
Defines functions phi my.Psi.dash my.Psi mmul sva.id eig_norm2 eig_norm1 makeLMFormula plot.eigentrends.start plot.eigentrends

Documented in eig_norm1 eig_norm2 makeLMFormula sva.id

# plot top 3 eigentrends with a line at 0.
# in cse of a single treatment group u and v matrices are switched..
plot.eigentrends = function(svdr, title1) {
  v = svdr$v
  d = svdr$d
  ss = d ^ 2
  Tk = signif(ss / sum(ss) * 100, 2)
  titles = paste("Trend ", seq_len(3), " (", Tk[seq_len(3)], "%)", sep = "")
  do.text = function(j)
                    cex = 0.7,
                    padj = -0.7,
                    adj = 1)
  range.y = range(as.numeric(v[, seq_len(3)]), na.rm = TRUE)
  toplot1_1 = as.numeric(v[, 1])
  toplot1_2 = as.numeric(v[, 2])
  toplot1_3 = as.numeric(v[, 3])
    type = 'b',
    ann = FALSE,
    ylim = range.y
  graphics::abline(h = 0, lty = 3)
    cex.main = 1.2,
    font.main = 1,
    col.main = "purple",
    ylab = NULL
    type = 'b',
    ann = FALSE,
    ylim = range.y
  graphics::abline(h = 0, lty = 3)
    type = 'b',
    ann = FALSE,
    ylim = range.y
  graphics::abline(h = 0, lty = 3)

# plot 3 eigentrends with a line at 0. Strting at the trend number passed in
# pos1 parameter provide the starting index for teh 3 trends
# in cse of a single treatment group u and v matrices are switched..
plot.eigentrends.start = function(svdr, title1, pos1 = 1) {
  # No check for valid range of pos1 is performed!!!
  v = svdr$v
  d = svdr$d
  ss = d ^ 2
  Tk = signif(ss / sum(ss) * 100, 2)
  titles = paste("Trend ", pos1:(pos1 + 3),
                 " (", Tk[pos1:(pos1 + 3)], "%)", sep = "")
  do.text = function(j)
                    cex = 0.7,
                    padj = -0.7,
                    adj = 1)
  range.y = range(as.numeric(v[, pos1:(pos1 + 3)]), na.rm = TRUE)
  toplot1_1 = as.numeric(v[, pos1])
  toplot1_2 = as.numeric(v[, (pos1 + 1)])
  toplot1_3 = as.numeric(v[, (pos1 + 2)])
    type = 'b',
    ann = FALSE,
    ylim = range.y
  graphics::abline(h = 0, lty = 3)
    cex.main = 1.2,
    font.main = 1,
    col.main = "purple",
    ylab = NULL
    type = 'b',
    ann = FALSE,
    ylim = range.y
  graphics::abline(h = 0, lty = 3)
    type = 'b',
    ann = FALSE,
    ylim = range.y
  graphics::abline(h = 0, lty = 3)

#' String linear model formula suitable
#' Makes a string linear model formula suitable for the right hand side of the
#' equasion passed into lm()
#' eig_norm1 and eig_norm2
#' Here we incorporate the model matrix from EigenMS
#' normalization to find the significant
#' trends in the matrix of residuals.
#' @param eff treatment group ordering for all samples being anlysed.
#'            Single factor with 2+ teatment groups.
#'            Used to generate formula and contrasts for lm().
#' @param var_name string variable name to use in the formula
#' @return data structure with linea model formula and contrasts
#'  \describe{
#'   \item{lm.formula}{Lienar model formula suitable for right hand side of '
#'         ~' in lm(), ~ is not included int eh formula}
#'   \item{lm.params}{contrasts for lm(), here sum-to-zero constraint only}
#' }
#' @examples
#' grps = as.factor(c('CG', 'CG', 'CG', 'mCG', 'mCG', 'mCG'))
#' makeLMFormula(grps, 'TREATS')
#' @export
makeLMFormula = function(eff, var_name = '') {
  # eff - effects used in contrasts
  # var_name-for single factor use var-name that is passed in as variable names
  if (is.factor(eff))
    ndims = 1
    cols1 = var_name # ftemp in EigenMS
    ndims = dim(eff)[2]
    cols1 = colnames(eff)
  lhs = cols1[1]
  lm.fm = NULL
  # check if can have a list if only have 1 factor...
  params = paste('contrasts=list(', cols1[1], '=contr.sum', sep = )
  if (ndims > 1) {
    # removed ndims[2] here, now ndims holds only 1 dimention...
    for (ii in 2:length(cols1))
      lhs = paste(lhs, "+", cols1[ii])  # bl="contr.sum",
      params = paste(params, ',', cols1[ii], '=contr.sum', sep = '')
  params = paste(params, ")")
  lm.formula = stats::as.formula(paste('~', lhs))
  lm.fm$lm.formula = lm.formula
  lm.fm$lm.params = params

#' Identify bias trends 
#' First portion of EigenMS: Identify eigentrends attributable to bias, allow
#' the user to adjust the number (with causion! if desired) before normalizing
#' with eig_norm2.
#' Ref: "Normalization of peak intensities in bottom-up MS-based proteomics
#'       using singular value decomposition" Karpievitch YV, Taverner T, et al.
#'       2009, Bioinformatics
#' Ref:  "Metabolomics data normalization with EigenMS"
#'       Karpievitch YK, Nikolic SB, Wilson R, Sharman JE, Edwards LM 2014,
#'       PLoS ONE
#' @param m number of peptides x number of samples matrix of log-transformed
#'          expression data, metadata not included in this matrix
#' @param treatment either a single factor indicating the treatment group of
#'           each sample i.e. [1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2...]
#'           or a data frame of factors, eg:
#'            treatment= data.frame(cbind(data.frame(Group), data.frame(Time))
#' @param prot.info 2+ colum data frame, pepID, prID columns IN THAT ORDER.
#'              IMPORTANT: pepIDs must be unique identifiers and will be used
#'              as Row Names
#'              If normalizing non-proteomics data, create a column such as:
#'              paste('ID_',seq_len(num_rows), sep='')
#'              Same can be dome for ProtIDs, these are not used for
#'              normalization but are kept for future analyses
#' @param write_to_file if a string is passed in, 'complete' peptides
#'              (peptides with NO missing observations)
#'              will be written to that file name
#' @return A structure with multiple components
#' \describe{
#'   \item{m, treatment, prot.info, grp}{initial parameters passed into the
#'        function, returned for future reference}
#'   \item{my.svd}{matrices produced by SVD}
#'   \item{pres}{matrix of peptides that can be normalized, i.e. have enough
#'               observations for ANOVA}
#'   \item{n.treatment}{number of factors passed in}
#'   \item{n.u.treatment}{number of unique treatment facotr combinations, eg:
#'                   Factor A: a a a a c c c c
#'                   Factor B: 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2
#'                   then:  n.treatment = 2; n.u.treatment = 4}
#'   \item{h.c}{number of bias trends identified}
#'   \item{present}{names/IDs of peptides in variable 'pres'}
#'   \item{complete}{complete peptides with no missing values,
#'                   these were used to compute SVD}
#'   \item{toplot1}{trends automatically identified in raw data,
#'                  can be plotted at a later time}
#'   \item{Tk}{scores for each bias trend, eigenvalues}
#'   \item{ncompl}{number of complete peptides with no missing observations}
#' @examples
#' data(mm_peptides)
#' head(mm_peptides)
#' # different from parameter names as R uses outer name spaces
#' # if variable is undefined
#' intsCols = 8:13
#' metaCols = 1:7 # reusing this variable
#' m_logInts = make_intencities(mm_peptides, intsCols)  # will reuse the name
#' m_prot.info = make_meta(mm_peptides, metaCols)
#' m_logInts = convert_log2(m_logInts)
#' # 3 samples for CG and 3 for mCG
#' grps = as.factor(c('CG','CG','CG', 'mCG','mCG','mCG'))
#' set.seed(123) # Bias trends are determined via a permutaion, results may
#' # vary slightly if a different seed is used, such as when set.seed()
#' # function is not used
#' mm_m_ints_eig1 = eig_norm1(m=m_logInts,treatment=grps,prot.info=m_prot.info)
#' mm_m_ints_eig1$h.c # check the number of bias trends detected
#' mm_m_ints_norm = eig_norm2(rv=mm_m_ints_eig1)
#' @export
eig_norm1 = function(m, treatment, prot.info, write_to_file = '') {
    "This function uses random namber generator. For reproducibility use
    set.seed(12345) with your choce of parameter",
    immediate. = TRUE
  message("Data dimentions: ", dim(m))
  # check if treatment is a 'factor' vs data.frame',
  # i.e. single vs multiple factors
  if (is.factor(treatment)) {
    # TRUE if one factor
    n.treatment = 1 # length(treatment)
    n.u.treatment = length(unique(treatment))[1]
  } else {
    # data.frame
    n.treatment = dim(treatment)[2]
    # all possible treatment combinations
    n.u.treatment = dim(unique(treatment))[1]
  # convert m to a matrix from data.frame
  m = as.matrix(m) # no loss of information
  # filter out min.missing, here just counting missing values
  # if 1+ treatment completely missing, cannot do ANOVA,
  # thus cannot preserve grp diff.
  # IMPORTANT: we create a composite grp = number of unique combinations
  # of all groups, only for 'nested' groups for single layer
  # group is left as it is
  grpFactors = treatment # temporary var, leftover from old times...
  # length(colnames(treatment)) # not good: dim(grpFactors)
  nGrpFactors = n.treatment
  if (nGrpFactors > 1) {
    # got nested factors
    ugrps = unique(grpFactors)
    udims = dim(ugrps)
    grp = NULL
    for (ii in seq_len(udims[1])) {
      pos = grpFactors[, 1] == ugrps[ii, 1] # set to initial value
      for (jj in seq(2, udims[2])) {
        pos = pos & grpFactors[, jj] == ugrps[ii, jj]
      grp[pos] = rep(ii, sum(pos))
    grp = as.factor(grp)
  } else {
    grp = treatment
  # nobs = number of observations
  nobs = array(NA, c(nrow(m), length(unique(grp))))
  message('Treatment groups: ', grp)
  for (ii in seq_len(nrow(m))) {
    for (jj in seq_len(length(unique(grp)))) {
      # total number of groups num(g1) * num(g2) * ...
      nobs[ii, jj] = sum(!is.na(m[ii, grp == unique(grp)[jj]]))
  # now 'remove' peptides with missing groups
  # present.min = apply(nobs, 1, min) # this is slower than roMis in matrixStats
  present.min = matrixStats::rowMins(nobs) # number present in each group
  ii = present.min == 0   # 1+ obs present in ALL of the groups
  pmiss = rbind(m[ii, ]) # these have 1+ grp missing
  # rownames must be UNIQUE, if have possible duplicates: use 'ii' ?
  rownames(pmiss) = prot.info[ii, 1]  # set rownames,
  # create matrix for peptides with enough observations for ANOVA
  # 'present' are names of the peptides (pepID) and 'pres' are abundances
  # NOTE: ! negates the proteins, so we get ones that have 1+ obs in each group
  present = prot.info[!(prot.info[, 1] %in% rownames(pmiss)),] #rownames OK
  pres = m[!(prot.info[, 1] %in% rownames(pmiss)),]
  rownames(pres) = prot.info[!(prot.info[, 1] %in% rownames(pmiss)), 1]
  message('Selecting complete peptides')
  # Should issue an error message if we have NO complete peptides (unlikely)
  # select only 'complete' peptides, no missing values
  nobs = array(NA, nrow(pres)) # reassign noobs to dims of 'present'
  numiter = nrow(pres)
  # vectorized option, use instead of the for-loop bellow
  nobs = matrixStats::rowSums2(!is.na(pres))
  iii = nobs == ncol(pres)
  complete = rbind(pres[iii, ])
  #  write out a file of complete peptides if file name is passed in
  if (write_to_file != '') {
      file = write_to_file,
      append = FALSE,
      quote = FALSE,
      sep = "\t",
      eol = "\n",
      na = "NaN",
      dec = ".",
      row.names = TRUE,
      col.names = TRUE,
      qmethod = c("escape", "double")
  # compute bias with 'complete' matrix and residuals from 'present'
  # calculate eigenpeptides for 'complete' data only
  # if have only 1 group, we do not need to preserve group differernces,
  # everything is the same group, ex: QC samples
  # contrasts will fail if have only 1 group, thus have else
  if (n.u.treatment > 1) {
    message('Got 2+ treatment grps')
    # using general function that can accomodate for 1+ number of factors
    lm.fm = makeLMFormula(treatment, 'TREATS')
    TREATS = treatment
    # temp var to work if we got only 1 treatment vector.
    TREATS = data.frame(treatment)
    if (is.factor(treatment)) {
      colnames(TREATS) = "TREATS"
    } else {
      colnames(TREATS) = colnames(treatment)
    mod.c = stats::model.matrix(lm.fm$lm.formula, data = TREATS,
                                eval(parse(text = lm.fm$lm.params)))
    Y.c = as.matrix(complete) # used in eval() 
    # use stats::lm() to get residuals
    formula1 = paste('t(Y.c)~', as.character(lm.fm$lm.formula)[2], sep = '')
    TREATS = treatment
    fit_lmAll = stats::lm(eval(parse(text = formula1)))
    R.c = stats::residuals(fit_lmAll)  # Oct 2 messing with residuals...
  } else {
    # 1 group only, set residuals to original matrix
    message('Got 1 treatment grp')
    mod.c = as.numeric(t(treatment))
    # needs to be transposed to match the matrix returned from lm
    R.c = t(as.matrix(complete))
    TREATS = treatment
  message('Computing SVD, estimating Eigentrends...')
  # residuals are centered around 0, here center samples not
  # peptides/metabolites centering is basic normalization
  R.c_center = scale(R.c, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
  my.svd = svd(R.c_center)
  # can use wrapper below to chek if SVD has a problem...
  temp = my.svd$u
  my.svd$u = my.svd$v
  my.svd$v = temp
  #identify number of eigenvalues that account for
  # a significant amount of residual variation
  # save to return to the user as part of the return list
  numcompletepep = dim(complete)[1]
  # this is important info for publications
  # tell users how many peptides/metabolites the trends are based on
  # can also be determined by doing dim(return_value_fromEIg_norm1$pres)
  message('Number of treatments: ', n.u.treatment)
  h.c = sva.id(complete, n.u.treatment, lm.fm = lm.fm)$n.sv
  message("Number of bias trends automatically detected ", h.c)
  # show RAW trends
  # center each peptide around zero (subtract its mean across samples)
  complete_center = scale(t(complete), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
  message('Preparing to plot...')
  toplot1 = svd(complete_center) # scales above
  temp = toplot1$u
  toplot1$u = toplot1$v
  toplot1$v = temp
  graphics::par(mfcol = c(3, 2))
  graphics::par(mar = c(2, 2, 2, 2))
  plot.eigentrends(toplot1, "Raw Data")
  plot.eigentrends(my.svd, "Residual Data")
  d = my.svd$d
  ss = d ^ 2
  Tk = signif(ss / sum(ss) * 100, 2)
  retval = list(
    m = m,
    treatment = treatment,
    my.svd = my.svd,
    pres = pres,
    n.treatment = n.treatment,
    n.u.treatment = n.u.treatment,
    h.c = h.c,
    present = present,
    prot.info = prot.info,
    complete = complete,
    toplot1 = toplot1,
    Tk = Tk,
    ncompl = numcompletepep,
    grp = grp

#' EigenMS normalization
#' Eliminate the effects of systematic bias identified in eig_norm1()
#' Ref: "Normalization of peak intensities in bottom-up MS-based proteomics
#'       using singular value decomposition" Karpievitch YV, Taverner T et al.
#'       2009, Bioinformatics
#' Ref:  "Metabolomics data normalization with EigenMS"
#'       Karpievitch YK, Nikolic SB, Wilson R, Sharman JE, Edwards LM
#'       Submitted to PLoS ONE.
#' @param rv return value from the eig_norm1 if user wants to change
#'           the number of bias trends that will be eliminated h.c in
#'           rv should be updates to the desired number
#' @return A structure with multiple components
#' \describe{
#'   \item{normalized}{matrix of normalized abundances with 2 columns
#'                     of protein and peptdie names}
#'   \item{norm_m}{matrix of normalized abundances, no extra columns}
#'   \item{eigentrends}{trends found in raw data, bias trends up to h.c}
#'   \item{norm.svd}{trends in normalized data, if one
#'                   wanted to plot at later time}
#'   \item{exPeps}{peptides excluded due to not enough peptides or
#'                 exception in fitting a linear model}
#' @examples
#' data(mm_peptides)
#' head(mm_peptides)
#' # different from parameter names as R uses outer name
#' # spaces if variable is undefined
#' intsCols = 8:13
#' metaCols = 1:7 # reusing this variable
#' m_logInts = make_intencities(mm_peptides, intsCols)
#' m_prot.info = make_meta(mm_peptides, metaCols)
#' m_logInts = convert_log2(m_logInts)
#' grps = as.factor(c('CG','CG','CG', 'mCG','mCG','mCG'))
#' set.seed(123) # set for repoducubility of eig_norm1
#' mm_m_ints_eig1 = eig_norm1(m=m_logInts,treatment=grps,prot.info=m_prot.info)
#' mm_m_ints_eig1$h.c # check the number of bias trends detected
#' mm_m_ints_norm = eig_norm2(rv=mm_m_ints_eig1)
#' @export
eig_norm2 = function(rv) {
  # use pres matrix, as we cannot deal with m anyways,
  # need to narrow it down to 'complete' peptides
  treatment = rv$treatment
  my.svd = rv$my.svd
  pres = rv$pres
  n.u.treatment = rv$n.u.treatment
  message('Unique number of treatment combinations:', n.u.treatment)
  h.c = rv$h.c
  present = rv$present
  toplot1 = rv$toplot1
  # vector of indicators of peptides that threw exeptions
  exPeps = vector(mode = "numeric", length = nrow(pres))
  treatment = data.frame(treatment) 
  if (n.u.treatment > 1) {
    lm.fm = makeLMFormula(treatment, 'ftemp')
    mtmp = stats::model.matrix(lm.fm$lm.formula, data = treatment,
                               eval(parse(text = lm.fm$lm.params)))
  } else {
    # have 1 treatment group
    mtmp = treatment 
  # above we  needed to know how many values will get back for some matrices
  # create some variables:
  betahat = matrix(NA, nrow = dim(mtmp)[2], ncol = nrow(pres))
  newR = array(NA, c(nrow(pres), ncol(pres))) 
  norm_m = array(NA, c(nrow(pres), ncol(pres))) 
  numsamp = dim(pres)[2]
  betahat_n = matrix(NA, nrow = dim(mtmp)[2], ncol = nrow(pres))
  V0 = my.svd$v[, seq_len(h.c), drop = FALSE]   # residual eigenpeptides
  if (n.u.treatment == 1) {
    # got 1 treatment group
    for (ii in seq_len(nrow(pres))) {
      if (ii %% 250 == 0) {
        message('Processing peptide ', ii)
      pep = pres[ii,]
      pos = !is.na(pep)
      peptemp = as.matrix(pep[pos]) # take only the observed values
      resm = rep(NA, numsamp)
      resm[pos] = as.numeric(pep[pos])
      bias = array(NA, numsamp)
      bias[pos] = resm[pos] %*% V0[pos, ] %*% t(V0[pos, ])
      norm_m[ii,] = as.numeric(pep - bias)
  } else {
    # got 2+ treatment groups
    for (ii in seq_len(nrow(pres))) {
      if (ii %% 100 == 0) {
        message('Processing peptide ', ii)
      pep = pres[ii,]
      pos = !is.na(pep)
      # take only the observed values, may not be needed in R? but this works
      peptemp = as.matrix(pep[pos])
      ftemp = treatment[pos, ]
      ftemp = data.frame(ftemp)
      oopt = options()
      options(warn = -1)
      # using general function that can accomodate for 1+ number of factors
      lm.fm = makeLMFormula(ftemp, 'ftemp')
      modt = try(stats::model.matrix(lm.fm$lm.formula, data = ftemp,
                                     eval(parse(text = lm.fm$lm.params))),
                                     silent = TRUE)
      options(warn = 0)
      # do nothing if could not make model matrix
      if (!inherits(modt, "try-error")) {
        options(warn = -1)
        # if we are able to solve this, we are able to estimate bias
        bhat =  try(solve(t(modt) %*% modt) %*% t(modt) %*% peptemp)
        options(warn = 0)
        if (!inherits(bhat, "try-error")) {
          betahat[, ii] = bhat
          # these are the group effects, from estimated coefficients betahat
          ceffects = modt %*% bhat
          resm = rep(NA, numsamp) # really a vector only, not m
          resm[pos] = as.numeric(pep[pos] - ceffects)
          bias = array(NA, numsamp)
          bias[pos] = resm[pos] %*% V0[pos, ] %*% t(V0[pos, ])
          norm_m[ii,] = as.numeric(pep - bias)
          # yuliya: newR should be computed on Normalized data
          resm_n = rep(NA, numsamp)
          bhat_n =  solve(t(modt) %*% modt) %*% t(modt) %*% norm_m[ii, pos]
          betahat_n[, ii] = bhat_n
          resm_n[pos] = norm_m[ii, pos] - ceffects
          newR[ii,] = resm_n
        } else {
          message('got exception 2 at peptide: ', ii,
                  ' should not get here...')
          exPeps[ii] = 2
      } else {
        message('got exception at peptide: ', ii)
        # keep track of peptides that threw exeptions, check why...
        exPeps[ii] = 1
  } # end else - got 2+ treatment groups
  # rescaling has been eliminated form the code after discussion that bias
  # adds variation and we remove it, so no need to rescale after as we removed
  # what was introduced
  y_rescaled = norm_m # for 1 group normalization only, we do not rescale
  # add column names to y-rescaled, now X1, X2,...
  colnames(y_rescaled) = colnames(pres) # these have same number of cols
  rownames(y_rescaled) = rownames(pres)
  y_resc = data.frame(present, y_rescaled)
  rownames(y_resc) = rownames(pres)  # rownames(rv$normalized)
  final = y_resc # row names are assumed to be UNIQUE, peptide IDs are unique
  # rows with all observations present
  complete_all = y_rescaled[rowSums(is.na(y_rescaled)) == 0, , drop = FALSE]
  #  x11() # make R open new figure window
  graphics::par(mfcol = c(3, 2))
  graphics::par(mar = c(2, 2, 2, 2))
  # center each peptide around zero (subtract its mean across samples)
  # note: we are not changing matrix itself, only centerig what we pass to svd
  complete_all_center = t(scale(t(complete_all), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE))
  toplot3 = svd(complete_all_center)
  plot.eigentrends(toplot1, "Raw Data")
  plot.eigentrends(toplot3, "Normalized Data")
  message("Done with normalization!!!")
  colnames(V0) =  paste("Trend", seq_len(ncol(V0)), sep = "_")
  # on.exit takes care of the options, specified in line 559
      normalized = final,
      norm_m = y_rescaled,
      eigentrends = V0,
      norm.svd = toplot3,
      exPeps = exPeps
} # end function eig_norm2

# EigenMS helper functions
# Tom had Sig set to 0.1, I and Storey's paper has 0.05
# sva.id = function(dat, mod, n.u.treatment, B=500, sv.sig=0.05) {
# treatment, #' @param treatment treatment group information included in the
# analysis

#' Surrogate Variable Analysis
#' Surrogate Variable Analysis function used internatlly by
#' eig_norm1 and eig_norm2
#' Here we incorporate the model matrix from EigenMS
#' normalization to find the significant
#' trends in the matrix of residuals.
#' @param dat number of peptides/genes x number of samples
#'            matrix of expression data with no missing values
#' @param n.u.treatment number of treatment groups
#' @param lm.fm formular for treatment to be use on the right side of the call
#'        to stats::lm() as generated by makeLMFormula()
#' @param B The number of null iterations to perform
#' @param sv.sig The significance cutoff for the surrogate variables
#' @return A data structure with the following values:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{n.sv}{Number of significant surrogate variables}
#'   \item{p.sv}{Significance for the returned surrogate variables}
#' }
sva.id = function(dat, n.u.treatment, lm.fm, B = 500, sv.sig = 0.05)
  message("Number of complete peptides (and samples) used in SVD")
  n = ncol(dat)
  ncomp = n.u.treatment 
  message("Number of treatment groups (in svd.id): ", ncomp)
  # should be true for either case and can be used later
  if (ncomp > 1) {
    formula1 = paste('t(dat)~', as.character(lm.fm$lm.formula)[2], sep = '')
    fit_lmAll = stats::lm(eval(parse(text = formula1)))
    res = t(stats::residuals(fit_lmAll))
  } else {
    res = dat
  # center each peptide around zero (subtract its mean across samples)
  res_center = t(scale(t(res), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE))
  uu = svd(t(res_center)) # NEED a WRAPPER for t(). the diag is min(n, m)
  temp = uu$u
  uu$u = uu$v
  uu$v = temp
  s0 = uu$d
  s0 = s0 ^ 2
  dstat = s0 / sum(s0)
  ndf = length(dstat)
  dstat0 = matrix(0, nrow = B, ncol = ndf) # num samples 
  message("Starting Bootstrap.....")
  # Bootstrap procedure determines the number of significant eigertrends...
  for (ii in seq_len(B)) {
    if (ii %% 50 == 0) {
      message('Iteration ', ii)
    res0 = t(apply(res, 1, sample, replace = FALSE)) # regression
    # center each peptide around zero (subtract its mean across samples)
    # note: not changing matrix itself, only centerig what we pass to svd
    res0_center = t(scale(t(res0), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE))
    uu0 = svd(res0_center)
    temp = uu0$u  # why did tom do this??
    uu0$u = uu0$v
    uu0$v = temp
    ss0 = uu0$d  # no need for diag....
    ss0 = ss0 ^ 2
    dstat0[ii, ] = ss0 / sum(ss0) # Tk0 in Matlab
  # yuliya: check p-values here, Tom had mean value...
  psv = rep(1, n)
  for (ii in seq_len(ndf)) {
    # should this be compared to a mean? ie dstat0[ii,] ?
    posGreater = dstat0[, ii] > dstat[ii]
    psv[ii] = sum(posGreater) / B
  # p-values for trends have to be in the monotonically increasing order,
  # set equal to previous one if not the case
  for (ii in 2:ndf) {
    if (psv[(ii - 1)] > psv[ii]) {
      psv[ii] = psv[(ii - 1)]
  nsv = sum(psv <= sv.sig)
  return(list(n.sv = nsv, p.sv = psv))
# end sva.id

mmul = function(A, B) {
  # multiply square matrix by rectangle with NA's (???)
  X = A
  Y = B
  X[is.na(A)] = Y[is.na(B)] = 0
  R = X %*% Y
  R[is.na(B)] = NA
# end mmul

my.Psi = function(x, my.pi) {
  # calculates Psi
  exp(log(1 - my.pi) + stats::dnorm(x, 0, 1, log = TRUE) -
        log(my.pi + (1 - my.pi) * pnorm(x, 0, 1)))
# end my.Psi

my.Psi.dash = function(x, my.pi) {
  # calculates the derivative of Psi-my.Psi(x, my.pi) * (x + my.Psi(x, my.pi))
# end my.Psi.dash

phi = function(x) {

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