calcGraphStats: A function to calculate the various summary statistics for...

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s)

View source: R/calcGraphStats.R


This function takes a putative protein complex (given by comp) and a list of bait to prey associations, and from these two data-sets computes various summary statistics on the induced Y2H graph which include: edge proportion of sampled nodes (baits to prey); estimated population mean nodal degree; proportion of sampled baits with hits to baits with no hits; the average out degree of baits; the proteins (bait and prey) which are not isolated; the number of connected components to the y2h graph, etc.


calcGraphStats(comp, bait2PreyL)



The comp argument is a character vector containing the constituent proteins of some putative protein complex


A named list of lists. Each name represents a particular Y2H experiment; within each experimental entry, there is two more lists: 1. bpList and 2. expList. bpList is a named list of character vectors; each name corresponds to a bait protein of that particular experiment, and the enry is a chracater vecotor of the hit proteins found as prey. the expList is a named list concerning experimental data: ActD gives the activation domain; GW is a logical denoting if the prey list is genome wide; and numBaits details the number of baits used in the experiment.


For the bait2PreyL; use the the intactInfo.rda data-set of the package y2hStat.



A character vector of the constituent members of the proteinn complex of interest


A character vector of those protein members which were also tested as baits in the y2h experiments


A character vector of all proteins which were tested as baits in the y2h experiments and also found a prey in the complex of interest


A character vector of those protein members which were not tested as baits


The average out-degree of the bait proteins of the complex of interest


A character vector of proteins that showed experimental binary affiliation for some other complex member


An instance of the class graph; a graphNEL induceds Y2H graph on the protein complex


The population mean degree derived from the bait proteins


The estimated edge proportions derived between undirected Y2H edges


A named list; each name corresponds to each member of the protein complex with the entry the number of proteins to which it is adjacent


T Chiang

ScISI documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:48 p.m.