Man pages for cellHTS2
Analysis of cell-based screens - revised version of cellHTS

annotateAnnotates the reagents (probes) of a cellHTS object
batchAccess and replace the batch information of a cellHTS object
bdgpbiomartDataset with annotation of CG identifiers
BscoreB score normalization
buildCellHTS2Build a cellHTS2 object from a data frame containing...
cellHTS2cellHTS2 Package Overview
cellHTS-classA class for data from cell-based high-throughput assays...
configurationAsScreenPlotScreen plot of the plate configuration of a cellHTS object
configureConfigures the plates and plate result files
convertOldCellHTSConvert an old S3 class cellHTS object to the new S4 class...
convertWellCoordinatesConverts different well identifiers
DataAccess and replace the assayData slot of a cellHTS object
data-dualChA sample cellHTS object containing dual channel data
data-KcViabA sample cellHTS object - D. melanogaster genome-wide RNAi...
data-KcViabSmallA sample cellHTS object - D. melanogaster genome-wide RNAi...
data-oldKcViabSmallA sample S3 class cellHTS object - D. melanogaster...
getDynamicRangePer-plate dynamic range of a cellHTS object
getEnVisionRawDataRead a plate file obtain from EnVision Plate Reader
getMeasureRepAgreementMeasures of agreement between plate replicates from a cellHTS...
getTopTableGenerate the hit list from a scored cellHTS object
getZfactorPer-experiment Z'-factor of a cellHTS object
gseaModuleConstructor for an object of class gseaModule
imageScreenExperiment-wide quality control plot of a cellHTS object
intensityFilesRetrieve the contents of the input files used to generate a...
normalizePlatesPer-plate data transformation, normalization and variance...
oneRowPerIdRearrange dataframe entries such that there is exactly one...
plateRetrieve information related with the format of a RNAi...
plateEffectsAccess plate effects stored in a cellHTS object.
plotSpatialEffectsPlate plot with the row and column offsets estimated by the a...
readHTAnalystDataRead a set of plate results obtained from a HTanalyser plate...
readPlateListRead a collection of plate reader data files
ROCCreates an object of class "ROC" which can be plotted as a...
ROC-classClass that contain data that can be plotted as a ROC curve.
rsaPerform RSA ranking on the screening results.
scoreReplicatesScores normalized replicate values given in a cellHTS object
scores2callsSigmoidal transformation of the score values stored in a...
setSettingscellHTS2 HTML report settings
spatialNormalizationSpatial normalization
stateRetrieve the state of a cellHTS object.
summarizeChannelsSummarization of dual-channel data
summarizeReplicatesSummarize between scored replicate values given in a cellHTS...
templateDescriptionFileCreates a template description file for an RNAi experiment
updateCellHTSUpdate old serialized cellHTS objects.
wellAnnoAccess the annotation from a cellHTS object.
writeReportCreate a directory with HTML pages of linked tables and plots...
writeTabWrite the data from a cellHTS object to a tab-delimited file
write.tabdelWrapper to function 'write.table' used to write data to a...
cellHTS2 documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6 p.m.