
Defines functions topGenes dropGenes dropCNP sortByChromNLoc getChromLength getChromMargin mergeChrom mergeStartNEnd mergeGOL getGEOI markChrom plotSGOL getSGOL SGOL showSegment cghMCR getSegData adjustSegments alignGenes getAdjustments drawSegs highlightChrom markChrom getLineData showMCR plot.MCR plot.DNAcopy mergeMCRProbes getPotentialMCR findMCR findLocus splitSegByMean splitSegments findSpan mergeSegs getAlteredSegs getLocus getMCR

Documented in cghMCR mergeMCRProbes plot.DNAcopy SGOL

# Functions that support the cghMCR class
# Copyright 2006, J. Zhang, all rights reserved

# Gets the MCRs based on the segmentation data contained by segList.
# segList is a data frame extracted from the output of DNAcopy
getMCR <- function(cghmcr){
  getMCR4Locus <- function(loc.pos, chromosome){
    if(loc.pos["status"] == "gain"){
      segInLoc <- segList[as.character(segList[, "chrom"]) ==
                          as.character(chromosome) & as.numeric(
                          segList[, "loc.start"]) >= as.numeric(
                          loc.pos["loc.start"]) & as.numeric(
                          segList[, "loc.end"]) <= as.numeric(
                          loc.pos["loc.end"]) & as.numeric(
                          segList[, "seg.mean"]) >= 0,
                          , drop = FALSE]
      segInLoc <- segList[as.character(segList[, "chrom"]) ==
                          as.character(chromosome) & as.numeric(
                          segList[, "loc.start"]) >= as.numeric(
                          loc.pos["loc.start"]) & as.numeric(
                          segList[, "loc.end"]) <= as.numeric(
                          loc.pos["loc.end"]) & as.numeric(
                          segList[, "seg.mean"]) < 0,
                          , drop = FALSE]
    if(nrow(segInLoc) > 0){
      mcrByLocus <- findMCR(segInLoc)
      mcrs <<- rbind(mcrs, cbind(chromosome, loc.pos["span"],
                                 loc.pos["status"], loc.pos["loc.start"],
                                 loc.pos["loc.end"], mcrByLocus))
  # Find altered regions based on the percentile values defined
  segList <- altered(cghmcr) <- getAlteredSegs(cghmcr)
  if(nrow(segList) == 0){
    cat(paste("cghMCR settings do not allow for the detection of any",
        "altered segments.\n"))
    cat("You may change the settings and try again.\n")
  # Join altered regions that are separated by less than 500 kb
  spans <- as.data.frame(mergeSegs(altered(cghmcr),
  mcrs <- NULL
  #temp <- split.data.frame(altered(cghmcr),
  #                         factor(altered(cghmcr)[, "chrom"]))
  #locus <- lapply(temp, getLocus, overlap = overlap)
  for(chrom in as.vector(unique(spans[, "chrom"]))){
    #locusByChrom <- locus[[chrom]]    
    junk <- apply(spans[spans[, "chrom"] == chrom, , drop = FALSE], 1,
                  getMCR4Locus, chromosome = chrom)
  colnames(mcrs) <- c("chromosome", "locus", "status", "loc.start",
                      "loc.end", "mcr", "mcr.start", "mcr.end", "samples",
  rownames(mcrs) <- mcrs[, 1]
  mcrs <- mcrs[as.numeric(mcrs[, "counts"])/(ncol(DNAData(cghmcr)) - 3) >=
               recurrence(cghmcr)/100, -ncol(mcrs), drop = FALSE]

# Takes the segment data for a givan chromosome and returns a data frame
# defining the loci identified. Segments are considered to belong to the
# same locus unless they overlap by the number of bases specified by
# variable 'overlap'.
getLocus <- function(segData, overlap = 500){
  locus <- NULL
  listBySign <- list(gain = segData[segData[, "seg.mean"] >= 0,,
                     drop = FALSE], loss = segData[segData[, "seg.mean"] < 0,
                                      , drop = FALSE])
  for(name in names(listBySign)){
    if(nrow(listBySign[[name]]) > 0){
      locus <- rbind(locus, cbind(findLocus(listBySign[[name]],
                                 overlap = overlap), status = name))

# Filters out segments based on given thresholds
getAlteredSegs <- function(cghmcr){
  segList <- split.data.frame(DNASeg(cghmcr), factor(DNASeg(cghmcr)[, "ID"]))
  toReturn <- NULL
  for(sample in names(segList)){
           quantile = thresholds <- quantile(DNAData(cghmcr)[, sample],
             prob = c(alteredLow(cghmcr), alteredHigh(cghmcr)), na.rm = TRUE),
           value = thresholds <- c(alteredLow(cghmcr), alteredHigh(cghmcr)))
    temp <- segList[[sample]]
    toReturn <- rbind(toReturn, temp[temp[, "seg.mean"] < thresholds[1] |
                                     temp[, "seg.mean"] > thresholds[2], ,
                                     drop = FALSE])

mergeSegs <- function(segs, gapAllowed){
  if(nrow(segs) < 2){
    span <- c(chrom = segs[, "chrom"], status = ifelse(segs[, "seg.mean"]
              >= 0, "gain", "loss"), span = "span.1",
              loc.start = segs[,"loc.start"], loc.end = segs["loc.end"])
    span <- NULL
    temp <- splitSegments(segs)
    for(chrom in names(temp)){
      for(sign in names(temp[[chrom]])){
        segBySign <- temp[[chrom]][[sign]]
        if(nrow(segBySign) != 0){
          span  <- rbind(span, findSpan(segBySign, gapAllowed))

# finds the segment spans on a given chromosome
findSpan <- function(segData, gapAllowed = 50000){
  span <- NULL

  chrom <- as.vector(segData[1, "chrom"])
  status <-ifelse(segData[1, "seg.mean"] >= 0, "gain", "loss")
  begin <- min(segData[, "loc.start"])
  end <- max(segData[segData[, "loc.start"] == begin, "loc.end"])
  if(end >= max(segData[, "loc.end"])){
    span <- rbind(span, c(chrom, status, "span.1", begin, end))
    spanCounter <- 1
      # Subsetting segments that overlap with the locus currently defined
      tempData <- segData[segData[, "loc.start"] != begin, , drop = FALSE]
      tempData <- tempData[tempData[, "loc.end"] > end &
                        tempData[, "loc.start"] <=  end + gapAllowed,
                       , drop = FALSE]
      if(nrow(tempData) < 1){
        # Segments break, define one locus
        span <- rbind(span, c(chrom, status, paste("span.", spanCounter,
                                             sep = ""), begin, end))
        spanCounter <- spanCounter + 1
        # Drop the ones have been processed
        segData <- segData[segData[, "loc.start"] > end + gapAllowed, ,
                           drop = FALSE]
        if(nrow(segData) < 1){
          # Define the begining of another locus
          begin <- min(segData[, "loc.start"])
          end <- max(segData[segData[, "loc.start"] == begin, "loc.end"])
        end <- max(tempData[, "loc.end"])
        # End of the data
        if(end >= max(segData[, "loc.end"])){
          span <- rbind(span, c(chrom, status, paste("span.", spanCounter,
                                              sep = ""), begin, end))
  colnames(span) <- c("chrom", "status", "span", "loc.start", "loc.end")

splitSegments <- function(segs){
  temp <- split.data.frame(segs, factor(segs[, "chrom"]))
  return(lapply(temp, splitSegByMean))

splitSegByMean <- function(segs){
  posMeans <- segs[as.numeric(segs[, "seg.mean"]) >= 0, , drop = FALSE]
  negMeans <- segs[as.numeric(segs[, "seg.mean"]) < 0, , drop = FALSE]
  return(list(gain = posMeans[order(posMeans[, "loc.start"]),, drop = FALSE],
              loss = negMeans[order(negMeans[, "loc.start"]), , drop = FALSE]))

findLocus <- function(segData, overlap = 500){
  locus <- NULL
  begin <- min(segData[, "loc.start"])
  end <- max(segData[segData[, "loc.start"] == begin, "loc.end"])
  if(end >= max(segData[, "loc.end"])){
    locus <- rbind(locus, c("locus.1", begin, end))
    locusCounter <- 1
      # Subsetting segments that overlap with the locus currently defined
      tempData <- segData[segData[, "loc.start"] != begin, , drop = FALSE]
      tempData <- tempData[tempData[, "loc.end"] > end &
                        tempData[, "loc.start"] - overlap <=  end,
                       , drop = FALSE]
      if(nrow(tempData) < 1){
        # Segments break, define one locus
        locus <- rbind(locus, c(paste("locus.", locusCounter, sep = ""),
                                    begin, end))
        locusCounter <- locusCounter + 1
        # Drop the ones have been processed
        segData <- segData[segData[, "loc.start"] - overlap > end, ,
                           drop = FALSE]
        if(nrow(segData) < 1){
          # Define the begining of another locus
          begin <- min(segData[, "loc.start"])
          end <- max(segData[segData[, "loc.start"] == begin, "loc.end"])
        end <- max(tempData[, "loc.end"])
        # End of the data
        if(end >= max(segData[, "loc.end"])){
          locus <- rbind(locus, c(paste("locus.", locusCounter, sep = ""),
                                  begin, end))
  colnames(locus) <- c("locus", "loc.start", "loc.end")

# Takes the segment data for a given locus and returns the MCRs located
# by mapping the data to the potential MCRs identified by getPotentialMCR
findMCR <- function(segData){
  mcrs <- NULL
  if(nrow(segData) == 1){
    mcrs <- matrix(c("mcr.1", segData[, "loc.start"], segData[, "loc.end"],
              segData[, "ID"], 1), ncol = 5)
    mcrCounter <- 1
    pMCRs <- getPotentialMCR(segData)
    for(index in 1:nrow(pMCRs)){
      segs <- segData[as.numeric(segData[, "loc.start"])
                      <= as.numeric(pMCRs[index, "mcr.start"]) &
                      as.numeric(segData[, "loc.end"])
                      >= as.numeric(pMCRs[index, "mcr.end"]), "ID"]
      if(length(segs) > 0){
        mcrs <- rbind(mcrs, c(paste("mcr", mcrCounter, sep = "."),
                              pMCRs[index, "mcr.start"],
                              pMCRs[index, "mcr.end"],
                              paste(unique(segs), sep = "", collapse = ","),
        mcrCounter <- mcrCounter + 1
  colnames(mcrs) <- c("mcr.num", "mcr.start", "mcr.end", "samples", "counts")


# Locate all the potential MCRs by aligning the starting and ending points
# of all the segments from all the samples. The region between any two
# adjacent points will be a potential MCR
getPotentialMCR <- function(segData){
  temp <- sort(unique(as.numeric(c(segData[, "loc.start"],
                                   segData[, "loc.end"]))))
  mcrs <- cbind(temp[1:(length(temp) - 1)], temp[2:length(temp)])
  colnames(mcrs) <- c("mcr.start", "mcr.end")


mergeMCRProbes <- function(mcr, rawData){
  temp <- apply(mcr, 1, FUN = function(x){
    probes <- rawData[rawData[, 2] == x[1] & as.numeric(rawData[, 3])
                        >= as.numeric(x[7]) & as.numeric(rawData[, 3])
                        <= as.numeric(x[8]), 1]
    if(length(probes) == 0){
      return(paste(probes, sep = "", collapse = ","))

  mcr <- cbind(mcr, probes = temp)

plot.DNAcopy <- function(x, ..., save = FALSE, layout){
  args <- list(...)
  sampleNames <- unique(x[["output"]][, "ID"])
  locations <- cghMCR:::alignGenes(x[["data"]][, c("chrom", "maploc")])
  adjustments <- cghMCR:::getAdjustments(x[["data"]][, c("chrom", "maploc")])
  segdata <- cghMCR:::adjustSegments(x[["output"]], adjustments)
    tempPng <- file.path(tempdir(), "segments.png")
    png(filename = tempPng)
    par(mfrow = c(length(sampleNames), 1))
    par(mfrow = layout)
  for(sampleName in sampleNames){
    plot(0, 0, cex = 0, main = sampleName, xlab = "Chromsome",
         ylab = " Log2 ratio", ylim = c(-5, 5), axes = FALSE,
         xlim = c(0, max(locations) + 10))
    points(locations, x[["data"]][, sampleName], cex = 0.4, pch = 16)
    lines(c(min(locations), max(locations)), rep(0, 2), lwd = 2)
    lines(c(min(locations), max(locations)), rep(1, 2))
    lines(c(min(locations), max(locations)), rep(-1, 2))
    cghMCR:::drawSegs(segdata[segdata[, "ID"] == sampleName, ])

plot.MCR <- function(x, ..., DNAData, threshold = 1, save = FALSE,
                     expand = c(2000, 2000), layout, range = 1:5){
  x <- x[unlist(lapply(strsplit(x[, "samples"], ","), length)) >= threshold, ]

    tempPng <- paste(tempfile("mcrs"), "png", sep = ".")
    png(filename = tempPng)
    par(mfrow = layout)
  for(index in range){
    showMCR(x[index, "mcr.start"], x[index, "mcr.end"],
            DNAData[DNAData[, "chrom"] == x[index, "chromosome"] &
                     as.numeric(DNAData[, "maploc"]) >=
                     (as.numeric(x[index, "mcr.start"]) - expand[1]) &
                     as.numeric(DNAData[, "maploc"]) <=
                     (as.numeric(x[index, "mcr.end"]) + expand[2]),
                     c(3, which(colnames(DNAData) %in%
                                unlist(strsplit(x[index, "samples"], ",")))),
                     drop = FALSE], "median")

showMCR <- function(start, end, ratioMat, what = c("mean", "median")){
  what = match.arg(what)
  temp <- cbind(ratioMat[, 1], unlist(apply(ratioMat,
                                     1, FUN = function(ratios){
                                     ratios <- ratios[2:length(ratios)]
                                     ratios<- ratios[!is.na(ratios)]
                                     if(what == "mean"){
  left <- as.numeric(unlist(ratioMat[as.numeric(ratioMat[, 1]) <
                                     2:ncol(ratioMat), drop = FALSE]))
  inSeg <- as.numeric(unlist(ratioMat[as.numeric(ratioMat[, 1]) >=
                                      as.numeric(start) &
                                      as.numeric(ratioMat[, 1]) <=
                                      2:ncol(ratioMat), drop = FALSE]))
  right <- as.numeric(unlist(ratioMat[as.numeric(ratioMat[, 1]) >
                                      2:ncol(ratioMat), drop = FALSE]))
  plot(temp[, 1], temp[, 2], xlab = "Chromosomal location",
       ylab = "Log2 ratio")
  if(length(left) > 0){
    lines(c(min(ratioMat[as.numeric(ratioMat[, 1]) < as.numeric(start), 1]),
            max(ratioMat[as.numeric(ratioMat[, 1]) < as.numeric(start), 1])),
          rep(ifelse(what == "mean", mean(left), median(left)), 2),
          col = "red", lwd = 2)
  lines(c(start, end), rep(ifelse(what == "mean", mean(inSeg), median(inSeg)),
                           2), col = "red", lwd = 2)
  if(length(right) > 0){
    lines(c(min(ratioMat[as.numeric(ratioMat[, 1]) > as.numeric(end), 1]),
            max(ratioMat[as.numeric(ratioMat[, 1]) > as.numeric(end), 1])),
          rep(ifelse(what == "mean", mean(left), median(right)), 2),
          col = "red", lwd = 2)


getLineData <- function(start, end, ratioMat, what){
  left <- as.numeric(unlist(ratioMat[as.numeric(ratioMat[, 1]) < start,
                                     2:ncol(ratioMat), drop = FALSE]))
  inSeg <- as.numeric(unlist(ratioMat[as.numeric(ratioMat[, 1]) >= start &
                                      as.numeric(ratioMat[, 1]) <= end,
                                      2:ncol(ratioMat), drop = FALSE]))
  right <- as.numeric(unlist(ratioMat[as.numeric(ratioMat[, 1]) > end,
                                      2:ncol(ratioMat), drop = FALSE]))
  if(length(left) > 0){
    means <- c(means, ifelse(what == "mean", mean(left), median(left)))
  means <- c(means, ifelse(what == "mean", mean(inSeg), median(inSeg)))
  if(length(right) > 0){
    means <- c(means, ifelse(what == "mean", mean(right), median(right)))

markChrom <- function(adjustments){
  chromLocs <- NULL
  chromNames <- NULL
  for(i in 1:length(adjustments) - 1){
    if(i %% 2 == 1){
      chromLocs <- c(chromLocs, mean(c(adjustments[i], adjustments[i + 1])))
      chromNames <- c(chromNames, names(adjustments)[i])
  text(chromLocs, rep(-5.125, length(chromLocs)), chromNames, cex = 0.5)

highlightChrom <- function(adjustments){
  for(index in 1:length(adjustments)){
    if(index %% 2 == 1){
      polygon(c(adjustments[index], adjustments[index + 1],
                adjustments[index + 1], adjustments[index]),
              c(-5, -5, 5, 5), col = "gray", border = "white")

drawSegs <- function(segdata){
  drawSegLine <- function(segLocs){
    lines(c(segLocs["loc.start"], segLocs["loc.end"]),
          rep(segLocs["seg.mean"], 2), col = "red", lwd = 2)
  junck <- apply(segdata, 1, FUN = drawSegLine)

# This function gets the values that can be used to adjust chromosomal
# locations to align genes on different chromosomes so that they  appear
# in sequence from chromosome one to Y along a single strand
getAdjustments <- function(positions){
  temp <- split.data.frame(positions, factor(positions[, 1]))
  temp <- unlist(lapply(temp, FUN = function(x) max(x[, 2])))
  chroms <- sort(as.numeric(names(temp)[names(temp) %in% 1:24]))
  if(any(names(temp) %in% "X")){
    chroms <- c(chroms, "X")
  if(any(names(temp) %in% "Y")){
    chroms <- c(chroms, "Y")
  adjustments <- 0
  for(index in 1:length(chroms) - 1){
    adjustments <- c(adjustments, (adjustments[length(adjustments)]+
  names(adjustments) <- chroms

alignGenes <- function(positions){
  adjustments <- getAdjustments(positions)
  for(chrom in names(adjustments)){
    positions[positions[, 1] == chrom, 2] <-
      positions[positions[, 1] == chrom, 2] + adjustments[chrom]
  return(positions[, 2])

adjustSegments <- function(segdata, adjustments){
  for(chrom in names(adjustments)){
    segdata[segdata[, "chrom"] == chrom, "loc.start"] <-
      segdata[segdata[, "chrom"] == chrom, "loc.start"] + adjustments[chrom]
    segdata[segdata[, "chrom"] == chrom, "loc.end"] <-
      segdata[segdata[, "chrom"] == chrom, "loc.end"] + adjustments[chrom]

getSegData <- function(arrayRaw){
  #filter <- getProbeFilter(arrayRaw)
  #log2Ratio <- maM(arrayRaw)[filter, ]
  #chrom <- gsub("chr([0-9XY]+):.*", "\\1", maInfo(maGnames(
  #                             arrayRaw))["SystematicName"][filter, 1])
  #pos <- gsub("chr.*-([0-9]+)", "\\1", maInfo(maGnames(
  #                   arrayRaw))["SystematicName"][filter, 1])
  #probes <- maInfo(maGnames(arrayRaw))["ProbeName"][filter, 1]

  rawData <- read.maimages(arrayRaw, source = "agilent", columns = 
    list(R = "rMedianSignal", G = "gMedianSignal", Rb = "rBGMedianSignal", 
    Gb = "gBGMedianSignal"), annotation = c("ControlType", 
    "ProbeName", "GeneName", "SystematicName", 
    "gIsFeatNonUnifOL", "rIsFeatNonUnifOL", "gIsBGNonUnifOL", "rIsBGNonUnifOL",
    "gIsFeatPopnOL", "rIsFeatPopnOL", "gIsBGPopnOL", "rIsBGPopnOL", 
    "rIsSaturated", "gIsSaturated"), names = basename(arrayRaw))
  ma <- normalizeWithinArrays(backgroundCorrect(rawData, method = "minimum"), method = "loess")
  probes <- ma$genes[, "ProbeName"]
  chrom <- gsub("chr([0-9XY]+):.*", "\\1", ma$genes[, "SystematicName"])
  dropMe <- c(which(!chrom %in% c(1:22, "X", "Y")), which(ma$genes[, "ControlType"] != 0))
  require(DNAcopy, quietly = TRUE)
  cna <- CNA(ma$M[-dropMe, ], 
    gsub("chr([0-9XY]+):.*", "\\1", ma$genes[-dropMe, "SystematicName"]),
    as.numeric(gsub(".*:([0-9]+)-.*", "\\1", 
      ma$genes[-dropMe, "SystematicName"])),
    data.type = "logratio", sampleid = colnames(ma$M)) 
  segdata <- segment(smooth.CNA(cna)) 

  #CNA.object <- CNA(matrix(as.numeric(log2Ratio),
  #                  ncol = ncol(log2Ratio), byrow = FALSE), chrom,
  #                  as.numeric(pos), data.type = "logratio",
  #                  sampleid = colnames(log2Ratio))
  #segdata <- segment(smooth.CNA(CNA.object))
  segdata[["data"]] <- cbind(probe = probes, as.data.frame(segdata[["data"]]))


#getProbeFilter <- function(arrayRaw){
#  chrom <- gsub("chr([0-9XY]+):.*", "\\1", 
#                          maInfo(maGnames(arrayRaw))["SystematicName"][, 1])
#  return(intersect(which(chrom %in% c(1:22, "X", "Y")), which(maInfo(
#                   maGnames(arrayRaw))["ControlType"] >= 0)))

cghMCR <- function(segments, gapAllowed = 500, alteredLow = 0.03,
                   alteredHigh = 0.97, spanLimit = 20000000,
                   recurrence = 75, thresholdType = c("quantile", "value")){

  thresholdType <- match.arg(thresholdType)
  return(new("cghMCR", DNASeg = as.data.frame(segments[["output"]]), gapAllowed = gapAllowed,
             DNAData = as.data.frame(segments[["data"]]), alteredLow = alteredLow,
             alteredHigh = alteredHigh, spanLimit = spanLimit, 
             recurrence = recurrence, thresholdType = thresholdType))

showSegment <- function(dataMat, chromosome, start, end, samples = NA,
                        what = c("mean", "median")){
  getMean <- function(x){
    x <- x[-(1:3)]
      x <- x[samples]
    return(ifelse(what == "mean", mean(as.numeric(x), na.rm = TRUE),
                  median(as.numeric(x), na.rm = TRUE)))
  what = match.arg(what)
  temp <- dataMat[dataMat[, "chrom"] == chromosome &
                  as.numeric(dataMat[, "maploc"]) >= as.numeric(start) &
                  as.numeric(dataMat[, "maploc"]) <= as.numeric(end),
                  , drop = FALSE]
  y <- apply(temp, 1, FUN = getMean)
  plot(temp[, "maploc"], y, xlab = "Chromosomal location",
       ylab = ifelse(what == "mean", "Mean across samples",
         "Median across samples"))

# Methods for SGOL
SGOL <- function(rsObj, threshold, method){
   if(segBy(rsObj) == "region"){
     sampleStart = 4
   }else if(segBy(rsObj) == "gene"){
     sampleStart = 6
     stop("No applicable to sample pairs")
   return(new("SGOL", gol = getSGOL(as.data.frame(rs(rsObj)), 
              threshold = threshold,
              method = method, sampleStart = sampleStart),
              threshold = threshold, method = method))

getSGOL <- function(rsData, threshold, method, sampleStart){
    gains <- apply(rsData[, sampleStart:ncol(rsData)], 
        1, FUN = function(x) method(as.numeric(x[as.numeric(x) >
             threshold[2]]), na.rm = TRUE))
    losses <- apply(rsData[, sampleStart:ncol(rsData)], 
        1, FUN = function(x) method(as.numeric(x[as.numeric(x) <
             threshold[1]]), na.rm = TRUE))

    return(cbind(rsData[, 1:(sampleStart - 1)], gains = gains, 
        losses = losses))

plotSGOL <- function(gol, XY, chrom = "chrom", 
    start = "start", end = "end"){
    gol <- as.matrix(gol)
    merged <- sortByChromNLoc(mergeStartNEnd(mergeChrom(gol, chrom = chrom, 
       start = start, end = end), chrom = chrom, start = start,
       end = end), by1 = chrom, by2 = "pos")
        if (XY == FALSE){
            merged <- merged[which(!merged[, chrom] %in% c("X", "Y")), ]
    ylim <- range(c(as.numeric(merged[, "gains"]), 
        as.numeric(merged[, "losses"])), na.rm = TRUE)
    xlim = range(as.numeric(merged[, "pos"]), na.rm = TRUE)
    ylim <- c(floor(ylim[1] + ylim[1]/10), ceiling(ylim[2] + ylim[2]/10)) 
    plot(0, 0, type = "n", ylim = ylim, ylab = "SGOL score",
         xlab = "Chromosome", xlim = xlim, axes = FALSE)
    markChrom(merged[!duplicated(merged[, chrom]), "pos"], ylim[1],
    lines(merged[, "pos"], merged[, "gains"], type = "l", col = "green")
    lines(merged[, "pos"], merged[, "losses"], type = "l", col = "red")
    margins <- c(merged[!duplicated(merged[, chrom]), "pos"], 
                 max(as.numeric(merged[, "pos"]), na.rm = TRUE))
    margins <- cbind(margins[-length(margins)], margins[-1])
    mean <- as.numeric(margins[, 1]) + (as.numeric(margins[, 2]) -
                                        as.numeric(margins[, 1]))/2
    axis(1, at = mean, 
        labels = merged[!duplicated(merged[, chrom]), "chrom"])

markChrom <- function(adjustments, min, max){
  for(index in 1:length(adjustments)){
    if(index %% 2 == 1){
      polygon(c(adjustments[index], adjustments[index + 1],
                adjustments[index + 1], adjustments[index]),
              c(min, min, max, max), col = "gray94", border = "white")

getGEOI <- function(gol){
    splited <- split.data.frame(gol, factor(gol[, "chrom"]))
    gains <- lapply(splited, mergeGOL, isGain = TRUE)
    gains <- do.call("rbind", args = gains)
    losses  <- lapply(splited, mergeGOL, isGain = FALSE)
    losses <- do.call("rbind", args = losses)

    return(list(gain = gains, loss = losses))

mergeGOL <- function(gol, isGain){
    gol <- gol[order(as.numeric(gol[, "start"]), decreasing = FALSE), ]
    start <- 1
    merged <- NULL
        checkMe <- gol[1, "gains"]
        checkMe <- gol[1, "losses"]
    for(index in 1:nrow(gol)){
            temp <- gol[index, "gains"]
            temp <- gol[index, "losses"]
            if(checkMe != "NA"){
                merged <- rbind(merged, c(chrom = gol[start, "chrom"], 
                start = min(as.numeric(gol[start:(index-1), "start"])),
                end = max(as.numeric(gol[start:(index - 1), "end"])),
                sgol = checkMe, geneID = paste(gol[start:(index - 1), 
                "geneid"], sep = "", collapse = ";"), 
                geneNum = length(start:(index-1))))
            checkMe <- "NA"
            start <- index
        if(temp == checkMe){
            merged <- rbind(merged, c(chrom = gol[start, "chrom"], 
                start = min(as.numeric(gol[start:(index-1), "start"])),
                end = max(as.numeric(gol[start:(index - 1), "end"])),
                sgol = checkMe, geneID = paste(gol[start:(index - 1), 
                "geneid"], sep = "", collapse = ";"), 
                geneNum = length(start:(index-1))))
            checkMe <- temp
            start <- index

mergeStartNEnd <- function(mergeMe, chrom = "chrom", start = "start", 
    end = "end"){
    st <- mergeMe[, -which(colnames(mergeMe) == end)]
    ed <- mergeMe[, -which(colnames(mergeMe) == start)]
    stNames <- colnames(st)
    edNames <- colnames(ed)
    stNames[which(stNames == start)] <- "pos"
    edNames[which(edNames == end)] <- "pos"
    colnames(st) <- stNames
    colnames(ed) <- edNames
    merged <- rbind(st, ed[, colnames(st)])

    return(sortByChromNLoc(merged, by1 = chrom, by2 = "pos"))

mergeChrom <- function(mergeMe, chrom = "chrom", 
     start = "start", end = "end"){

    mergeMe <- sortByChromNLoc(mergeMe, by1 = chrom, by2 = start)
    chromSum <- getChromMargin(getChromLength(mergeMe[, 
        c(chrom, start, end)], by = chrom, pos = end))
    for(ch in names(chromSum)){
        mergeMe[which(mergeMe[, chrom] == ch), start] <-
            (as.numeric(mergeMe[which(mergeMe[, chrom] == ch), start])
            + chromSum[ch])
        mergeMe[which(mergeMe[, chrom] == ch), end] <- 
            (as.numeric(mergeMe[which(mergeMe[, chrom] == ch), end])
            + chromSum[ch])


getChromMargin <- function(chromLengh){
    chromLength <- chromLengh[c(1:22, c("X", "Y"))]
    chromLength <- chromLength[!is.na(chromLength)]
    margins <- cumsum(chromLength)
    chroms <- names(margins)[-1]
    margins <- margins[-length(margins)]
    names(margins) <- chroms


getChromLength <- function(segList, by = "chrom", pos = "loc.end"){
  splited <- split.data.frame(segList, factor(segList[, by]))
  chroms <- c(1:22, "X", "Y")
  temp <- sapply(splited, FUN = function(x) max(as.numeric(as.vector(x[,

  return(temp[chroms[which(chroms %in% names(temp))]])

# Sort mapped in order by chromsome and then by location
# A data frame or matrix to be sorted by columns defined by by1 and by2
sortByChromNLoc <- function(sortMe, by1 = "Ch", by2 = "Pos"){
  splited <- split.data.frame(sortMe, factor(sortMe[, by1]))
  sorted <- NULL
  for(chrom in c(1:22, "X", "Y")){
      sorted <- rbind(sorted,
              splited[[chrom]][order(as.numeric(gsub(" ", "", splited[[chrom]][, by2]))), ])


### Drops CNPs of the tumor SGOL objects
### threshold - a numeric vector of two with the first one for losses
###    and second one for gains
dropCNP <- function(normalsgol, tumorsgol, threshold){
    ngol <- gol(normalsgol)
    tgol <- gol(tumorsgol)

    gainGeneID <- as.vector(ngol[which(as.numeric(as.vector(ngol[, "gains"])) > 
        threshold[2]), "geneid"])
    lossGeneID <- as.vector(ngol[which(as.numeric(as.vector(ngol[, "losses"])) < 
        threshold[1]), "geneid"])
    tumorsgol@gol <- dropGenes(gainGeneID, lossGeneID, tgol)

dropGenes <- function(gainGeneID, lossGeneID, sgol){
    imputMe <- which(sgol[, "geneid"] %in% gainGeneID)
    sgol[imputMe, "gains"] <- NA
    sgol[imputMe, "gains"] <- approx(sgol[, "gains"], xout = imputMe)$y
    imputMe <- which(sgol[, "geneid"] %in% lossGeneID)
    sgol[imputMe, "losses"] <- NA
    sgol[imputMe, "losses"] <- approx(sgol[, "losses"], xout = imputMe)$y


topGenes <- function(sgol, quan = c(0.02, 0.98), XY = FALSE){

    gol <- sgol
        gol <- gol[!gol[, "chrom"] %in% c("X", "Y"), ]
    gains <- gol[as.numeric(gol[, "gains"]) > 
        quantile(as.numeric(gol[, "gains"]), quan[2], 
        na.rm = TRUE), ]
    losses <- gol[which(as.numeric(gol[, "losses"]) < 
        quantile(as.numeric(gol[, "losses"]), quan[1], 
        na.rm = TRUE)), ]
    return(list(gain = gains[order(as.numeric(gains[, "gains"]), decreasing = TRUE), ], 
        loss = losses[order(as.numeric(losses[, "losses"]), decreasing = FALSE), ])) 

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cghMCR documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:46 p.m.