## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ##
## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ##
## GNU General Public License for more details. ##
# mc5: Perform level 5 multiple-concentration processing
#' @template proclvl
#' @templateVar LVL 5
#' @templateVar type mc
#' @inheritParams mc4
#' @details
#' Level 5 multiple-concentration hit-calling uses the fit parameters and the
#' activity cutoff methods from mc5_aeid and mc5_methods to make an activity
#' call and identify the winning model for each fit.
#' @seealso \code{\link{Method functions}}, \code{\link{MC5_Methods}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @import data.table
mc5 <- function(ae, wr=FALSE) {
## Variable-binding to pass R CMD Check
coff <- bmad <- adco <- maic <- cnst_aic <- hill_aic <- gnls_aic <- NULL
modl <- hitc <- hill_tp <- max_med <- gnls_tp <- hill_95 <- hill_ga <- NULL
hill_gw <- gnls_95 <- gnls_ga <- gnls_gw <- coff_upper <- coff_lower <- NULL
rgbl <- hill <- hill_gu <- hill_lu <- hill_gl <- hill_ll <- hill_gc <- NULL
hill_lc <- hill_al <- logc_min <- hill_ai <- logc_max <- hill_au <- NULL
gnls_gu <- gnls_lu <- gnls_gl <- gnls_ll <- gnls_gc <- gnls_lc <- NULL
gnls_al <- gnls_ai <- gnls_au <- cnst_win <- hill_win <- gnls_win <- NULL
cnst <- fitc <- gnls <- modl_er <- cnst_er <- modl_rmse <- cnst_rmse <- NULL
modl_prob <- cnst_prob <- hill_er <- modl_tp <- modl_ga <- modl_gw <- NULL
hill_rmse <- hill_prob <- modl_acb <- modl_acc <- gnls_er <- modl_la <- NULL
gnls_la <- modl_lw <- gnls_lw <- gnls_rmse <- gnls_prob <- actp <- NULL
modl_ac10 <- NULL
owarn <- getOption("warn")
## Check the ae input
if (length(ae) > 1) {
warning("ae must be of length 1. Level 5 ",
"processing incomplete; no updates",
"\n made to the mc5 table for AEIDS ",
paste(ae, collapse=", "), ".")
if(wr) return(FALSE) else return(list(FALSE, NULL))
stime <- Sys.time()
## Load level 4 data
dat <- gtoxLoadData(lvl=4L, type="mc", fld="aeid", val=ae)
## Check if any level 4 data was loaded
if (nrow(dat) == 0) {
warning("No level 4 data for AEID", ae, ". Level 5 ",
"processing incomplete;",
" no updates\n made to the mc5 table for AEID", ae, ".")
if(wr) return(FALSE) else return(list(FALSE, NULL))
ttime <- round(difftime(Sys.time(), stime, units="sec"), 2)
ttime <- paste(unclass(ttime), units(ttime))
message("Loaded L4 AEID", ae, " (", nrow(dat), " rows; ", ttime,")\n",
stime <- Sys.time()
## Initialize coff vector
coff <- 0
## Load cutoff functions
mthd_funcs <- mc5_mthds()
## Load cutoff methods
ms <- gtoxMthdLoad(lvl=5L, id=ae, type="mc")
if (nrow(ms) == 0) {
warning("No level 5 methods for AEID", ae, " -- cutoff will be 0.")
## Apply cutoff methods
exprs <- lapply(mthd_funcs[ms$mthd],, args=list())
fenv <- environment()
invisible(rapply(exprs, eval, envir=fenv))
## Determine final cutoff
dat[ , coff := max(coff)]
## Determine winning model
dat[ , maic := pmin(cnst_aic, hill_aic, gnls_aic, na.rm=TRUE)]
## Order matters here, because in the case of a tie the simpler model will
## overwrite the more complex model as the winner.
dat[gnls_aic == maic, modl := "gnls"]
dat[hill_aic == maic, modl := "hill"]
dat[cnst_aic == maic, modl := "cnst"]
## Make the hitcall
dat[ , hitc := FALSE]
dat[modl == "hill" & hill_tp >= coff & max_med >= coff, hitc := TRUE]
dat[modl == "gnls" & gnls_tp >= coff & max_med >= coff, hitc := TRUE]
###--------------------- Bin the Dose-Response Sets -----------------------###
## Calculate AC05 and AC95
dat[ , hill_95 := gtoxHillACXX(95, hill_tp, hill_ga, hill_gw)]
dat[ , gnls_95 := gtoxHillACXX(95, gnls_tp, gnls_ga, gnls_gw)]
## Add a few helper columns
dat[ , coff_upper := 1.2 * coff]
dat[ , coff_lower := 0.8 * coff]
dat[ , rgbl := !]
dat[ , hill_gu := hill_tp > coff_upper]
dat[ , hill_lu := hill_tp <= coff_upper]
dat[ , hill_gl := hill_tp >= coff_lower]
dat[ , hill_ll := hill_tp < coff_lower]
dat[ , hill_gc := hill_tp >= coff]
dat[ , hill_lc := hill_tp < coff]
dat[ , hill_al := hill_ga <= logc_min]
dat[ , hill_ai := hill_ga > logc_min & hill_95 < logc_max]
dat[ , hill_au := hill_ga > logc_min & hill_95 >= logc_max]
dat[ , gnls_gu := gnls_tp > coff_upper]
dat[ , gnls_lu := gnls_tp <= coff_upper]
dat[ , gnls_gl := gnls_tp >= coff_lower]
dat[ , gnls_ll := gnls_tp < coff_lower]
dat[ , gnls_gc := gnls_tp >= coff]
dat[ , gnls_lc := gnls_tp < coff]
dat[ , gnls_al := gnls_ga <= logc_min]
dat[ , gnls_ai := gnls_ga > logc_min & gnls_95 < logc_max]
dat[ , gnls_au := gnls_ga > logc_min & gnls_95 >= logc_max]
dat[ , cnst_win := modl == "cnst"]
dat[ , hill_win := modl == "hill"]
dat[ , gnls_win := modl == "gnls"]
## Initiate fitc column
dat[ , fitc := NA_integer_]
dat[, fitc := 2L]
## 04: RESP < BLINE
dat[!rgbl & !, fitc := 4L]
## 07: NO TP >= 0.8(COFF)
dat[rgbl & cnst_win & (!hill_gl| & (!gnls_gl|,
fitc := 7L]
## 09: NO TP >= COFF
dat[ & rgbl & cnst_win &
(!hill_gc| & (!gnls_gc|,
fitc := 9L]
## 10: ANY TP >= COFF
dat[ & rgbl & cnst_win & (hill_gc | gnls_gc), fitc := 10L]
## 54: GNLS DNC
dat[!hitc & hill_win & hill_ll & !gnls, fitc := 54]
## 13: GNLS < 0.8(COFF)
dat[ & !hitc & hill_win & hill_ll & gnls_ll, fitc := 13L]
## 15: GNLS < COFF
dat[ & !hitc & hill_win & hill_ll & gnls_lc, fitc := 15L]
## 16: GNLS >= COFF
dat[ & !hitc & hill_win & hill_ll & gnls_gc, fitc := 16L]
## 55: GNLS DNC
dat[!hitc & hill_win & hill_gl & !gnls, fitc := 55]
## 18: GNLS < 0.8(COFF)
dat[ & !hitc & hill_win & hill_gl & gnls_ll, fitc := 18L]
## 20: GNLS < COFF
dat[ & !hitc & hill_win & hill_gl & gnls_lc, fitc := 20L]
## 21: GNLS >= COFF
dat[ & !hitc & hill_win & hill_gl & gnls_gc, fitc := 21L]
## 52: HILL DNC
dat[!hitc & gnls_win & gnls_ll & !hill, fitc := 52]
## 24: HILL < 0.8(COFF)
dat[ & !hitc & gnls_win & gnls_ll & hill_ll, fitc := 24L]
## 26: HILL < COFF
dat[ & !hitc & gnls_win & gnls_ll & hill_lc, fitc := 26L]
## 27: HILL >= COFF
dat[ & !hitc & gnls_win & gnls_ll & hill_gc, fitc := 27L]
## 53: HILL DNC
dat[!hitc & gnls_win & gnls_gl & !hill, fitc := 53]
## 29: HILL < 0.8(COFF)
dat[ & !hitc & gnls_win & gnls_gl & hill_ll, fitc := 29L]
## 31: HILL < COFF
dat[ & !hitc & gnls_win & gnls_gl & hill_lc, fitc := 31L]
## 32: HILL >= COFF
dat[ & !hitc & gnls_win & gnls_gl & hill_gc, fitc := 32L]
## 36: GA <= LCONC
dat[hitc & hill_win & hill_lu & hill_al, fitc := 36L]
## 37: LCONC < GA < HCONC
dat[hitc & hill_win & hill_lu & hill_ai, fitc := 37L]
## 38: GA >= HCONC
dat[hitc & hill_win & hill_lu & hill_au, fitc := 38L]
## 40: GA <= LCONC
dat[hitc & hill_win & hill_gu & hill_al, fitc := 40L]
## 41: LCONC < GA < HCONC
dat[hitc & hill_win & hill_gu & hill_ai, fitc := 41L]
## 42: GA >= HCONC
dat[hitc & hill_win & hill_gu & hill_au, fitc := 42L]
## 45: GA <= LCONC
dat[hitc & gnls_win * gnls_lu & gnls_al, fitc := 45L]
## 46: LCONC < GA < HCONC
dat[hitc & gnls_win * gnls_lu & gnls_ai, fitc := 46L]
## 47: GA >= HCONC
dat[hitc & gnls_win * gnls_lu & gnls_au, fitc := 47L]
## 49: GA <= LCONC
dat[hitc & gnls_win * gnls_gu & gnls_al, fitc := 49L]
## 50: LCONC < GA < HCONC
dat[hitc & gnls_win * gnls_gu & gnls_ai, fitc := 50L]
## 51: GA >= HCONC
dat[hitc & gnls_win * gnls_gu & gnls_au, fitc := 51L]
## Update hit-calls with the cannot determine call
dat[ , hitc := as.integer(hitc)]
dat[, hitc := -1L]
## Add model fields
modl_pars <- c(
dat[ , (modl_pars) := NA_real_]
dat[modl == "cnst", modl_er := cnst_er]
dat[modl == "cnst", modl_rmse := cnst_rmse]
dat[modl == "cnst", modl_prob := cnst_prob]
dat[modl == "hill", modl_er := hill_er]
dat[modl == "hill", modl_tp := hill_tp]
dat[modl == "hill", modl_ga := hill_ga]
dat[modl == "hill", modl_gw := hill_gw]
dat[modl == "hill", modl_rmse := hill_rmse]
dat[modl == "hill", modl_prob := hill_prob]
dat[modl == "hill" & hill_tp >= 3 * bmad,
modl_acb := gtoxHillConc(3 * bmad, hill_tp, hill_ga, hill_gw)]
dat[modl == "hill" & hill_tp >= coff,
modl_acc := gtoxHillConc(coff, hill_tp, hill_ga, hill_gw)]
dat[modl == "hill", modl_ac10 := gtoxHillACXX(
10, hill_tp, hill_ga, hill_gw)]
dat[modl == "gnls", modl_er := gnls_er]
dat[modl == "gnls", modl_tp := gnls_tp]
dat[modl == "gnls", modl_ga := gnls_ga]
dat[modl == "gnls", modl_gw := gnls_gw]
dat[modl == "gnls", modl_la := gnls_la]
dat[modl == "gnls", modl_lw := gnls_lw]
dat[modl == "gnls", modl_rmse := gnls_rmse]
dat[modl == "gnls", modl_prob := gnls_prob]
dat[modl == "gnls" & gnls_tp >= 3 * bmad,
modl_acb := gtoxHillConc(3 * bmad, gnls_tp, gnls_ga, gnls_gw)]
dat[modl == "gnls" & gnls_tp >= coff,
modl_acc := gtoxHillConc(coff, gnls_tp, gnls_ga, gnls_gw)]
dat[modl == "gnls", modl_ac10 := gtoxHillACXX(
10, gnls_tp, gnls_ga, gnls_gw)]
## Add activity probability
dat[ , actp := 1 - cnst_prob]
ttime <- round(difftime(Sys.time(), stime, units="sec"), 2)
ttime <- paste(unclass(ttime), units(ttime))
message("Processed L5 AEID", ae, " (", nrow(dat),
" rows; ", ttime, ")\n", sep="")
res <- TRUE
outcols <- c(
"m4id", "aeid", "modl", "hitc", "fitc",
"coff", "actp", modl_pars
dat <- dat[ , .SD, .SDcols=outcols]
## Load into mc5 table -- else return results
if (wr) {
stime <- Sys.time()
gtoxWriteData(dat=dat, lvl=5L, type="mc")
ttime <- round(difftime(Sys.time(), stime, units="sec"), 2)
ttime <- paste(unclass(ttime), units(ttime))
message("Wrote L5 AEID", ae, " (", nrow(dat),
" rows; ", ttime, ")\n", sep="")
} else {
res <- c(list(res), list(dat))
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