
Defines functions makemylogo

Documented in makemylogo

#' @title Logo maker for a given English alphanumeric with common punctuations
#' @description Plots logo for a given english symbol or name that contains
#' English alphabets, numbers or punctuations like dots, dashes, etc. This is
#' the skeleton used by the \code{logomaker} function of the package to create
#' distinct logos for distinct alphanumeric symbols.
#' @param name A English name, or alphanumeric, containing English alphabets,
#' numbers, dots, dashes, arroww, colons, semicolons, comma among punctuations.
#' @param tofill A binary indicating whether to use fill the logo symbols with
#' color in \code{colfill} or to use it for the bordering.
#' @param colfill The color used for the symbol
#' @param lwd The line width for the symbol.
#' @param plot  binary, if FALSE, returns only the co-ordinates of the symbol 
#' in the [0,1] X [0,1] grid, along with block id labels and their 
#' corresponding colors. If TRUE, plots the symbol with specified color 
#' in a new grid window.
#' @param total_chars The total number of character symbols in the user library.
#'  The default is the default library provided by Logolas, but the user can 
#'  add symbols that he creates to this list.
#' @param addlogos Vector of additional logos/symbols defined by user
#' @param addlogos_text Vector of the names given to the additional
#' logos/symbols defined by user.
#' @return Along with symbol plot, if plot is TRUE, returns a list with the
#' following items.
#'         \item{x}{X co-ordinates of the logo in the [0,1] X [0,1] grid window}
#'         \item{y}{Y co-ordinates of the logo in the [0,1] X [0,1] grid window}
#'         \item{id}{id vector representing blocks in the logo co-ordinates}
#'         \item{fill}{a vector equal to the number of distinct ids or blocks in
#'                    the logo, whose elements correspond to colors of these
#'                    blocks}
#' @import grid
#' @examples
#' makemylogo("KUSHAL")
#' cols = RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info[RColorBrewer::brewer.pal.info$category == 'qual',]
#' col_vector = unlist(mapply(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal, cols$maxcolors, 
#' rownames(cols)))
#' makemylogo("Evening", plot=TRUE, colfill=col_vector)
#' @export

 <- function(name,
                       tofill = TRUE,
                       lwd = 10,
                       total_chars = c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H",
                                       "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O",
                                        "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V",
                                       "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "zero", "one", "two",
                                        "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven",
                                        "eight", "nine", "dot", "comma",
                                        "dash", "colon", "semicolon",
                                        "leftarrow", "rightarrow"),
                       addlogos = NULL,
                       addlogos_text = NULL){

  name <- toupper(name)
  split_string <- strsplit(as.character(name), "")[[1]]

  slash_index <- grep("/", split_string)

  groups <- length(slash_index)/2;

  sym <- array(0, groups)
  sym_slash_index <- numeric()
  sym_slash_top_index <- array(0, groups)
  counter  <- 1

  for(l in seq_len(groups)){
      sym[l] <- paste0(as.character(split_string[(slash_index[counter]+1) : (slash_index[counter+1]-1)]),
      sym_slash_index <- c(sym_slash_index, slash_index[counter] : slash_index[counter+1])
      sym_slash_top_index[l] <- slash_index[counter]
      counter <- counter + 2

  split_string_alphanumeric <- split_string[-sym_slash_index]

  inds_alphanumeric <- (seq_along(split_string))[-sym_slash_index]

  split_string_mod <- c(split_string_alphanumeric, sym)
  split_string_inds <- c(inds_alphanumeric, sym_slash_top_index)

  split_string <- split_string_mod[order(split_string_inds)]

 # split_string <- strsplit(name, "")[[1]]
  split_string[grep("[-]", split_string)] <- "dash"
  split_string[grep("[.]", split_string)] <- "dot"
  split_string[grep("[>]", split_string)] <- "rightarrow"
  split_string[grep("[<]", split_string)] <- "leftarrow"
  split_string[grep("[,]", split_string)] <- "comma"
  split_string[grep("[:]", split_string)] <- "colon"
  split_string[grep("[;]", split_string)] <- "semicolon"
  split_string[grep("[0]", split_string)] <- "zero"
  split_string[grep("[1]", split_string)] <- "one"
  split_string[grep("[2]", split_string)] <- "two"
  split_string[grep("[3]", split_string)] <- "three"
  split_string[grep("[4]", split_string)] <- "four"
  split_string[grep("[5]", split_string)] <- "five"
  split_string[grep("[6]", split_string)] <- "six"
  split_string[grep("[7]", split_string)] <- "seven"
  split_string[grep("[8]", split_string)] <- "eight"
  split_string[grep("[9]", split_string)] <- "nine"

  total_chars <- paste0(total_chars, "letter")


    if(length(addlogos) != length(addlogos_text)){
      stop("length of the logo name and the logo text name must match")

    for(num in seq_along(addlogos)){
      split_string[grep(as.character(addlogos[num]), split_string)] <- as.character(addlogos_text[num])

  chars <- paste0(split_string, "letter")

  xpool <- numeric()
  ypool <- numeric()
  idpool <- numeric()
  fillpool <- numeric()
  colfillpool <- numeric()
  counter <- 0

  if(length(colfill) == 1){ colfill_vec <- rep(colfill, length(chars))}
  else if(length(colfill) > 1 && length(colfill) < 43){
    colfill_vec_1 <- sample(colfill, length(total_chars), replace=TRUE)
    colfill_vec <- colfill_vec_1[match(chars, total_chars)]}else{
      colfill_vec_1 <- colfill[1:length(total_chars)]
      colfill_vec <- colfill_vec_1[match(chars, total_chars)]}

  for(m in seq_along(chars)){
    fun <- get(chars[m])
    out <- fun(colfill=colfill_vec[m], fill_symbol= tofill)
    xpool <- c(xpool, (m-1)*(1/length(chars)) + (1/length(chars))*out$x);
    ypool <- c(ypool, out$y)
    idpool <- c(idpool, out$id + counter)
    fillpool <- c(fillpool, out$fill)
    colfillpool <- c(colfillpool, out$colfill)
    counter <- counter + max(out$id);


    grid::pushViewport(grid::viewport(x=0.5,y=0.5,width=1, height=1,
      grid::grid.polygon(xpool, ypool,
      grid::grid.polygon(xpool, ypool,

  ll <- list("x"=xpool,
             "colfill" = colfillpool)

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Logolas documentation built on April 28, 2020, 8:55 p.m.