
Defines functions chrBreakpoints.profileCGH chrBreakpoints

Documented in chrBreakpoints chrBreakpoints.profileCGH

### This function detects chromosomal breakpoints along genome

### Copyright (C) 2003 Institut Curie
### Author(s): Philippe Hupé (Institut Curie) 2003
### Contact: glad@curie.fr

chrBreakpoints <- function(...)

chrBreakpoints.profileCGH <- function(profileCGH, smoothfunc="lawsglad", OnlyOptimCall = FALSE, base=FALSE, sigma=NULL,
                                      model="Gaussian", bandwidth=10, round=1.5, verbose=FALSE,
                                      breaksFdrQ = 0.0001, haarStartLevel = 1, haarEndLevel = 5, weights.name = NULL, ...)

    if (verbose)
        print("chrBreakpoints: starting function")
        call <- match.call()
        print(paste("Call function:", call))

    if (smoothfunc != "laws" &&
        smoothfunc != "aws" &&
        smoothfunc != "lawsglad" &&
        smoothfunc != "haarseg" &&
        smoothfunc != "haarsegbychr")      
        stop("Choose either aws, laws or haarseg for smoothfunc")

    if (base == TRUE)
        if(smoothfunc != "lawsglad" && smoothfunc != "haarseg")
            stop("Choose either aws, or laws when base=TRUE")
    if (is.null(sigma))
        resetsigma <- TRUE

        resetsigma <- FALSE

### le round est fait a de nombreux endroits différents: cela peut
### surement être changé

#### local functions
    IQRdiff <- function(y) IQR(diff(y)) / 1.908

    roundglad <- function(x, digits=2)
        ## en C        return floor(n * pow(10., d) + .5) / pow(10., d);
        dec <- (digits-trunc(digits))
        if (dec==0)
          dec <- 1
        r <- 10^(-trunc(digits))*dec
        x <- r*round(x/r)

    ##     roundtest <- function(x, d=2)
    ##       {
    ##         return(floor(x * 10^d + .5) / 10^d)
    ##       }

    if(smoothfunc != "haarseg")
        indice <- 1:length(profileCGH$profileValues[[1]])

        ChrIndice <- split(indice,profileCGH$profileValues[["Chromosome"]])
        ChrName <- names(ChrIndice)

        if (is.numeric(profileCGH$profileValues[["Chromosome"]][1]))
            labelChr <- as.numeric(ChrName)
            labelChr <- as.character(ChrName)

        NbChr <- length(labelChr)
        lg <- rep(0,NbChr)
        PosOrderRange <- data.frame(Chromosome = lg, MinPosOrder = lg, MaxPosOrder = lg)                        

        ## initialization of region number to 0
        nbregion <- 0

        ## initialization of level number to 0
        nblevel <- 0

        profileCGH$BkpDetected <- data.frame(Chromosome = as.integer(labelChr), BkpDetected = 0)

        IQRvalue <- IQRChr <- NULL
        for (i in 1:NbChr)
            if (verbose) print(paste("chrBreakpoints: starting chromosome", labelChr[i]))

            ## location  of data related to each chromosome
            indexChr <- ChrIndice[[i]]
            subsetdata <- profileCGH$profileValues[indexChr,]

            ## information sur les bornes d'un chromosome
            PosOrderRange$Chromosome[i] <- labelChr[i]
            rangePos <- range(subsetdata[["PosOrder"]])
            subsetdata[["MinPosOrder"]] <- PosOrderRange$MinPosOrder[i] <- rangePos[1]
            subsetdata[["MaxPosOrder"]] <- PosOrderRange$MaxPosOrder[i] <- rangePos[2]

            if (length(indexChr)>1)
                if (resetsigma)
                    sigma <- IQRdiff(subsetdata[["LogRatio"]])^2
                    IQRvalue[i] <- sigma^(0.5)
                    IQRChr[i] <- labelChr[i]                
                    IQRvalue[i] <- sigma^0.5
                    IQRChr[i] <- labelChr[i]

                if(sigma == 0)
                    print("Warnings: sigma equal 0")
                    print("Number of probes:", length(indexChr))
                    print("sigma was automatically set to 1")
                    sigma <- 1

                if (base == TRUE)
                    x <- subsetdata[["PosBase"]]
                    datarange <- range(x)
                    hmax <- diff(datarange)*bandwidth
                    hinit <- median(diff(x))
                    ## smoothing
                    if (smoothfunc == "laws")
                        dim(x) <- c(1,length(x)) #à supprimer dans la nouvelle version du package AWS
                        awsres <- aws::laws(y=subsetdata[["LogRatio"]], x=x,
                                       hinit=hinit, hmax=hmax, shape=sigma, NN=FALSE,
                                       symmetric=TRUE, model=model, ...)$theta

                        if (is.null(awsres) == FALSE)
                            subsetdata[["Smoothing"]] <- roundglad(awsres, round)

                            subsetdata[["Smoothing"]] <- 99999

                    if (smoothfunc == "aws")
                        awsres <- aws::aws(y=subsetdata[["LogRatio"]], x=x, hinit=hinit, hmax=hmax, sigma2=sigma, NN=FALSE, symmetric=TRUE, ...)$theta

                        if (is.null(awsres) == FALSE)
                            subsetdata[["Smoothing"]] <- roundglad(awsres, round)

                            subsetdata[["Smoothing"]] <- 99999
                    hinit <- 1
                    hmax <- length(subsetdata[["PosOrder"]])*bandwidth #si on laisse hmax à la valeur de length(data$PosOrder[indexChr]) ce n'est pas assez et les créneaux ne sont pas bien fittés

                    if (smoothfunc == "lawsglad")
                        awsres <- lawsglad(y=subsetdata[["LogRatio"]],
                                           hinit=hinit, hmax=hmax, shape=sigma, model=model, ...)

                        if(is.null(awsres) == FALSE)
                            subsetdata[["Smoothing"]] <- roundglad(awsres, round)

                            subsetdata[["Smoothing"]] <- 99999
                    if (smoothfunc == "laws")
                        awsres <- aws::laws(y=subsetdata[["LogRatio"]], hinit=hinit,
                                       hmax=hmax, shape=sigma, symmetric=TRUE, model=model,

                        if(is.null(awsres) == FALSE)
                            subsetdata[["Smoothing"]] <- roundglad(awsres, round)

                            subsetdata[["Smoothing"]] <- 99999

                    if (smoothfunc == "aws")
                        awsres <- aws::aws(y=subsetdata[["LogRatio"]], hinit=hinit, hmax=hmax, sigma2=sigma, symmetric=TRUE, ...)$theta
                            subsetdata[["Smoothing"]] <- roundglad(awsres, round)

                            subsetdata[["Smoothing"]] <- 99999

                    if (smoothfunc == "haarsegbychr")

                        awsres <- HaarSegGLADCPP(subsetdata[["LogRatio"]], breaksFdrQ=breaksFdrQ, haarStartLevel=haarStartLevel , haarEndLevel=haarEndLevel)                    

                        if (is.null(awsres) == FALSE)

                            subsetdata[["Smoothing"]] <- awsres
                            ##                            subsetdata$Smoothing <- roundglad(awsres, round)

                            subsetdata[["Smoothing"]] <- 99999

                nbregion <- nbregion + 1

                l <- length(subsetdata[["Smoothing"]])            
                putLevel <- .C("putLevel_awsBkp",
                               ## variables pour putLevel
                               Smoothing = as.double(subsetdata[["Smoothing"]]),      ## valeur de sortie
                               Level = integer(l),                               ## valeur de sortie
                               nblevel = as.integer(nblevel),                    ## valeur de sortie
                               ## variables pour awsBkp
                               OutliersAws = integer(l), ## valeur de sortie
                               nbregion = as.integer(nbregion),                  ## valeur de sortie
                               regionChr = integer(l),                           ## valeur de sortie
                               Breakpoints = integer(l),                         ## valeur de sortie
                               BkpDetected = integer(1),                         ## valeur de sortie                           

                subsetdata[c("Smoothing", "Level", "Region", "OutliersAws", "Breakpoints")] <- putLevel[c("Smoothing", "Level", "regionChr", "OutliersAws", "Breakpoints")]

                nblevel <- putLevel$nblevel
                profileCGH$BkpDetected$BkpDetected[i] <- putLevel$BkpDetected
                nbregion <- putLevel$nbregion            

                subsetdata[["Region"]] <- -1
                subsetdata[["Level"]] <- -1
                subsetdata[["Breakpoints"]] <- 0
                IQRvalue[i] <- 0
                IQRChr[i] <- labelChr[i]    

            profileCGH$profileValues[indexChr,] <- subsetdata

            if (verbose) print(paste("chrBreakpoints: ending chromosome", labelChr[i]))

          } ## fin de la boucle par chromosome

        profileCGH$Sigma <- data.frame(Chromosome=IQRChr,Value=IQRvalue)

        profileCGH$PosOrderRange <- PosOrderRange


            W <- profileCGH$profileValues[[weights.name]]
            W <- NULL

        NbChr <- length(unique(profileCGH$profileValues[["Chromosome"]]))
        l <- length(profileCGH$profileValues[["LogRatio"]])
        res <- .C("chrBreakpoints_haarseg",
                  Smoothing = as.double(profileCGH$profileValues[["Smoothing"]]),       ## valeur de sortie
                  Level = integer(l),                                                ## valeur de sortie
                  OutliersAws = integer(l),                                          ## valeur de sortie
                  regionChr = integer(l),                                            ## valeur de sortie
                  Breakpoints = integer(l),                                          ## valeur de sortie
                  sizeChr = integer(NbChr), ## taille de chaque chromosome
                  startChr = integer(NbChr), ## position pour le début des valeurs de chaque chromosome
                  IQRChr = integer(NbChr), ## numéro du chromosome pour le calcul de l'IQR
                  IQRValue = double(NbChr), ## valeur de l'IQR
                  BkpDetected = integer(NbChr), ## valeur de sortie
                  ## paramètres pour Haarseg
                  as.integer(NbChr), ## nombre de chromosomes
                  PACKAGE = "GLAD")

        ## ##############################
        ## récupération des informations
        ## ##############################        
        ## Range de position pour chaque chromosome
        MinPosOrder <- res[["startChr"]] + 1
        MaxPosOrder <- res[["sizeChr"]] + MinPosOrder - 1
        profileCGH$PosOrderRange <- data.frame(Chromosome = res[["IQRChr"]],
                                               MinPosOrder = MinPosOrder,
                                               MaxPosOrder = MaxPosOrder)

        ## valeur de l'IQR
        profileCGH$Sigma <- data.frame(Chromosome = res[["IQRChr"]],
                                       Value = res[["IQRValue"]])

        ## valeur BkpDetected
        profileCGH$BkpDetected <- data.frame(Chromosome = res[["IQRChr"]],
                                             BkpDetected = res[["BkpDetected"]])

        ## valeurs de segmentation        
        profileCGH$profileValues[c("Smoothing", "Level", "Region", "OutliersAws", "Breakpoints")] <- res[c("Smoothing", "Level", "regionChr", "OutliersAws", "Breakpoints")]


    if (verbose) print("chrBreakpoints: ending function")


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