
#' @title \strong{importAnnotationExternal}
#' @description \code{importAnnotationExternal} imports an
#' annotation from an external file and attaches it to the
#' \emph{tssObject}
#' @param experimentName - an S4 object of class \emph{tssObject}
#' that contains information about the experiment
#' @param fileType - the format of the annotation file to be imported.
#' Must be one of: "bed", "gff" or "gff3".
#' @param annotFile - a path (full or relative) to the annotation
#' file to be imported.
#' @return fills the slot \emph{@@annotation} in the returned
#' \emph{tssObject} with a \linkS4class{GRanges} object contining a
#' parsed annotation file of the selected type.
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importFrom rtracklayer import.bed import.gff import.gff3
#' @examples
#' load(system.file("extdata", "tssObjectExample.RData", package="TSRchitect"))
#' extdata.dir <- system.file("extdata", package="TSRchitect")
#' annotation <- dir(extdata.dir, pattern="\\.gff3$", full.names=TRUE)
#' tssObjectExample <- importAnnotationExternal(experimentName=tssObjectExample,
#' fileType="gff3", annotFile=annotation)
#' @note \code{importAnnotationExternal} makes use of three functions from the
#' \emph{rtracklayer} package:
#'   \code{\link[rtracklayer:BEDFile-class]{import.bed}},
#'   \code{\link[rtracklayer:GFFFile-class]{import.gff}}, and
#'   \code{\link[rtracklayer:GFFFile-class]{import.gff3}}.
#' @note An example similar to the one provided can be found in
#' \emph{Example 2} from the vignette
#' (run \code{TSRchitectUsersGuide()} to view the documentation).
#' @note To import directly from the AnnotationHub client, please
#' refer to
#' \code{\link[TSRchitect:importAnnotationHub-methods]{importAnnotationHub}}.
#' @export
#' @rdname importAnnotationExternal-methods

    function(experimentName, fileType, annotFile)

#' @rdname importAnnotationExternal-methods

          signature(experimentName="tssObject", fileType="character",
          function(experimentName, fileType=c("bed","gff","gff3"),
                   annotFile) {

              message("... importAnnotationExternal ...")
              fileType <- match.arg(fileType, several.ok=FALSE)
              if (fileType=="bed") {
                  experimentName@annotation <- import.bed(annotFile)
              if (fileType=="gff") {
                  experimentName@annotation <- import.gff(annotFile)
              if (fileType=="gff3") {
                  experimentName@annotation <- import.gff3(annotFile)
              message("Done. Annotation data have been attached to",
                  " the tssObject.\n")
              message(" Done.\n")

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TSRchitect documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:11 p.m.