
Defines functions summarize.clones plotFreqStat plotFreqStatGrey plotFreqStatColors prop.na propLoss.na lengthLoss.na propGain.na lengthGain.na table.bac.func changeProp.overall.func changeProp.func fga.func threshold.func aCGH.test create.resT

Documented in aCGH.test changeProp.func changeProp.overall.func create.resT fga.func lengthGain.na lengthLoss.na plotFreqStat plotFreqStatColors plotFreqStatGrey propGain.na propLoss.na prop.na summarize.clones table.bac.func threshold.func threshold.func

create.resT <-
    function(resT.raw, p.adjust.method = "fdr")
    rawp <- resT.raw[ 2, ]
    adjp <- p.adjust(rawp, p.adjust.method)
    teststat <- resT.raw[ 1, ]
    data.frame(index = 1:ncol(resT.raw),
               teststat = teststat,
               rawp = rawp,
               adjp = adjp
               )[ order(adjp, rawp, teststat), ]


aCGH.test <- function(aCGH.obj, rsp, test = c("survdiff", "coxph", "linear.regression"),p.adjust.method = "fdr", imputed = TRUE, subset = NULL, strt = NULL, ...)

    if (imputed)
    	l2r <- as.matrix(log2.ratios.imputed(aCGH.obj))
	l2r <- as.matrix(log2.ratios(aCGH.obj))
    if (!is.null(subset))
        l2r <- l2r[ subset, ]
    test <- match.arg(test)
    pheno <- phenotype(aCGH.obj)
    resT <- 
               function(i) {
###                   if (i %% 100 == 0)
###                       print(i)
                   clone <- l2r[ i, ]
                   fmla <-
                       if (!is.null(strt))
                           rsp ~ clone + strata(strt)
                           rsp ~ clone
                          survdiff = {
                              survdiff.fit <- try(survdiff(fmla, ...))
                              if (inherits(survdiff.fit, "try-error"))
                                  c(0, 1)
                                  etmp <- 
                                      if (is.matrix(survdiff.fit$obs))
                                    1 - pchisq(survdiff$chisq,
                                               sum(etmp > 0) - 1))
                          coxph = {

                              coxph.fit <- try(coxph(fmla, ...))
                              if (inherits(coxph.fit, "try-error"))
                                  c(0, 1)
                                  cf <-  coxph.fit$coef
				  cf.se <- sqrt(coxph.fit$var)
				  cf.std <- cf/cf.se
				  c(cf.std, 2*(1-pnorm(abs(cf.std))))
                                  #logtest <-
                                  #    -2 * (coxph.fit$loglik[1] -
                                  #          coxph.fit$loglik[2])
                                  #beta <- coxph.fit$coef
                                  #df <- length(beta[!is.na(beta)])
                                  #c(logtest, 1 - pchisq(logtest, df))
                          linear.regression = {
				reg <- lm(fmla, ...)
				cf <- (summary(reg))$coef
				c(cf[2,3], cf[2,4])
                        ##      fstat <-
                        ##       summary(lm(clone ~ rsp, ...))$fstatistic
                        ##   c(fstat[1],
                        ##    1 - pf(fstat[1], fstat[2], fstat[3]))
###                          logistic.regression = {
###                              glm.fit <-
###                                  try(glm(fmla, family=binomial()))
###                              if (inherits(glm.fit, "try-error"))
###                                  c(0, 1)
###                              else
###                              {
###                                  stat <-
###                                      2 * (glm.fit$null.deviance -
###                                           glm.fit$deviance)
###                                  c(stat,
###                                    1 - pchisq(stat,
###                                               glm.fit$df.null -
###                                               glm.fit$df.residual))
###                              }
###                          }
    create.resT(resT, p.adjust.method)

threshold.func <- function(dat, posThres, negThres=NULL)
	if (is.null(negThres))
		negThres <- -posThres
	##if the same threshold for all samples
	if ((length(posThres) == 1) & (length(negThres) == 1)) {
		posThres <- rep(posThres, ncol(dat))
		negThres <- rep(negThres, ncol(dat))
	if ((length(posThres) != ncol(dat)) | (length(negThres) != ncol(dat)))
		stop("Error: number of thresholds is not the same as number of samples")
		function(i) {
			tmp <- rep(NA, nrow(dat))
			na.col <- is.na(dat[ ,i ])
			col <- dat[ ,i ][!na.col]
			tmp[!na.col] <-
				ifelse(col >= posThres[i], 1,
					ifelse(col <= negThres[i], -1,

fga.func <-	function(aCGH.obj, thres=0.25, factor=2.5, samplenames = sample.names(aCGH.obj), chrominfo=human.chrom.info.Jul03) {
	#check if sd.samples are non-empty:
	if (!is.null(sd.samples(aCGH.obj)) && (factor > 0)) {
		thres <- factor*(sd.samples(aCGH.obj)$madGenome)
	data <- log2.ratios(aCGH.obj)
	data.thres <- threshold.func(data, posThres=thres)
	datainfo <- clones.info(aCGH.obj)
	ord <- order(datainfo$Chrom,datainfo$kb)
	datainfo <- datainfo[ord,]

	nClones <- nrow(datainfo)
	prevChrom <- 0
	cloneLens <- rep(0,nClones)
	for (i in 1:nClones) {
		nextChrom <- datainfo$Chrom[i+1]
		if (i==nClones) nextChrom <- 9999
		startPos <- ifelse(datainfo$Chrom[i]==prevChrom,sum(datainfo$kb[i-1],datainfo$kb[i])/2,0)
		endPos <- ifelse(datainfo$Chrom[i]==nextChrom,
		cloneLens[i] <- endPos-startPos
		prevChrom <- datainfo$Chrom[i]
	cloneLens <- cloneLens[order(ord)]
	loss <- gain <- rep(0, ncol(aCGH.obj))
	for (i in 1:ncol(aCGH.obj)) {
		clones.ind.na <- which(!is.na(data.thres[,i]))
		totCloneLens <- sum(cloneLens[clones.ind.na], na.rm = TRUE)
		gain[i] <- sum(cloneLens[data.thres[clones.ind.na,i]==1], na.rm = TRUE)/totCloneLens #proportion gained
		loss[i] <- sum(cloneLens[data.thres[clones.ind.na,i]==-1], na.rm = TRUE)/totCloneLens #proportion lost
	list(gainP = gain, lossP = loss)

changeProp.func <-
    function(dat, colMatr)
    out <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(dat), ncol = nrow(colMatr))
    for (i in 1:nrow(colMatr))
        for (j in 1:nrow(dat))
            vec <- dat[j, colMatr[ i, ] == 1]
            out[j, i] <- 
                if (lengthLoss.na(vec) < lengthGain.na(vec))

changeProp.overall.func <-
          function(vec) {
              if (lengthLoss.na(vec) < lengthGain.na(vec))

table.bac.func <-
    function(dat, colMatr)

    nr <- 
        if (nrow(colMatr) > 1)
            6 * (nrow(colMatr) + 1)
    out <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(dat), ncol=nr)	
    ##number of samples:

    sample.ind <- which(colMatr[ 1, ] == 1)
    if (nrow(colMatr) > 1)
        for (j in 2:nrow(colMatr))
            sample.ind <- c(sample.ind, which(colMatr[ j, ] == 1))

    ##all samples 
    sample.ind <- unique(sample.ind)
    dat.all <- dat[ ,sample.ind ]
    for (i in 1:nrow(dat))
        len <- length(sample.ind)
        vec <- dat.all[ i, ]
        out[i, 1] <- sum(!is.na(vec)) #number present
        out[i, 2] <- lengthGain.na(vec) #number gained
        out[i, 3] <- lengthLoss.na(vec) #number lost
        out[i, 4] <- round(1 - prop.na(vec),2) #proportion present 
        out[i, 5] <- round(propGain.na(vec),2) #proportion gained
        out[i, 6] <- round(propLoss.na(vec),2) #proportion lost
        if (nr > 6) #if 2 or more classes
            for (j in 1:nrow(colMatr))
                vec <- dat[i, colMatr[ j, ] == 1]
                out[i, (6*j+1):(6*j+6)] <-
                    c(sum(!is.na(vec)), lengthGain.na(vec),
                      lengthLoss.na(vec), round(1 - prop.na(vec), 2),
                      round(propGain.na(vec), 2),
                      round(propLoss.na(vec), 2)


lengthGain.na <-
    sum(x == 1, na.rm = TRUE)

propGain.na <-
    mean(x == 1, na.rm = TRUE)

lengthLoss.na <-
    sum(x == -1, na.rm = TRUE)

propLoss.na <-
    mean(x == -1, na.rm = TRUE)

prop.na <-

gainLoss <-
    function (dat, cols, thres = 0.25)

    if (length(thres) == 1)
        thres <- rep(thres, ncol(dat))
    if (length(thres) != ncol(dat))
        stop("Error: number of thresholds is not the same as number\
of samples")
    dt <- as.matrix(dat[ ,cols ])
    thr <- thres[cols]
    loss <- gain <- rep(0, nrow(dt))
    for (i in 1:nrow(dt))
        if (!all(is.na(dt[ i, ])))
            x <- dt[ i, ]
            th <- thr[!is.na(x)]
            x <- x[!is.na(x)]
            tmp.gain <- x >= th
            gain[i] <- mean(tmp.gain)
            #if (any(tmp.gain))
            #    gain.med[i] <- quantile(x[tmp.gain], 1 - quant)
            tmp.loss <- x <= -th
            loss[i] <- mean(tmp.loss)
            #if (any(tmp.loss))
            #    loss.med[i] <- quantile(x[tmp.loss], quant)
    list(gainP = gain,lossP = loss)

plotFreqStatColors <-
    function(aCGH.batch, resT, pheno, colored = TRUE, ...)
    plotFreqStat(aCGH.batch, resT, pheno, colored = TRUE, ...)

plotFreqStatGrey <-
    function(aCGH.batch, resT, pheno, colored = FALSE, ...)
    plotFreqStat(aCGH.batch, resT, pheno, colored = FALSE, ...)

plotFreqStat <-
    function(aCGH.obj, resT = NULL, pheno = rep(1, ncol(aCGH.obj)),
             chrominfo = human.chrom.info.Jul03,
             X = TRUE, Y = FALSE, rsp.uniq = unique(pheno),
             all = length(rsp.uniq) == 1 && is.null(resT),
             titles = if (all) "All Samples" else rsp.uniq,
             cutplot = 0, thres = .25, factor=2.5, ylm = c(-1, 1), 
	     	 p.thres = c(.01, .05, .1), numaut = 22, onepage = TRUE,
             colored = TRUE)
    is.even <- function (x) 
        if (is.numeric(x))
            (x%%2 == 0) 
            stop("'x' must be an integer value")

    ##check if sd.samples are non-empty:
    if (!is.null(sd.samples(aCGH.obj)) && (factor > 0))
        thres <- factor*(sd.samples(aCGH.obj)$madGenome)

    col.scheme <- 
        if (colored)
            list(pal =
                 c("red", "blue", "green", "orange")[1:length(p.thres)],
                 gain.low = "white",
                 gain.high = "green",
                 loss.low = "red",
                 loss.high = "white",
                 abline1 = "blue",
                 abline2 = "grey50",
                 mtext = "red",
                 kb.loc = "blue",
                 abline3 = "black",
                 abline4 = "grey50")
            list(pal =
                 c("grey10", "grey40", "grey70", "grey90")[1:length(p.thres)],
                 gain.low = "grey50",
                 gain.high = "grey0",
                 loss.low = "grey0",
                 loss.high = "grey50",
                 abline1 = "grey50",
                 abline2 = "grey50",
                 mtext = "black",
                 kb.loc = "black",
                 abline3 = "black",
                 abline4 = "grey50")
    data <- log2.ratios(aCGH.obj)
    datainfo <- clones.info(aCGH.obj)
    rsp.uniq <- sort(rsp.uniq)
    ## creating response matrix colmatr
    colmatr <-
        if (length(rsp.uniq) > 1)
                     ifelse(pheno == rsp.uniq.level, 1, 0)
            matrix(rep(1, length(pheno)),
                   ncol = length(pheno),
                   nrow = 1
    ## screening out clones that are gained or lost in < minChanged in
    ## classes under comparison indeces present: DON't do this anymore
    ## since rest is compute seprately : NOT ANYMORE

    #tmp <- apply(as.matrix(colmatr), 2, sum)
    #indecesnow <- which(tmp == 1)
    #data.thres <- threshold.func(data, thresAbs = thres)
    #prop.ch <- changeProp.func(dat = data.thres, colMatr = colmatr)
    #maxch <- changeProp.overall.func(dat = data.thres[ ,indecesnow ])
    #clones.index <- which(maxch >= minChanged)

    ##removing clones to skip from the dataset NOT ANYMORE

    #data <- data[clones.index,]
    #data.thres <- data.thres[clones.index,]
    #datainfo <- datainfo[clones.index,]

    nr <- nrow(colmatr)
    ## if 1 class only or missing resT, no significance analysis. 
    ##Otherwise: extra figure
    if (!is.null(resT))
        nr <- nr + 1
    tmp <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, ncol = 2, nrow = 1))
    colnames(tmp) <- c("gainP", "lossP")
    gainloss <-
               gainLoss(dat = data,
                             cols = which(colmatr[j, ] == 1),
                             thres = thres)
    dt <- data[ ,colmatr[ 1, ] == 1, drop = FALSE ]
    rsp <- rep(1, ncol(dt))
    if (nrow(colmatr) > 1)
        for (j in 2:nrow(colmatr))
            dt <- cbind(dt, data[ ,colmatr[ j, ] == 1])
            rsp <- c(rsp, rep(j, sum(colmatr[ j, ] == 1)))
    rsp <- rsp - 1

    ##Now preparing for plotting:

    numchr <- numaut
    if (X)
        numchr <- numchr + 1
    if (Y)
        numchr <- numchr + 1
    chrominfo <- chrominfo[ 1:numchr, ]
    ind.na <- datainfo$Chrom%in%(1:numchr)

    ##compute cumulative kb locations
    start <- c(0, cumsum(chrominfo$length))
    kb.loc <- datainfo$kb
    for (i in 1:nrow(chrominfo))
        kb.loc[datainfo$Chrom == i] <-
            start[i] + datainfo$kb[datainfo$Chrom == i]

    ## preparation for graphs
    chrom.start <- c(0, cumsum(chrominfo$length))[1:numchr]
    chrom.centr <- chrom.start + chrominfo$centr
    chrom.mid <- chrom.start + chrominfo$length / 2

    ##now, plot
    par(mfrow = c((if (onepage) nr else 1), 1), lab = c(1, 8, 7),
        tcl = -.2,  xaxs = "i")

    for (g in 1:length(titles))

        gl <- gainloss[[g]]
        tl <- as.character(titles[g])
        ylm[1] <- min(ylm, min(gl$lossP))
        ylm[2] <- max(ylm, max(gl$gainP))

        ind <- which(gl$gainP >= cutplot & ind.na)
	if (colored)
        plot(kb.loc[ind], gl$gainP[ind],
             col = "green",
             type = "h", xlab = "chromosome number",
             ylab = "Fraction gained or lost", pch = 18, main = tl,
             ylim = ylm,
             xlim = c(0, max(cumsum(chrominfo$length), kb.loc[ind],
             rm.na = TRUE)), xaxt="n")
	  axis(side=1, at=kb.loc[ind][1], labels="", tick=FALSE)
        ind <- gl$lossP >= cutplot & ind.na
        points(kb.loc[ind], -gl$lossP[ind],
               col = "red",
               type = "h")
        plot(kb.loc[ind], gl$gainP[ind],
             col = "grey10",
             type = "h", xlab = "chromosome number",
             ylab = "Fraction gained or lost", pch = 18, main = tl,
             ylim = ylm,
             xlim = c(0, max(cumsum(chrominfo$length), kb.loc[ind],
             rm.na = TRUE)), xaxt="n")
	  axis(side=1, at=kb.loc[ind][1], labels="", tick=FALSE)
        ind <- gl$lossP >= cutplot & ind.na
        points(kb.loc[ind], -gl$lossP[ind],
               col = "grey50",
               type = "h")
        abline(h = 0)
        abline(v = cumsum(chrominfo$length), col = col.scheme$abline1)
        abline(v = chrom.centr, lty = 2, col = col.scheme$abline2)

        for (i in seq(2, numaut, b = 2))
            mtext(paste("", i), side = 3, at = (chrom.mid[i]),
                  line = .3, col = col.scheme$mtext, cex.main = .5)
        for (i in seq(1, numaut, b = 2))
            mtext(paste("", i), side = 1, at = (chrom.mid[i]),
                  line = .3, col = col.scheme$mtext, cex.main = .5)
        if (X)
            if (is.even(numaut))
                mtext("X", side = 1, at = (chrom.mid[numaut + 1]),
                      line = .3, col = col.scheme$mtext, cex.main = .5)
                mtext("X", side = 3, at = (chrom.mid[numaut + 1]),
                      line = .3, col = col.scheme$mtext, cex.main = .5)
        if (Y)
            if (is.even(numaut))
                mtext("Y", side = 3, at = (chrom.mid[numaut + 2]),
                      line = .3, col = col.scheme$mtext, cex.main = .5)
                mtext("Y", side = 1, at = (chrom.mid[numaut + 2]),
                      line = .3, col = col.scheme$mtext, cex.main = .5)
    if (!is.null(resT))
        ## Process statistics
        ## for plotting test stats and p-values
        res <- resT[order(resT$index) ,]
        #res <- res[res$index %in% clones.index ,]
        maxT <- res$adjp
        teststat <- abs(res$teststat)
        st <-
                   function(threshold) {
                       if (any(maxT <= threshold))
                           min(teststat[maxT <= threshold])
        plot(kb.loc, teststat, col = col.scheme$kb.loc,
             ylim = c(0, max(teststat)), type = "h",
             xlab = "chromosome number", ylab = "clone statistic",
             pch = 18, main = paste(titles, collapse = " vs "),
             xlim =
             c(0, max(cumsum(chrominfo$length), kb.loc, rm.na = TRUE)), xaxt="n"
	axis(side=1, at=kb.loc[ind][1], labels="", tick=FALSE)	
	st.now <- rev(st)
	pal.now <- rev(col.scheme$pal)
        if (length(st.now) > 0)
            abline(h = st.now, col = pal.now, lty = 2)

    abline(v = cumsum(chrominfo$length), col = col.scheme$abline3)
    abline(v = chrom.centr, lty = 2, col = col.scheme$abline4)

    for (i in seq(1, numaut, b = 2))
        mtext(paste("", i), side = 1, at = chrom.mid[i], line = .3,
              col = col.scheme$mtext, cex.main = .5)
    for (i in seq(2, numaut, b = 2))
        mtext(paste("", i), side = 3, at = chrom.mid[i], line = .3,
              col = col.scheme$mtext, cex.main = .5)
    if (X)
            if (is.even(numaut))
                mtext("X", side = 1, at = (chrom.mid[numaut + 1]),
                      line = .3, col = col.scheme$mtext, cex.main = .5)
                mtext("X", side = 3, at = (chrom.mid[numaut + 1]),
                      line = .3, col = col.scheme$mtext, cex.main = .5)
        if (Y)
            if (is.even(numaut))
                mtext("Y", side = 3, at = (chrom.mid[numaut + 2]),
                      line = .3, col = col.scheme$mtext, cex.main = .5)
                mtext("Y", side = 1, at = (chrom.mid[numaut + 2]),
                      line = .3, col = col.scheme$mtext, cex.main = .5)

summarize.clones <-
    function(aCGH.obj, resT = NULL, pheno = rep(1, ncol(aCGH.obj)),
             rsp.uniq = unique(pheno), thres = .25,factor=2.5, 
             all = length(rsp.uniq) == 1 && is.null(resT), titles = if (all) "all" else rsp.uniq)

	#check if sd.samples are non-empty:
    if (!is.null(sd.samples(aCGH.obj)) && (factor > 0))
		thres <- factor*(sd.samples(aCGH.obj)$madGenome)
    data <- log2.ratios(aCGH.obj)
    datainfo <- clones.info(aCGH.obj)
    rsp.uniq <- sort(rsp.uniq)

    colmatr <-
        if (length(rsp.uniq) > 1)
                     ifelse(pheno == rsp.uniq.level, 1, 0)
            matrix(rep(1, length(pheno)),
                   ncol = length(pheno),
                   nrow = 1

	#data.thres <- threshold.func(data, thresAbs = thres)
	data.thres <- threshold.func(data, posThres = thres)

    #tmp <- apply(as.matrix(colmatr), 2, sum)
    #indecesnow <- which(tmp == 1)
    #prop.ch <- changeProp.func(dat = data.thres, colMatr = colmatr)
    #maxch <- changeProp.overall.func(dat = data.thres[ ,indecesnow ])
    #clones.index <- which(maxch >= minChanged)
    #data <- data[clones.index,]
    #data.thres <- data.thres[clones.index,]
    #dataSign <- dataSign[clones.index,]
    #datainfo <- datainfo[clones.index,]

    bac.summary <- table.bac.func(dat = data.thres, colMatr = colmatr)
    if (!is.null(resT))
        ## Process statistics
        ## for plotting test stats and p-values
        res <- resT[order(resT$index) ,]
        #res <- res[res$index %in% clones.index ,]
        bac.summary <- cbind(bac.summary, res$teststat, res$rawp, res$adjp)

    bac.summary <- as.data.frame(bac.summary)
    nms <-
        c("NumPresent", "NumGain", "NumLost", "PropPresent",
          "PropGain", "PropLost")
    cnames <- colnames(bac.summary)
    cnames[1:6] <- paste(nms, "All", sep = ".")
    if (nrow(colmatr) > 1)
        for (m in 1:length(rsp.uniq))
            cnames[ (6 * m + 1):(6 * (m + 1)) ] <-
                paste(nms, titles[m], sep = ".")
    if (!is.null(resT))
        cnames[(ncol(bac.summary) - 2):ncol(bac.summary)] <-
            c("stat", "rawp", "adjp")
    colnames(bac.summary) <- cnames
    bac.summary <- cbind(datainfo, bac.summary)

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