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv),
        "lintGml2" = addLintGml2(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv),
        "logtGml2" = addLogtGml2(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv),
        "logicletGml2" = addLogicletGml2(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv),
        "ratiotGml2" = addRatiotGml2(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv),
        "ratio" = addRatioGml1.5(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv),
        "asinht" = addAsinhtGml1.5(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv),
        "compensatedParameter" = NA,
        "unitytransform" = NA,
        "numeric" = NA,
            errMessage <- paste("Class \'", class(object), "\' is not supported in Gating-ML 2.0 output.", sep="")
            if(is(object, "singleParameterTransform"))
                errMessage <- paste(errMessage, " Only Gating-ML 2.0 compatible transformations are supported by Gating-ML 2.0 output. Transformation \'", 
                    object@transformationId, "\' is not among those and cannot be included. Therefore, any gate referencing this transformation would be referencing a non-existent transformation in the Gating-ML output. Please correct the gates and transformations in your environment and try again.", sep="")
            if(is(object, "filter"))
                errMessage <- paste(errMessage, " Only Gating-ML 2.0 compatible gates are supported by Gating-ML 2.0 output. Filter \'", 
                  object@filterId, "\' is not among those and cannot be included. Please remove this filter and any references to it from the environment and try again.", sep="")
			stop(errMessage, call. = FALSE)    

# Add rectangle gate x to the Gating-ML node
addRectangleGateNode <- function(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv, addParent, forceGateId)
    gate = objectNameToObject(x, flowEnv)
    if(!is(gate, "rectangleGate")) stop(paste("Unexpected object insted of a rectangleGate - ", class(gate))) 
    addDebugMessage(paste("Working on rectangleGate ", gate@filterId, sep=""), flowEnv)
    myID = getObjectId(gate, forceGateId, flowEnv)
    if(isIdWrittenToXMLAlready(myID, flowEnv)) return(FALSE) 
    attrs = c("gating:id" = myID)
    if (!is.null(addParent)) attrs = c(attrs, "gating:parent_id" = filterIdtoXMLId(addParent, flowEnv))

    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:RectangleGate", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
    addDimensions(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv)
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </gating:RectangleGate>

# Add polygon gate x to the Gating-ML node
addPolygonGateNode <- function(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv, addParent, forceGateId)
    gate = objectNameToObject(x, flowEnv)
    if(!is(gate, "polygonGate")) stop(paste("Unexpected object insted of a polygonGate - ", class(gate))) 
    addDebugMessage(paste("Working on polygonGate ", gate@filterId, sep=""), flowEnv)
    myID = getObjectId(gate, forceGateId, flowEnv)
    if(isIdWrittenToXMLAlready(myID, flowEnv)) return(FALSE) 
    attrs = c("gating:id" = myID)
    if (!is.null(addParent)) attrs = c(attrs, "gating:parent_id" = filterIdtoXMLId(addParent, flowEnv))    

    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:PolygonGate", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
    addDimensions(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv)
    for (i in 1:length(gate@boundaries[,1]))
        gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:vertex", close = FALSE)
        # attrs = c("data-type:value" = gate@boundaries[i,1])
        attrs = c("data-type:value" = as.numeric(gate@boundaries[i,1]))
        gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:coordinate", attrs = attrs)
        # attrs = c("data-type:value" = gate@boundaries[i,2])
        attrs = c("data-type:value" = as.numeric(gate@boundaries[i,2]))
        gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:coordinate", attrs = attrs)
        gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </gating:vertex>
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </gating:PolygonGate>

# Add ellipse gate x to the Gating-ML node
addEllipsoidGateNode <- function(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv, addParent, forceGateId)
    gate = objectNameToObject(x, flowEnv)
    if(!is(gate, "ellipsoidGate")) stop(paste("Unexpected object insted of an ellipsoidGate - ", class(gate))) 
    addDebugMessage(paste("Working on ellipsoidGate ", gate@filterId, sep=""), flowEnv)
    myID = getObjectId(gate, forceGateId, flowEnv)
    if(isIdWrittenToXMLAlready(myID, flowEnv)) return(FALSE) 
    attrs = c("gating:id" = myID)
    if (!is.null(addParent)) attrs = c(attrs, "gating:parent_id" = filterIdtoXMLId(addParent, flowEnv))    

    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:EllipsoidGate", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
    addDimensions(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv)
    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:mean", close = FALSE)
    for (i in 1:length(gate@mean))
        attrs = c("data-type:value" = as.numeric(gate@mean[i]))
        gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:coordinate", attrs = attrs)
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </gating:mean>
    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:covarianceMatrix", close = FALSE)
    for (row in 1:length(gate@cov[,1]))
        gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:row", close = FALSE)
        for (column in 1:length(gate@cov[1,]))
            attrs = c("data-type:value" = gate@cov[row,column])
            gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:entry", attrs = attrs)
        gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </gating:row>
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </gating:covarianceMatrix>
    attrs = c("data-type:value" = gate@distance ^ 2)
    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:distanceSquare", attrs = attrs)
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </gating:EllipsoidGate>

# Add a Boolean AND gate x to the Gating-ML node
addBooleanAndGateNode <- function(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv, addParent, forceGateId)
    gate = objectNameToObject(x, flowEnv)
    if(!is(gate, "intersectFilter")) stop(paste("Unexpected object insted of an intersectFilter - ", class(gate))) 
    addDebugMessage(paste("Working on intersectFilter ", gate@filterId, sep=""), flowEnv)
    myID = getObjectId(gate, forceGateId, flowEnv)
    if(isIdWrittenToXMLAlready(myID, flowEnv)) return(FALSE) 
    attrs = c("gating:id" = myID)
    if (!is.null(addParent)) attrs = c(attrs, "gating:parent_id" = filterIdtoXMLId(addParent, flowEnv))    
    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:BooleanGate", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:and", close = FALSE)
    if(length(gate@filters) == 0) 
        stop("Boolean AND gates (intersectFilter) have to reference some arguments.", call. = FALSE)
    for (i in 1:length(gate@filters))
        attrs = c("gating:ref" = filterIdtoXMLId(gate@filters[[i]]@filterId, flowEnv))
        gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:gateReference", attrs = attrs)
    if(length(gate@filters)  == 1) 
        # If there was just one referenced filter than we add it twice
        # since and/or gates require at least two arguments in Gating-ML 2.0
        gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:gateReference", attrs = attrs)
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </gating:and>
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </gating:BooleanGate>    

# Add a Boolean OR gate x to the Gating-ML node
addBooleanOrGateNode <- function(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv, addParent, forceGateId)
    gate = objectNameToObject(x, flowEnv)
    if(!is(gate, "unionFilter")) stop(paste("Unexpected object insted of a unionFilter - ", class(gate))) 
    addDebugMessage(paste("Working on unionFilter ", gate@filterId, sep=""), flowEnv)
    myID = getObjectId(gate, forceGateId, flowEnv)
    if(isIdWrittenToXMLAlready(myID, flowEnv)) return(FALSE) 
    attrs = c("gating:id" = myID)
    if (!is.null(addParent)) attrs = c(attrs, "gating:parent_id" = filterIdtoXMLId(addParent, flowEnv))    
    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:BooleanGate", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:or", close = FALSE)
    if(length(gate@filters) == 0) 
        stop("Boolean OR gates (unionFilter) have to reference some arguments.", call. = FALSE)
    for (i in 1:length(gate@filters))
        attrs = c("gating:ref" = filterIdtoXMLId(gate@filters[[i]]@filterId, flowEnv))
        gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:gateReference", attrs = attrs)
    if(length(gate@filters)  == 1) 
        # If there was just one referenced filter than we add it twice
        # since and/or gates require at least two arguments in Gating-ML 2.0
        gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:gateReference", attrs = attrs)
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </gating:or>
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </gating:BooleanGate>    

# Add a Boolean NOT gate x to the Gating-ML node
addBooleanNotGateNode <- function(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv, addParent, forceGateId)
    gate = objectNameToObject(x, flowEnv)
    if(!is(gate, "complementFilter")) stop(paste("Unexpected object insted of a complementFilter - ", class(gate))) 
    addDebugMessage(paste("Working on complementFilter ", gate@filterId, sep=""), flowEnv)
    myID = getObjectId(gate, forceGateId, flowEnv)
    if(isIdWrittenToXMLAlready(myID, flowEnv)) return(FALSE) 
    attrs = c("gating:id" = myID)
    if (!is.null(addParent)) attrs = c(attrs, "gating:parent_id" = filterIdtoXMLId(addParent, flowEnv))    

    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:BooleanGate", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:not", close = FALSE)
    if(length(gate@filters)  == 1) 
        attrs = c("gating:ref" = filterIdtoXMLId(gate@filters[[1]]@filterId, flowEnv))
        gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:gateReference", attrs = attrs)
    } else stop("Boolean NOT gates (complementFilter) have to reference exactly one argument.", call. = FALSE)
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </gating:not>
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </gating:BooleanGate>    

# Add a Quadrant gate x to the Gating-ML node
addQuadGateNode <- function(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv, addParent, forceGateId)
    gate = objectNameToObject(x, flowEnv)
    if(!is(gate, "quadGate")) stop(paste("Unexpected object insted of a quadGate - ", class(gate))) 
    addDebugMessage(paste("Working on quadGate ", gate@filterId, sep=""), flowEnv)
    myID = getObjectId(gate, forceGateId, flowEnv)
    if(isIdWrittenToXMLAlready(myID, flowEnv)) return(FALSE) 
    attrs = c("gating:id" = myID)
    if (!is.null(addParent)) attrs = c(attrs, "gating:parent_id" = filterIdtoXMLId(addParent, flowEnv))    
    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:QuadrantGate", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
    addDimensions(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv, myID)
    attrs = c("gating:id" = paste(myID, ".PP", sep = ""))
    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:Quadrant", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
    attrs = c("gating:divider_ref" = paste(myID, ".D1", sep = ""))
    attrs = c(attrs, "gating:location" = as.character(gate@boundary[1] + 1))
    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:position", attrs = attrs)
    attrs = c("gating:divider_ref" = paste(myID, ".D2", sep = ""))
    attrs = c(attrs, "gating:location" = as.character(gate@boundary[2] + 1))
    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:position", attrs = attrs)
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </gating:Quadrant>
    attrs = c("gating:id" = paste(myID, ".PN", sep = ""))
    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:Quadrant", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
    attrs = c("gating:divider_ref" = paste(myID, ".D1", sep = ""))
    attrs = c(attrs, "gating:location" = as.character(gate@boundary[1] + 1))
    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:position", attrs = attrs)
    attrs = c("gating:divider_ref" = paste(myID, ".D2", sep = ""))
    attrs = c(attrs, "gating:location" = as.character(gate@boundary[2] - 1))
    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:position", attrs = attrs)
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </gating:Quadrant>
    attrs = c("gating:id" = paste(myID, ".NP", sep = ""))
    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:Quadrant", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
    attrs = c("gating:divider_ref" = paste(myID, ".D1", sep = ""))
    attrs = c(attrs, "gating:location" = as.character(gate@boundary[1] - 1))
    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:position", attrs = attrs)
    attrs = c("gating:divider_ref" = paste(myID, ".D2", sep = ""))
    attrs = c(attrs, "gating:location" = as.character(gate@boundary[2] + 1))
    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:position", attrs = attrs)
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </gating:Quadrant>
    attrs = c("gating:id" = paste(myID, ".NN", sep = ""))
    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:Quadrant", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
    attrs = c("gating:divider_ref" = paste(myID, ".D1", sep = ""))
    attrs = c(attrs, "gating:location" = as.character(gate@boundary[1] - 1))
    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:position", attrs = attrs)
    attrs = c("gating:divider_ref" = paste(myID, ".D2", sep = ""))
    attrs = c(attrs, "gating:location" = as.character(gate@boundary[2] - 1))
    gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:position", attrs = attrs)
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </gating:Quadrant>
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </gating:QuadrantGate>

# Add a subsetFilter gate named x to the the Gating-ML node
addGateWithParent <- function(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv)
    addDebugMessage(paste("Working on ", x, sep=""), flowEnv)
    gate = objectNameToObject(x, flowEnv)
    if (!is(gate, "subsetFilter")) stop(paste("Expected a subsetFilter to add a gate with a parent id, but found an object of class", class(gate)))
    if (length(gate@filters) == 2){
        newX = gate@filters[[1]]
        parent = gate@filters[[2]]
        if (is(parent, 'filterReference')) parentName = parent@name
        else parentName = parent@filterId
        addObjectToGatingML(gatingMLNode, newX, flowEnv, parentName, gate@filterId)    
    else stop(paste("Unexpected length of filters for class", class(gate)))

# Add a compensation named x to the the Gating-ML node
addCompensation <- function(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv)
    myComp = objectNameToObject(x, flowEnv)
    if(!is(myComp, "compensation")) stop(paste("Unexpected object insted of a compensation - ", class(myComp))) 
    addDebugMessage(paste("Working on compensation ", myComp@compensationId, sep=""), flowEnv)
    myID = getObjectId(myComp, NULL, flowEnv)
    if(isIdWrittenToXMLAlready(myID, flowEnv)) return(FALSE) 
    detectors <- colnames(myComp@spillover)
    if (is.null(detectors)) 
        stop(paste("Cannot export a spillover matrix without column names (", myComp@compensationId, ").", sep=""))
    fluorochromes <- rownames(myComp@spillover)
        if(nrow(myComp@spillover) != ncol(myComp@spillover)) 
            stop(paste("Cannot export a non-sqaure spillover (spectrum) matrix without row names (", myComp@compensationId, ").", sep=""))
            fluorochromes <- detectors
    attrs = c("transforms:id" = myID)
    gatingMLNode$addNode("transforms:spectrumMatrix", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
    gatingMLNode$addNode("transforms:fluorochromes", close = FALSE)
    for (fname in fluorochromes) 
        attrs = c("data-type:name" = fname)
        gatingMLNode$addNode("data-type:fcs-dimension", attrs = attrs)
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </transforms:fluorochromes>
    gatingMLNode$addNode("transforms:detectors", close = FALSE)
    for (dname in detectors) 
        attrs = c("data-type:name" = dname)
        gatingMLNode$addNode("data-type:fcs-dimension", attrs = attrs)
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </transforms:detectors>
    for (rowNo in 1:nrow(myComp@spillover))
        gatingMLNode$addNode("transforms:spectrum", close = FALSE)
        for (colNo in 1:ncol(myComp@spillover)) 
            # attrs = c("transforms:value" = myComp@spillover[rowNo,colNo])
            attrs = c("transforms:value" = as.vector(myComp@spillover[rowNo,colNo]))
            gatingMLNode$addNode("transforms:coefficient", attrs = attrs)
        gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </transforms:spectrum>
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </transforms:spectrumMatrix>

# Add an asinhtGml2 transformation named x to the the Gating-ML node
addAsinhtGml2 <- function(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv)
    myTrans = objectNameToObject(x, flowEnv)
    if(!is(myTrans, "asinhtGml2")) stop(paste("Unexpected object insted of asinhtGml2 - ", class(myTrans))) 
    addDebugMessage(paste("Working on asinhtGml2 ", myTrans@transformationId, sep=""), flowEnv)
    myID = getObjectId(myTrans, NULL, flowEnv)
    if(isIdWrittenToXMLAlready(myID, flowEnv)) return(FALSE) 
    attrs = c("transforms:id" = myID)
    if (is.finite(myTrans@boundMin)) attrs = append(attrs, c("transforms:boundMin" = myTrans@boundMin))
    if (is.finite(myTrans@boundMax)) attrs = append(attrs, c("transforms:boundMax" = myTrans@boundMax))
    gatingMLNode$addNode("transforms:transformation", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
    attrs = c("transforms:T" = myTrans@T, "transforms:M" = myTrans@M, "transforms:A" = myTrans@A)
    gatingMLNode$addNode("transforms:fasinh", attrs = attrs)
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </transforms:transformation>    

# Add an asinht transformation named x to the the Gating-ML node.
# Encode asinht from Gating-ML 1.5 compatible parameterization using Gating-ML 2.0
# compatible parameterization as follows:
# asinht (ASinH from Gating-ML 1.5) is defined as 
# f(x) = asinh(a*x)*b
# asinhtGml2 (fasinh from Gating-ML 2.0) is defined as:
# f(x) = (asinh(x*sinh(M*log(10))/T) + A*log(10)) / ((M+A)*log(10))
# Therefore, we will encode asinht as asinhtGml2 by stating
# A = 0
# M = 1 / (b * log(10))
# T = (sinh(1/b)) / a
# which will give us exactly the right transformation in the Gating-ML 2.0 
# compatible parameterization. Btw. log is natural logarithm, i.e., based e
addAsinhtGml1.5 <- function(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv)
    myTrans = objectNameToObject(x, flowEnv)
    if(!is(myTrans, "asinht")) stop(paste("Unexpected object insted of asinht - ", class(myTrans))) 
    addDebugMessage(paste("Working on asinht ", myTrans@transformationId, sep=""), flowEnv)

    myID = getObjectId(myTrans, NULL, flowEnv)
    if(isIdWrittenToXMLAlready(myID, flowEnv)) return(FALSE) 
    attrs = c("transforms:id" = myID)
    gatingMLNode$addNode("transforms:transformation", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
    A = 0
    M = 1 / (myTrans@b * log(10))
    T = (sinh(1/myTrans@b)) / myTrans@a
    attrs = c("transforms:T" = T, "transforms:M" = M, "transforms:A" = A)

    gatingMLNode$addNode("transforms:fasinh", attrs = attrs)
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </transforms:transformation>    

# Add a hyperlogtGml2 transformation named x to the the Gating-ML node
addHyperlogtGml2 <- function(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv)
    myTrans = objectNameToObject(x, flowEnv)
    if(!is(myTrans, "hyperlogtGml2")) stop(paste("Unexpected object insted of hyperlogtGml2 - ", class(myTrans))) 
    addDebugMessage(paste("Working on hyperlogtGml2 ", myTrans@transformationId, sep=""), flowEnv)
    myID = getObjectId(myTrans, NULL, flowEnv)
    if(isIdWrittenToXMLAlready(myID, flowEnv)) return(FALSE) 
    attrs = c("transforms:id" = myID)
    if (is.finite(myTrans@boundMin)) attrs = append(attrs, c("transforms:boundMin" = myTrans@boundMin))
    if (is.finite(myTrans@boundMax)) attrs = append(attrs, c("transforms:boundMax" = myTrans@boundMax))
    gatingMLNode$addNode("transforms:transformation", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
    attrs = c("transforms:T" = myTrans@T, "transforms:M" = myTrans@M, "transforms:W" = myTrans@W, "transforms:A" = myTrans@A)
    gatingMLNode$addNode("transforms:hyperlog", attrs = attrs)
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </transforms:transformation>    

# Add a logicletGml2 transformation named x to the the Gating-ML node
addLogicletGml2 <- function(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv)
    myTrans = objectNameToObject(x, flowEnv)
    if(!is(myTrans, "logicletGml2")) stop(paste("Unexpected object insted of logicletGml2 - ", class(myTrans))) 
    addDebugMessage(paste("Working on logicletGml2 ", myTrans@transformationId, sep=""), flowEnv)
    myID = getObjectId(myTrans, NULL, flowEnv)
    if(isIdWrittenToXMLAlready(myID, flowEnv)) return(FALSE) 
    attrs = c("transforms:id" = myID)
    if (is.finite(myTrans@boundMin)) attrs = append(attrs, c("transforms:boundMin" = myTrans@boundMin))
    if (is.finite(myTrans@boundMax)) attrs = append(attrs, c("transforms:boundMax" = myTrans@boundMax))
    gatingMLNode$addNode("transforms:transformation", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
    attrs = c("transforms:T" = myTrans@T, "transforms:M" = myTrans@M, "transforms:W" = myTrans@W, "transforms:A" = myTrans@A)
    gatingMLNode$addNode("transforms:logicle", attrs = attrs)
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </transforms:transformation>    

# Add a lintGml2 transformation named x to the the Gating-ML node
addLintGml2 <- function(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv)
    myTrans = objectNameToObject(x, flowEnv)
    if(!is(myTrans, "lintGml2")) stop(paste("Unexpected object insted of lintGml2 - ", class(myTrans))) 
    addDebugMessage(paste("Working on lintGml2 ", myTrans@transformationId, sep=""), flowEnv)
    myID = getObjectId(myTrans, NULL, flowEnv)
    if(isIdWrittenToXMLAlready(myID, flowEnv)) return(FALSE) 
    attrs = c("transforms:id" = myID)
    if (is.finite(myTrans@boundMin)) attrs = append(attrs, c("transforms:boundMin" = myTrans@boundMin))
    if (is.finite(myTrans@boundMax)) attrs = append(attrs, c("transforms:boundMax" = myTrans@boundMax))
    gatingMLNode$addNode("transforms:transformation", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
    attrs = c("transforms:T" = myTrans@T, "transforms:A" = myTrans@A)
    gatingMLNode$addNode("transforms:flin", attrs = attrs)
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </transforms:transformation>    

# Add a logtGml2 transformation named x to the the Gating-ML node
addLogtGml2 <- function(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv)
    myTrans = objectNameToObject(x, flowEnv)
    if(!is(myTrans, "logtGml2")) stop(paste("Unexpected object insted of logtGml2 - ", class(myTrans))) 
    addDebugMessage(paste("Working on logtGml2 ", myTrans@transformationId, sep=""), flowEnv)
    myID = getObjectId(myTrans, NULL, flowEnv)
    if(isIdWrittenToXMLAlready(myID, flowEnv)) return(FALSE) 
    attrs = c("transforms:id" = myID)
    if (is.finite(myTrans@boundMin)) attrs = append(attrs, c("transforms:boundMin" = myTrans@boundMin))
    if (is.finite(myTrans@boundMax)) attrs = append(attrs, c("transforms:boundMax" = myTrans@boundMax))
    gatingMLNode$addNode("transforms:transformation", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
    attrs = c("transforms:T" = myTrans@T, "transforms:M" = myTrans@M)
    gatingMLNode$addNode("transforms:flog", attrs = attrs)
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </transforms:transformation>    

# Add a ratiotGml2 transformation named x to the the Gating-ML node
addRatiotGml2 <- function(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv)
    myTrans = objectNameToObject(x, flowEnv)
    if(!is(myTrans, "ratiotGml2")) stop(paste("Unexpected object insted of ratiotGml2 - ", class(myTrans))) 
    addDebugMessage(paste("Working on ratiotGml2 ", myTrans@transformationId, sep=""), flowEnv)
    myID = getObjectId(myTrans, NULL, flowEnv)
    if(isIdWrittenToXMLAlready(myID, flowEnv)) return(FALSE) 
    attrs = c("transforms:id" = myID)
    if (is.finite(myTrans@boundMin)) attrs = append(attrs, c("transforms:boundMin" = myTrans@boundMin))
    if (is.finite(myTrans@boundMax)) attrs = append(attrs, c("transforms:boundMax" = myTrans@boundMax))
    gatingMLNode$addNode("transforms:transformation", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
    attrs = c("transforms:A" = myTrans@pA, "transforms:B" = myTrans@pB, "transforms:C" = myTrans@pC)
    gatingMLNode$addNode("transforms:fratio", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
    addDimensionContents(gatingMLNode, myTrans@numerator, flowEnv)
    addDimensionContents(gatingMLNode, myTrans@denominator, flowEnv)
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </transforms:fratio>
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </transforms:transformation>    

# Add a ratio transformation (from Gating-ML 1.5) named x 
# to the the Gating-ML node. This will be translated to how "fratio" of Gating-ML 2.0
# (When we set A = 1, B = 0, C = 0 then ratio of Gating-ML 1.5 == fratio of Gating-ML 2.0)
addRatioGml1.5 <- function(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv)
    myTrans = objectNameToObject(x, flowEnv)
    if(!is(myTrans, "ratio")) stop(paste("Unexpected object insted of ratio - ", class(myTrans))) 
    addDebugMessage(paste("Working on ratio ", myTrans@transformationId, sep=""), flowEnv)
    myID = getObjectId(myTrans, NULL, flowEnv)
    if(isIdWrittenToXMLAlready(myID, flowEnv)) return(FALSE) 
    attrs = c("transforms:id" = myID)
    gatingMLNode$addNode("transforms:transformation", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
    attrs = c("transforms:A" = "1", "transforms:B" = "0", "transforms:C" = "0")
    gatingMLNode$addNode("transforms:fratio", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
    addDimensionContents(gatingMLNode, myTrans@numerator, flowEnv)
    addDimensionContents(gatingMLNode, myTrans@denominator, flowEnv)
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </transforms:fratio>
    gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </transforms:transformation>    

# Add a Gating-ML dimension to a Gating-ML node
addDimensions <- function(gatingMLNode, x, flowEnv, quadGateDividerIdBasedName = NULL)
    gate = objectNameToObject(x, flowEnv)
    for (i in 1:length(gate@parameters))
        attrs = c()
        parameter = gate@parameters[[i]]

        if (is(gate, "rectangleGate"))
            min = gate@min[[i]]
            max = gate@max[[i]]
            if(min != -Inf) attrs = c(attrs, "gating:min" = min)
            if(max != Inf) attrs = c(attrs, "gating:max" = max)

        if(is(parameter, "transformReference")) parameter = resolveTransformationReference(parameter)
        if(is(parameter, "unitytransform")) attrs = c(attrs, "gating:compensation-ref" = "uncompensated")
        else if(is(parameter, "singleParameterTransform"))
            attrs = c(attrs, "gating:transformation-ref" = filterIdtoXMLId(parameter@transformationId, flowEnv))
            parameter = parameter@parameters
            if(is(parameter, "transformReference")) parameter = resolveTransformationReference(parameter)
            if(is(parameter, "unitytransform")) attrs = c(attrs, "gating:compensation-ref" = "uncompensated")
            else if(is(parameter, "compensatedParameter")) attrs = addCompensationRef(attrs, parameter, flowEnv)
            else if(is(parameter, "ratiotGml2") || is(parameter, "ratio")) attrs = addCompensationRef(attrs, parameter@numerator, flowEnv)
            else stop(paste("Unexpected parameter class ", class(parameter), ", compound transformations are not supported in Gating-ML 2.0.", sep=""))
        else if(is(parameter, "compensatedParameter")) attrs = addCompensationRef(attrs, parameter, flowEnv)
        else if(is(parameter, "ratiotGml2") || is(parameter, "ratio")) attrs = addCompensationRef(attrs, parameter@numerator, flowEnv)
        else stop(paste("Unexpected parameter class", class(parameter), "- not supported in Gating-ML 2.0 output)."))
        if(is(gate, "quadGate")) 
            attrs = c(attrs, "gating:id" = paste(quadGateDividerIdBasedName, ".D", i, sep = ""))
            gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:divider", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
        else gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:dimension", attrs = attrs, close = FALSE)
        addDimensionContents(gatingMLNode, parameter, flowEnv)
        if (is(gate, "quadGate")) gatingMLNode$addNode("gating:value", as.character(gate@boundary[i]))
        gatingMLNode$closeTag() # </gating:dimension> or </gating:divider>

# Add the contents of a Gating-ML dimension to a Gating-ML node
addDimensionContents <- function(gatingMLNode, parameter, flowEnv)
    newDimension = FALSE
    if(is(parameter, "compensatedParameter")) 
        if (parameter@spillRefId == "SpillFromFCS") 
            attrs = c("data-type:name" = parameter@parameters)
            attrs = c("data-type:name" = parameter@transformationId)
    else if(is(parameter, "unitytransform")) attrs = c("data-type:name" = parameter@parameters)
    else if(is(parameter, "character")) attrs = c("data-type:name" = parameter)
    else if(is(parameter, "ratiotGml2") || is(parameter, "ratio")) {
        attrs = c("data-type:transformation-ref" = parameter@transformationId)
        newDimension = TRUE
    else stop(paste("Unrecognized parameter type, class ", class(parameter), ". Note that compound transformations are not supported in Gating-ML 2.0.", sep=""))
        gatingMLNode$addNode("data-type:new-dimension", attrs = attrs)
        gatingMLNode$addNode("data-type:fcs-dimension", attrs = attrs)

# This converts the identifier to an XML safe identifier and also,
# if it is a singleParameterTransform and we have a different 
# 'representative' transform for those (saved in flowEnv[['.singleParTransforms']])
# then the identifier of the representative is used instead.
filterIdtoXMLId <- function(x, flowEnv)
    if(!(is.character(x))) stop(paste("Object of class", class(x), "cannot be converted to an XML identifier."))
    if(length(x) <= 0) stop(paste("An empty string cannot be converted to an XML identifier."))
    # First, if it is a singleParameterTransform then check for a representative and use it instead eventually
    trEnv = flowEnv[['.singleParTransforms']]
    trans = flowEnv[[x]]
    if(!is.null(trEnv) && !is.null(trans) && is(trans, "singleParameterTransform"))
        key = createTransformIdentifier(trans)
        if (!is.null(trEnv[[key]])) x = trEnv[[key]]        
    # Now make it a safe XML identifier
    # 1) Put an underscore prefix if it starts with a number 
    if(substr(x, 1, 1) >= "0" && substr(x, 1, 1) <= "9") x = paste("_", x, sep="")
    # 2) Replace 'strange characters with '.'
    for(i in 1:nchar(x)) {
        if(!isNCNameChar(substr(x, i, i))) x <- paste(substr(x, 0, i - 1), '.', substr(x, i + 1, nchar(x)), sep= "")

# Return true if you are sure that the character is safe to be placed in
# an XML identifier.
isNCNameChar <- function(char)
    # Based on the ASCII table and XML NCName syntax
    asciiValue = as.numeric(charToRaw(char))
    if(asciiValue < 45) return(FALSE) 
    if(asciiValue == 47) return(FALSE)
    if(asciiValue >= 58 && asciiValue <= 64) return(FALSE)
    if(asciiValue >= 91 && asciiValue <= 94) return(FALSE)
    if(asciiValue == 96) return(FALSE)
    if(asciiValue >= 123) return(FALSE)

# Returns TRUE if and only if x is a singleParameterTransform
# and there is another equivalent singleParameterTransform
# in flowEnv that is the chosen representative among all
# equivalent transforms. This is used to merge transforms
# for Gating-ML 2.0 output since in Gating-ML 2.0, the same
# transformation is applicable to many FCS parameters. For us,
# the transformation with the shortest identifier is the chosen
# representative. This function requires the flowEnv[['.singleParTransforms']]
# to be set by calling the collectTransform function on all available
# transforms before shouldTransformationBeSkipped can be used.
shouldTransformationBeSkipped <- function(x, flowEnv)
    trEnv = flowEnv[['.singleParTransforms']]
    trans = flowEnv[[x]]
    if(!is.null(trEnv) && !is.null(trans) && is(trans, "singleParameterTransform"))
        key = createTransformIdentifier(trans)
        if (!is.null(trEnv[[key]])){
            if (x == trEnv[[key]]) FALSE
            else TRUE
        } else FALSE
    } else FALSE

# Resolve transformation reference, return the transformation that the
# reference is pointing to.
resolveTransformationReference <- function(trRef)
    if(!is(trRef, "transformReference")) 
        stop(paste("Cannot call resolveTransformationReference on", class(trRef)))
    if(exists(trRef@transformationId, envir=trRef@searchEnv, inherits=FALSE))
        stop(paste("Cannot find", trRef@transformationId, "in the environment."))

# This will create an identifier of a singleParameterTransform that
# is based on the class and slot values, such as T, M, W, A, etc. as applicable
# for the various single parameter transformations. We will use this to 
# merge "the same transformations" applied to different FCS parameter into a single
# transformation in the Gating-ML 2.0 output.
createTransformIdentifier <- function(trans)
    name <- class(trans)
    for (slotName in slotNames(trans))
        if(slotName != ".Data" && slotName != "parameters" && slotName != "transformationId")
            slotValue = slot(trans, slotName)
            if(is(slotValue, "numeric") || is(slotValue, "character"))
                name <- paste(name, slotName, slot(trans, slotName), sep = "_")

# The flowEnv[['.singleParTransforms']] environment will serve as a hashmap
# with keys based on values returned by createTransformIdentifier and
# values being the shortest transformationId value of all the transformations
# matching that key. That way, we can merge all these transformations into
# a single one in Gating-ML.
collectTransform <- function(x, flowEnv)
    trEnv = flowEnv[['.singleParTransforms']]
    trans = flowEnv[[x]]
    key = createTransformIdentifier(trans)
    if (is.null(trEnv[[key]]) || length(trEnv[[key]]) > trans@transformationId) trEnv[[key]] = trans@transformationId   

# Add a debug message to out list of debug messages in flowEnv[['.debugMessages']]
addDebugMessage <- function(msg, flowEnv)
    flowEnv[['.debugMessages']] = c(flowEnv[['.debugMessages']], msg)

# Return TRUE of the provided id has been checked (and supposedly written)
# before. Otherwise, add the id to the list in flowEnv[['.objectIDsWrittenToXMLOutput']]
# and retusn FALSE. This function is used to prevent writing multiple objects
# with the same ID to the Gating-ML output in case a gate or transformation
# with the same ID is stored several times in the flowEnv.
isIdWrittenToXMLAlready <- function(id, flowEnv)
    idsList = flowEnv[['.objectIDsWrittenToXMLOutput']]
    if (is.null(idsList[[id]])) {
        idsList[[id]] = TRUE
        flowEnv[['.objectIDsWrittenToXMLOutput']] = idsList 
    } else {
        addDebugMessage(paste("ID", id, "should be in the Gating-ML file already."), flowEnv)

# Add an appropriate gating:compensation-ref attribute to the passed attrs
addCompensationRef <- function(attrs, parameter, flowEnv)
    if(is(parameter, "unitytransform")) attrs = c(attrs, "gating:compensation-ref" = "uncompensated")
    else if(is(parameter, "compensatedParameter")) 
        if (parameter@spillRefId != "SpillFromFCS")
            attrs = c(attrs, "gating:compensation-ref" = filterIdtoXMLId(parameter@spillRefId, flowEnv))
            attrs = c(attrs, "gating:compensation-ref" = "FCS")
    else stop(paste("Unexpected parameter class", class(parameter)))

# Add to attrs the gating:min and/or gating:max attributes 
# based on dimension number i of a rectangle gate gate.
addRectGateMinMax <- function(attrs, gate, i)
    if (is(gate, "rectangleGate"))
        min = gate@min[[i]]
        max = gate@max[[i]]
        if(min != -Inf) attrs = c(attrs, "gating:min" = min)
        if(max != Inf) attrs = c(attrs, "gating:max" = max)
    } else stop(paste("Unexpected gate class", class(gate), "- expected a rectangleGate."))


# Get the XML compliant identifier of an object. This only works for object of type
# "filter", "transform" or "compensation". The filterIdtoXMLId function is incorporated,
# which includes the use of representative singleParameterTransforms instead of a different
# transform whenever it is applied to a different FCS parameter.
getObjectId <- function(object, forceGateId, flowEnv)
    if (is(object, "filter")) {
        if (is.null(forceGateId)) myID = filterIdtoXMLId(object@filterId, flowEnv)
        else myID = filterIdtoXMLId(forceGateId, flowEnv)    
    } else if (is(object, "transform")) {
        if (is.null(forceGateId)) myID = filterIdtoXMLId(object@transformationId, flowEnv)
        else myID = filterIdtoXMLId(forceGateId, flowEnv)
    } else if (is(object, "compensation")) {
        if (is.null(forceGateId)) myID = filterIdtoXMLId(object@compensationId, flowEnv)
        else myID = filterIdtoXMLId(forceGateId, flowEnv)
    else stop(paste("Unexpected object to get id from, class", class(object)))

# If x is character then return flowEnv[[x]], otherwise return x
objectNameToObject <- function(x, flowEnv) 
    if(is(x, "character")) flowEnv[[x]]
    else x

# Check object named x in flowEnv and make sure
# flowEnv contains objects referenced from x, such as parameter
# transformations used in x. If objects are missing then
# add them to flowEnv and keep track of what has been
# added in the flowEnv[['.addedObjects']] list so that it can be
# removed at the end of the write.gatingML function. 
addReferencedObjectsToEnv <- function(x, flowEnv) 
    object = objectNameToObject(x, flowEnv)
    if(is(object, "parameterFilter")) 
        for(par in object@parameters) doubleCheckExistanceOfParameter(par, flowEnv)
    else if (is(object, "singleParameterTransform")) 
        doubleCheckExistanceOfParameter(object@parameters, flowEnv)
    else if (is(object, "setOperationFilter"))
        for(filt in object@filters) doubleCheckExistanceOfFilter(filt, flowEnv)

# If par is a transform then check whether it exists in the flowEnv environment, 
# and if it doesn't then add it there and make a note of it in flowEnv[['.addedObjects']]
doubleCheckExistanceOfParameter <- function(par, flowEnv)
    if(is(par, "transform")) 
        if(!is.null(par@transformationId) && par@transformationId != "" && !exists(par@transformationId, envir=flowEnv, inherits=FALSE)) 
            flowEnv[[par@transformationId]] <- par
            flowEnv[['.addedObjects']][[par@transformationId]] <- par@transformationId
            addReferencedObjectsToEnv(par@transformationId, flowEnv)

# If filt is a concreteFilter then check whether it exists in the flowEnv environment, 
# and if it doesn't then add it there and make a note of it in flowEnv[['.addedObjects']]
doubleCheckExistanceOfFilter <- function(filt, flowEnv)
    if(is(filt, "concreteFilter")) 
        if(!is.null(filt@filterId) && filt@filterId != "" && !exists(filt@filterId, envir=flowEnv, inherits=FALSE)) 
            flowEnv[[filt@filterId]] <- filt
            flowEnv[['.addedObjects']][[filt@filterId]] <- filt@filterId
            addReferencedObjectsToEnv(filt@filterId, flowEnv)


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