setGeneric('estimateRealCount', function(object) standardGeneric('estimateRealCount'))
setMethod('estimateRealCount', signature(object = 'XBSeqDataSet'),
signal <- assay(object, 1) - assay(object, 2)
signal[signal < 0] <- 0
assay(object,3) <- signal
setMethod('counts', signature(object = 'XBSeqDataSet'),
function(object, slot = 3, normalized = FALSE){
if(length(assays(object)) == 2 & slot == 3)
stop('Only two assays exist. Call "estimateRealCount" first')
if (!normalized) {
return(assay(object, slot))
else if (is.null(sizeFactors(object)) || any( {
stop("first calculate size factors, add normalizationFactors, or set normalized=FALSE")
} else {
return(t(t(assay(object,slot)) / sizeFactors(object)))
setGeneric("estimateSCV",function(object, ...) standardGeneric('estimateSCV'))
setMethod("estimateSCV", signature(object="XBSeqDataSet"),
function( object, method = c( "pooled", "per-condition", "blind" ),
sharingMode = c( "maximum", "fit-only", "gene-est-only" ),
fitType = c("local", "parametric"),
locfit_extra_args=list(), lp_extra_args=list(), ... )
t1 <- Sys.time()
stopifnot( is( object, "XBSeqDataSet" ) )
stop( "NAs found in size factors. Have you called already 'estimateSizeFactors'?" )
method <- match.arg( method )
sharingMode <- match.arg( sharingMode )
fitType <- match.arg( fitType )
if( length(list(...)) != 0 )
warning( "in estimateSCV: Ignoring extra argument(s)." )
if( sharingMode == "gene-est-only" && length(conditions(object))/length(levels(conditions(object))) <= 2 )
warning( "in estimateSCV: sharingMode=='gene-est-only' will cause inflated numbers of false positives unless you have many replicates." )
#Remove results from previous fits
index <- which(! colnames(dispEst(object)) %in% paste( "disp", object@dispTable, sep="_" ))
dispEst(object) <- dispEst(object, index)
object@dispTable <- character()
object@fitInfo = new.env( hash=TRUE )
if( method == "blind" ) {
data <- getCountParams(counts(object), sizeFactors(object))
data_var <- getSignalVars(counts(object, 1), counts(object, 2))
SCVf <- getSCV(data$baseMean,
data_var, sizeFactors(object), fitType, locfit_extra_args, lp_extra_args )
object@fitInfo[[ "blind" ]] <- list(
perGeneSCVEsts = SCVf$SCV,
SCVFunc = SCVf$SCVfunc,
fittedSCVEsts = SCVf$SCVfunc( data$baseMean ),
df = ncol(counts(object)) - 1,
sharingMode = sharingMode )
a <- rep( "blind", length( levels( conditions(object) ) ) )
names(a) <- levels( conditions(object) )
object@dispTable <- a
} else if( method == "per-condition" ) {
replicated <- names( which( tapply( conditions(object), conditions(object), length ) > 1 ) )
if( length( replicated ) < 1 )
stop( "None of your conditions is replicated. Use method='blind' to estimate across conditions." )
nonreplicated <- names( which( tapply( conditions(object), conditions(object), length ) == 1 ) )
overall_basemeans <- rowMeans( counts( object, normalized=TRUE ) )
for( cond in replicated ) {
cols <- conditions(object)==cond
data <- getCountParams(counts(object)[ , cols ], sizeFactors(object)[ cols ] )
data_var <- getSignalVars(counts(object, 1)[, cols], counts(object, 2)[, cols])
SCVf <- getSCV( data$baseMean,
data_var, sizeFactors(object)[cols], fitType, locfit_extra_args, lp_extra_args )
object@fitInfo[[ cond ]] <- list(
perGeneSCVEsts = SCVf$SCV,
SCVFunc = SCVf$SCVfunc,
fittedSCVEsts = SCVf$SCVfunc( overall_basemeans ), # Note that we do not use bmv$baseMean here
df = sum(cols) - 1,
sharingMode = sharingMode ) }
object@dispTable <- sapply( levels(conditions(object)), function( cond )
ifelse( cond %in% replicated, cond, "max" ) )
} else if( method == "pooled" ) {
conds <- conditions(object)
if( !any( duplicated( conds ) ) )
stop( "None of your conditions is replicated. Use method='blind' to estimate across conditions." )
data <- getCountParamsPooled( counts(object), sizeFactors(object), conds )
baseMeans <- data$baseMean
data_var <- getSignalVars(counts(object, 1), counts(object, 2))
SCVf <- getSCV(data$baseMean,
data$baseVar, sizeFactors(object), fitType, locfit_extra_args, lp_extra_args )
df <- ncol(counts(object)) - length(unique(conds))
object@fitInfo[[ "pooled" ]] <- list(
perGeneSCVEsts = SCVf$SCV,
SCVFunc = SCVf$SCVfunc,
fittedSCVEsts = SCVf$SCVfunc( baseMeans ),
df = df,
sharingMode = sharingMode )
a <- rep( "pooled", length( levels( conditions(object) ) ) )
names(a) <- levels( conditions(object) )
dispTable(object) = a
} else
stop(sprintf("Invalid method '%s'.", method))
for( n in ls(object@fitInfo) )
dispEst(object, paste( "disp", n, sep="_" ) ) <-
switch( sharingMode,
`fit-only` = object@fitInfo[[ n ]]$fittedSCVEsts,
`gene-est-only` = {
a <- object@fitInfo[[ n ]]$perGeneSCVEsts
a[ is.nan(a) ] <- 0
pmax( a, 1e-8 ) },
`maximum` = pmax( object@fitInfo[[ n ]]$fittedSCVEsts, object@fitInfo[[ n ]]$perGeneSCVEsts, na.rm=TRUE ),
stop(sprintf("Invalid sharingMode '%s'.", sharingMode))
) ## switch
if( "max" %in% object@dispTable )
dispEst(object, "disp_max") <- pmax,
c( dispEst(object, which(colnames(dispEst(object)) %in% paste( "disp", object@dispTable, sep="_" )) ), na.rm=TRUE ) )
validObject( object )
XBSeqTest <- function(XB, condA, condB, pvals_only=FALSE, method = c('NP', 'MLE'), big_count = 900)
stopifnot( is( XB, "XBSeqDataSet" ) )
if( all( dispTable(XB) ) ) )
stop( "Call 'estimateSCV' first." )
if( dispTable(XB)[condA] == "blind") {
if( fitInfo( XB, "blind" )$sharingMode != "fit-only" )
warning( 'You have used \'method="blind"\' in estimateSCV without also setting \'sharingMode="fit-only"\'. This will not yield useful results.' )
stopifnot(condA %in% levels(conditions(XB)))
stopifnot(condB %in% levels(conditions(XB)))
colA <- conditions(XB)==condA
colB <- conditions(XB)==condB
rawScvA <- dispEst(XB, paste( "disp", dispTable(XB)[condA], sep="_" ))
rawScvB <- dispEst(XB, paste( "disp", dispTable(XB)[condB], sep="_" ))
pval <- XBSeqTestForMatrices(
counts(XB, slot=2)[,colA],
counts(XB, slot=2)[,colB],
method = method,
big_count = big_count)
if( pvals_only )
else {
data <- getCountParams( counts(XB), sizeFactors(XB)[colA|colB] )
dataA <- getCountParams( counts(XB)[,colA], sizeFactors(XB)[colA] )
dataB <- getCountParams( counts(XB)[,colB], sizeFactors(XB)[colB] )
id = rownames( counts(XB) ),
baseMean = data$baseMean,
baseMeanA = dataA$baseMean,
baseMeanB = dataB$baseMean,
foldChange = dataB$baseMean / dataA$baseMean,
log2FoldChange = log2( dataB$baseMean / dataA$baseMean ),
pval = pval,
padj = p.adjust( pval, method="BH" ),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE ))
apaUsage <- function(bamTreatment, bamControl, apaAnno, paired = NULL){
rds <- RoarDatasetFromFiles(bamTreatment, bamControl, apaAnno)
rds <- countPrePost(rds, FALSE)
rds <- computeRoars(rds)
rds <- computePvals(rds)
rds <- computePairedPvals(rds, paired)
results <- fpkmResults(rds)
# a wrapper function once and for all
XBSeq <- function(counts, bgcounts, conditions, method='pooled', sharingMode='maximum', fitType='local', pvals_only=FALSE, paraMethod='NP', big_count = 900){
conditions <- as.factor(conditions)
XB <- XBSeqDataSet(counts, bgcounts, conditions)
XB <- estimateRealCount(XB)
XB <- estimateSizeFactors(XB)
XB <- estimateSCV(XB, method=method, sharingMode=sharingMode, fitType=fitType)
Teststas <- XBSeqTest(XB, levels(conditions)[1L], levels(conditions)[2L], pvals_only=pvals_only, method = paraMethod, big_count = big_count)
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