
Defines functions model.interpretation.select.features model.interpretation.prepare.heatmap.zscore model.interpretation.prepare.heatmap.fc model.interpretation.heatmap.plot plot.percentage.of.features.plot model.interpretation.proportion.of.weights.plot model.interpretation.pred.and.meta.plot model.interpretation.feature.weights.plot model.interpretation.plot

Documented in model.interpretation.plot

### SIAMCAT - Statistical Inference of Associations between
### Microbial Communities And host phenoTypes R flavor EMBL
### Heidelberg 2012-2018 GNU GPL 3.0

#' @title Model Interpretation Plot
#' @description This function produces a plot for model interpretation,
#' displaying \itemize{
#' \item the feature weights,
#' \item the robustness of feature weights
#' \item the features scores across samples,
#' \item the distribution of metadata across samples, and
#' \item the proportion of model weights shown.}
#' @usage model.interpretation.plot(siamcat, fn.plot = NULL,
#'     color.scheme = "BrBG",
#'     consens.thres = 0.5,
#'     heatmap.type = "zscore",
#'     limits = c(-3, 3), detect.lim = 1e-06,
#'     max.show = 50, prompt=TRUE, verbose = 1)
#' @param siamcat object of class \link{siamcat-class}
#' @param fn.plot string, filename for the pdf-plot
#' @param color.scheme color scheme for the heatmap, defaults to \code{'BrBG'}
#' @param consens.thres float, minimal ratio of models incorporating a feature
#'     in order to include it into the heatmap, defaults to \code{0.5}
#'     Note that for \code{'randomForest'} models, this cutoff specifies the
#'     minimum median Gini coefficient for a feature to be included and
#'     should therefore be much lower, e.g. \code{0.01}
#' @param heatmap.type string, type of the heatmap, can be either \code{'fc'}
#'     or \code{'zscore'}, defaults to \code{'zscore'}
#' @param limits vector, cutoff for extreme values in the heatmap,
#'     defaults to \code{c(-3, 3)}
#' @param detect.lim float, pseudocount to be added before log-transformation
#'     of features, defaults to \code{1e-06}
#' @param max.show integer, maximum number of features to be shown in the model
#'     interpretation plot, defaults to 50
#'@param prompt boolean, turn on/off prompting user input when not plotting
#'      into a pdf-file, defaults to TRUE
#' @param verbose control output: \code{0} for no output at all, \code{1}
#'     for only information about progress and success, \code{2} for normal
#'     level of information and \code{3} for full debug information,
#'     defaults to \code{1}
#' @keywords SIAMCAT model.interpretation.plot
#' @return Does not return anything, but produces the model interpretion plot.
#' @export
#' @details Produces a plot consisting of \itemize{
#'     \item a barplot showing the feature weights and their robustness (i.e. in
#'     what proportion of models have they been incorporated)
#'     \item a heatmap showing the z-scores of the metagenomic features across
#'     patients
#'     \item another heatmap displaying the metadata categories (if applicable)
#'     \item a boxplot displaying the poportion of weight per model that is
#'     actually shown for the features that are incorporated into more than
#'     \code{consens.thres} percent of the models.
#' @examples
#' data(siamcat_example)
#' # simple working example
#' model.interpretation.plot(siamcat_example, fn.plot='./interpretion.pdf',
#'     heatmap.type='zscore')
model.interpretation.plot <-
        color.scheme = "BrBG",
        consens.thres = 0.5,
        heatmap.type = "zscore",
        limits = c(-3, 3),
        detect.lim = 1e-06,
        max.show = 50,
        verbose = 1) {

        if (verbose > 1)
            message("+ starting model.evaluation.plot")

        s.time <- proc.time()[3]

        # ######################################################################
        # general checks
        stopifnot(heatmap.type %in% c('zscore', 'fc'))
        stopifnot(length(heatmap.type) == 1)

        if (is.null(model_list(siamcat, verbose=0))){
            stop("SIAMCAT object does not contain any models. Exiting...")
        if (heatmap.type == 'fc'){
            if (any(orig_feat(siamcat) < 0) |
                any(colSums(orig_feat(siamcat)) > 1.01)){
                    stop("Original data should be compositional for ",
                        "heatmap.type fc. Exiting...")

        label <- label(siamcat)
        model.type <- model_type(siamcat)
        feature.type <- feature_type(siamcat)
        models <- models(siamcat)
        feature.weights <- feature_weights(siamcat)
        weight.matrix <- weight_matrix(siamcat)

        stopifnot(heatmap.type %in% c('zscore', 'fc'))

        # ######################################################################
        # check fn.plot
        if (is.null(fn.plot)) {
            message(paste0('### WARNING: Not plotting to a pdf-file.\n',
                '### The plot is optimized for landscape DIN-A4 (or similar) ',
                'layout.\n### Please make sure that your plotting region is',
                ' large enough!!!\n### Use at your own risk...'))
            if (prompt == TRUE){
                continue <- askYesNo('Are you sure that you want to continue?',
                    default = TRUE,
                    prompts = getOption("askYesNo",
                        gettext(c("Yes", "No", "Cancel"))))
            } else {
                continue <- TRUE
            if (!continue || is.na(continue)){
                opt <- options(show.error.messages = FALSE)
            par.old <- par(no.readonly=TRUE)

        # ######################################################################
        # some color pre-processing
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+++ preprocessing color scheme")
        if (!color.scheme %in% row.names(brewer.pal.info)) {
                "Not a valid RColorBrewer palette name, defaulting to BrBG...\n
                See brewer.pal.info for more information about
                RColorBrewer palettes."
            color.scheme <- "BrBG"
        color.scheme <-
                brewer.pal(brewer.pal.info[color.scheme, "maxcolors"],

        # ######################################################################
        # preprocess models
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+++ preprocessing models")
        sel.idx <-
                feature.weights = feature.weights,
                model.type = model.type,
                consens.thres = consens.thres,
                label = label,
                max.show = max.show,
                verbose = verbose
        num.sel.f <- length(sel.idx)

        # ######################################################################
        # aggreate predictions and sort
        # patients by score aggregate predictions of several models if more than
        # one is given
        mean.agg.pred <- rowMeans(pred_matrix(siamcat))
        # idx to sort samples according to their class membership and prediction
        # score
        srt.idx <-
            sort(label$label + mean.agg.pred, index.return = TRUE)$ix

        # ######################################################################
        # prepare heatmap
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+++ preparing heatmap")
        if (heatmap.type == "zscore") {
            if (feature.type == 'original'){
                feat <- get.orig_feat.matrix(siamcat)
            } else if (feature.type == 'filtered') {
                feat <- get.filt_feat.matrix(siamcat)
            } else if (feature.type == 'normalized') {
                feat <- get.norm_feat.matrix(siamcat)
            img.data <- model.interpretation.prepare.heatmap.zscore(
                heatmap.data = feat[sel.idx, srt.idx],
                limits = limits,
                verbose = verbose
        } else if (heatmap.type == "fc") {
            feat <- get.orig_feat.matrix(siamcat)
            if (is.null(detect.lim)) {
                    "WARNING: Pseudo-count before log-transformation
                    not supplied! Estimating it as 5% percentile..."
                detect.lim <- quantile(feat[feat != 0], 0.05)
            img.data <- model.interpretation.prepare.heatmap.fc(
                heatmap.data = feat[, srt.idx],
                sel.feat = names(sel.idx),
                limits = limits,
                meta = meta(siamcat),
                label = label,
                detect.lim = detect.lim,
                verbose = verbose
        } else {
            stop("! unknown heatmap.type: ", heatmap.type)

        # ######################################################################
        # start plotting model properties
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+++ plotting model properties")
        if (!is.null(fn.plot)) {
            pdf(fn.plot, paper = "special", height = 8.27, width = 11.69,
                onefile = TRUE)

        ### plot layout
        sel.f.cex <- max(0.3, 0.8 - 0.01 * num.sel.f)
        lmat <- rbind(c(1, 2, 3, 4), c(5, 6, 0, 7), c(0, 8, 0, 0))
        h_t <- 0.1
        h_m <- ifelse(is.null(meta(siamcat)), 0.8,
            max(0.5, 0.7 - 0.01 * ncol(meta(siamcat))))
        h_b <- 1 - h_t - h_m
        if (verbose >2)
            message(paste0("+++ Layout height values: ", h_t,
                ", ", h_m, ", ", h_b))
        layout(lmat, widths = c(0.14, 0.58, 0.1, 0.14),
            heights = c(h_t, h_m, h_b))
        par(oma = c(3, 4, 3, 4))

        ### header row
        # Title of Feature Weights
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+++ plotting titles")
        par(mar = c(0, 1.1, 3.1, 1.1))
        plot(NULL, type = "n", xlim = c(-0.1, 0.1), xaxt = "n", xlab = "",
            ylim = c(-0.1, 0.1), yaxt = "n", ylab = "", bty = "n"
        mtext("Feature Weights", side = 3, line = 2, at = 0.04,
            cex = 1, adj = 0.5)

        # ######################################################################
        # Title of heatmap and brackets for classes
        par(mar = c(0, 4.1, 3.1, 5.1))
        hm.label <- label$label[srt.idx]
        plot(NULL, type = "n", xlim = c(0, length(hm.label)), xaxs = "i",
            xaxt = "n", ylim = c(-0.5, 0.5), yaxs = "i", yaxt = "n",
            xlab = "", ylab = "", bty = "n")
        ul <- unique(hm.label)

        for (l in seq_along(ul)) {
            idx <- which(ul[l] == hm.label)
            lines(c(idx[1] - 0.8, idx[length(idx)] - 0.2), c(0, 0))
            lines(c(idx[1] - 0.8, idx[1] - 0.8), c(-0.2, 0))
            lines(c(idx[length(idx)] - 0.2, idx[length(idx)] - 0.2), c(-0.2, 0))
            h <- (idx[1] + idx[length(idx)]) / 2
            t <- gsub("_", " ",
                names(label$info)[label$info == ul[l]])
            t <- paste(t, " (n=", length(idx), ")", sep = "")
            mtext(t, side = 3, line = -0.5, at = h, cex = 0.7, adj = 0.5)
        mtext("Metagenomic Features", side = 3, line = 2,
            at = length(hm.label) / 2, cex = 1, adj = 0.5)

        # ######################################################################
        # Heatmap legend
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+++ plotting legend")
        par(mar = c(3.1, 1.1, 1.1, 1.1))
            as.matrix(rep(1, 100)),
            col = color.scheme,
            horiz = TRUE,
            border = NA,
            ylab = "",
            axes = FALSE
        if (heatmap.type == "fc") {
            key.ticks <- seq(round(min(img.data, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 1),
                round(max(img.data, na.rm = TRUE), digits = 1),
                length.out = 7)
            key.label <- "Feature fold change over controls"
        } else if (heatmap.type == "zscore") {
            key.ticks <- seq(limits[1], limits[2], length.out = 7)
            key.label <- "Feature z-score"
        axis(side = 1, at = seq(0, 100, length.out = 7), labels = key.ticks)
        mtext(key.label, side = 3, line = 0.5, at = 50, cex = 0.7, adj = 0.5)

        # ######################################################################
        # Model header (model sensitive)
        par(mar = c(0, 6.1, 3.1, 1.1))
        plot(NULL, type = "n", xlim = c(-0.1, 0.1), xaxt = "n", xlab = "",
            ylim = c(-0.1, 0.1), yaxt = "n", ylab = "", bty = "n")
        mtext(paste0(model.type, " model"), side = 3, line = 2, at = 0.04,
            cex = 0.7, adj = 0.5)
        mtext(paste("(|W| = ", num.sel.f, ")", sep = ""), side = 3, line = 1,
            at = 0.04, cex = 0.7, adj = 0.5)

        # ######################################################################
        # Feature weights ( model sensitive)
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+++ plotting feature weights")
        rel.weights <- t(t(weight.matrix)/
            colSums(abs(weight.matrix), na.rm=TRUE))
            rel.weights = rel.weights,
            sel.idx = sel.idx,
            mod.type = model.type,
            label = label

        # ######################################################################
        # Heatmap
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+++ plotting heatmap")
        if (model.type != "RandomForest") {
                image.data = img.data,
                limits = limits,
                color.scheme = color.scheme,
                effect.size = rowMedians(rel.weights[sel.idx,]),
                verbose = verbose
        } else {
            auroc.effect <- apply(
                FUN = function(f) {
                        predictor = f,
                        response = label$label,
                        direction = "<", levels = label$info
            bin.auroc.effect <- ifelse(auroc.effect >= 0.5, 1, 0)
                image.data = img.data,
                limits = limits,
                color.scheme = color.scheme,
                effect.size = NULL,
                verbose = verbose

        # ######################################################################
        # Proportion of weights shown
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+++ plotting proportion of weights shown")
            s.idx = sel.idx,
            weights = weight.matrix,
            verbose = verbose

        # ######################################################################
        # Metadata and prediction
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+++ plotting metadata and predictions")
            prediction = mean.agg.pred[srt.idx],
            label = label,
            meta = meta(siamcat)[srt.idx,],
            verbose = verbose

        if(!is.null(fn.plot)) {
            tmp <- dev.off()
        } else {
        e.time <- proc.time()[3]
        if (verbose > 1)
                "+ finished model.interpretation.plot in",
                formatC(e.time - s.time, digits = 3),
        if (verbose == 1 & !is.null(fn.plot))
                "Successfully plotted model interpretation plot to:",

# function to plot the feature weights
#' @keywords internal
model.interpretation.feature.weights.plot <-
        verbose = 0) {
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+ model.interpretation.feature.weights.plot")
        if (mod.type != "RandomForest") {
            relative.weights <- rel.weights[sel.idx, ]
        } else {
            relative.weights <- -rel.weights[sel.idx, ]
        med <- rowMedians(relative.weights)
        low.qt <- rowQuantiles(relative.weights, probs = 0.25)
        upp.qt <- rowQuantiles(relative.weights, probs = 0.75)

        if (mod.type != "RandomForest") {
            par(mar = c(0.1, 1.1, 0, 1.1))
            mi = min(-med - (abs(low.qt - upp.qt)))
            mx = max(-med + (abs(low.qt - upp.qt)))

                horiz = TRUE,
                width = 1,
                space = 0,
                yaxs = "i",
                col = "gray30",
                xlim = c(-max(abs(mi), abs(mx)),
                    max(abs(mi), max(mx))),
                ylim = c(0, dim(relative.weights)[1]),
                xlab = "",
                ylab = "",
                yaxt = "n"
            x <- par("usr")
            rect(x[1], x[3], x[2], x[4], col = "lightgray")
            # grid lines
            grid(NULL, NA, lty = 2, col = "gray99")
            # plot the barplot again due to the idiotic way of how to change the
            # background color of a plot in r
                horiz = TRUE,
                width = 1,
                space = 0,
                yaxs = "i",
                col = "gray30",
                xlim = c(-max(abs(mi), abs(mx)),
                    max(abs(mi), max(mx))),
                ylim = c(0, dim(relative.weights)[1]),
                xlab = "",
                ylab = "",
                yaxt = "n",
                add = TRUE

            # error bars
                y0 = c(seq_along(med)) - 0.5,
                x0 = -upp.qt,
                x1 = -low.qt,
                angle = 90,
                code = 3,
                length = 0.04
                "median relative feat. weight",
                side = 1,
                line = 2,
                at = 0,
                cex = 0.7,
                adj = 0.5
            # robustness indicated as percentage of models including a given
            # feature (to the right of the barplot)
            for (f in seq_along(sel.idx)) {
                t = paste(format(
                    100 * sum(rel.weights[sel.idx[f], ] != 0) /
                    digits = 1,
                    scientific = FALSE
                    sep = "")
                    side = 4,
                    line = 2.5,
                    at = (f - 0.5),
                    cex = max(0.3, 0.8 - 0.01 * length(sel.idx)),
                    las = 2,
                    adj = 1

            # label positive/negative class
                gsub("_", " ", names(which(label$info == min(label$info)))),
                side = 2,
                at = floor(length(sel.idx) / 2),
                line = -2
                gsub("_", " ", names(which(label$info == max(label$info)))),
                side = 4,
                at = floor(length(sel.idx) / 2),
                line = -2

                "effect size",
                side = 3,
                line = 1,
                at = (mx / 2),
                cex = 0.7,
                adj = 1
                side = 3,
                line = 1,
                at = mx,
                cex = 0.7,
                adj = 0
        } else {
            par(mar = c(0.1, 1.1, 0, 1.1))
            mx = max(-med + (abs(low.qt - upp.qt)))

                horiz = TRUE,
                width = 1,
                space = 0,
                yaxs = "i",
                col = "gray30",
                xlim = c(0, mx),
                ylim = c(0,
                xlab = "",
                ylab = "",
                yaxt = "n"
            x <- par("usr")
            rect(x[1], x[3], x[2], x[4], col = "lightgray")
            # grid lines
            grid(NULL, NA, lty = 2, col = "gray99")
            # plot the barplot again due to the idiotic way of how to change the
            # background color of a plot in r
                horiz = TRUE,
                width = 1,
                space = 0,
                yaxs = "i",
                col = "gray30",
                xlim = c(0, mx),
                ylim = c(0,
                xlab = "",
                ylab = "",
                yaxt = "n",
                add = TRUE

            # error bars
                y0 = c(seq_along(med)) - 0.5,
                x0 = -upp.qt,
                x1 = -low.qt,
                angle = 90,
                code = 3,
                length = 0.04
            # labels
                "median relative Gini coefficient",
                side = 1,
                line = 2,
                at = mx / 2,
                cex = 0.7,
                adj = 0.5
                "effect size",
                side = 3,
                line = 1,
                at = (mx / 2),
                cex = 0.7,
                adj = 0.5

        box(lwd = 1)
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+ finished model.interpretation.feature.weights.plot")

# function to plot the predictions and metadata
#' @keywords internal
model.interpretation.pred.and.meta.plot <-
        meta = NULL,
        verbose = 0) {
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+ model.interpretation.pred.and.meta.plot")
        par(mar = c(1.1, 4.1, 0.3, 5.1))
        img.data = as.matrix(prediction)
        colnames(img.data) = "Classification result"
        img.data.processed <- NULL
        if (!is.null(meta)) {
            img.data = cbind(meta[, ncol(meta):1], img.data)
            ### transform any categorial column into a numeric one
            for (m in seq_len(ncol(img.data))) {
                cur.processed.data <- NULL
                temp.metadata <- img.data[,m]
                if (!all(is.numeric(temp.metadata))) {

                    temp.metadata <- factor(temp.metadata)
                    temp.metadata <- as.numeric(temp.metadata)
                cur.processed.data = (temp.metadata - min(temp.metadata,
                        na.rm = TRUE))
                if (max(temp.metadata, na.rm = TRUE) != 0) {
                    cur.processed.data = cur.processed.data /
                        max(cur.processed.data, na.rm = TRUE)
                img.data.processed <-
                    cbind(img.data.processed, cur.processed.data)
        } else {
            img.data.processed <- img.data

        grays = rev(gray(seq(0, 1, length.out = 100)))
            col = grays,
            xaxt = "n",
            yaxt = "n",
            xlab = "",
            ylab = "",
            bty = "n"
        box(lwd = 1)
        # add deliminator between the different classes
        abline(v = length(which(label$label == min(label$info))) /
            col = "red")

        meta.cex = max(0.3, 0.7 - 0.01 * ncol(img.data))
        for (m in seq_len(ncol(img.data))) {
            t = colnames(img.data)[m]
            t = gsub("\\.|_", " ", t)
                side = 4,
                line = 1,
                at = (m - 1) / (dim(img.data)[2] - 1),
                cex = meta.cex,
                las = 2
        # mark missing values
        x.increment <- 1/((nrow(img.data) - 1) * 2)
        y.increment <- 1/((ncol(img.data) - 1) * 2)
        for (m in seq_len(ncol(img.data))) {
            idx <- which(is.na(img.data[, m]))
            for (i in idx) {
                x.left <- ((i-1) * x.increment * 2) - x.increment
                x.right <- (i * x.increment * 2) - x.increment
                y.bottom <- ((m-1) * y.increment * 2) - y.increment
                y.top <-  (m * y.increment * 2) - y.increment
                rect(x.left, y.bottom, x.right, y.top, col = "yellow",
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+ finished model.interpretation.pred.and.meta.plot")

# function to plot the proportion of weights
#' @keywords internal
model.interpretation.proportion.of.weights.plot <-
    function(s.idx, weights, verbose = 0) {
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+ model.interpretation.proportion.of.weights.plot")
        par(mar = c(0.1, 6.1, 0, 1.1))
        boxplot(colSums(abs(weights[s.idx,])) / colSums(abs(weights)),
            ylim = c(0, 1))
        mtext("proportion of", side = 1, line = 1, at = 1, adj = 0.5, cex = 0.7)
        mtext("weight shown", side = 1, line = 2, at = 1, adj = 0.5, cex = 0.7)
        if (verbose > 2)
                "+ finished model.interpretation.proportion.of.weights.plot")

# function to plot the percentage of features
#' @keywords internal
plot.percentage.of.features.plot <-
    function(selected.weights, all.weights,
        verbose = 0) {
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+ plot.percentage.of.features")
        par(mar = c(0.1, 6.1, 0, 1.1))
        boxplot(dim(selected.weights)[1] / colSums(all.weights != 0),
            ylim = c(0, 1))
            "percentage of",
            side = 1,
            line = 1,
            at = 1,
            adj = 0.5,
            cex = 0.7
            "features shown",
            side = 1,
            line = 2,
            at = 1,
            adj = 0.5,
            cex = 0.7
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+ finished plot.percentage.of.features")

# function to plot the heatmap
#' @keywords internal
model.interpretation.heatmap.plot <-
        verbose = 0) {
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+ model.interpretation.heatmap.plot")
        par(mar = c(0.1, 4.1, 0, 5.1))
            zlim = limits,
            col = color.scheme,
            xaxt = "n",
            yaxt = "n",
            xlab = "",
            ylab = "",
            bty = "n"
        if (!is.null(effect.size)) {
            for (f in seq_len(ncol(image.data))) {
                    side = 4,
                    line = 1,
                    at = (f - 1) / (dim(image.data)[2] - 1),
                    las = 2,
                    cex = max(0.3, 0.8 - 0.01 * dim(image.data)[2]),
                    col = ifelse(effect.size[f] > 0,
                        color.scheme[1 + 4], color.scheme[length(color.scheme) -
        } else {
            for (f in seq_len(ncol(image.data))) {
                    side = 4,
                    line = 1,
                    at = (f - 1) /
                        (dim(image.data)[2] - 1),
                    las = 2,
                    cex = max(0.3,
                        0.8 - 0.01 * dim(image.data)[2]),
                    col = "black"
        box(lwd = 1)
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+ finished model.interpretation.heatmap.plot")

# function to prepare the data to plot fold change heatmap
#' @keywords internal
model.interpretation.prepare.heatmap.fc <-
        meta = NULL,
        verbose = 0) {
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+ model.interpretation.prepare.heatmap.fc")
        n.label <- min(label$info)
        n.idx <- which(label$label == n.label)
        if (!any(grepl("META", sel.feat))) {
            feat.log <- log10(heatmap.data[sel.feat,] + detect.lim)
            img.data <- t(feat.log -
                    log10(rowMedians(heatmap.data[sel.feat, n.idx]) +
        } else {
            img.data <- matrix(NA,
                nrow = length(sel.feat),
                ncol = ncol(heatmap.data))
            row.names(img.data) <- sel.feat
            if (verbose > 2)
                message("+ Selected features:")
            for (f in sel.feat) {
                if (verbose > 2)
                    message(paste("+++", f))
                if (!grepl("META", f)) {
                    median.ctr <-
                            heatmap.data[f, n.idx])))
                    img.data[f, ] <-
                        log10(heatmap.data[f, ] + detect.lim) -
                        log10(median.ctr + detect.lim)
                } else {
                    meta.data <- meta[, grep(
                        strsplit(f, "_")[[1]][2],
                        ignore.case = TRUE,
                        value = TRUE
                    meta.data <- data.frame(meta.data)[,1]
                    # transform metadata to zscores
                    meta.data <- as.numeric(meta.data)
                    meta.data <-
                        (meta.data - mean(meta.data, na.rm = TRUE)) /
                        sd(meta.data, na.rm = TRUE)
                    names(meta.data) <- rownames(meta)
                    img.data[f, ] <-
            img.data <- t(img.data)
        img.data[img.data < limits[1]] = limits[1]
        img.data[img.data > limits[2]] = limits[2]

        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+ finished model.interpretation.heatmap.plot")

# function to prepare the data to plot zscore heatmap
#' @keywords internal
model.interpretation.prepare.heatmap.zscore <-
    function(heatmap.data, limits,
        verbose = 0) {
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+ model.interpretation.prepare.heatmap.zscore")
        # data is transposed and transformed to feature z-scores for display
        img.data <-
            (heatmap.data - rowMeans(heatmap.data)) / rowSds(heatmap.data)
        img.data[img.data < limits[1]] <- limits[1]
        img.data[img.data > limits[2]] <- limits[2]
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+ finished model.interpretation.heatmap.plot")

# function to select the features to plot on the heatmap
#' @keywords internal
model.interpretation.select.features <-
        verbose = 0) {
        if (verbose > 2) message("+ model.interpretation.select.features")
        # for linear models, select those that have been selected more than
        # consens.thres percent of the models
        if (model.type != "RandomForest") {
            sel.idx = which(feature.weights$percentage > consens.thres)
            # normalize by model size and order features by
            #   relative model weight
            median.sorted.features <-
                    decreasing = TRUE,
                    index.return = TRUE)
            # restrict to plot at maximum fifty features
            if (length(sel.idx) > max.show) {
                warning(paste0("WARNING: restricting amount of features",
                    " to be plotted to ", max.show))
                median.sorted.features.abs <- sort(
                    decreasing = TRUE,
                    index.return = TRUE)
                idx <- head(median.sorted.features.abs$ix, n = max.show)
                median.sorted.features <- sort(
                    decreasing = TRUE,
                    index.return = TRUE)
                sel.idx <- idx[median.sorted.features$ix]
            } else {
                sel.idx = sel.idx[median.sorted.features$ix]
        } else {
        # for Random Forest, caluclate relative median feature weights and sort
        # by auroc as effect measure
            median.sorted.features <-
                    decreasing = FALSE,
                    index.return = TRUE)
            # take the feature with median higher than consens.threshold
            sel.idx <-
                median.sorted.features$ix[which(median.sorted.features$x >=

            if (length(sel.idx) > max.show) {
                sel.idx <- tail(sel.idx, n = max.show)

        if (verbose > 2)
                "+++ generating plot for a model with",
                "selected features"
        if (verbose > 2)
            message("+ finished model.interpretation.select.features")

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SIAMCAT documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:14 p.m.