Sc.phenomat: Design of the Saccharomyces Cerevisiae wild-type DTA...

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The phenotype matrix Sc.phenomat contains information about the experimental design. It is comprised of the filename, the type of RNA fraction measured (T, U or L), the labeling time and the replicate number.




The phenomat is a matrix comprised of the file name, the type of RNA fraction mesasured (T, U or L, fraction column), the labeling time (time,timeframe column) and the replicate number (nr column). Rows in this matrix represent the individual experiments.


C. Miller, B. Schwalb, K. Maier, D. Schulz, S. Duemcke, B. Zacher, A. Mayer, J. Sydow, L. Marcinowski, L. Doelken, D. E. Martin, A. Tresch, and P. Cramer. Dynamic transcriptome analysis measures rates of mRNA synthesis and decay in yeast. Mol Syst Biol, 7:458, 2011.

DTA documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:22 p.m.