
Defines functions MWAS_scatterplotMS MWAS_barplot MWAS_skylineNMR compute_score sig_color SK_color SK_scores

Documented in MWAS_barplot MWAS_scatterplotMS MWAS_skylineNMR


### SK_scores ####
SK_scores = function(pvalue, estimate) {
    logpvalue = -log10(pvalue)

    if (estimate < 0) {
        logpvalue = -logpvalue

### SK_color ####
SK_color = function(score, scale_color = scale_color, alpha_th = alpha_th) {
    th = -log10(alpha_th)
    if (score < (-th)) {
        color = scale_color[2]
    } else if (score > th) {
        color = scale_color[3]
    } else {
        color = scale_color[1]

### sig_color ####
sig_color = function(score, alpha_th = alpha_th) {
    th = -log10(alpha_th)
    if (score < (-th)) {
        color = 1
    } else if (score > th) {
        color = 2
    } else {
        color = 0

### compute_score #### used for the heatmap
compute_score = function(MWAS_matrix) {
    estimate = MWAS_matrix[, 1]
    estimate[estimate > 0] = 1
    estimate[estimate < 0] = -1
    return(-log10(MWAS_matrix[, 3])*estimate)


### MWAS_skylineNMR ####
MWAS_skylineNMR = function(metabo_SE, MWAS_matrix, ref_sample, alpha_th = 0.05,
                           output = "all", xlab = "ppm", ylab1 = "sign*log(pFDR)",
                           ylab2 = "intensity", pch = 20, marker_size = 1,
                           scale_color = c("black", "cornflowerblue", "red"),
                           size_lab = 12, size_axis = 12, xlim = NULL, ylim1 = NULL,
                           ylim2 = NULL, guide_type = "legend", xbreaks = waiver(),
                           xnames = waiver(), ybreaks1 = waiver(), ybreaks2 = waiver(),
                           ynames1 = waiver(), ynames2 = waiver()) {

    ## Check that the input data are correct
    if (class(metabo_SE)[1] != "SummarizedExperiment") {
        stop("metabo_SE must be a SummarizedExperiment object")
    metabo_matrix = t(assays(metabo_SE)$metabolic_data)
    ppm = rownames(metabo_SE)
    if (suppressWarnings(is.na(as.numeric(ppm[1])))) {
        stop("metabo_SE rownames seem not to correspond to a ppm scale")
    } else {
        ppm = as.numeric(ppm)
    if (ref_sample %in% colnames(metabo_SE) == FALSE) {
        stop ("ref_sample is not included in metabo_SE colnames")
    } else {
        metabo_vector = metabo_matrix[ref_sample, ]

    if (!is.matrix (MWAS_matrix) | !is.numeric(MWAS_matrix)) {
        stop ("MWAS_matrix must be a numeric matrix. Check MWAS_stats()")
    if (ncol(MWAS_matrix) < 3 ) {
        stop ("MWAS_matrix does not seem to have the right format. Check MWAS_stats")

    if (sum(is.na(MWAS_matrix))) {
        stop ("NA values in MWAS_matrix are not allowed")

    estimates = MWAS_matrix[,1]
    pvalues = MWAS_matrix[,3]

    if (length(pvalues) != length(ppm)) {
        stop("metabo_SE and MWAS_matrix are not consistent")

    ## Sort xlim in decreasing order (ppm is plotted in inverse scale)
    xlim = suppressWarnings(sort(xlim, decreasing = TRUE))

    if (length(scale_color) != 3) {
        stop("scale_color must have 3 color values")

    scores = unlist(mapply(SK_scores, pvalues, estimates, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
    assoc = as.numeric(sapply(scores, sig_color, alpha_th = alpha_th))

    nb = sort(as.numeric(unique(assoc)), decreasing = FALSE)
    legend_labels = as.character(nb)
    legend_labels[legend_labels == "0"] = "unchanged"
    legend_labels[legend_labels == "1"] = "downregulated"
    legend_labels[legend_labels == "2"] = "upregulated"
    col_breaks = nb
    col_breaks[col_breaks == 0] = scale_color[1]
    col_breaks[col_breaks == 1] = scale_color[2]
    col_breaks[col_breaks == 2] = scale_color[3]

    # Adjust scale for spectrum

    if (class(ybreaks2) == "waiver" & class(ynames2) == "waiver" & is.null(ylim2)) {#default values
        factor = nchar(round(max(metabo_vector), 0)) - 1
          if (factor > 1) {
            metabo_vector = metabo_vector / 10^factor
            ylab2 = paste(ylab2, " (x", 10, "^", factor, ")", sep = "")
            #ylab2 = bquote(~ .(ylab2) ~ '(' ~ '10'^(.factor))

    if(!is.null(xlim)) {
        if(ppm[1] < tail(ppm, n = 1)) {
            indx1 = tail(which(ppm <= min(xlim)), n = 1)
            indx2 = which(ppm >= max(xlim))[1]
        } else {
            indx1 = which(ppm <= min(xlim))[1]
            indx2 = tail(which(ppm <= max(xlim)), n = 1)
        if (length(indx1) == 0 | length(indx2) == 0) {
          stop("xlim is not contained in metabo_SE rownames")

        if (is.na(indx1) | is.na(indx2)) {
            stop("xlim is not contained in metabo_SE rownames")
        rangeidx = indx1:indx2

        if (is.null(ylim1)) {
            if(min(scores[rangeidx]) > 0) {
                ylim1 = c(0.90*(min(scores[rangeidx])),
            } else {
                ylim1 = c(1.15*(min(scores[rangeidx])),
        if (is.null(ylim2)) {
            if (min(metabo_vector[rangeidx]) > 0) {
                ylim2 = c(0.90*(min(metabo_vector[rangeidx])),
            } else {
                ylim2 = c(1.15*(min(metabo_vector[rangeidx])),

    data_SK = data.frame(ppm = ppm, scores = scores, assoc = assoc,
                         metabo_vector = metabo_vector)

    # Do plots

    figure_SK = ggplot(data_SK, aes(ppm, scores, color = assoc)) +
                geom_point(shape = pch, size = marker_size) +
                scale_colour_gradientn(colours = col_breaks, breaks = nb, space = "Lab",
                                       guide = guide_type, labels = legend_labels) +
                scale_x_reverse(limits = xlim, breaks = xbreaks, labels = xnames) +
                scale_y_continuous(limits = ylim1, breaks = ybreaks1, labels = ynames1) +
                theme_bw() + labs(x = xlab, y = ylab1) +
                theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
                      axis.text = element_text(size = size_axis),
                      axis.title = element_text(size = size_lab, vjust = 0)) +
                #geom_hline(yintercept = 0, col = scale_color[1]) +
                        if (1 %in% nb) geom_hline(yintercept = +log10(alpha_th),
                                                  col = scale_color[2],
                      } + {
                        if (2 %in% nb) geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(alpha_th),
                                                  col = scale_color[3],

    figure_spectrum = ggplot(data_SK, aes(ppm, metabo_vector, color = assoc)) +
                      geom_line() +
                      scale_colour_gradientn(colours = col_breaks, breaks = nb, space = "Lab",
                                             guide = guide_type, labels = legend_labels) +
                      scale_x_reverse(limits = xlim, breaks = xbreaks, labels = xnames) +
                      scale_y_continuous(limits = ylim2, breaks = ybreaks2, labels = ynames2) +
                      theme_bw() + labs(x = xlab, y = ylab2) +
                      theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
                            axis.text = element_text(size = size_axis),
                            axis.title = element_text(size = size_lab, vjust = 0))

    if (output == "skyline") {

    } else if (output == "spectrum") {

    }  else {
      figure_SK_gtable = ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(figure_SK))
      figure_spectrum_gtable = ggplot_gtable(ggplot_build(figure_spectrum))
      maxWidth = unit.pmax(figure_SK_gtable$widths[2:3],

      figure_SK_gtable$widths[2:3] = maxWidth
      figure_spectrum_gtable$widths[2:3] = maxWidth

      biplot = arrangeGrob(figure_SK_gtable, figure_spectrum_gtable)

### MWAS_barplot ####
MWAS_barplot = function(MWAS_matrix, alpha_th = 0.05, width = NULL, scale_color
                        = c("darkgray", "cornflowerblue", "firebrick1"),
                        legend_labs = c("unchanged", "downregulated", "upregulated"),
                        ylab = "sign*log(pFDR)", size_yaxis = 12, size_ylab = 12,
                        size_names = 10, angle_names = 45, sort = TRUE) {

    ## Check that the input data are correct
    if (!is.matrix (MWAS_matrix) | !is.numeric(MWAS_matrix)) {
      stop ("MWAS_matrix must be a numeric matrix. Check MWAS_stats()")
    if (ncol(MWAS_matrix) < 3 ) {
      stop ("MWAS_matrix does not seem to have the right format. Check MWAS_stats")
    if (sum(is.na(MWAS_matrix))) {
      stop ("NA values in MWAS_matrix are not allowed")

    estimates = as.numeric(MWAS_matrix[,1])
    pvalues = as.numeric(MWAS_matrix[,3])

    metabo_ids = rownames(MWAS_matrix)

    if (length(pvalues) != length(metabo_ids)) {
        stop("metabo_ids length must be consistent with MWAS_matrix dimension")

    ## Get scores and color scale
    scores = unlist(mapply(SK_scores, pvalues, estimates, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
    names(scores) = metabo_ids
    scores_col = sapply(scores, SK_color, scale_color = scale_color,
                        alpha_th = alpha_th)

    col_ref = scores_col
    col_ref[col_ref == scale_color[1]] = legend_labs[1]
    col_ref[col_ref == scale_color[2]] = legend_labs[2]
    col_ref[col_ref == scale_color[3]] = legend_labs[3]

    scores_col_values = unique(scores_col)
    names(scores_col_values) = unique(col_ref)
    assoc = factor(col_ref)

    scoresM = data.frame(assoc = assoc, metabo_ids = factor(metabo_ids),
                         scores = scores)

    ## Set positions
    if(sort == TRUE){
        positions = names(sort(scores))
    } else{
        positions = names(scores)

    ## Do barplot
    figure_barplot = ggplot(data = scoresM, aes(x = metabo_ids, y = scores, fill = assoc)) + {
        if (is.null(width)) geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = position_dodge())
        else geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = position_dodge(), width = width)
      } +
        scale_x_discrete(limits = positions) +
        scale_fill_manual(values = scores_col_values) +
        theme_bw() +
        labs(x = " ", y = ylab) +
        theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
              axis.text = element_text(size = size_yaxis),
              axis.text.x = element_text(angle = angle_names, hjust = 1, size = size_names),
              axis.title = element_text(size = size_ylab, vjust = 0 )) +
          if ("downregulated" %in% assoc) geom_hline(yintercept = +log10(alpha_th),
                                       col = scale_color[2],
       } + {
          if ("upregulated" %in% assoc) geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(alpha_th),
                                       col = scale_color[3],

### MWAS_scatterplotMS ####
MWAS_scatterplotMS = function(rt, mz, MWAS_matrix, alpha_th = 0.05, xlab = "rt",
                              ylab = "mz", pch = 20, scale_color = c("cornflowerblue", "red"),
                              xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, size_axis = 10, size_lab = 10,
                              legend_position = "bottom") {

    ## Check if input variables are correct
    if (is.vector(rt) == FALSE | is.numeric(rt) == FALSE) {
        stop ("rt must be a numeric vector")

    if (is.vector(mz) == FALSE | is.numeric(mz) == FALSE) {
        stop ("mz must be a numeric vector")

    if (is.matrix(MWAS_matrix) == FALSE | is.numeric(MWAS_matrix) == FALSE) {
        stop ("MWAS_matrix must be a numeric matrix")

    if(ncol(MWAS_matrix) < 3) {
        stop ("MWAS_matrix seems to have an incorrect format")

    if (length(mz) != length(rt) | length(rt) != nrow(MWAS_matrix)) {
        stop("dimensions MWAS_matrix, rt and mz must be consistent")

    if (sum(is.na(MWAS_matrix))) {
        stop ("NA values in MWAS_matrix are not allowed")

    if (length(scale_color) != 2) {
        stop("scale_color must have 2 color values")

    MWAS_matrix_filtered = MWAS_filter(MWAS_matrix[, 1:3], alpha_th = alpha_th)
    MWAS_matrix_filtered = matrix(MWAS_matrix_filtered, ncol = 4)
    ind = MWAS_matrix_filtered[, 4]
    rt_filtered = rt[ind]
    mz_filtered = mz[ind]
    estimates_filtered = MWAS_matrix_filtered[, 1]
    scores_filtered = abs(log10(MWAS_matrix_filtered[, 3]))

    assoc = estimates_filtered
    assoc[estimates_filtered < 0] = "downregulated"
    assoc[estimates_filtered > 0] = "upregulated"

    scoresM = data.frame(rt = rt_filtered, mz = mz_filtered,
                         assoc = assoc, logpval = scores_filtered)

    figure = ggplot (scoresM, aes(rt, mz, color = assoc, size = logpval)) +
        geom_point(shape = pch) +
        scale_colour_manual(values = c(scale_color[1], scale_color[2])) +
        theme_bw() +
        labs(x = xlab, y = ylab) +
        scale_x_continuous(limits = xlim) +
        scale_y_continuous(limits = ylim) +
        theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
              axis.text = element_text(size = size_axis),
              axis.title = element_text(size = size_lab, vjust = 0),
              legend.position = legend_position)


### MWAS_heatmap ####
MWAS_heatmap = function (metabo_SE, MWAS_list, alpha_th = 0.05, display_all = TRUE,
                         ncut = 3, ...) {

    ## Check that input data are correct
    if(!is.list(MWAS_list)) {
        stop("MWAS_list must be a list")
    if( FALSE %in% sapply(MWAS_list, is.matrix)) {
        stop("All the elements from MWAS_list must be matrices from MWAS_stats()")
    if(is.null(names(MWAS_list))) {
        stop("MWAS_list names are missing")
    if(nrow(metabo_SE) != nrow(MWAS_list[[1]])) {
        stop("metabo_SE and MWAS_list dimensions are not consistent")

    ## Get score_matrix
    score_matrix = do.call(cbind, lapply(MWAS_list, compute_score))
    non_sign_index = which(abs(score_matrix) < -log10(alpha_th))
    score_matrix[non_sign_index] = 0
    colnames(score_matrix) = names(MWAS_list)

    ## Get correlation_matrix
    metabolic_data = t(assays(metabo_SE)$metabolic_data)

    ## Check if there are any non significant results
    if(display_all == FALSE) {
        non_sig_index = which(rowSums(score_matrix) == 0)
        if (length(non_sig_index) == nrow(score_matrix)) {
            stop ("None of the metabolites meets the significance criteria")
        if (length(non_sig_index) > 0) {
            metabolic_data = metabolic_data[, -non_sig_index]
            score_matrix = score_matrix[-non_sig_index, ]

    ## Clustering and generation of row dendrogram
    hr <<- hclust(as.dist(1-cor(metabolic_data, method="pearson")),
    ncut  <<- ncut[1] # in case the user puts 2 values

    ## Generate heatmap
    draw(Heatmap(score_matrix, cluster_rows = hr, cluster_columns = FALSE,
                 name = "MWAS_score", row_dend_reorder = TRUE, ...))
    decorate_row_dend("MWAS_score", {
        find_first_index = function(number, all_numbers) {
            return(which(all_numbers == number)[1] - 1)
        find_last_index = function(number, all_numbers) {
            ind = which(all_numbers == number)
        ind = cutree(hr, h = max(hr$height/ncut))[order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hr))]
        #ind = cutree(hr, k = 2)[order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hr))]
        y1 = sapply(unique(ind), find_first_index, rev(ind))
        y2 = sapply(unique(ind), find_last_index, rev(ind))
        grid.rect(y = y1/length(ind), height = (y2 - y1)/length(ind),
                  just = "bottom",default.units = "npc",
                   gp = gpar(fill = c(rainbow(length(y1),alpha = 0.5)), col = NA))
    ind = cutree(hr, h = max(hr$height/ncut))[order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hr))]
    cluster_matrix = cbind(names(ind), ind)
    colnames(cluster_matrix) = c("metabolite", "cluster")
    rownames(cluster_matrix) = NULL

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MWASTools documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:07 p.m.