
# dir_all <- downloadUMI4CexampleData(reduced = FALSE)
# dir_red <- downloadUMI4CexampleData(reduced = TRUE)
# test_that("Uncompressed example data folders exist", {
#   expect_true(dir.exists(dir_all))
#   expect_true(dir.exists(dir_red))
#   expect_identical(dir(dir_all), c("CIITA", "ref_genome"))
#   expect_identical(dir(dir_red), c("CIITA", "ref_genome"))
# })
# test_that("BFC is retrieved correctly", {
#   expect_s4_class(.getCache(), "BiocFileCache")
# })

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UMI4Cats documentation built on Dec. 31, 2020, 2:01 a.m.