
Defines functions SFfigure

Documented in SFfigure

SFfigure <- function(data, locusname, annot = c(), flip.fig = 1, 
                     label.exon = 1, print.n = 1, data.labels = 0,
                     label.colors = c(), flag = 1, lplots = 2, 
                     log10 = 1, summary.type = "median",
                     savestr = c(), titlestr = c(), pval = 1) {

    ## data dims and force data to matrix
    n <- ncol(data)
    p <- nrow(data)
    data <- as.matrix(data)

    if (is.null(colnames(data))) {
        colnames(data) <- paste("sample",1:n)

    ## parse savestr to separate name and extension (if specified)
    useAlpha <- TRUE
    if (!is.null(savestr)) {

        savestr <- unlist(strsplit(savestr,"[.]"))
        parts <- length(savestr)
        if (parts == 1) {
            savestr <- c(savestr,".pdf")
        } else {
            savestr <- c(paste(savestr[1:(parts-1)], collapse="."),
                         paste0(".", tolower(savestr[parts])))

        ## .eps/.ps does not support semi-transparency
        if (savestr[2] == ".eps" || savestr[2] == ".ps") {
            warning(paste(".eps/.ps extensions do not support semi-transparency.", 
                          "Figures will be plotted using white background.",
            useAlpha <- FALSE
    } ## end of savestr if statement

    ## whether "_plot#" should be added to savestr
    onefig <- (length(lplots) == 1)

    ## parse annotations if provided
    exon.annot <- c()
    chr <- ""
    dir <- "+"
    if (class(annot) == "GRanges") {
        annot <- as.data.frame(annot)
    if (is.data.frame(annot)) {
        exon.annot <- rbind(annot$start, annot$end)
        chr <- as.character(unique(annot$seqnames))
        dir <- as.character(unique(annot$strand))   
    } else if (!is.null(annot)) {
        warning("annot input ignored")

    ## flip data if on neg strand
    if (dir == "-") {
        if (flip.fig == 1) { 
            data <- matlab::flipud(data)
    } else if (dir != "+") {
        warning(paste("dir must be '+' or '-'.",
                      "assuming '+' strand",
        dir <- "+"

    ## exon boundaries for plots
    if (!is.null(exon.annot)) {
        exon.start <- exon.annot[1,]
        exon.end <- exon.annot[2,]

        ## vector of exon boundary labels
        if (dir == "-" && flip.fig == 1) {
            exon.SE <- rbind(rev(exon.start), rev(exon.end))
            exon.mod <- rbind(c("",rev(exon.start)), c(rev(exon.end), ""))
        } else {
            exon.SE <- rbind(exon.start, exon.end)
            exon.mod <- rbind(c("",exon.end), c(exon.start, ""))

        ## data.frame defining exon boundaries
        len <- c(0, cumsum(exon.SE[2, ]-exon.SE[1, ]))
        exon.df <- data.frame(p = (1:(length(len)-1))%%2,
                              s = len[-length(len)],
                              e = len[-1])

    } ## end of exon boundary if statement

    ## default plot title
    if (is.null(titlestr)) {
        titlestr <- paste(locusname, " locus, SigFuge analysis")

    ## calculate SigFuge p-value and add to title
    if (pval == 1) {
        pvalue <- SFpval(data,1)@pvalnorm
        titlestr <- paste0(titlestr, ", pval = ", signif(pvalue, 3))

    ## define cluster labels by SigFuge clustering or user input
    if (length(data.labels) != n) {
        ## use default SigFuge labels
        if (!all(data.labels == 0)) {
            warning(paste("data.labels input should be '0' or n-vector.",
                          "Using default SigFuge labels.",
        SFout <- SFnormalize(data, flag=flag)
        data.labels <- SFlabels(SFout)
        data.labels <- paste("Cluster", data.labels)
        Klevels <- paste("Cluster", 1:3)
        K <- 3

        ## use input cluster labels
    } else {

        Klevels <- unique(data.labels)
        K <- length(Klevels)

    } ## end of cluster if statement
    data.labels <- factor(data.labels, levels=Klevels)
    clustSize <- table(data.labels)

    ## primary data.frame for ggplot2 input
    data <- as.data.frame(data)
    data$base <- 1:p
    data.df <- reshape::melt.data.frame(data, id.vars=c("base"))
    colnames(data.df) <- c("base", "sample", "coverage")
    data.df$cluster <- rep(data.labels, each=p)

    ## figure boundaries
    xrng <- range(data.df$base)
    if (log10 == 1) {
        yrng <- range(log10(data.df$coverage+1))
        yr <- yrng[2]-yrng[1]
        y.cut <- 0:ceiling(yrng[2])
        y.cut <- c(y.cut, y.cut+log10(5))
    } else if (log10 == 0) {
        yrng <- range(data.df$coverage)
        yr <- yrng[2]-yrng[1]
        y.cut <- c(0:5)*ceiling(yrng[2]/5)
        y.cut <- c(y.cut, y.cut+5)  
    } else {
        warning("log10 should be either 0 or 1.\n
    Setting log10 to 1.")
        yrng <- range(log10(data.df$coverage+1))
        yr <- yrng[2]-yrng[1]
        y.cut <- 0:ceiling(yrng[2])
        y.cut <- c(y.cut, y.cut+log10(5))
        log10 <- 1

    ## main ggplot object
    if (log10 == 0) {
        main.plot <- ggplot(data.df, aes(base,coverage)) + 
            scale_y_continuous(limits=yrng, expand=c(.1,0)) +
                xlab(paste(chr,"genomic positions")) +
                          panel.grid.minor=element_line(color="white")) +
                              geom_hline(yintercept=0) +
                                  ylab(expression(paste("read depth")))
    } else {
        main.plot <- ggplot(data.df, aes(base,log10(coverage+1))) + 
            scale_y_continuous(limits=yrng, breaks=y.cut, labels=c(0,10^y.cut[-1]), expand=c(.1,0)) +
                xlab(paste(chr,"genomic positions")) +
                          panel.grid.minor=element_line(color="white")) +
                              geom_hline(yintercept=0) +
                                  ylab(expression(paste("read depth (",log[10]," plotting)")))
    ## add exon boundaries to ggplot object if desired
    if (!is.null(exon.annot)) {
        if (!label.exon) {
            exon.mod[] <- ""
        main.plot <- main.plot +
                               labels=apply(exon.mod,2,paste,collapse=' \n '), 
                               expand=c(0,0)) +
                                   geom_rect(aes(NULL, NULL, xmin=s, xmax=e, fill=factor(p)),
                                             ymin=yrng[1]-yr*.1, ymax=yrng[2]+yr*.3, 
                                             data=exon.df, alpha=(1/5)*useAlpha, 
                                             show_guide=F) +
                                                 scale_fill_manual(values=c("#FFCC99","#99FFFF")) +

    ## create specified lplots
    if (is.null(savestr)) {
        allplots <- list()
    ## plot of all curves, no cluster information
    if (any(lplots == 1)) {
        tplot <- main.plot + 
                      alpha=(1/2)^useAlpha, size=.4, show_guide=F) + 
                          scale_color_hue(l=50, c=100) +
        if (!is.null(savestr)) {
            fname <- paste0(savestr[1],ifelse(onefig,"","_1"),savestr[2])
            ggsave(filename=fname, plot=tplot, width=10, height=7)
        } else {
            allplots <- c(allplots, list("plot1"=tplot))

    } ## end of (lplots == 1) if statement

    ## if plots with clustering information are specified...
    if (any(lplots > 1)) {

        ## use colors specified by user, if possible
        if (!is.null(label.colors)) {
            if (nrow(label.colors) == K && ncol(label.colors) == 3) {
                mcolors <- rgb(label.colors[,1], label.colors[,2], label.colors[,3])
                label.colors <- pmax(label.colors-.3,0)
                medcolors <- rgb(label.colors[,1], label.colors[,2], label.colors[,3])
                medcolors[clustSize==1] <- mcolors[clustSize==1]
            } else {
                warning(paste("label.colors must be Kx3 RGB matrix.",
                              "Using default colors.",
        } else { ## use equally spaced colors 
            hues <- seq(15, 375, length=K+1)
            mcolors <- hcl(h=hues, l=50, c=100)[1:K]    
            medcolors <- hcl(h=hues, l=20, c=100)[1:K]
        ## ggplot object with cluster information
        cluster.plot <- main.plot +
            geom_line(aes(color=cluster, group=sample), alpha=1, size=.4) +
                scale_color_manual(name="Clusters", values=mcolors, drop=FALSE) +

        ## data.frame containing cluster size information
        counts.df <- data.frame(x = .75*p,
                                y1 = (1-.05*1:K)*(yrng[2]),
                                y2 = .9*(yrng[2]),
                                label = paste0("size = ", clustSize),
                                cluster = Klevels)

        ## plots containing all clusters in single panel
        if (any(lplots == 2) || any(lplots == 5)) {

            med.mat <- c()
            if (log10 == 0) {
                for(k in 1:K) {
                    if (summary.type == "median") {
                        med.mat <- cbind(med.mat, apply(as.matrix(data[,data.labels==Klevels[k]]),1,median))
                    } else if (summary.type == "mean") {
                        med.mat <- cbind(med.mat, apply(as.matrix(data[,data.labels==Klevels[k]]),1,mean))                  
                    } else {
                        warning("summary.type needs to equal either median or mean.
                Will use default of median")
                        summary.type <- "median"
                        med.mat <- cbind(med.mat, apply(as.matrix(data[,data.labels==Klevels[k]]),1,median))
                med.mat[is.na(med.mat)] <- 0
                yrng5 <- range(med.mat)
                yr5 <- yrng5[2]-yrng5[1]
                y.cut5 <- 0:ceiling(yrng5[2])
                y.cut5 <- c(y.cut5, y.cut5+5)
            } else {
                for(k in 1:K) {
                    if (summary.type == "median") {
                        med.mat <- cbind(med.mat, apply(log10(as.matrix(data[,data.labels==Klevels[k]])+1),1,median))
                    } else if (summary.type == "mean") {
                        med.mat <- cbind(med.mat, apply(log10(as.matrix(data[,data.labels==Klevels[k]])+1),1,mean))                 
                    } else {
                        warning("summary.type needs to equal either median or mean.
                Will use default of median")
                        summary.type <- "median"
                        med.mat <- cbind(med.mat, apply(log10(as.matrix(data[,data.labels==Klevels[k]])+1),1,median))
                med.mat[is.na(med.mat)] <- 0
                yrng5 <- range(med.mat)
                yr5 <- yrng5[2]-yrng5[1]
                y.cut5 <- 0:ceiling(yrng5[2])
                y.cut5 <- c(y.cut5, y.cut5+log10(5))
            med.df <- data.frame(base=1:p, med.mat)
            if (K==1) {
                names(med.df) <- c('base','X1')

            ## plot of all clusters in single panel with all curves
            if (any(lplots == 2)) {

                tplot <- cluster.plot
                if (print.n) {
                    tplot <- tplot + 
                        geom_text(data=counts.df, aes(x,y1,label=paste(cluster,label)), 
                                  size=4.5, hjust=0)
                for (k in 1:K) {
                    tplot <- tplot +
                        geom_line(data=med.df, aes_string(x="base",y=paste0("X",k)),
                                  size=.6, linejoin="mitre", color=medcolors[k])
                if (!is.null(savestr)) {
                    fname <- paste0(savestr[1],ifelse(onefig,"","_2"),savestr[2])
                    ggsave(filename=fname, plot=tplot, width=10, height=7)      
                } else {
                    allplots <- c(allplots, list("plot2"=tplot))

            } ## end of (lplots == 2) if statement

            ## plot of all clusters in single panel with only median curves
            if (any(lplots == 5)) {

                counts.df5 <- data.frame(x = .75*p,
                                         y1 = (1-.05*1:K)*(yrng5[2]),
                                         y2 = .9*(yrng5[2]),
                                         label = paste0("size = ", clustSize),
                                         cluster = Klevels)

                tplot <- main.plot
                if (print.n) {
                    tplot <- tplot + 
                        geom_text(data=counts.df5, aes(x,y1,label=paste(cluster,label)), 
                                  size=4.5, hjust=0)
                med.df <- reshape::melt.data.frame(med.df, id.vars="base", variable_name="Clusters")
                if (log10 == 0) {
                    tplot <- tplot + 
                        geom_line(data=med.df, aes(x=base,y=value,color=Clusters), 
                                  size=.6, linejoin="mitre") +
                                      scale_color_manual(name="Clusters", values=medcolors, drop=FALSE, labels=Klevels) +
                                          ggtitle(paste0(titlestr,", cluster ", summary.type, "s")) +
                                              scale_y_continuous(limits=yrng5, expand=c(.1,0))
                } else {
                    tplot <- tplot + 
                        geom_line(data=med.df, aes(x=base,y=value,color=Clusters), 
                                  size=.6, linejoin="mitre") +
                                      scale_color_manual(name="Clusters", values=medcolors, drop=FALSE, labels=Klevels) +
                                          ggtitle(paste0(titlestr,", cluster ", summary.type, "s")) +
                                              scale_y_continuous(limits=yrng5, breaks=y.cut5, labels=c(0,10^y.cut5[-1]), expand=c(.1,0))
                if (!is.null(savestr)) {
                    fname <- paste0(savestr[1],ifelse(onefig,"","_5"),savestr[2])
                    ggsave(filename=fname, plot=tplot, width=10, height=7)      
                } else {
                    allplots <- c(allplots, list("plot5"=tplot))

            } ## end of (lplots == 5) if statement

        } ## end of (lplots == 2,5) if statement

        ## plot of clusters in separate panels
        if (any(lplots == 3)) {

            tplot <- cluster.plot + 
                facet_grid(cluster~., drop=FALSE) + 
                    stat_summary(fun.y=summary.type, geom="line", size=1)
            if (print.n) {
                tplot <- tplot + 
                    geom_text(data=counts.df, aes(x,y2,label=paste(cluster,label)), size=3, hjust=0)
            ## save plot or return figures
            if (!is.null(savestr)) {
                fname <- paste0(savestr[1],ifelse(onefig,"","_3"),savestr[2])
                ggsave(filename=fname, plot=tplot, width=7, height=7)      
            } else {
                allplots <- c(allplots, list("plot3"=tplot))

        } ## end of (lplots == 3) if statement

        ## plot each curve in a separate sheet, colored by cluster
        if (any(lplots == 4)) {

            samples <- colnames(data)

            ## save plot if savestr is provided
            if (is.null(savestr)) {
                warning("Plot option 4 can only be saved to file. Must provide savestr.")
            } else {
                fname <- paste0(savestr[1],ifelse(onefig,"","_4"),savestr[2])
                pdf(file=fname, onefile=TRUE, width=10, height=7)
                for (i in 1:n) {        
                    print(cluster.plot %+% subset(data.df, sample==samples[i]) + 

        } ## end of (lplots == 4) if statement

    } ## end of (lplots > 1) if statement

    ## return list of plots if no savestr specified
    if (is.null(savestr)) {


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SigFuge documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:17 p.m.