# Package name: SAIGEgds
# Description:
# Scalable and accurate implementation of generalized mixed models
# using GDS files
# Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Xiuwen Zheng / AbbVie-ComputationalGenomics
# License: GPL-3
# Internal model initialization
.init_nullmod <- function(modobj, ii, maf, mac, missing, spa.pval, var.ratio,
summac=NaN, wbeta=double(), num_wbuf=0L, acatv_mac=10)
# check
if (!is.finite(var.ratio))
stop("Invalid variance ratio in the SAIGE model.")
# initialize the internal model parameters
y <- unname(modobj$obj.noK$y)
mu <- unname(modobj$fitted.values)
X1 <- modobj$obj.noK$X1[ii,, drop=FALSE]
n <- length(ii)
mobj <- list(
maf = maf, mac = mac, missing = missing, spa.pval = spa.pval,
tau = modobj$tau,
y = y[ii], mu = mu[ii],
y_mu = (y - mu)[ii], # y - mu
mu2 = (mu * (1 - mu))[ii],
t_XXVX_inv = t(modobj$obj.noK$XXVX_inv[ii,, drop=FALSE]), # K x n_samp (K << n_samp, more efficient)
XV = modobj$obj.noK$XV[, ii, drop=FALSE], # K x n_samp
t_XVX_inv_XV = t(modobj$obj.noK$XXVX_inv[ii,, drop=FALSE] * modobj$obj.noK$V[ii]), # K x n_samp
t_X = t(X1), # K x n_samp
var.ratio = var.ratio,
# buffer
buf_dosage = double(n),
buf_coeff = double(NROW(modobj$obj.noK$XV)),
buf_adj_g = double(n),
buf_index = integer(n),
buf_B = double(n),
buf_g_tilde = double(n),
buf_X1 = double(NCOL(X1)),
buf_spa = double(n+n)
# additional design matrix
if (modobj$trait.type == "binary")
mobj$XVX <- t(X1) %*% (X1 * mobj$mu2) # a matrix: K x K
mobj$S_a <- colSums(X1 * mobj$y_mu) # a vector of size K
} else if (modobj$trait.type == "quantitative")
mobj$XVX <- t(X1) %*% X1 # a matrix: K x K
mobj$S_a <- colSums(X1 * mobj$y_mu) # a vector of size K
} else
stop("Invalid 'modobj$trait.type': ", modobj$trait.type, ".")
# additional for aggregate tests
mobj$summac <- summac
mobj$acatv_mac <- acatv_mac
mobj$buf_wbeta <- as.double(wbeta)
mobj$buf_unitsz <- double(num_wbuf*5L)
# output
.dsnode <- function(gdsfile, nm)
if (nm == "")
n <- index.gdsn(gdsfile, "genotype/data", silent=TRUE)
if (!is.null(n))
nm <- "$dosage_alt"
} else {
nm <- getOption("seqarray.node_ds", "annotation/format/DS")
n <- index.gdsn(gdsfile, nm, silent=TRUE)
if (is.null(n))
stop("Dosages should be stored in genotype or annotation/format/DS.")
# SAIGE single variant analysis
seqAssocGLMM_SPA <- function(gdsfile, modobj, maf=NaN, mac=10, missing=0.1,
dsnode="", spa.pval=0.05, var.ratio=NaN, res.savefn="", res.compress="LZMA",
parallel=FALSE, verbose=TRUE)
stopifnot(inherits(gdsfile, "SeqVarGDSClass") | is.character(gdsfile))
stopifnot(is.numeric(maf), length(maf)==1L)
stopifnot(is.numeric(mac), length(mac)==1L)
stopifnot(is.numeric(missing), length(missing)==1L)
stopifnot(is.character(dsnode), length(dsnode)==1L, !
stopifnot(is.character(dsnode), length(dsnode)==1L, !
stopifnot(is.numeric(spa.pval), length(spa.pval)==1L)
stopifnot(is.numeric(var.ratio), length(var.ratio)==1L)
stopifnot(is.character(res.savefn), length(res.savefn)==1L)
if (!is.element(res.compress, c("LZMA", "LZMA_RA", "ZIP", "ZIP_RA", "none")))
stop("`res.compress` should be one of LZMA, LZMA_RA, ZIP, ZIP_RA and none.")
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
if (verbose)
cat(.crayon_inverse("SAIGE association analysis:\n"))
# check model
modobj <- .check_modobj(modobj, verbose)
# GDS file
if (is.character(gdsfile))
if (verbose)
.cat(" open ", sQuote(gdsfile))
gdsfile <- seqOpen(gdsfile)
} else {
# save the filter on GDS file
seqSetFilter(gdsfile, action="push", verbose=FALSE)
on.exit(seqSetFilter(gdsfile, action="pop", verbose=FALSE))
# show warnings immediately
saveopt <- options(warn=1L)
on.exit(options(warn=saveopt$warn), add=TRUE)
# determine the GDS node for dosages
dsnode <- .dsnode(gdsfile, dsnode)
# check sample ID
seqSetFilter(gdsfile,$, verbose=FALSE)
sid <- seqGetData(gdsfile, "")
if (length(sid) != length(modobj$
stop("Some of sample IDs are not available in the GDS file.")
ii <- match(sid, modobj$
if (any(
stop("Sample IDs do not match.")
dm <- seqSummary(gdsfile, "genotype", verbose=FALSE)$seldim
nVariant <- dm[3L]
if (verbose)
.cat(" # of samples: ", .pretty(dm[2L]))
.cat(" # of variants: ", .pretty(dm[3L]))
.cat(" MAF threshold: ", maf)
.cat(" MAC threshold: ", mac)
.cat(" missing threshold for variants: ", missing)
.cat(" p-value threshold for SPA adjustment: ", spa.pval)
if (!is.finite(var.ratio))
var.ratio <- mean(modobj$var.ratio$ratio, na.rm=TRUE)
if (verbose)
.cat(" variance ratio for approximation: ", var.ratio)
if (dm[2L] <= 0) stop("No sample in the genotypic data set!")
if (dm[3L] <= 0) stop("No variant in the genotypic data set!")
# initialize the internal model parameters
mobj <- .init_nullmod(modobj, ii, maf, mac, missing, spa.pval, var.ratio)
# is forking or not?
is_fork <- SeqArray:::.IsForking(parallel)
njobs <- SeqArray:::.NumParallel(parallel)
if (verbose)
.cat(" # of processes: ", njobs)
# initialize internally
if (njobs<=1L || is_fork)
# forking, no need to distribute model parameters
.Call(saige_score_test_init, mobj)
initfun <- finalfun <- NULL
} else {
# pass the model parameters to each process
if (verbose)
cat("Distribute the model parameters to the", njobs, "processes\n")
# initialize child processes internally
initfun <- function(proc_id, mobj)
.packageEnv$modobj <- mobj
.Call(saige_score_test_init, mobj)
# clear when exit
finalfun <- function(proc_id, param)
.packageEnv$modobj <- NULL
remove(modobj, envir=.packageEnv)
# scan all (selected) variants
if (modobj$trait.type == "binary")
rv <- seqParallel(parallel, gdsfile, split="by.variant",
.initialize=initfun, .finalize=finalfun, .initparam=mobj,
.balancing=TRUE, .bl_size=50000L, .bl_progress=verbose,
FUN = function(f, dsnode, pverbose)
seqApply(f, dsnode, .cfunction("saige_score_test_bin"),"list", parallel=FALSE, .progress=pverbose,
.list_dup=FALSE, .useraw=NA)
}, dsnode=dsnode, pverbose=verbose & (njobs==1L))
} else if (modobj$trait.type == "quantitative")
rv <- seqParallel(parallel, gdsfile, split="by.variant",
.initialize=initfun, .finalize=finalfun, .initparam=mobj,
.balancing=TRUE, .bl_size=50000L, .bl_progress=verbose,
FUN = function(f, dsnode, pverbose)
seqApply(f, dsnode, .cfunction("saige_score_test_quant"),"list", parallel=FALSE, .progress=pverbose,
.list_dup=FALSE, .useraw=NA)
}, dsnode=dsnode, pverbose=verbose & (njobs==1L))
} else
stop("Invalid 'modobj$trait.type'.")
# if any maf/mac filter
if (length(rv) != nVariant)
stop("Internal error: seqParallel() returns a vector of wrong length.")
x <- sapply(rv, is.null)
if (any(x))
x <- !x
seqSetFilter(gdsfile, variant.sel=x, action="intersect", verbose=FALSE)
rv <- rv[x]
if (verbose)
"# of variants after filtering by MAF, MAC and missing thresholds: ",
# output to a GDS file?
isfn <- ! && res.savefn!=""
if (isfn && grepl("\\.gds$", res.savefn,
if (verbose)
.cat("Save to ", sQuote(res.savefn), " ...")
cm <- res.compress[1L]
# create a GDS file
outf <- createfn.gds(res.savefn)
on.exit(closefn.gds(outf), add=TRUE)
put.attr.gdsn(outf$root, "FileFormat", "SAIGE_OUTPUT")
put.attr.gdsn(outf$root, "Version",
paste0("SAIGEgds_", packageVersion("SAIGEgds")))
# add function
Add <- function(varnm, val)
add.gdsn(outf, varnm, val, compress=cm, closezip=TRUE)
# add sample IDs
Add("", seqGetData(gdsfile, ""))
# write data
.write_gds(outf, "id", gdsfile, "", cm)
.write_gds(outf, "chr", gdsfile, "chromosome", cm)
.write_gds(outf, "pos", gdsfile, "position", cm)
if (!is.null(index.gdsn(gdsfile, "annotation/id", silent=TRUE)))
.write_gds(outf, "", gdsfile, "annotation/id", cm)
# ref and alt alleles
Add("ref", seqGetData(gdsfile, "$ref"))
Add("alt", seqGetData(gdsfile, "$alt"))
# other data
Add("AF.alt", sapply(rv, `[`, i=1L))
Add("mac", sapply(rv, `[`, i=2L))
Add("num", as.integer(sapply(rv, `[`, i=3L)))
Add("beta", sapply(rv, `[`, i=4L))
Add("SE", sapply(rv, `[`, i=5L))
Add("pval", sapply(rv, `[`, i=6L))
if (modobj$trait.type == "binary")
Add("p.norm", sapply(rv, `[`, i=7L))
Add("converged", sapply(rv, `[`, i=8L)==1)
if (verbose) .cat(.crayon_inverse("Done."))
# output
} else {
# output
ans <- data.frame(
id = seqGetData(gdsfile, ""),
chr = seqGetData(gdsfile, "chromosome"),
pos = seqGetData(gdsfile, "position"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# add RS IDs if possible
if (!is.null(index.gdsn(gdsfile, "annotation/id", silent=TRUE)))
ans$ <- seqGetData(gdsfile, "annotation/id")
ans$ref <- seqGetData(gdsfile, "$ref")
ans$alt <- seqGetData(gdsfile, "$alt")
ans$AF.alt <- sapply(rv, `[`, i=1L)
ans$mac <- sapply(rv, `[`, i=2L)
ans$num <- as.integer(sapply(rv, `[`, i=3L))
ans$beta <- sapply(rv, `[`, i=4L)
ans$SE <- sapply(rv, `[`, i=5L)
ans$pval <- sapply(rv, `[`, i=6L)
if (modobj$trait.type == "binary")
ans$p.norm <- sapply(rv, `[`, i=7L)
ans$converged <- as.logical(sapply(rv, `[`, i=8L))
# save file?
if (isfn)
cm <- switch(res.compress, LZMA="xz", LZMA_RA="xz", ZIP="gzip",
ZIP_RA="gzip", TRUE)
if (verbose)
.cat("Save to ", sQuote(res.savefn), " ...")
if (grepl("\\.(rda|RData)$", res.savefn,
.res <- ans
save(.res, file=res.savefn, compress=cm)
} else if (grepl("\\.rds$", res.savefn,
saveRDS(ans, file=res.savefn, compress=cm)
} else {
stop("Unknown format of the output file, and it should be RData, RDS or gds.")
if (verbose) .cat(.crayon_inverse("Done."))
} else {
if (verbose) .cat(.crayon_inverse("Done."))
# SAIGE single variant analysis using user-defined genotypes
.UserGLMM_SPA <- function(nVariant, modobj, fun, spa.pval=0.05, var.ratio=NaN,
res.savefn="", res.compress="LZMA", parallel=FALSE, verbose=TRUE, ...)
stopifnot(is.numeric(nVariant), length(nVariant)==1L, nVariant>0L)
stopifnot(is.numeric(spa.pval), length(spa.pval)==1L)
stopifnot(is.numeric(var.ratio), length(var.ratio)==1L)
stopifnot(is.character(res.savefn), length(res.savefn)==1L)
if (!is.element(res.compress, c("LZMA", "LZMA_RA", "ZIP", "ZIP_RA", "none")))
stop("`res.compress` should be one of LZMA, LZMA_RA, ZIP, ZIP_RA and none.")
stopifnot(is.logical(verbose), length(verbose)==1L)
# check model
if (is.character(modobj))
modobj <- get(load(modobj))
stopifnot(inherits(modobj, "ClassSAIGE_NullModel"))
# show warnings immediately
saveopt <- options(warn=1L)
on.exit(options(warn=saveopt$warn), add=TRUE)
nSamp <- length(modobj$
if (nSamp <= 0) stop("No sample!")
if (nVariant <= 0) stop("No variant!")
if (verbose)
.cat(.crayon_inverse("SAIGE association analysis:"))
.cat(" # of samples: ", .pretty(nSamp))
.cat(" # of variants: ", .pretty(nVariant))
.cat(" p-value threshold for SPA adjustment: ", spa.pval)
if (!is.finite(var.ratio))
var.ratio <- mean(modobj$var.ratio$ratio, na.rm=TRUE)
if (verbose)
.cat(" variance ratio for approximation: ", var.ratio)
# initialize the internal model parameters
mobj <- .init_nullmod(modobj, ii, 0, 0, 1, spa.pval, var.ratio)
# is forking or not?
is_fork <- SeqArray:::.IsForking(parallel)
njobs <- SeqArray:::.NumParallel(parallel)
if (verbose) .cat(" # of processes: ", njobs)
# initialize internally
if (njobs<=1L || is_fork)
# forking, no need to distribute model parameters
.Call(saige_score_test_init, mobj)
initfun <- finalfun <- NULL
} else {
# pass the model parameters to each process
if (verbose)
cat("Distribute the model parameters to the", njobs, "processes\n")
# initialize child processes internally
initfun <- function(proc_id, mobj)
.packageEnv$modobj <- mobj
.Call(saige_score_test_init, mobj)
# clear when exit
finalfun <- function(proc_id, param)
.packageEnv$modobj <- NULL
remove(modobj, envir=.packageEnv)
# split
pssplit <- SeqArray:::.file_split(nVariant, njobs, multiple=1L)
# scan all (selected) variants
if (modobj$trait.type == "binary")
rv <- seqParallel(parallel, NULL, split="none",
.initialize=initfun, .finalize=finalfun, .initparam=mobj,
FUN = function(fun, pssplit, verbose)
i <- SeqArray:::process_index
st <- pssplit[[1L]][i] - 1L
n <- pssplit[[2L]][i]
ans <- vector("list", n)
f <- .cfunction("saige_score_test_bin")
if (n > 0L)
pg <- if (verbose && i==1L) SeqArray:::.seqProgress(n, 1L) else NULL
for (j in seq_len(n))
v <- f(fun(j+st))
if (!is.null(v)) ans[[j]] <- v
SeqArray:::.seqProgForward(pg, 1L)
}, fun=fun, pssplit=pssplit, verbose=verbose)
} else if (modobj$trait.type == "quantitative")
rv <- seqParallel(parallel, NULL, split="none",
.initialize=initfun, .finalize=finalfun, .initparam=mobj,
FUN = function(fun, pssplit, verbose)
i <- SeqArray:::process_index
st <- pssplit[[1L]][i] - 1L
n <- pssplit[[2L]][i]
ans <- vector("list", n)
f <- .cfunction("saige_score_test_quant")
if (n > 0L)
pg <- if (verbose && i==1L) SeqArray:::.seqProgress(n, 1L) else NULL
for (j in seq_len(n))
v <- f(fun(j+st))
if (!is.null(v)) ans[[j]] <- v
SeqArray:::.seqProgForward(pg, 1L)
}, fun=fun, pssplit=pssplit, verbose=verbose)
} else {
stop("Invalid 'modobj$trait.type'.")
# if any maf/mac filter
if (length(rv) != nVariant)
stop("Internal error: seqParallel() returns a vector of wrong length.")
x <- sapply(rv, is.null)
ii <- which(!x)
if (any(x)) rv <- rv[ii]
if (verbose)
cat("# of variants after filtering by MAF, MAC and missing thresholds: ",
.pretty(length(rv)), "\n", sep="")
# output to a GDS file?
isfn <- ! && res.savefn!=""
if (isfn && grepl("\\.gds$", res.savefn,
if (verbose)
.cat("Save to ", sQuote(res.savefn), " ...")
cm <- res.compress[1L]
# create a GDS file
outf <- createfn.gds(res.savefn)
on.exit(closefn.gds(outf), add=TRUE)
put.attr.gdsn(outf$root, "FileFormat", "SAIGE_OUTPUT")
put.attr.gdsn(outf$root, "Version",
paste0("SAIGEgds_", packageVersion("SAIGEgds")))
# add function
Add <- function(varnm, val)
add.gdsn(outf, varnm, val, compress=cm, closezip=TRUE)
# write data
Add("", modobj$
Add("id", ii)
Add("AF.alt", sapply(rv, `[`, i=1L))
Add("mac", sapply(rv, `[`, i=2L))
Add("num", as.integer(sapply(rv, `[`, i=3L)))
Add("beta", sapply(rv, `[`, i=4L))
Add("SE", sapply(rv, `[`, i=5L))
Add("pval", sapply(rv, `[`, i=6L), compress=cm, closezip=TRUE)
if (modobj$trait.type == "binary")
Add("p.norm", sapply(rv, `[`, i=7L))
Add("converged", sapply(rv, `[`, i=8L)==1L)
if (verbose) cat(.crayon_inverse("Done.\n"))
# output
} else {
# output
ans <- data.frame(
id = ii,
AF.alt = sapply(rv, `[`, i=1L),
mac = sapply(rv, `[`, i=2L),
num = as.integer(sapply(rv, `[`, i=3L)),
beta = sapply(rv, `[`, i=4L),
SE = sapply(rv, `[`, i=5L),
pval = sapply(rv, `[`, i=6L))
if (modobj$trait.type == "binary")
ans$p.norm <- sapply(rv, `[`, i=7L)
ans$converged <- as.logical(sapply(rv, `[`, i=8L))
# save file?
if (isfn)
if (grepl("\\.(rda|RData)$", res.savefn,
if (verbose)
.cat("Save to ", sQuote(res.savefn), " ...")
cm <- switch(res.compress, LZMA="xz", LZMA_RA="xz",
ZIP="gzip", ZIP_RA="gzip", none="gzip", TRUE)
.res <- ans
save(.res, file=res.savefn, compress=cm)
if (verbose) cat(.crayon_inverse("Done.\n"))
} else {
stop("Unknown format of the output file, and it should be RData or gds.")
} else {
if (verbose) cat(.crayon_inverse("Done.\n"))
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