## (c) 2007 Joern Toedling
## script to visualize enrichment/Chers-to-transcript
## (or other genomic features) relations using Rgraphviz
doFunctionTest <- FALSE
analyzeTfChers3 <- FALSE
# small function to capitalize 1st letter of each element of character vector
capit <- function(x){ # capitalize first letter
sapply(strsplit(x, ""), function(y)
if (length(y)==0) return("")
else paste(toupper(y[1]),paste(tolower(y[-1]),collapse=""), sep=""))
## this function converts a cherList into a two-column matrix from a graph
## can easily be constructed using the Rgraphviz function 'ftM2graphNEL'
cherList2AssignTable <- function(pl, target.names=c("upSymbol","downSymbol"),
tableNames=c("antibody","target"), verbose=TRUE)
stopifnot(is.list(pl), inherits(pl[[1]],"cher"),
"antibody" %in% slotNames(pl[[1]]), length(tableNames)==2)
if (!all(target.names %in% names(pl[[1]]@extras)))
stop(paste("Some of the target names", paste(target.names, collapse=", "),
"are not specified for the chers in the list.\n"))
resTable <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(pl)*10, ncol=2)
nAssigns <- 1
for (i in 1:length(pl)){
if (verbose && (i %% 1000 ==0)) cat(i,"... ")
this.cher <- pl[[i]]
## put upstream and downstream possible effects together
these.targets <- unique(unlist(this.cher@extras[target.names], use.names=FALSE))
these.targets <- these.targets[these.targets!=""]
if (length(these.targets)<1) next
for ( in these.targets){
resTable[nAssigns,1:2] <- capit(c(this.cher@antibody,
nAssigns <- nAssigns + 1
}#for (this.sym)
}# for i
resTable <- resTable[complete.cases(resTable),,drop=FALSE]
if (nrow(resTable)== 0)
warning("No cher-target relations found.")
resTable <- resTable[!duplicated(resTable),,drop=FALSE]
resTable <- apply(resTable, 2 , function(x) gsub("[-_]",".",x))
colnames(resTable) <- tableNames
## next function is a wrapper around tfM2graphNEL
assignTable2Graph <- function(assignTab, weights=NULL, antibody.colors=NULL, target.color="#B0C4DE", edge.color="darkslategrey", by.antibody=TRUE, sel.patterns=NULL, weight.colors=NULL, weight.breaks=NULL){
# by.antibody = should edges by color-coded by used antibody?
# sel.nodes = if specified, only a sub-graph is created in which each node names matches to any of these regular expression patterns (see ?grep)
if (!is.null(weights))
myGraph <- ftM2graphNEL(assignTab, W=weights)
if (!is.null(sel.patterns)){
sel.nodes <- unique(unlist(lapply(as.list(sel.patterns), grep, x=nodes(myGraph),, value=TRUE)))
myGraph <- subGraph(sel.nodes, myGraph)
}# if (is.null(sel.patterns))
## remainder of function is setting attributes/colors for plotting of the graph
my.antibodies <- unique(assignTab[,1])
if (is.null(antibody.colors)){
antibody.colors <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"Spectral"))(length(my.antibodies))
names(antibody.colors) <- my.antibodies
} else if (length(antibody.colors)==1) {
antibody.colors <- rep(antibody.colors, length(my.antibodies))
names(antibody.colors) <- my.antibodies
} else {
stopifnot(all(my.antibodies %in% names(antibody.colors)))
antibody.colors <- antibody.colors[my.antibodies]
## set some graph attributes for coloring
myGraphAttrs <- list(node = list(fillcolor=target.color, fontsize="20", fixedsize="false"), edge = list(color = edge.color))
myNodeAttrs <- list()
myNodeAttrs$fillcolor <- as.list(antibody.colors)
myEdges <- edges(myGraph)
myEdgeAttrs <- list()
if (by.antibody|!is.null(weight.colors)){
myEdgeAttrs$color <- list()
if (!is.null(weight.colors)){
if (is.null(weight.breaks))
weight.breaks <- seq(min(weights),max(weights)+0.1,length.out=length(weight.colors)+1)
min(weights)>=min(weight.breaks), max(weights)<max(weight.breaks))
myEdgeWeights <- edgeWeights(myGraph)
} #if (!is.null(weight.colors))
for (this.antibody in my.antibodies)
for ( in myEdges[[this.antibody]])
myEdgeAttrs$color[[paste(this.antibody,,sep="~")]] <-
weight.colors[findInterval(myEdgeWeights[[this.antibody]][], weight.breaks)])
}#if (by.antibody|!is.null(weight.colors))
### color edges by their weight:
attr(myGraph,"graphAttrs") <- myGraphAttrs
attr(myGraph,"nodeAttrs") <- myNodeAttrs
attr(myGraph,"edgeAttrs") <- myEdgeAttrs
#class(myGraph) <- c("cherAssignGraph",class(myGraph))
}# assignTable2Graph
myGraphPlot <- function(x, edge.lwd=2, ...){
par(mar=c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1), font=2, lwd=edge.lwd)
plot(x, attrs=attr(x,"graphAttrs"), nodeAttrs=attr(x,"nodeAttrs"),
### do testing of functions? might become example code in distant future
if (doFunctionTest) {
assignTabX <- cherList2AssignTable(chersX,"upSymbol","downSymbol"))
### convert table into a graph without weights:
graphX <- assignTable2Graph(assignTabX)
### convert table into a graph with weights:
graphXw <- assignTable2Graph(assignTabX, weights=c(1,1,-1,-1), weight.colors=c("green","red"), weight.breaks=c(-1,0,1.1))
}#if (doFunctionTest)
### the following is how we used these functions with our TF ChIP-chip data,
### feel free to modify it to suit your own data
if (analyzeTfChers3){
### tell R in which directory the saved binary data resides
dataDir <- "/panfs/panda1/huber/sperling/tfchip/data"
### load list of identified enrichments:
## the loaded object allTFChers is a list of lists of chers
tfChers <- unlist(allTFChers,recursive=FALSE, use.names=FALSE)
if ("modification" %in% names(tfChers[[1]]))
tfChers <- lapply(tfChers, function(p){names(p)[names(p)=="modification"] <- "antibody"; p})
assignTF <- cherList2AssignTable(tfChers)
assignTF[,1] <- gsub("H1.cdna.2","Dpf3.1", assignTF[,1])
assignTF[,1] <- gsub("H1.cdna.3","Dpf3.2", assignTF[,1])
my.patterns <- unique(c("Nkx2","Myocd", "GATA4","SRF$", "MEF2","bcl2$","Hand","Alk2","Irx4","Tbx","Isl1","Bop","Anf","Dpf3$", paste("^",names(which(table(assignTF[,2])>5)),"$",sep="")))
tf.colors <- brewer.pal(8,"Dark2"); tf.colors[4] <- "#FF00FF"; tf.colors[3] <- "royalblue";
names(tf.colors) <- c("Gata4","Nkx2.5","Mef2","Srf","","Dpf3.1","Dpf3.2","Anti.flag")
graphTF <- assignTable2Graph(assignTF, sel.patterns=my.patterns, antibody.colors=tf.colors)
}#if (analyzeTfChers3)
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