
Defines functions lookupUniprotSpeciesFromTaxId availableUniprotSpecies .availableSpecies getUniprotGoodies .getSomeUniprotGoodies backFillCols .tryReadResult mapUniprot dataNibbler .tryToGetAllChunks .makeChunkVector .mapUni .tryGetResult .cleanup

Documented in availableUniprotSpecies lookupUniprotSpeciesFromTaxId

## A couple of constants (referred to by many functions)
## We will maintain a list of supported key types in file in extdata..
keytypeKeysDat <- read.delim(
    system.file('extdata', 'keytypes.txt', package='UniProt.ws'),
    header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE

## write.table(keytypeKeysDat, file="keytypes2.txt", quote=FALSE, sep="\t", row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE)

## We also keep a list of supported additional cols (things that can be
## retrieved but not used as keys in a file called extraCols.txt
extraColsDat <- read.delim(
    system.file('extdata','extraCols.txt', package='UniProt.ws'),
    header=FALSE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE

## FOR NOW: we are not supporting the following 4 cols (they give us the 505)
## Also remember: adjust/comment these in man page...
## keytypeKeysDat <- keytypeKeysDat[-c(37L,38L),]

## Some code to make the string into a data.frame...
.cleanup <- function(str, from, to){
  res <- read.delim(text = gsub("[\t]+", "\t", readLines(textConnection(str)), perl = TRUE), sep = "\t")
  res <- res[,c(1, 2)]
  colnames(res) <- c(from, to)

## Try five times and give error if all attempts fail.
.tryGetResult <- function(url, params) {
    for (i in 1:5) {
        result <- tryCatch({
            getForm(url, .params=params, .opts=list(FOLLOWLOCATION=TRUE))
        }, error=function(err) NULL)
        if (!is.null(result)) return(result)
    stop("no results after 5 attempts; please try again later")

.mapUni <- function(query, from, to) {
    ## query starts as a character vector...
    ## But the URL expects it to be a space separated string.
    query <- paste(query, collapse=" ")
    ## url is constant here
    url <- 'https://www.uniprot.org/mapping/'
    params <- c('from'=from, 'to'= to, 'format'='tab', 'query'=query)
    res <- .tryGetResult(url, params)
    .cleanup(res, from, to)

.makeChunkVector <- function(chnkSize,query){
  ## how many chunks?
  chnks <- length(query) %/% chnkSize
  ## compute the remainder
  rem <- length(query) - (chnks * chnkSize)
  ## make the factor
  if(length(query) > chnkSize){
    ## make a vector
    v <- rep(1:chnks, each=chnkSize)
    ## and add on remainder
    if(chnks < length(query)/chnkSize ) v <- c(v, rep(chnks+1, each=rem))
  }else{## or we only need the remainder...
    v <- rep(chnks+1, each=rem)

.tryToGetAllChunks <- function(res, qs, FUN, ...) {
    ## call FUN for each
    ## res <- lapply(qs, FUN, ...)
    for (i in seq_along(qs)[is.na(res)]) {
        res[[i]] <- tryCatch({
            FUN(qs[[i]], ...) ## call the getter method
        }, error = function(err) {
                "error while trying to retrieve data in chunk ", i, ":",
                "\n    ", conditionMessage(err),
                "\ncontinuing to try"

dataNibbler <- function(query, FUN, chnkSize=400, ...){
  ## make the vector for the chunks
  f <- .makeChunkVector(chnkSize, query)  
  ## split by f
  qs <- split(query, as.factor(f))
  ## assign all vals in res to be NA
  res <- rep.int(list(NA),length(qs))
  while (anyNA(res)) {
      ## repeat till you get all the answers.
      res <- .tryToGetAllChunks(res, qs, FUN, ...)
  fin <- do.call(rbind, res)
  ## return combined results

mapUniprot <- function(from, to, query){
  ## 1st we look at that query.  Is is longer than 400 long, then we tend to
  ## get a "bad request" response, so I am simplifying it here to do small
  ## bites and then reassemble them
  message("Getting mapping data for ", query[1], " ... and ", to)
  dataNibbler(query=query, FUN=.mapUni, chnkSize=400,
              from=from, to=to) ## not a typo that from is used twice here.

## Try five times and give error if all attempts fail.
.tryReadResult <- function(url){
 for (i in 1:5) {
     result <- tryCatch({
         read.delim(URLencode(url), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
     }, error=function(err) {
             "reading url",
             "\n    ", URLencode(url),
             "\nfailed on attempt ", i, " of 5"
     if (!is.null(result)) return(result)
 stop("no results after 5 attempts; please try again later")

## helper to fill back in missing cols.
backFillCols <- function(tab, cols){
  ## 1st we need to translate cols to be the expected headers for tab.  
  ecols <- extraColsDat[,3][match(cols, extraColsDat[,2])]
  ## Get vector with NAs where we need replacement cols
  ind = match(ecols,colnames(tab))
  ## Make a blank col
  blank <- data.frame(val=rep(NA,times=dim(tab)[1]))
  ## then loop to place it whenever needed.
  res <- data.frame()
  for(i in seq_len(length(ind))){
      res <- tab[,1,drop=FALSE] ## 1st one is always the ids
        res <- cbind(res,tab[,ind[i],drop=FALSE])
        res <- cbind(res, blank)
  colnames(res) <- ecols

## A function that take UniProt IDs and gets supplementary cols back
.getSomeUniprotGoodies  <- function(query, cols){
        "Getting extra data for ",
        paste(head(query, 3), collapse=", "),
        if (length(query) > 3)
            paste0("... (", length(query), " total)")
  ## query and cols start as a character vectors
  qstring <- paste(query, collapse="+or+")  
  cstring <- paste(cols, collapse=",")
  url <- 'https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/?query='
  fullUrl <- paste0(url,qstring,'&format=tab&columns=id,',cstring)
  ## This step may need to repeat (in the event that it fails).
  dat <- .tryReadResult(fullUrl)
  ## read.delim will name mangle if colnames have repeats or [CC]:
  colnames(dat) <- sub("\\.\\d","",colnames(dat)) 
  colnames(dat) <- sub("\\.\\.CC\\.", "", colnames(dat))
  ## now remove things that were not in the specific original query...
  dat <- dat[dat[,1] %in% query,,drop=FALSE]
  if(dim(dat)[2]< (length(cols)+1)){## we have some empty cols.
    dat <- backFillCols(dat, cols=c("id",cols))

getUniprotGoodies <- function(query, cols){
  dataNibbler(query=query, FUN=.getSomeUniprotGoodies, 
              chnkSize=400, cols=cols)

.availableSpecies <-
    res <- digestspecfile()[, c("taxId", "taxname")]
    rownames(res) <- NULL
    colnames(res) <- paste0("V", 1:2)

## Need method to return dataFrame of available species.
availableUniprotSpecies <- function(pattern="", n=Inf){
  species <- .availableSpecies()
  g <- grepl(pattern, species[,2])
  res <- species[g,]
  colnames(res) <- c("taxon ID","Species name")
  rownames(res)<- NULL
  head(res, n)

## and another method to look up the species name based on the tax ID.
lookupUniprotSpeciesFromTaxId <- function(taxId){
  species <- .availableSpecies()
  g <- species[,1] %in% taxId
  res <- species[g,2]
  if(length(res)<1) stop("No species match the requested Tax Id.")
  if(length(res)>1) stop("There may be a problem with the Tax Id data file.")
  if(length(res)==1) return(res)

## important resources:
## query syntax
## http://www.uniprot.org/help/text-search

## how to use the REST site (generally):
## http://www.uniprot.org/faq/28

## query fields (what you can put for the "query=" part)
## http://www.uniprot.org/help/query-fields

## I need a function that can take a UniProt and retrieve associated data.
## something like below...

## these work:
## http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/?query=P12345&format=tab&columns=id,sequence
## http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/?query=accession:P30443&format=tab&columns=id,sequence

## This also works (gets ALL the IDs):
## http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/?query=organism:9606&format=tab&columns=id,sequence

## And this is if you want multiple of the same kind
## http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/?query="P04217"+or+"P30443"&format=tab&columns=id,sequence

## Notice though that I am getting extra entries.  Are they equivalant or cruft?
## The DEFINITELY are not perfectly equivalent...  
## I would like to understand why some requests get me multiple hits, while others only get me one hit????

## http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/?query="P04217"&format=tab&columns=id,sequence

## So lets look at this example here: "P30443" returns data for it and also some data for another species with the ID "G7ZFG0"  </puzzled>
## http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/?query="P30443"&format=tab&columns=id,sequence

## But if I just ask for "G7ZFG0" I don't also get the human version "P30443"...
## http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/?query="G7ZFG0"&format=tab&columns=id,sequence

## What's more: using single quotes seems to change thigns AGAIN (makes it even LESS specific somehow?)

## So here is how it seems to work: Double quotes indicate one level of non-specificity (exactly what I am unsure), and single quotes make it even LESS specific!  So for my purposes, I need to avoid quotes.  One more BUMMER: not using quotes is the SAME as using double quotes (a small amount of non-specificity).  So I get to use a post filter regardless...  :(

## SO I want to format the query like this:
## http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/?query=P04217+or+P30443&format=tab&columns=id,sequence

## I can also do things like this (thus extracting the stuff from other DBs)
## http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/?query=P04217+or+P30443&format=tab&columns=id,database%28interpro%29

## potential values for columns (for use by getUniprotGoodies)  = c("citation","clusters","comments","domains","domain","ec","id","entry name","existence","families","features","genes","go","go-id","interpro","interactor","keywords","keyword-id","last-modified","length","organism","organism-id","pathway","protein names","reviewed","score","sequence","3d","subcellular locations","taxon","tools","version","virus hosts","database(pfam)","database(pdb)")

## NOTE: parameterized column values have to be "expanded" so database became
## database(pfam) and database(pdb)...

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UniProt.ws documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:58 p.m.