2D-TTP analysis report

This 2D-TPP analysis was executed on r format(Sys.time(), "%a %b %d %X %Y") on machine r Sys.info()["nodename"] with the following parameters:

str_break <- function(x, width = 80L) {
   n <- nchar(x)
   if (n <= width) {
   n1 <- seq(1L, n, by = width)
   n2 <- seq(width, n, by = width)
   if (n %% width != 0) {
      n2 = c(n2, n)

   substring(x, n1, n2)

Analyzed experiments

if ("Path" %in% colnames(configTable)){
  tab1 <- configTable %>%
  select(Compound, Experiment, Temperature, Path)
}else {
    tab1 <- configTable %>%
  select(Compound, Experiment, Temperature)

tab2 <- melt(extractConc(configTable))
# find respective reference columns
tab2$ref <- sapply(rownames(tab2), function(rn){
  ref <- unique(configTable$RefCol[which(configTable[[rn]]!="-")])
colnames(tab2) <- c("Concentration [uM]", "Reference label")
kable(tab2, row.names=TRUE)

Configuration file


User defined settings

if (is.null(fcStr)){
  fcStr <- "none"
if (is.null(fcStrUpdated)){
  fcStrUpdated <- "none"
if (is.null(addCol)){
  addCol <- "none"

param <- c("Protein identifier", "Fold change suffix", 
           "Updated Fold change suffix (after normalization)", "Intensity value suffix", 
           "Median normalization", "Added columns", "R2 cutoff", "Fold change cutoff",
           "Slope bounds", "Chosen methods for analysis", "TR reference data set")
variab <- c(idVar, fcStr, fcStrUpdated, intensityStr, normalize, addCol, r2Cutoff, fcCutoff, 
            paste(as.character(slopeBounds), collapse=","), paste(methods, sep=" "),  trRef)

tab <- data.frame(param, variab)
colnames(tab) <- c("Parameter", "Setting")

Applied R version

rver <- sessionInfo()[["R.version"]][["version.string"]]

Applied R packages

pnames <- loadedNamespaces()
pvers <- unlist(lapply(pnames, function(pn) as.character(packageVersion(pn))))
ptab <- data.frame(pnames, pvers)
colnames(ptab) <- c("Package", "Version")

Try the TPP package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

TPP documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:55 p.m.