
Defines functions cisScores All.cis.chr All.cis.mchr All.cis.legacy chrFilter

Documented in chrFilter cisScores

chrFilter = function(x, chr="22") {
   anno = annotation(x)
   if (is.null(anno)) stop("no annotation slot")
   require(anno, character.only=TRUE)
   anno = gsub(".db", "", anno)
   chmap = get(paste0(anno, "CHR"))
   onc = get(chr, revmap(chmap))
   x[ probeId(intersect(featureNames(x), onc)), ]

All.cis.legacy = 
  function(smpack, rhs=~1, nperm=2, folderstem="cisScratch",
   radius = 50000, shortfac=100, chrnames="22",
   smchrpref="", gchrpref="", schrpref="ch",
   geneApply=lapply, geneannopk = "illuminaHumanv1.db",
   snpannopk = snplocsDefault(), smFilter = function(x)
      nsFilter(MAFfilter(x, lower=.05), var.cutoff=.9), 
   exFilter=function(x)x, keepMapCache=FALSE, SSgen=GGBase::getSS,
   excludeRadius=NULL, estimates=FALSE, ...) {
     thecall = match.call()
     obs = All.cis.mchr( smpack=smpack, rhs=rhs,
      folderstem=folderstem, radius=radius, shortfac=shortfac,
      chrnames=chrnames, smchrpref=smchrpref, gchrpref=gchrpref,
	schrpref=schrpref, geneApply=geneApply, geneannopk=geneannopk,
	snpannopk=snpannopk, smFilter=smFilter, 
	exFilter=exFilter, keepMapCache=keepMapCache, SSgen=SSgen,
        estimates=estimates, ...) 
# in following, smFilter is wrapped over permEx
     perms = lapply(1:nperm, function(x) All.cis.mchr( smpack=smpack, rhs=rhs,
        folderstem=folderstem, radius=radius, shortfac=shortfac,
        chrnames=chrnames, smchrpref=smchrpref, gchrpref=gchrpref,
	schrpref=schrpref, geneApply=geneApply, geneannopk=geneannopk,
	snpannopk=snpannopk, smFilter=function(x)smFilter(permEx(x)), 
	exFilter=exFilter, keepMapCache=keepMapCache, SSgen=SSgen, estimates=estimates, ...) )
#     list(obs=obs, perms=perms)
     obssc = obs$score
     permsc = unlist(lapply(perms, function(x)x$score))
     obs$fdr = pifdr(obssc, permsc)
     obs = obs[order(obs$fdr, -obs$score)]
     smchr = paste0(smchrpref, chrnames)
     obs = bindmaf.simple( smpack, smchr, obs, SSgen, radius )
#bindmaf.simple = function(smpack, smchr, fr, SSgen=GGBase::getSS, rad)
     new("mcwAllCis", obs=obs, perms=perms, theCall=thecall)

All.cis.mchr = 
  function(smpack, rhs=~1, folderstem="cisScratch",
   radius = 50000, shortfac=100, chrnames="22", genome="hg19",
   smchrpref="", gchrpref="", schrpref="ch",
   geneApply=lapply, geneannopk = "illuminaHumanv1.db",
   snpannopk = snplocsDefault(), smFilter = function(x)
      nsFilter(MAFfilter(x, lower=.05), var.cutoff=.9), 
   exFilter=function(x)x, keepMapCache=FALSE, SSgen=GGBase::getSS,
   excludeRadius=NULL, estimates=FALSE, inconfig, ...) {
  ans = lapply( chrnames, function(ch) {
    All.cis.chr( smpack=smpack, rhs=rhs,
      folderstem=folderstem, radius=radius, shortfac=shortfac,
      chrname=ch, smchrpref=smchrpref, gchrpref=gchrpref,
	schrpref=schrpref, geneApply=geneApply, geneannopk=geneannopk,
	snpannopk=snpannopk, smFilter=smFilter, 
	exFilter=exFilter, keepMapCache=keepMapCache, SSgen=SSgen, estimates=estimates, inconfig=inconfig, ...) } )
  do.call(c, ans)

All.cis.chr = 
  function(smpack, rhs=~1, folderstem="cisScratch",
   radius = 50000, shortfac=100, chrname="22", genome="hg19",
   smchrpref="", gchrpref="", schrpref="ch",
   geneApply=lapply, geneannopk = "illuminaHumanv1.db",
   snpannopk = snplocsDefault(), smFilter = function(x)
      nsFilter(MAFfilter(x, lower=.05), var.cutoff=.9), 
   exFilter=function(x)x, keepMapCache=FALSE, SSgen=GGBase::getSS,
   excludeRadius=NULL, estimates=FALSE, inconfig, ...) {
    unlink(folderstem, recursive=TRUE)
    cat("get data...")
    if (length(chrname)>1) stop("chrname must be length 1")
    smchr = paste0(smchrpref, chrname[1])
    sms = SSgen(smpack, smchr, exFilter=exFilter)
    cat("build map...")
# annotation-based list of SNP within radius of coding region
# of gene
# assumption is that we will compute cis snp to gene mapping ourselves with getCisMap
    gchr = paste0(gchrpref, chrname)
    schr = paste0(schrpref, chrname)
    cismapObj = getCisMap(radius = radius, gchr = gchr, schr = schr,
        geneannopk = geneannopk, snpannopk = snpannopk, excludeRadius=excludeRadius)
    cismap = namelist(cismapObj)
# prior to may 4 2012 this was run too early... see below
#    if (is.null(mapCache[[gchr]])) mapCache[[gchr]] = cismap  # load cache once for later report, not otherwise reused 4/25/2012
## use of gchr here for annotation package
#    cat("restrict probes...")
#    if (!is.function(geneannopk)) fsms = restrictProbesToChrom(smFilter(sms), gchr)
### at this point you have cismap which has all relevant probe names
### for chromosome
    cat("run smFilter...")
#    if (MAFlb <= 0) sms = smFilter(sms) # MAFlb is automatic if > 0 to aid in reflectance
#    else sms = MAFfilter(smFilter(sms), lower=MAFlb) #
    sms = smFilter(sms)
    allfn = featureNames(sms)
    okp = intersect(allfn, names(cismap))
    if (length(okp) < 1)
        stop("no probes common between featureNames and cisMap")
    cat("filter probes in map...")
    cismap = cismap[okp]
    fsms = sms[probeId(okp),]
# map now agrees with probes in expression component
    if (inconfig@useME)
    mgr = eqtlTests.me(fsms, rhs, targdir = folderstem, pvot=inconfig@MEpvot,
        runname = "cis", geneApply = geneApply, shortfac=shortfac, ...)
    else mgr = eqtlTests(fsms, rhs, targdir = folderstem,
        runname = "cis", geneApply = geneApply, shortfac=shortfac, ...)
    sm = snpsManaged(mgr)
    pl = probesManaged(mgr)
    activeScores = geneApply(pl, function(x)
      mgr[ intersect(sm, cismap[[x]]), x ])
    names(activeScores) = pl
    ntestpg = sapply(activeScores,length)
    gr = cismapObj@generanges[pl]
    gr = rep(gr, ntestpg)
    sn = unlist(lapply(activeScores,rownames))
    gr$snp = sn
    gr$snplocs = start(cismapObj@snplocs[sn])
    gr$score = as.numeric(unlist(activeScores))

    if (estimates) {
       emgr = eqtlEstimates(fsms, rhs, targdir = folderstem,
           runname = "cisEsts", geneApply = geneApply, shortfac=shortfac, ...)
       if (!is.open(emgr@fffile)) {
       edim = dim(emgr@fffile)
       olddim = dim(mgr@fffile)
       if (!all.equal(olddim, edim[1:2])) stop("estimates manager dimension disagrees with test manager dim")
       activeEsts = geneApply(pl, function(x)
         emgr@fffile[ intersect(sm, cismap[[x]]), x, 1 ]/emgr@shortfac)
       activeSEs = geneApply(pl, function(x)
         emgr@fffile[ intersect(sm, cismap[[x]]), x, 2 ]/emgr@shortfac)
       names(activeEsts) = names(activeSEs) = pl
#       ntestpg = sapply(activeEsts,length)
#       gr = cismapObj@generanges[pl]
#       gr = rep(gr, ntestpg)
#       sn = unlist(lapply(activeScores,rownames))
#       gr$snp = sn
#       gr$snplocs = start(cismapObj@snplocs[sn])
       gr$ests = as.numeric(unlist(activeEsts))
       gr$se = as.numeric(unlist(activeSEs))
    #list(mgr=mgr, cismapObj = cismapObj, activeScores=activeScores)
    unlink(folderstem, recursive=TRUE)
    hg19si = makeSeqinfo(genome)
    seqlevels(gr) = gsub("chr", "", seqlevels(gr))
    seqlevels(gr) = paste0("chr", seqlevels(gr))
    seqlevels(gr) = seqlevels(hg19si)
    seqinfo(gr) = hg19si

cisScores =
  function(config=new("CisConfig"), ...) {
# eventually will replace All.cis
     thecall = match.call()
     obs = All.cis.mchr( smpack=smpack(config), rhs=rhs(config),
      folderstem=folderStem(config), radius=radius(config), 
      chrnames=chrnames(config),  genome=genome(config),
      smchrpref=smchrpref(config), gchrpref=gchrpref(config),
        schrpref=schrpref(config), geneApply=geneApply(config), geneannopk=geneannopk(config),
        snpannopk=snpannopk(config), smFilter=smFilter(config),
        exFilter=exFilter(config), keepMapCache=keepMapCache(config), SSgen=SSgen(config),
        estimates=estimates(config), inconfig=config, ...)
# in following, smFilter is wrapped over permEx
     perms = lapply(1:nperm(config), function(x) All.cis.mchr( smpack=smpack(config), rhs=rhs(config),
        folderstem=folderStem(config), radius=radius(config), 
        chrnames=chrnames(config), smchrpref=smchrpref(config), gchrpref=gchrpref(config),
        schrpref=schrpref(config), geneApply=geneApply(config), geneannopk=geneannopk(config),
        snpannopk=snpannopk(config), smFilter=function(x)smFilter(config)(permEx(x)),
        exFilter=exFilter(config), keepMapCache=keepMapCache(config), SSgen=SSgen(config), 
        estimates=FALSE, inconfig=config, ...) )
     obssc = obs$score
     permsc = unlist(lapply(perms, function(x)x$score))
     obs$fdr = pifdr(obssc, permsc)
#     obs = obs[order(obs$fdr, -obs$score)]
     smchr = paste0(smchrpref(config), chrnames(config))
#  here we bind lots of additional metadata
#     obs = bindmaf.simple( smpack(config), smchr, obs, 
#               SSgen(config), radius(config), config )
     obs = bindprops( config, obs ) # smpack(config), smchr, obs, 
           #    SSgen(config), radius(config), config )
     metadata(obs)$configObj = config
     tmp = new("mcwAllCis", obs=obs, perms=perms, theCall=thecall)
     try(unlink(folderStem(config), recursive=TRUE))
     convertCis(tmp, radius=radius(config), config)

# new design
# use tileGenome to define a segmentation of genes and variants
# filter expression and variants into tiles
# run eqtlTests
# determine cis sets in tile
# filter test run

All.cis = cisScores

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