
Defines functions receive_frequency_matrix load_frequency_matrix permute_and_calc_ts permuted_pvalues calc_qvalues calc_twosample_ts detect_differentially_abundant_feaTRUEs

# ***********************************************************************
# ***********************************************************************
# Last modified: 4/14/2009 Author: james robert white,
# whitej@umd.edu, Center for Bioinformatics and Computational
# Biology.  University of Maryland - College Park, MD 20740
# This software is designed to identify differentially
# abundant feaTRUEs between two groups Input is a matrix of
# frequency data. Several thresholding options are avaiLabel.
# See documentation for details.
# ************************************************************************
# ***********************************************************************
# **********************************************************************
# detect_differentially_abundant_feaTRUEs: the major function
# - inputs an R object 'jobj' containing a list of feaTRUE
# names and the corresponding frequency matrix, the argument
# g is the first column of the second group.  -> set the
# pflag to be TRUE or FALSE to threshold by p or q values,
# respectively -> threshold is the significance level to
# reject hypotheses by.  -> B is the number of bootstrapping
# permutations to use in estimating the null t-stat
# distribution.
# ***********************************************************************
# *******************************************************************
detect_differentially_abundant_feaTRUEs <- function(jobj, g, 
    output, pflag = NULL, threshold = NULL, B = NULL) {
    # *************************************************************
    # ************************ INITIALIZE COMMAND-LINE
    # ******************************** ************************
    # PARAMETERS ********************************
    # *******************************************************
    qflag = FALSE
    if (is.null(B)) {
        B = 1000
    if (is.null(threshold)) {
        threshold = 0.05
    if (is.null(pflag)) {
        pflag = TRUE
        qflag = FALSE
    if (pflag == TRUE) {
        qflag = FALSE
    if (pflag == FALSE) {
        qflag = TRUE
    # **********************************************************
    # ************************ INITIALIZE PARAMETERS
    # ********************************
    # ********************************************************
    # *************************************
    Fmatrix <- jobj$matrix
    # the feaTRUE abundance matrix
    taxa <- jobj$taxa
    # the taxa/(feaTRUE) labels of the TAM
    nrows = nrow(Fmatrix)
    ncols = ncol(Fmatrix)
    Pmatrix <- array(0, dim = c(nrows, ncols))
    # the relative proportion matrix
    C1 <- array(0, dim = c(nrows, 3))
    # statistic profiles for class1 and class 2
    C2 <- array(0, dim = c(nrows, 3))
    # mean[1], variance[2], standard error[3]
    T_statistics <- array(0, dim = c(nrows, 1))
    # a place to store the true t-statistics
    pvalues <- array(0, dim = c(nrows, 1))
    # place to store pvalues
    qvalues <- array(0, dim = c(nrows, 1))
    # stores qvalues *************************************
    # ************************************* convert to
    # proportions generate Pmatrix
    # *************************************
    totals <- array(0, dim = c(ncol(Fmatrix)))
    for (i in 1:ncol(Fmatrix)) {
        # sum the ith column
        totals[i] = sum(Fmatrix[, i])
    for (i in 1:ncols) {
        for (j in 1:nrows) {
            Pmatrix[j, i] = Fmatrix[j, i]/totals[i]
    # *************************************************************
    # ************************** STATISTICAL TESTING
    # ********************************
    # **********************************************************
    if (ncols == 2) {
        # then we have a two sample comparison
        # ************************************************************
        # generate p values using chisquared or fisher's exact test
        # ************************************************************
        for (i in 1:nrows) {
            # for each feaTRUE
            f11 = sum(Fmatrix[i, 1])
            f12 = sum(Fmatrix[i, 2])
            f21 = totals[1] - f11
            f22 = totals[2] - f12
            C1[i, 1] = f11/totals[1]
            # proportion estimate
            C1[i, 2] = (C1[i, 1] * (1 - C1[i, 1]))/(totals[1] - 
            # sample variance
            C1[i, 3] = sqrt(C1[i, 2])
            # sample standard error
            C2[i, 1] = f12/totals[2]
            C2[i, 2] = (C2[i, 1] * (1 - C2[i, 1]))/(totals[2] - 
            C2[i, 3] = sqrt(C2[i, 2])
            # f11 f12
            # f21 f22 <- contigency table format
            contingencytable <- array(0, dim = c(2, 2))
            contingencytable[1, 1] = f11
            contingencytable[1, 2] = f12
            contingencytable[2, 1] = f21
            contingencytable[2, 2] = f22
            if (f11 > 20 && f22 > 20) {
                csqt <- chisq.test(contingencytable)
                pvalues[i] = csqt$p.value
            } else {
                ft <- fisher.test(contingencytable, workspace = 8e+06, 
                  alternative = "two.sided", conf.int = FALSE)
                pvalues[i] = ft$p.value
        # *************************************
        # calculate q values from p values
        # *************************************
        qvalues <- calc_qvalues(pvalues)
    } else {
        # we have multiple subjects per population
        # *************************************
        # generate statistics mean, var, stderr
        # *************************************
        for (i in 1:nrows) {
            # for each taxa
            # find the mean of each group
            C1[i, 1] = mean(Pmatrix[i, 1:g - 1])
            C1[i, 2] = var(Pmatrix[i, 1:g - 1])
            # variance
            C1[i, 3] = C1[i, 2]/(g - 1)
            # std err^2 (will change to std err at end)
            C2[i, 1] = mean(Pmatrix[i, g:ncols])
            C2[i, 2] = var(Pmatrix[i, g:ncols])
            # variance
            C2[i, 3] = C2[i, 2]/(ncols - g + 1)
            # std err^2 (will change to std err at end)
        # *************************************
        # two sample t-statistics
        # *************************************
        for (i in 1:nrows) {
            # for each taxa
            xbar_diff = C1[i, 1] - C2[i, 1]
            denom = sqrt(C1[i, 3] + C2[i, 3])
            T_statistics[i] = xbar_diff/denom
            # calculate two sample t-statistic
        # *************************************
        # generate initial permuted p-values
        # *************************************
        pvalues <- permuted_pvalues(Pmatrix, T_statistics, B, 
            g, Fmatrix)
        # *************************************
        # generate p values for sparse data
        # using fisher's exact test
        # *************************************
        for (i in 1:nrows) {
            # for each taxa
            if (sum(Fmatrix[i, 1:(g - 1)]) < (g - 1) && sum(Fmatrix[i, 
                g:ncols]) < (ncols - g + 1)) {
                # then this is a candidate for fisher's exact test
                f11 = sum(Fmatrix[i, 1:(g - 1)])
                f12 = sum(Fmatrix[i, g:ncols])
                f21 = sum(totals[1:(g - 1)]) - f11
                f22 = sum(totals[g:ncols]) - f12
                # f11 f12
                # f21 f22 <- contigency table format
                contingencytable <- array(0, dim = c(2, 2))
                contingencytable[1, 1] = f11
                contingencytable[1, 2] = f12
                contingencytable[2, 1] = f21
                contingencytable[2, 2] = f22
                ft <- fisher.test(contingencytable, workspace = 8e+06, 
                  alternative = "two.sided", conf.int = FALSE)
                pvalues[i] = ft$p.value
        # *************************************
        # calculate q values from p values
        # *************************************
        qvalues <- calc_qvalues(pvalues)
        # *************************************
        # convert stderr^2 to std error
        # *************************************
        for (i in 1:nrows) {
            C1[i, 3] = sqrt(C1[i, 3])
            C2[i, 3] = sqrt(C2[i, 3])
    # ************************************* threshold sigvalues
    # and print *************************************
    sigvalues <- array(0, dim = c(nrows, 1))
    if (pflag == TRUE) {
        # which are you thresholding by?
        sigvalues <- pvalues
    } else {
        sigvalues <- qvalues
    s = sum(sigvalues <= threshold)
    Differential_matrix <- array(0, dim = c(s, 9))
    dex = 1
    for (i in 1:nrows) {
        if (sigvalues[i] <= threshold) {
            Differential_matrix[dex, 1] = jobj$taxa[i]
            Differential_matrix[dex, 2:4] = C1[i, ]
            Differential_matrix[dex, 5:7] = C2[i, ]
            Differential_matrix[dex, 8] = pvalues[i]
            Differential_matrix[dex, 9] = qvalues[i]
            dex = dex + 1
    # show(Differential_matrix);
    Total_matrix <- array(0, dim = c(nrows, 9))
    for (i in 1:nrows) {
        Total_matrix[i, 1] = jobj$taxa[i]
        Total_matrix[i, 2:4] = C1[i, ]
        Total_matrix[i, 5:7] = C2[i, ]
        Total_matrix[i, 8] = pvalues[i]
        Total_matrix[i, 9] = qvalues[i]
    write(t(Total_matrix), output, ncolumns = 9, sep = "\t")
# ************************************************************************
# ************************** SUBROUTINES
# ********************************
# ************************************************************************
# ***********************************************************************
# calc two sample two statistics g is the first column in the
# matrix representing the second condition
# ********************************************************************
calc_twosample_ts <- function(Pmatrix, g, nrows, ncols) {
    C1 <- array(0, dim = c(nrows, 3))
    # statistic profiles
    C2 <- array(0, dim = c(nrows, 3))
    Ts <- array(0, dim = c(nrows, 1))
    if (nrows == 1) {
        C1[1, 1] = mean(Pmatrix[1:g - 1])
        C1[1, 2] = var(Pmatrix[1:g - 1])
        # variance
        C1[1, 3] = C1[1, 2]/(g - 1)
        # std err^2
        C2[1, 1] = mean(Pmatrix[g:ncols])
        C2[1, 2] = var(Pmatrix[g:ncols])
        # variance
        C2[1, 3] = C2[1, 2]/(ncols - g + 1)
        # std err^2
    } else {
        # generate statistic profiles for both groups
        # mean, var, stderr
        for (i in 1:nrows) {
            # for each taxa
            # find the mean of each group
            C1[i, 1] = mean(Pmatrix[i, 1:g - 1])
            C1[i, 2] = var(Pmatrix[i, 1:g - 1])
            # variance
            C1[i, 3] = C1[i, 2]/(g - 1)
            # std err^2
            C2[i, 1] = mean(Pmatrix[i, g:ncols])
            C2[i, 2] = var(Pmatrix[i, g:ncols])
            # variance
            C2[i, 3] = C2[i, 2]/(ncols - g + 1)
            # std err^2
    # permutation based t-statistics
    for (i in 1:nrows) {
        # for each taxa
        xbar_diff = C1[i, 1] - C2[i, 1]
        denom = sqrt(C1[i, 3] + C2[i, 3])
        Ts[i] = xbar_diff/denom
        # calculate two sample t-statistic
# **************************************************************************
# function to calculate qvalues.  takes an unordered set of
# pvalues corresponding the rows of the matrix
# **********************************************************************
calc_qvalues <- function(pvalues) {
    nrows = length(pvalues)
    # create lambda vector
    lambdas <- seq(0, 0.95, 0.01)
    pi0_hat <- array(0, dim = c(length(lambdas)))
    # calculate pi0_hat
    for (l in 1:length(lambdas)) {
        # for each lambda value
        count = 0
        for (i in 1:nrows) {
            # for each p-value in order
            if (pvalues[i] > lambdas[l]) {
                count = count + 1
            pi0_hat[l] = count/(nrows * (1 - lambdas[l]))
    f <- unclass(smooth.spline(lambdas, pi0_hat, df = 3))
    f_spline <- f$y
    pi0 = f_spline[length(lambdas)]
    # this is the essential pi0_hat value order p-values
    ordered_ps <- order(pvalues)
    pvalues <- pvalues
    qvalues <- array(0, dim = c(nrows))
    ordered_qs <- array(0, dim = c(nrows))
    ordered_qs[nrows] <- min(pvalues[ordered_ps[nrows]] * pi0, 
    for (i in (nrows - 1):1) {
        p = pvalues[ordered_ps[i]]
        new = p * nrows * pi0/i
        ordered_qs[i] <- min(new, ordered_qs[i + 1], 1)
    # re-distribute calculated qvalues to appropriate rows
    for (i in 1:nrows) {
        qvalues[ordered_ps[i]] = ordered_qs[i]
    # plotting pi_hat vs. lambda
    # lines(f);
# ***************************************************************************
# function to calculate permuted pvalues from Storey and
# Tibshirani(2003) B is the number of permutation cycles g is
# the first column in the matrix of the second condition
# **********************************************************************
permuted_pvalues <- function(Imatrix, tstats, B, g, Fmatrix) {
    # B is the number of permutations were going to use!  g is
    # the first column of the second sample matrix stores tstats
    # for each taxa(row) for each permuted trial(column)
    M = nrow(Imatrix)
    ps <- array(0, dim = c(M))
    # to store the pvalues
    if (is.null(M) || M == 0) {
    permuted_ttests <- array(0, dim = c(M, B))
    ncols = ncol(Fmatrix)
    # calculate null version of tstats using B permutations.
    for (j in 1:B) {
        trial_ts <- permute_and_calc_ts(Imatrix, sample(1:ncol(Imatrix)), 
        permuted_ttests[, j] <- abs(trial_ts)
    # calculate each pvalue using the null ts
    if ((g - 1) < 8 || (ncols - g + 1) < 8) {
        # then pool the t's together!
        # count how many high freq taxa there are
        hfc = 0
        for (i in 1:M) {
            # for each taxa
            if (sum(Fmatrix[i, 1:(g - 1)]) >= (g - 1) || sum(Fmatrix[i, 
                g:ncols]) >= (ncols - g + 1)) {
                hfc = hfc + 1
        # the array pooling just the frequently observed ts
        cleanedpermuted_ttests <- array(0, dim = c(hfc, B))
        hfc = 1
        for (i in 1:M) {
            if (sum(Fmatrix[i, 1:(g - 1)]) >= (g - 1) || sum(Fmatrix[i, 
                g:ncols]) >= (ncols - g + 1)) {
                cleanedpermuted_ttests[hfc, ] = permuted_ttests[i, 
                hfc = hfc + 1
        # now for each taxa
        for (i in 1:M) {
            ps[i] = (1/(B * hfc)) * sum(cleanedpermuted_ttests > 
    } else {
        for (i in 1:M) {
            ps[i] = (1/(B + 1)) * (sum(permuted_ttests[i, ] > 
                abs(tstats[i])) + 1)
# *************************************************************************
# takes a matrix, a permutation vector, and a group division
# g.  returns a set of ts based on the permutation.
# **************************************************************************
permute_and_calc_ts <- function(Imatrix, y, g) {
    nr = nrow(Imatrix)
    nc = ncol(Imatrix)
    # first permute the rows in the matrix
    Pmatrix <- Imatrix[, y[1:length(y)]]
    Ts <- calc_twosample_ts(Pmatrix, g, nr, nc)
# ***********************************************************************
# load up the frequency matrix from a file
# **********************************************************************
load_frequency_matrix <- function(file) {
    dat2 <- read.table(file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
    # load names
    subjects <- array(0, dim = c(ncol(dat2)))
    for (i in 1:length(subjects)) {
        subjects[i] <- as.character(dat2[1, i])
    # load taxa
    taxa <- array(0, dim = c(nrow(dat2)))
    for (i in 1:length(taxa)) {
        taxa[i] <- as.character(dat2[i, 1])
    dat2 <- read.table(file, header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
    # load remaining counts
    matrix <- array(0, dim = c(length(taxa), length(subjects)))
    for (i in 1:length(taxa)) {
        for (j in 1:length(subjects)) {
            matrix[i, j] <- as.numeric(dat2[i, j])
    jobj <- list(matrix = matrix, taxa = taxa)

receive_frequency_matrix <- function(countsMatrix) {
    dat2 <- countsMatrix
    # load names
    subjects <- array(0, dim = c(ncol(dat2)))
    for (i in 1:length(subjects)) {
        subjects[i] <- as.character(dat2[1, i])
    # load taxa
    taxa <- rownames(countsMatrix)
    dat2 <- countsMatrix
    # load remaining counts
    matrix <- array(0, dim = c(length(taxa), length(subjects)))
    for (i in 1:length(taxa)) {
        for (j in 1:length(subjects)) {
            matrix[i, j] <- as.numeric(dat2[i, j])
    jobj <- list(matrix = matrix, taxa = taxa)

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