
Defines functions filterConfounders

Documented in filterConfounders

#'Filters out the effect of known confounders. This is done by fitting
#'interactions of every taxon with the levels of the confounders.
#'It returns a modified offset matrix for the remainder
#' of the fitting procedure.
#' @param muMarg a nxp matrix, the current offset
#' @param confMat a nxt confounder matrix
#' @param X the nxp data matrix
#' @param thetas a vector of length p with the current dispersion estimates
#' @param p an integer, the number of columns of X
#' @param n an integer, the number of rows of X
#' @param nleqslv.control see nleqslv()
#' @param trended.dispersion a vector of length p
#'  with trended dispersion estimates
#' @param tol a scalar, the convergence tolerance
#' @param maxIt maximum number of iterations
#' @param allowMissingness A boolean, are missing values present
#' @param naId The numeric index of the missing values in X
#' Fits the negative binomial mean parameters and overdispersion parameters
#'  iteratively.
#'  Convergence is determined based on the L2-norm
#'   of the absolute change of mean parameters
#' @return a list with components:
#' \item{thetas}{new theta estimates}
#' \item{NB_params}{The estimated parameters of the interaction terms}

filterConfounders = function(muMarg, confMat, X, thetas, p, n, nleqslv.control,
    trended.dispersion, tol = 0.001, maxIt = 20, allowMissingness, naId) {
    NB_params = matrix(0, ncol(confMat), p)

    iter = 1
    while ((iter == 1) || ((iter <= maxIt) && (!convergence))) {

        NB_params_old = NB_params

        NB_params = vapply(FUN.VALUE = numeric(nrow(NB_params)), seq_len(p),
            function(i) {
                nleq = try(nleqslv(NB_params[, i], reg = confMat,
                fn = dNBllcol_constr,
                theta = thetas[i], muMarg = muMarg[, i], X = X[, i],
                control = nleqslv.control,
                jac = JacCol_constr, psi = 1,
                allowMissingness = allowMissingness,
                naId = is.na(X[, i]))$x)
        # Fit the taxon-by taxon NB with given overdispersion parameters and
                # return predictions
                if (inherits(nleq, "try-error") | anyNA(nleq) |
                    any(is.infinite(nleq))) {
                nleq = nleqslv(NB_params[, i], reg = confMat,
                fn = dNBllcol_constr,
                theta = thetas[i], muMarg = muMarg[, i], X = X[, i],
                control = nleqslv.control, psi = 1,
                allowMissingness = allowMissingness,
                naId = is.na(X[, i]))$x
                # If fails try with numeric jacobian
            })  #Estimate response functions

        if (anyNA(NB_params)) {
            stop("Filtering on confounders failed because of
            failed fits. Consider more stringent filtering by
            increasing the prevCutOff parameter.\n")

        thetas = estDisp(X = X, cMat = matrix(0, ncol = p), rMat = matrix(0,
            nrow = n), psis = 0, muMarg = muMarg * exp(confMat %*% NB_params),
            trended.dispersion = trended.dispersion,
            allowMissingness = allowMissingness)
        # Estimate overdispersion
        iter = iter + 1
        convergence = sqrt(mean((1 - NB_params/NB_params_old)^2)) < tol
        # Check for convergence, L2-norm
    list(thetas = thetas, NB_params = NB_params)

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RCM documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:22 p.m.