#' Sample stratification for a TNS object
#' Internal function, used for sample stratification.
#' @param tns a \linkS4class{TNS} object, which must have passed GSEA2 analysis.
#' @param sections A numeric value for the stratification of the sample. The
#' larger the number, the more subdivisions will be created for the Kaplan-Meier
#' analysis.
#' @param center a logical value. If TRUE, numbers assigned to each group is
#' centralized on regulon activity scale.
#' @param undetermined.status a logical value. If TRUE, regulons assigned as
#' 'undetermined' will form a group.
#' @return An updated \linkS4class{TNS} object.
#' @examples
#' # see tnsKM method.
#' @seealso \code{\link{tnsKM}}
#' @aliases tnsStratification
#' @export
tnsStratification <- function(tns, sections = 1, center = FALSE,
undetermined.status = TRUE){
#-- checks
.tns.checks(tns, type = "TNS")
.tns.checks(sections, type = "sections")
.tns.checks(center, type = "center")
#-- stratification
para <- tnsGet(tns, what = "para")
tns <- .tns.stratification.gsea2(tns, sections = sections,
center = center,
} else {
tns <- .tns.stratification.area(tns, sections = sections, center = center)
.tns.stratification.gsea2 <- function(tns, sections=1, center=TRUE,
status <- sign(tns@results$regulonActivity$dif)
for (reg in colnames(status)){
sq <- c(seq_len(sections))
pos <- tns@results$regulonActivity$pos[, reg]
neg <- tns@results$regulonActivity$neg[, reg]
dif <- tns@results$regulonActivity$dif[, reg]
if(undetermined.status)status[sign(pos) == sign(neg), reg] <- 0
tp <- status[, reg]
tp1 <- sort(dif[tp > 0], decreasing = TRUE)
tp1[] <- rep(sq, each = ceiling(length(tp1)/sections), length.out = length(tp1))
status[names(tp1), reg] <- tp1
tp2 <- sort(dif[tp < 0], decreasing = TRUE)
tp2[] <- rep(sq + sections + 1, each = ceiling(length(tp2)/sections), length.out = length(tp2))
status[names(tp2), reg] <- tp2
mid <- sections + 1
status[status == 0] <- mid
status <- -1 * (status - mid)
mid <- 0
tns@results$regulonActivity$status <- status
tns@results$regulonActivity$sections <- sections
tns@results$regulonActivity$center <- mid
.tns.stratification.area <- function(tns, sections=1, center=FALSE){
status <- sign(tns@results$regulonActivity$dif)
for (reg in colnames(status)){
sq <- c(seq_len(sections))
dif <- tns@results$regulonActivity$dif[, reg]
tp <- status[, reg]
tp1 <- sort(dif[tp > 0], decreasing = TRUE)
tp1[] <- rep(sq, each = ceiling(length(tp1)/sections), length.out = length(tp1))
status[names(tp1), reg] <- tp1
tp2 <- sort(dif[tp < 0], decreasing = TRUE)
tp2[] <- rep(sq + sections + 1, each = ceiling(length(tp2)/sections), length.out = length(tp2))
status[names(tp2), reg] <- tp2
#--- obs. this stratification generates a 'midle' group
#--- only when there are samples with regulon activity assigned with 0 or NA
mid <- sections + 1
status[status == 0 |] <- mid
status <- -1 * (status - mid)
mid <- 0
tns@results$regulonActivity$status <- status
tns@results$regulonActivity$sections <- sections
tns@results$regulonActivity$center <- mid
.checkRegel <- function(tni, regel){
#---check regel
colid <- sapply(colnames(tni@rowAnnotation), function(i) {
sum(regel%in%tni@rowAnnotation[, i])
colid <- names(colid[which.max(colid)])
idx <- which(tni@rowAnnotation[[colid]]%in%regel)
if(length(idx) < length(regel)) {
warning("Not all names in 'regulatoryElements' are available in the 'TNI' rowAnnotation!",
idx <- tni@regulatoryElements %in% rownames(tni@rowAnnotation)[idx]
tp <- paste("NOTE: no names in 'regulatoryElements' has been used to call ",
"regulons in the provided 'TNI'!", sep="")
stop(tp, call.=FALSE)
} else if(sum(idx) < length(regel)){
tp <- paste("Not all names in 'regulatoryElements' have been used to call ",
"regulons in the provided 'TNI'!", sep="")
warning(tp, call.=FALSE)
regel <- tni@regulatoryElements[idx]
tp <- paste("NOTE: at least two valid names in 'regulatoryElements'",
" are required to call dual regulons!", sep="")
stop(tp, call.=FALSE)
return (regel)
.survstats <- function(regulonActivity, survData, reg, excludeMid){
#-- get data
tumours <- rev(sort(regulonActivity$dif[, reg], decreasing = TRUE))
status <- regulonActivity$status[names(tumours), reg]
nclass <- length(unique(status))
#--- third panel plot (Kaplan-Meier)
if (excludeMid && nclass%%2 != 0 && nclass > 1){
rmc <- (nclass + 1)/2
idx <- status != rmc
status <- status[idx]
tumours <- tumours[idx]
nclass <- nclass - 1
sections <- sort(unique(status))
ddt <- survData[names(status), ]
ddt$class <- status
#---log-rank test
survtb <- c(ChiSquare=NA, Pvalue=NA)
survdf <- NA
survft <- NA
if(nclass > 1){
survft <- survfit(Surv(time, event) ~ class, data = ddt)
survdf <- survdiff(Surv(time, event) ~ class, data = ddt)
pval <- 1 - pchisq(survdf$chisq, length(survdf$n) - 1)
survtb[] <- c(survdf$chisq,pval)
res <- list(kmTable=survtb, survdiff=survdf, survfit=survft)
.survplot <- function(regulonActivity, kmtb, survdf, survft, reg, endpoint,
xlab, ylab, colorPalette, panelWidths,
excludeMid, attribs, groups){
#-- get data
tumours <- rev(sort(regulonActivity$dif[, reg], decreasing = TRUE))
status <- regulonActivity$status[names(tumours), reg]
nclass <- length(unique(status))
#-- get colors
if (is.singleString(colorPalette)){
if (colorPalette == "red"){
cols <- pal1(nclass)
} else if (colorPalette == "blue"){
cols <- pal2(nclass)
} else if (colorPalette %in% c("redblue","bluered")){
cols <- pal3(nclass)
cols <- rev(cols)
} else {
cols <- colorPalette
if (nclass%%2 == 0){
rmc <- (nclass/2) + 1
cols <- cols[-rmc]
#--- adjust graphical parameters
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
np <- length(tumours)
nms <- pretty(c(1, np), eps.correct = 1) + 1
dp <- nms[2] - nms[1]
pp <- length(nms)
if ((abs(nms[pp] - np)/dp) > 0.6) nms <- nms[-pp]
nms[length(nms)] <- np
mt <- matrix(c(1,2,3), 1, 3)
mar = c(7.5, 5, 3, 0.7)
} else {
mt <- matrix(c(1,1,2), 1, 3)
mar = c(7.5, 15, 3, 0)
layout(mt, widths = panelWidths)
par(mgp = c(2.5, 0.4, 0), mar = mar, cex=0.66)
xlim <- range(tumours) + c(-0.5, 0.5)
#--- first plot (stratification)
barplot(tumours, space = 0, xlim = c(-2, 2), axes = FALSE, cex.lab = 1.2,
col = cols[as.factor(status)], horiz = TRUE, border = NA,
axisnames = FALSE, ylab = "Samples", xlab = "",
beside = TRUE, lwd = 1)
mtext("Regulon activity\n(dES)", 1, adj = 0.5, line = 3, cex = 0.8)
mtext(reg, 3, adj = 0.1, line = -0.5, cex = 0.8)
axis(2, at = nms, labels = nms, tcl = -0.2, las = 2, lwd = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.2)
axis(1, tcl = -0.2, lwd = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.2)
#--- second plot (attribs, optional)
attribs <- attribs[names(status), ]
par(mar = c(7.5, 0, 3, 0))
image(t(attribs), col = c("grey95", "black"), axes = FALSE, ylim=c(-0.04,1.04))
labs <- colnames(attribs)
axis(1, at = seq(0, 1, length.out = length(labs)), labels = labs, tcl = -0.2,
las = 2, lwd = 1.8, cex.axis = 0.8)
if (!is.null(groups)){
lanes <- cumsum(groups)[-length(groups)]
pos <- seq(0, 1, length.out = length(labs))
pos <- (pos[-length(pos)] + (pos[2:length(pos)]))/2
par(xpd = TRUE)
for (i in lanes){
lines(x = c(pos[i], pos[i]), y = c(-0.2, 1), col = "grey40", lwd = 1.2,
lty = "11", lend = 1)
par(xpd = FALSE)
#--- set excludeMid
if (excludeMid && nclass%%2 != 0 && nclass > 1){
rmc <- (nclass + 1)/2
cols <- cols[-rmc]
idx <- status != rmc
status <- status[idx]
tumours <- tumours[idx]
nclass <- nclass - 1
sections <- sort(unique(status))
if (length(sections) < length(cols)) cols <- cols[-((length(cols) + 1)/2)]
#-- km plot
par(mar = c(7.5, 5, 3, 1))
} else {
labs <- as.integer(seq(0, endpoint, length.out = length.out))
if (!endpoint %in% labs) labs <- pretty(c(0, endpoint))
plot(survft, col = cols, lwd = 1.8, axes = FALSE, cex.lab = 1.2, cex = 0.5,
mark.time = TRUE, ylab = ylab, xlab = "", xlim = range(labs))
mtext(xlab, 1, adj = 0.5, line = 2, cex = 0.8)
axis(1, at = labs, labels = labs, tcl = -0.2, las = 1, lwd = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.2)
axis(2, tcl = -0.2, las = 2, lwd = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.2)
if (nclass > 1){
if (nclass == 2){
legs <- paste(c("Positive dES", "Negative dES")[1:length(sections)], ": ",
survdf$n, " (", survdf$obs, ")", sep = "")
} else if (nclass == 3) {
legs <- paste(c("Positive dES", "undetermined", "Negative dES")[1:length(sections)], ": ",
survdf$n, " (", survdf$obs, ")", sep = "")
} else {
legs <- paste("Section ", 1:length(sections), ": ", survdf$n,
"(", survdf$obs,")", sep = "")
legend("bottomleft", legend = legs, col = cols, bty = "n", pch = 15,
cex = 1, pt.cex = 1.5)
pval <- kmtb$Adjusted.Pvalue
pval <- paste("Logrank P: ", format(pval, digits = 3, scientific = TRUE))
legend("topright", cex = 1, legend = pval, bty = "n", inset = c(0,-0.05))
pal1 <- function(nclass){
pt <- rev(colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Reds"))(11))
if (nclass == 1){
cols <- "grey80"
} else if(nclass <= 3)
cols <- c(pt[c(1)], "grey80", pt[c(5)])
} else if(nclass <= 5){
cols <- c(pt[c(1, 4)], "grey80", pt[c(7, 9)])
} else if(nclass <= 7){
cols <- c(pt[c(1, 3, 5)], "grey80", pt[c(7, 9, 10)])
} else {
warning("NOTE: please, provide up to 3 sections for stratification!")
cols <- "grey80"
pal2 <- function(nclass){
pt <- rev(colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Blues"))(11))
if (nclass == 1){
cols <- "grey80"
} else if (nclass <= 3){
cols <- c(pt[c(1)], "grey80", pt[c(5)])
} else if (nclass <= 5){
cols <- c(pt[c(1, 4)], "grey80", pt[c(7, 9)])
} else if (nclass <= 7){
cols <- c(pt[c(1, 3, 5)], "grey80", pt[c(7, 9, 10)])
} else {
warning("NOTE: please, provide up to 3 sections for stratification!")
cols <- "grey80"
pal3 <- function(nclass){
ptreds <- rev(colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Reds"))(11))
ptblues <- rev(colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9, "Blues"))(11))
if (nclass == 1){
cols <- "grey80"
} else if (nclass <= 3){
cols <- c(ptreds[c(4)], "grey80", rev(ptblues[c(5)]))
} else if (nclass <= 5){
cols <- c(ptreds[c(4, 7)], "grey80", rev(ptblues[c(4, 7)]))
} else if (nclass <= 7){
cols <- c(ptreds[c(2, 5, 8)], "grey80", rev(ptblues[c(2, 5, 8)]))
} else {
warning("NOTE: please, provide up to 3 sections for stratification!")
cols <- "grey80"
.plotCox = function(coxtb, regs, keycovar, fpath, fname, width, height,
xlim, xlab, ylab, plotpdf){
#--- assign colors to line representation based on significance
pal <- c("black", "#008080ff", "grey60", "#d45500ff")
cols <- rep(NA, nrow(coxtb))
names(cols) <- rownames(coxtb)
cols[keycovar] <- 1
idx1 <- coxtb[regs, "HR"] <= 1
idx2 <- coxtb[regs, "Upper95"] < 1 | coxtb[regs, "Lower95"] > 1
cols[regs][idx1 & idx2] <- 2
cols[regs][!idx2] <- 3
cols[regs][!idx1 & idx2] <- 4
cols[] <- pal[cols]
#--- get name labels for the graph
labs <- rownames(coxtb)
mxchar <- max(nchar(labs))
len <- max(mxchar/10, 1)
pal <- c("#008080ff", "grey60", "#d45500ff")
leg1 <- c("associated, HR<1", "associated, HR>1","not associated")
if(ylab=="Regulons and other covariates") ylab <- "Regulons"
} else {
pal <- c("black", "#008080ff", "grey60", "#d45500ff")
leg1 <- c("other covariates", "associated, HR<1", "not associated","associated, HR>1")
xlabs <- .prettylog(xlim)
xlim <- range(xlim)
#--- plot graph
nIN = 2
nOUT = nrow(coxtb) + 1
ylim <- c(0, nOUT + 1)
fname = paste(fname, ".pdf", sep = "")
pdf(file = paste(fpath, "/", fname, sep = ""),
width = width, height = height)
op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
par(mai = c(0.4, 1.4 * len, 0.8, 0.7), mgp = c(3, 0.4, 0), yaxs = "i", xaxs = "i")
plot(NA, log = "x", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, axes = FALSE, ylab = "", xlab = "")
segments(xlim[1], nIN:nOUT, coxtb[, "Lower95"], col = "grey85", lwd = 1.5, lty = "21", lend = 2)
lines(x = c(1, 1), y = c(1, nOUT + 1), lwd = 1.5, col = "grey60", lty = "21", lend = 2)
segments(coxtb[, "Lower95"], nIN:nOUT, coxtb[, "Upper95"], col = cols, lwd = 1.5)
points(y = nIN:nOUT, x = coxtb[, "HR"], pch = 18, cex = 1.2, lwd = 1, col = cols)
axis(3, lwd = 2, cex.axis = 1.2, tck = -0.02, labels = xlabs$labs, at = xlabs$at)
mtext(xlab, side = 3, line = 1.5, cex = 1.2)
mtext(ylab, side = 2, line = 1 + 3 * len, cex = 1.2, adj = 0.6)
labs <- rownames(coxtb)
mtext(text = labs, side = 2, at = nIN:nOUT, las = 2, cex = 0.8)
par(xpd = TRUE)
legend(y = 0.5, x = 1, legend = leg1, col = pal[c(1,3,2)], pch = 18, lwd = 1.2,
xjust = 0.5, horiz=T, yjust = 0.5, bty = "n", cex = 0.65, pt.cex = 0.9,
} else {
legend(y = 0, x = 1, legend = leg1, ncol = 2, col = pal, pch = 18, lwd = 1.2,
xjust = 0.5, yjust = 0.5, bty = "n", cex = 0.65, pt.cex = 0.9)
tp1 <- paste0("NOTE: file '",fname,"' should be available either in the working directory or\n")
tp2 <- c("in a user's custom directory!\n")
.prettylog <- function(xlim, n=10){
# urd <- function(d, x){
# lxd <- log10(x/d)
# rlxd <- unique(c(floor(lxd), ceiling(lxd)))
# d * 10^rlxd
# }
xlim <- sort(xlim)
if (length(xlim) == 2){
tp <- seq(xlim[1], xlim[2], by = xlim[1])
tp <- sort(unique(c(1, xlim, tp)))
# xlabs <- sort(urd(1, tp))
xlabs <- sort(c(1, xlim))
tp <- unlist(sapply(1:(length(xlabs) - 1), function(i)
pretty(xlabs[i:(i + 1)], n = n)
tp <- unique(as.numeric(tp))
tp <- tp[findInterval(tp, xlim) == 1]
xat <- sort(unique(c(1, xlim, tp)))
tp <- range(xat)
if (tp[1] > min(xlabs))
xlabs <- c(xlabs, tp[1])
if (tp[2] < max(xlabs))
xlabs <- c(xlabs, tp[2])
xlabs <- sort(xlabs)
} else {
xat <- xlabs <- xlim
idx <- xat >= 10
tp <- c(format(xat[!idx], scientific = FALSE, digits=1), format(xat[idx], nsmall = 0))
tp[!xat %in% xlabs] <- NA
tp[xat == 1] <- "1.0"
list(labs = tp, at = xat)
tns.set <- function(object, para = NULL, what){
if (what == "status"){
object@status["Preprocess"] <- "[x]"
object@status["Activity"] <- "[ ]"
object@status["KM"] <- "[ ]"
object@status["KmInt"] <- "[ ]"
object@status["Cox"] <- "[ ]"
object@status["CoxInt"] <- "[ ]"
} else if (what == "regulonActivity"){
object@results$regulonActivity <- para
object@status["Activity"] <- "[x]"
} else if (what == "KM"){
object@results$KM <- para
object@status["KM"] <- "[x]"
} else if (what == "Cox"){
object@results$Cox <- para
object@status["Cox"] <- "[x]"
} else if (what == "CoxInt"){
object@results$CoxInt <- para
object@status["CoxInt"] <- "[x]"
} else if (what == "KmInt"){
object@results$KmInt <- para
object@status["KmInt"] <- "[x]"
} else if (what == "survivalData"){
object@survivalData <- para
} else if (what == "para"){
object@para <- para
##returns rejection threshold for methods in 'p.adjust'
p.threshold <- function (pvals, alpha=0.05, method="BH"){
pvals <- sort(pvals)
padj <- p.adjust(pvals, method = method)
thset <- which(padj <= alpha)
mx1 <- mx2 <- which.max(thset)
if(mx2<length(padj)) mx2 <- mx2 + 1
th <- (pvals[mx1] + min(pvals[mx2],alpha) ) / 2
} else {
th <- min(c(alpha,pvals))
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