
Defines functions PloPathway

Documented in PloPathway

PloPathway <- function(zipFile = "none",
		reference = "none",
		data.file.name = "none", 
		datafile.ignore.cols = 1, 
		filesPath=".", aggregateFun="sum", logAb=FALSE, ...) 

options(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

results <- list()

if ( !(zipFile %in% c("", "none") ) ) {
  # unzip to tempdir
	#if ( !( "./PWFiles" %in% list.files()) ) dir.create("PWFiles")
	#files <- unzip(zipFile, exdir="PWFiles")
  files <- unzip(zipFile, exdir=tempdir())
} else {
	files <- list.files(filesPath)
 	files <- paste(filesPath, files, sep="/")

file.list <- files[grep("\\.txt$", files)]
# don't try to analyze Annot files just in case from previous run
if (length(-grep("^Annot", file.list)) > 0) file.list <- file.list[-grep("^Annot", file.list)];
file.names <- gsub("\\.txt", "", unlist(lapply(file.list, FUN=basename)))

if (data.file.name %in% c("", "none") ) {
	data.file.name <- NULL

results$datafileName <- data.file.name
results$datafile.ignore.cols <- datafile.ignore.cols

useReference <- (!(reference == "none")) 

  # All unique pathway IDs
  allAnnotID = unlist(lapply(file.list, function(x) {v=read.table(x, sep="\t")[,2];
      sapply(v, function(y) strsplit(y, split="\\s")[[1]])}))
  AnnotIDlist <- names(sort(table(allAnnotID), decreasing = TRUE))

# get the protein IDs from each file
list.prot.ids = lapply(file.list, function(x) read.table(x, sep="\t")[,1])
names(list.prot.ids) = basename(file.list)
results$list.prot.ids = list.prot.ids

res.list <- processAnnotation(file.list, AnnotIDlist, data.file.name, 
	printFiles=FALSE, datafile.ignore.cols=datafile.ignore.cols, 

annot.res <- annotationPlot(res.list, plot=TRUE, trimzero=TRUE, type="pathway")
results$Counts <- annot.res$counts
results$Percentages <- annot.res$percentages
Group <- NULL

if (DATA) {

	gp <- names(read.csv(data.file.name))[-seq_len(datafile.ignore.cols)]

	#gp <- inferGroup(gp)
	Group <- gp
	if (min(summary(gp)) == max(summary(gp))) { # is this still needed to pathway?? 
		Group <- gp;
		results$inferredGroup <- Group
	abundance <- abundancePlot(res.list, Group=Group, log=logAb);
	results$Abundance <- abundance$abundance
	results$aggregatedAbundance <- abundance$ag.mat
	# The levelplots and barcharts
	results$list.levelplots <- abundance$list.levelplots
	results$list.barplots <- abundance$list.barplots

if (useReference) {

comp <- compareAnnot(res.list, reference);
results$FisherPval <- comp


results$Group = Group
results$res.list <- res.list



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PloGO2 documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:40 p.m.