
Defines functions make_example_data

Documented in make_example_data

#' @title Simulate a data set using the generative model of MOFA
#' @name make_example_data
#' @description Function to simulate an example multi-view multi-group data set according to the generative model of MOFA2.
#' @param n_views number of views
#' @param n_features number of features in each view 
#' @param n_samples number of samples in each group
#' @param n_groups number of groups
#' @param n_factors number of factors
#' @param likelihood likelihood for each view, one of "gaussian" (default), "bernoulli", "poisson",
#'  or a character vector of length n_views
#' @return Returns an untrained \code{\link{MOFA}} object containing simulated data as training data.
#' @importFrom stats rnorm rbinom rpois
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Generate a simulated data set
#' MOFAexample <- make_example_data()

make_example_data <- function(n_views = 3, n_features = 100, n_samples = 50, n_groups = 1,
                              n_factors = 5, likelihood = "gaussian") {
  # Sanity checks
  if (!all(likelihood %in% c("gaussian", "bernoulli", "poisson")))
    stop("Likelihood not implemented: Use either gaussian, bernoulli or poisson")
  if (length(likelihood)==1) likelihood <- rep(likelihood, n_views) 
  if (!length(likelihood) == n_views) 
    stop("Likelihood needs to be a single string or matching the number of views!")
  # set sparsity for factors
  theta_z <- 0.5
  # set ARD prior for factors, each factor being active in at least one group
  alpha_z <- vapply(seq_len(n_factors), function(fc) {
    active_gw <- sample(seq_len(n_groups), 1)
    alpha_fc <- sample(c(1, 1000), n_groups, replace = TRUE)
    if(all(alpha_fc==1000)) alpha_fc[active_gw] <- 1
  }, numeric(n_groups))
  alpha_z <- matrix(alpha_z, nrow=n_factors, ncol=n_groups, byrow=TRUE)
  # simulate facors 
  S_z <- lapply(seq_len(n_groups), function(vw) matrix(rbinom(n_samples * n_factors, 1, theta_z),
                                                    nrow=n_samples, ncol=n_factors))
  Z <- lapply(seq_len(n_groups), function(vw) vapply(seq_len(n_factors), function(fc) rnorm(n_samples, 0, sqrt(1/alpha_z[fc,vw])), numeric(n_samples)))
  # set sparsity for weights
  theta_w <- 0.5
  # set ARD prior, each factor being active in at least one view
  alpha_w <- vapply(seq_len(n_factors), function(fc) {
    active_vw <- sample(seq_len(n_views), 1)
    alpha_fc <- sample(c(1, 1000), n_views, replace = TRUE)
    if(all(alpha_fc==1000)) alpha_fc[active_vw] <- 1
  }, numeric(n_views))
  alpha_w <- matrix(alpha_w, nrow=n_factors, ncol=n_views, byrow=TRUE)
  # simulate weights 
  S_w <- lapply(seq_len(n_views), function(vw) matrix(rbinom(n_features*n_factors, 1, theta_w),
                                             nrow=n_features, ncol=n_factors))
  W <- lapply(seq_len(n_views), function(vw) vapply(seq_len(n_factors), function(fc) rnorm(n_features, 0, sqrt(1/alpha_w[fc,vw])), numeric(n_features)))
  # set noise level (for gaussian likelihood)
  tau <- 10
  # pre-compute linear term and rbind groups
  mu <- lapply(seq_len(n_views), function(vw) lapply(seq_len(n_groups), function(gw)  (S_z[[gw]]*Z[[gw]]) %*% t(S_w[[vw]]*W[[vw]])))
  mu <- lapply(mu, function(l) Reduce(rbind, l))
  groups <- rep(paste("group",seq_len(n_groups), sep = "_"), each = n_samples)
  # simulate data according to the likelihood
  data <- lapply(seq_len(n_views), function(vw){
    lk <- likelihood[vw]
    if (lk == "gaussian"){
      dd <- t(mu[[vw]] + rnorm(length(mu[[vw]]),0,sqrt(1/tau)))
    else if (lk == "poisson"){
      term <- log(1+exp(mu[[vw]]))
      dd <- t(apply(term, 2, function(tt) rpois(length(tt),tt)))
    else if (lk == "bernoulli") {
      term <- 1/(1+exp(-mu[[vw]]))
      dd <- t(apply(term, 2, function(tt) rbinom(length(tt),1,tt)))
    colnames(dd) <- paste0("sample_", seq_len(ncol(dd)))
    rownames(dd) <- paste0("feature_", seq_len(nrow(dd)),"_view", vw)
  names(data) <- paste0("view_", seq_len(n_views))
  return(list(data = data, groups = groups, alpha_w=alpha_w, alpha_z =alpha_z))

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MOFA2 documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:28 p.m.