
Defines functions .doSummarizationPara .calculateExprSetSF computeExprSetPara

Documented in computeExprSetPara

# computeExprSetPara.R
# Parallelization of the computeExprSet function
# History
# 28.10.2008 : ... old stuff removed ...
# 08.08.2008 : Version 0.10 - calculate expressionSet at nodes -> speed improvement
# 22.08.2008 : Version 0.11 - different summary.methods
# 23.10.2008 : Version 0.12 - awfull bug in checks removed
# 28.10.2008 : Version 0.13 - doSummarizationPara imporved
# 18.12.2008 : Version 0.14 - cluster object gets default parameter: .affyParaInternalEnv$cl
# 23.03.2009 : Version 0.15 - Option verbose set to getOption("verbose") and added . to names of internatl functions
# 24.03.2009 : Version 0.16 - Summarization optimized
# 08.03.2010 : Version 0.17 - gsub warning (extend=T) fixed
# Copyright (C) 2008 - 2010 : Markus Schmidberger <schmidb@ibe.med.uni-muenchen.de>

computeExprSetPara <- function(object,
		pmcorrect.method, summary.method,
		summary.param=list(), pmcorrect.param=list(),
		phenoData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame"), cdfname = NULL,
		cluster, verbose=getOption("verbose")) 
	# Checks
	#Check for affy amd snow
	#Get cluster object form default environment
		cluster <- .affyParaInternalEnv$cl
	#Check cluster and generate number.parts
	number.parts <- length(cluster)
	#Check object type
	object.type <- .getObjectType(object) 
	#Check size of partitions
	parts <- .checkPartSize(object, number.parts)
	number.parts <- parts$number.parts
	object.length <- parts$object.length
	#Check Parameter
	pmcorrect.method <- match.arg(pmcorrect.method, pmcorrect.methods())
	summary.method <- match.arg(summary.method, express.summary.stat.methods())
	if (summary.method == "medianpolish")
		warning("Medianpolish only at nodes, not over complete AffyBatch!\nFor same results use 'medianpolish_orig' (slow)")
	if (summary.method == "liwong")
		warning("Liwong only at nodes, not over complete AffyBatch!\nFor same results use 'liwong_orig' (slow)")
	if (summary.method == "farms")
		warning("Farms only at nodes, not over complete AffyBatch!\nFor same results use 'farms_orig' (slow)")
	if (summary.method == "playerout")
		warning("Playerout only at nodes, not over complete AffyBatch!\nFor same results use 'playerout_orig' (slow)")
	#Partition of object and get data
	if (verbose) cat("Partition of object ")
	t0 <- proc.time();
	if (object.type == "AffyBatch"){
		object.list <- splitAffyBatch(object, number.parts)
		samples.names <- sampleNames(object)
	} else if( object.type == "CELfileVec" ){
		object.list <- splitFileVector(object, number.parts)
		#samples.names <- gsub("^/?([^/]*/)*", "", unlist(object), extended = TRUE) #M.S. 8.3.2010 no more required
		samples.names <- gsub("^/?([^/]*/)*", "", unlist(object))
	} else if( object.type == "partCELfileList" ){
		object.list <- object
		object <- unlist(object.list)
		#samples.names <- gsub("^/?([^/]*/)*", "", unlist(object), extended = TRUE) #M.S. 8.3.2010 no more required
		samples.names <- gsub("^/?([^/]*/)*", "", unlist(object))
	t1 <- proc.time();
	if (verbose) cat(paste(round(t1[3]-t0[3],3),"sec DONE\n"))
	#Info-Output for Distribution
	if (verbose){ cat("Object Distribution: "); cat(paste(lapply(object.list,length))); cat("\n") }
	#Initialize AffyBatches at slaves
	if (verbose) cat("Initialize AffyBatches at slaves ")
	t0 <- proc.time();
	check <- clusterApply(cluster, object.list, .initAffyBatchSF, object.type)
	t1 <- proc.time();
	if (verbose) cat(paste(round(t1[3]-t0[3],3),"sec DONE\n"))
	#Check phenoData and create TMP AffyBatch
	if (verbose) cat("Create TMP AffyBatch ")
	t0 <- proc.time();
	if( object.type == "CELfileVec" || object.type == "partCELfileList" ){
		headdetails <- clusterApply(cluster, object.list, .ReadHeaderSF)[[1]]
		dim.intensity <- headdetails[[2]]
		ref.cdfName <- headdetails[[1]]
		if( dim(phenoData)[1] == 0 ){
			pData <- data.frame(sample = seq(1, length(samples.names)), row.names = samples.names)
			varMetadata <- data.frame(labelDescription = "arbitrary numbering", row.names = names(pData))
			phenoData <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data = pData, varMetadata = varMetadata)
		if (is.null(cdfname))
			cdfname <- ref.cdfName
		#Trick: exprs Matrix mit nur einer Zeile wird initialisiert
		exprs <- matrix(data = NA, nrow=1, ncol=object.length)
		AffyBatch <- new("AffyBatch", cdfName = cdfname,
				exprs=exprs, phenoData = phenoData,
				annotation = cleancdfname(cdfname, addcdf = FALSE))
	} else if( object.type == "AffyBatch" ){
		AffyBatch <- object
	t1 <- proc.time();
	if (verbose) cat(paste(round(t1[3]-t0[3],2),"sec DONE\n"))
	#Do Summarization
	if (verbose) cat("Summarization ")
	eset <- .doSummarizationPara(cluster, object.length, AffyBatch, 
			samples.names, ids=ids, pmcorrect.method=pmcorrect.method, summary.method=summary.method,
			summary.param=summary.param, pmcorrect.param=pmcorrect.param)		
	if (verbose) cat(round(t1[3]-t0[3],3),"sec DONE\n")
	#Return Expression Set

# Call computeExprSet at slaves
.calculateExprSetSF <- function(ids=NULL,
		pmcorrect.method, summary.method,
		summary.param=list(), pmcorrect.param=list())
	if ( exists("AffyBatch", envir = .GlobalEnv) ) {
		#if (summary.method=="farms") library(farms)
		#load AffyBatch
		AffyBatch <- get("AffyBatch", envir = .GlobalEnv)
		eset <- computeExprSet(AffyBatch, pmcorrect.method=pmcorrect.method, pmcorrect.param=pmcorrect.param,
				summary.method=summary.method, summary.param=summary.param, ids=ids)
		return( eset )

# Function for parallel summarization
.doSummarizationPara <- function(cluster, 
		nsamples, AffyBatch, 
		samples.names, ids=NULL,
		pmcorrect.method, summary.method,
		summary.param=list(), pmcorrect.param=list(),
	#Summarization for parallel summarization methods:
	if ( length( grep( "_orig", summary.method) )!=1 ){

		if (verbose) cat("\n\tSummarization at slaves\n")
		# computeExpression Set at every node
		eset_list <- clusterCall(cluster, .calculateExprSetSF, 
				ids=ids, pmcorrect.method=pmcorrect.method, summary.method=summary.method,
				summary.param=summary.param, pmcorrect.param=pmcorrect.param)
		eset_list <- .removeNA(eset_list)
		#Generat Exprs-Matrix
		if (verbose) cat("\tBuild expression Matrix ")
		eset_mat <- exprs(eset_list[[1]])[ sort(rownames(exprs(eset_list[[1]]))) ,]
		if ( length(eset_list) > 1){
			for( k in 2:length(eset_list)){
				if (verbose) cat(".")
				if( class(eset_list[[k]]) == "ExpressionSet" )
					eset_mat <- cbind(eset_mat,exprs(eset_list[[k]])[ sort(rownames(exprs(eset_list[[k]]))) ,] )
		if (is.null(ids)){
		dimnames(eset_mat) <- list(ids, samples.names)
		eset <- new("ExpressionSet",
				## featureData picked up from exprs
	#Summarization for original summarization methods:
	#summary.method == playerout_orig / farms_orig / medianpolish_orig / liwong_orig
	}else {
		#remove _orig string
		summary.method <- substr(summary.method,1,regexpr("_orig", summary.method)-1)
		#start parallel summarization (slow!)
		#Get Parameters for Summarization
		if (verbose) cat("\t\nGet Parameters ")
		## Anzahl von samples
		#n <- sum(unlist(lapply(object.list,length)))
		n <- nsamples
		## if 'ids' is NULL compute for all ids
		if (is.null(ids)){
			ids <-geneNames(AffyBatch)
		m <- length(ids)
		pps.warnings <- vector("list", length=m)
		## cheap trick to (try to) save time
		c.pps <- new("ProbeSet", pm=matrix(), mm=matrix())
		## matrix to hold expression values
		exp.mat <- matrix(NA, m, n)
		se.mat <- matrix(NA, m, n)
		CDFINFO <- getCdfInfo(AffyBatch)
		if (verbose) cat(round(t1[3]-t0[3],3),"sec DONE\n")
		# Summarization
		if (verbose) 
			cat("\tSumarization:",m, "ids to be processed ")
		## loop over the ids
		mycall <- as.call(c(getMethod("express.summary.stat",
								signature=c("ProbeSet","character", "character")),
						list(c.pps, pmcorrect=pmcorrect.method, summary=summary.method,
								summary.param=summary.param, pmcorrect.param=pmcorrect.param))
		for (i in seq(along=ids)) {
			if (verbose && i%%100==0) {
			id <- ids[i]
			if (! exists(id, envir=CDFINFO)) {
				pps.warnings[[i]] <- paste("Unknown id", id)
			} else {
				## locations for an id
				loc <- get(id, envir=CDFINFO)
				l.pm <- loc[, 1]
				if (ncol(loc) == 2)
					l.mm <- loc[ ,2]
					l.mm <- integer()
				zw <- clusterCall(cluster, .getCompIntensityMatrixSF, rows=l.pm)
				zw <- zw[!is.na(zw)]
				c.pps@pm <- do.call(cbind, zw)
				zw <- clusterCall(cluster, .getCompIntensityMatrixSF, rows=l.mm)
				zw <- zw[!is.na(zw)]
				c.pps@mm <- do.call(cbind, zw)
				## generate expression values
				## (wrapped in a sort of try/catch)
				mycall[[2]] <- c.pps
				ev <- try(eval(mycall), silent = TRUE)
			if (! inherits(ev, "try-error")) {
				exp.mat[i, ] <- ev$exprs
				se.mat[i,] <- ev$se.exprs
			} else {
				pps.warnings[[i]] <- ev[1]
		if (verbose) cat(" ",round(t1[3]-t0[3],3),"sec DONE\n")
		#Build ExpressionSet
		if (verbose) cat("\tBuild ExpressionSet ")
		dimnames(exp.mat) <- list(ids, samples.names)
		dimnames(se.mat) <- list(ids, samples.names)
		eset <- new("ExpressionSet",
				## featureData picked up from exprs
		attr(eset, "pps.warnings") <- pps.warnings
		if (verbose) cat(paste(round(t1[3]-t0[3],3),"sec DONE\n"))

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affyPara documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 11:08 p.m.