
Defines functions .byReference .getReference .checkReference .normalizeCheck PTMnormalize

Documented in PTMnormalize

#' Normalization of log2-intensities across MS runs
#' \code{PTMnormalize} normalizes log2-intensities of spectral features across
#' MS runs using a reference, or by equalizing a chosen summary (the log2
#' intensity summation, median, or mean of log2-intensities) from all features,
#' features of modified peptides or features of unmodified peptides.
#' @param data A list of two data frames named \code{PTM} and \code{PROTEIN}.
#'   Both the \code{PTM} data frame and the \code{PROTEIN} data frame include
#'   columns of \code{run}, \code{feature}, and \code{log2inty}.
#' @param method A string defining the normalization method. Default is
#'   \code{"median"}, which equalizes the medians of log2-intensities across MS
#'   runs. Other methods include to equalize log2 of intensity summation
#'   (\code{"logsum"}), to equalize the means of log2-intensities
#'   (\code{"mean"}), and to adjust the log2-intensities based on a reference
#'   (\code{"ref"}) given by (\code{refs}).
#' @param refs A list of two data frames named \code{PTM} and \code{PROTEIN}.
#'   Each defines the adjustment of log2-intensities for the MS runs in its
#'   corresponding data.
#' @return Normalized data stored as in \code{data}.
#' @examples
#' sim <- PTMsimulateExperiment(
#'     nGroup=2, nRep=2, nProtein=1, nSite=1, nFeature=5,
#'     logAbundance=list(
#'         PTM=list(mu=25, delta=c(0, 1), sRep=0.2, sPeak=0.05),
#'         PROTEIN=list(mu=25, delta=c(0, 1), sRep=0.2, sPeak=0.05)
#'     )
#' )
#' PTMnormalize(sim)
#' @export
PTMnormalize <- function(data, method="median", refs) {
    # Check PTM and PROTEIN data
    wo_prot <- .normalizeCheck(data)

    # Check input method
    norm_opt <- c("median", "mean", "logsum", "ref")
    if (!is.character(method) || length(method) != 1) {
        stop("Define normalization method as a string in ", sQuote("method"))
    if (!(method %in% norm_opt)) {
            "Define the normalization method as one of the following: ",
            paste0(sQuote(norm_opt), collapse = ", ")

    # Check and obtain reference
    if (method == "ref") {
        if (missing(refs))
            stop("Define the adjustment in ", sQuote("refs"))
        if (.checkReference(data, refs, wo_prot)) {
            ref_PTM <- refs[["PTM"]]
            if (!wo_prot) {
                ref_prot <- refs[["PROTEIN"]]
    } else {
        # Compute reference
        ref_PTM <- .getReference(data[["PTM"]], method)
        if (!wo_prot) {
            ref_prot <- .getReference(data[["PROTEIN"]], method)

    # Adjust based on the reference
    if (wo_prot) {
        res <- list(PTM = .byReference(data[["PTM"]], ref_PTM))
    } else {
        res <- list(
            PTM = .byReference(data[["PTM"]], ref_PTM),
            PROTEIN = .byReference(data[["PROTEIN"]], ref_prot)

#' @keywords internal
.normalizeCheck <- function(data) {
    cols_req <- c("run", "feature", "log2inty")

    # Check the PTM data
    if (is.null(data[["PTM"]]))
        stop("PTM peak list is missing!")
    if (!is.data.frame(data[["PTM"]]))
            "Provide a data frame of peak log2-intensity for",
            " the PTM data in 'data$PTM'"
    if (!all(cols_req %in% names(data[["PTM"]]))) {
            "Include in the PTM data frame the following columns: ",
            paste0(sQuote(cols_req), collapse = ", ")
    # Check the PROTEIN data
    if (is.null(data[["PROTEIN"]])) {
        wo_prot <- TRUE
    } else {
        wo_prot <- FALSE
        if (!is.data.frame(data[["PROTEIN"]]))
                "Provide a data frame of peak log2-intensity for",
                " the PROTEIN data in 'data$PROTEIN'"
        if (!all(cols_req %in% names(data[["PROTEIN"]]))) {
                "Include in the PROTEIN data frame the following columns: ",
                paste0(sQuote(cols_req), collapse = ", ")

#' @keywords internal
.checkReference <- function(data, refs, wo_prot) {
    # Check the reference for the PTM data
    if (!is.data.frame(refs[["PTM"]])) {
        stop("Define PTM adjustment as a data frame in 'refs$PTM'")
    if (!all(c("run", "adjLog2inty") %in% names(refs[["PTM"]]))) {
        stop("Include in 'refs$PTM' the columns: 'run', 'adjLog2inty'")
    if (!all(unique(data[["PTM"]]$run) %in% refs[["PTM"]]$run)) {
        stop("Adjustment is not fully defined for all MS runs!")
    if (!wo_prot) {
        # Check the reference for the PROTEIN data
        if (!is.data.frame(refs[["PROTEIN"]])) {
            stop("Define PROTEIN adjustment as a data frame in 'refs$PROTEIN'")
        if (!all(c("run", "adjLog2inty") %in% names(refs[["PROTEIN"]]))) {
            stop("Include in 'refs$PROTEIN' the columns: 'run', 'adjLog2inty'")
        if (!all(unique(data[["PROTEIN"]]$run) %in% refs[["PROTEIN"]]$run)) {
            stop("Adjustment is not fully defined for all MS runs!")


#' @keywords internal
.getReference <- function(df, method="median") {
    g <- group_by(df, .data$run)
    if (method == "median") {
        gs <- summarise(g, log2inty = median(.data$log2inty, na.rm=TRUE))
    } else if (method == "mean") {
        gs <- summarise(g, log2inty = mean(.data$log2inty, na.rm=TRUE))
    } else {
        gs <- summarise(g, log2inty = log2(sum(2 ^ .data$log2inty, na.rm=TRUE)))
    gbl <- median(gs$log2inty)
    tibble(run = gs$run, adjLog2inty = gbl - gs$log2inty)

#' @keywords internal
.byReference <- function(df, ref) {
    df_aug <- left_join(df, ref)
    df_aug$log2inty <- df_aug$log2inty + df_aug$adjLog2inty
    df_aug[, names(df_aug) != "adjLog2inty"]

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MSstatsPTM documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:49 p.m.