
Defines functions .readPathToFile .getURcolNames importUroborus .getCMcolNames importCircMarker importOther .splitKNprediction .getKnColNames importKnife .getCEcolNames importCircExplorer2 .getNScolNames importNCLscan .getMScolNames importMapSplice

Documented in importCircExplorer2 importCircMarker importKnife importMapSplice importNCLscan importOther importUroborus

#' @title Import circRNAs detected by MapSplice2
#' @description The function importMapSplice is specifically designed to read
#' and adapt the MapSplice2-v2.2.0 output file (circularRNAs.txt).
#' See \url{https://github.com/davidroberson/MapSplice2} for more details.
#' @param pathToFile A character string specifying the path to the file
#' containing the detected circRNAs.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # Path to an example file containing circRNA detected by MapSplice2
#' pathToFile <- system.file("extdata", "mapsplice/circRNAs_001.txt",
#'     package="circRNAprofiler")
#' # Inner function.
#' # Import circRNAs.
#' importMapSplice(pathToFile)
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
importMapSplice <- function(pathToFile) {
    options(readr.num_columns = 0)
    # Read a tab separated (\t) values
    importedPatientCircTable <- .readPathToFile(pathToFile, header = FALSE)
    # Get column names
    colNames <- .getMScolNames()
    colnames(importedPatientCircTable)[seq_along(colNames)] <- colNames

    # 1 STEP- Select the needed columns and rename them.
    # 2 STEP- The content of the columns chrom, strand and gene is cleaned from
    # unwanted characters (e.g. chr1~chr1 = chr1, ++ = +, Raph1, = Raph1 )
    adaptedPatientCircTable <- importedPatientCircTable %>%
            gene = .data$annotated_gene_acceptor,
            startUpBSE = .data$acceptor_start,
            # back-spliced junction coordinate
            endDownBSE = .data$doner_end,
            # back-spliced junction coordinate
        ) %>%
            chrom = unlist(lapply(.data$chrom, function(x)
                base::strsplit(x, "~")[[1]][1])),
            strand = substring(importedPatientCircTable$strand, 2),
            gene = unlist(lapply(.data$gene, function(x)
                base::strsplit(x, ",")[[1]][1]))
            chrom = ifelse(.data$chrom == 'chrMT', 'chrM', .data$chrom))

    # Generate a unique identifier
    id <- .getID(adaptedPatientCircTable)

    # Merge duplicated
    adaptedPatientCircTable <- adaptedPatientCircTable %>%
        dplyr::mutate(id = id) %>%
        dplyr::select(.data$id, everything()) %>%
        ) %>%
        dplyr::summarise(coverage = sum(.data$coverage))

    # Fix coordinates
    adaptedPatientCircTable <- .fixCoords(adaptedPatientCircTable)


# get MapSplice column names
.getMScolNames <- function() {
    # Create a character vector with names of the columns reported for the
    # output file (circular_RNAs.txt) generated by MapSplice2-v2.2.0
    # (see http://www.netlab.uky.edu/p/bioinfo/MapSplice)
    colNames <- c(
        "chrom", "doner_end", "acceptor_start", "id", "coverage", "strand",
        "rgb", "block_count", "block_size", "block_distance", "entropy",
        "flank_case", "flank_string", "min_mismatch", "max_mismatch",
        "ave_mismatch", "max_min_suffix", "max_min_prefix",
        "min_anchor_difference", "unique_read_count", "multi_read_count",
        "paired_read_count", "left_paired_read_count",
        "right_paired_read_count", "multiple_paired_read_count",
        "unique_paired_read_count", "single_read_count",
        "encompassing_read", "doner_start", "acceptor_end", "doner_iosforms",
        "acceptor_isoforms", "obsolete1", "obsolete2", "obsolete3",
        "obsolete4", "minimal_doner_isoform_length",
        "maximal_doner_isoform_length", "minimal_acceptor_isoform_length",
        "maximal_acceptor_isoform_length", "paired_reads_entropy",
        "mismatch_per_bp", "anchor_score", "max_doner_fragment",
        "max_acceptor_fragment", "max_cur_fragment", "min_cur_fragment",
        "ave_cur_fragment", "doner_encompass_unique",
        "doner_encompass_multiple", "acceptor_encompass_unique",
        "acceptor_encompass_multiple", "doner_match_to_normal",
        "acceptor_match_to_normal", "doner_seq", "acceptor_seq",
        "match_gene_strand", "annotated_type", "fusion_type", "gene_strand",
        "annotated_gene_donor", "annotated_gene_acceptor"

#' @title Import circRNAs detected by NCLscan
#' @description The function importNCLscan is specifically designed to read
#' and adapt the NCLscan v1.4 output file (e.g. MyProject.result). Only
#' intragenic circRNAs are kept in the analysis.
#' See \url{https://github.com/TreesLab/NCLscan} for more details.
#' @param pathToFile A character string specifying the path to the file
#' containing the detected circRNAs.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # Path to an example file containing circRNAs detected by NCLscan
#' pathToFile <- system.file("extdata", "nclscan/circRNAs_001.txt",
#'     package="circRNAprofiler")
#' # Inner function.
#' # Import circRNAs
#' importNCLscan(pathToFile)
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
importNCLscan <- function(pathToFile) {
    # Get column names
    colNames <- .getNScolNames()

    options(readr.num_columns = 0)

    # Read a tab separated (\t) values
    importedPatientCircTable <- .readPathToFile(pathToFile, header = FALSE)

    colnames(importedPatientCircTable) <- colNames

    # 1 STEP - keep Only intergenic circRNAs (type==1).
    # 2 STEP - Select the needed columns
    adaptedPatientCircTable <- importedPatientCircTable %>%
        dplyr::filter(.data$type == 1) %>%
            # back-spliced junction coordinate
            # back-spliced junction coordinate
            chrom = ifelse(.data$chrom == 'chrMT', 'chrM', .data$chrom))

    # Generate a unique identifier
    id <- .getID(adaptedPatientCircTable)

    adaptedPatientCircTable <- adaptedPatientCircTable %>%
        dplyr::mutate(id = id) %>%
        dplyr::select(.data$id, everything())

    # Fix coordinates
    adaptedPatientCircTable <- .fixCoords(adaptedPatientCircTable)

# Get NCLscan column names
.getNScolNames <- function() {
    # Below are reported the content of each column of the output file
    # (MyProject.result) generated by NCLscan
    # (see https://github.com/TreesLab/NCLscan)

    #(1) Chromosome name of the donor side (5'ss)
    #(2) Junction coordinate of the donor side
    #(3) Strand of the donor side
    #(4) Chromosome name of the acceptor side (3'ss)
    #(5) Junction coordinate of the acceptor side
    #(6) Strand of the acceptor side
    #(7) Gene name of the donor side
    #(8) Gene name of the acceptor side
    #(9) Intragenic (1) or intergenic (0) case
    #(10) Total number of all support reads
    #(11) Total number of junc-reads
    #(12) Total number of span-reads

    colNames <- c(

#' @title Import circRNAs detected by CircExplorer2
#' @description The function importCircExplorer2 is specifically designed to
#' read and adapt the circExplorer2 v2.3.4 output file (circularRNA_full.txt).
#' See \url{https://github.com/YangLab/CIRCexplorer2.git} for more details.
#' @param pathToFile A character string specifying the path to the file
#' containing the detected circRNAs.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # Path to an example file containing circRNAs detected by CIRCexplorer2
#' pathToFile <- system.file("extdata", "circexplorer2/circRNAs_001.txt",
#' package="circRNAprofiler")
#' # Inner function.
#' # Import circRNAs.
#' importCircExplorer2(pathToFile)
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
importCircExplorer2 <- function(pathToFile) {

    # Get circExplorer column names
    colNames <- .getCEcolNames()

    options(readr.num_columns = 0)

    # Read a tab separated (\t) values
    importedPatientCircTable <- .readPathToFile(pathToFile, header = FALSE)

    colnames(importedPatientCircTable) <- colNames

    # 1 keep only exonic circRNAs (circType == "circRNA").
    # 2 STEP - Select the needed columns
    adaptedPatientCircTable <- importedPatientCircTable %>%
        dplyr::filter(.data$circType == "circRNA") %>%
            gene = .data$geneName,
            startUpBSE = .data$start,
            # back-spliced junction coordinate
            endDownBSE = .data$end,
            # back-spliced junction coordinate
            coverage = .data$readNumber
            chrom = ifelse(.data$chrom == 'chrMT', 'chrM', .data$chrom))

    # Generate a unique identifier
    id <- .getID(adaptedPatientCircTable)

    adaptedPatientCircTable <- adaptedPatientCircTable %>%
        dplyr::mutate(id = id) %>%
        dplyr::select(.data$id, everything())

    # Fix coordinates
    adaptedPatientCircTable <- .fixCoords(adaptedPatientCircTable)


# Get circExplorer column names
.getCEcolNames <- function(){
    # Below are reported the content of each column of the output file
    # generated by circExplorer2
    # (see https://github.com/YangLab/CIRCexplorer2.git)

    # Field Description
    # chrom Chromosome
    # start Start of circular RNA
    # end End of circular RNA
    # name Circular RNA/Junction reads
    # score Flag of fusion junction realignment
    # strand + or - for strand
    # thickStart No meaning
    # thickEnd No meaning
    # itemRgb 0,0,0
    # exonCount Number of exons
    # exonSizes Exon sizes
    # exonOffsets Exon offsets
    # readNumber Number of junction reads
    # circType Type of circular RNA
    # geneName Name of gene
    # isoformName Name of isoform
    # index Index of exon or intron
    # flankIntron Left intron/Right intron

    colNames <- c(

#' @title Import circRNAs detected by KINFE
#' @description The function importKnife is specifically designed to read and
#' adapt the KNIFE v1.5 output file (circJuncProbs.txt).
#' See \url{https://github.com/lindaszabo/KNIFE.git} for more details.
#' @param pathToFile A character string specifying the path to the file
#' containing the detected circRNAs.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # Path to an example file containing circRNAs detected by KNIFE
#' pathToFile <- system.file("extdata", "knife/circRNAs_001.txt",
#'     package="circRNAprofiler")
#' # Inner function.
#' # Import circRNAs.
#' importKnife(pathToFile)
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
importKnife <- function(pathToFile) {
    options(readr.num_columns = 0)

    # Read a tab separated (\t) values
    importedPatientCircTable <- .readPathToFile(pathToFile, header = TRUE)

    # Split and get knife prediction
    adaptedPatientCircTable <- .splitKNprediction(importedPatientCircTable)

    # Select the needed columns.
    adaptedPatientCircTable <- adaptedPatientCircTable %>%
            gene = .data$gene1_symbol,
            chrom = .data$chr,
            startUpBSE = .data$splice_position1,
            # back-spliced junction coordinate
            endDownBSE = .data$splice_position2,
            # back-spliced junction coordinate
            coverage = .data$readNumber
            chrom = ifelse(.data$chrom == 'chrMT', 'chrM', .data$chrom))
    # Generate a unique identifier
    id <- .getID(adaptedPatientCircTable)

    adaptedPatientCircTable <- adaptedPatientCircTable %>%
        dplyr::mutate(id = id) %>%
        dplyr::select(.data$id, everything())

    # Fix coordinates
    adaptedPatientCircTable <- .fixCoords(adaptedPatientCircTable)


.getKnColNames <- function(){
    # the first column of the data frame is composed as following:
    # junction: chr|gene1_symbol:splice_position|gene2_symbol:splice_position|
    # junction_type|strand.  see (https://github.com/lindaszabo/KNIFE.git)
    colNames <-  c(

# Split content first column in knife preditions
.splitKNprediction <- function(importedPatientCircTable){
    # The first column is splitted to retrieved the needed information.
    # An empty data frame is filled with the extracted information
    temp <-
            nrow = nrow(importedPatientCircTable),
            ncol = 6

    colnames(temp) <- .getKnColNames()

    for (i in seq_along(importedPatientCircTable$junction)) {
        temp$chr[i] <-
            base::strsplit(importedPatientCircTable$junction[i], "\\|")[[1]][1]
        temp$gene1_symbol[i] <-
            base::strsplit(base::strsplit(importedPatientCircTable$junction[i], "\\|")[[1]][2],
        temp$splice_position1[i] <-
            base::strsplit(base::strsplit(importedPatientCircTable$junction[i], "\\|")[[1]][2],
        temp$splice_position2[i] <-
            base::strsplit(base::strsplit(importedPatientCircTable$junction[i], "\\|")[[1]][3],
        temp$strand[i] <-
            base::strsplit(base::strsplit(importedPatientCircTable$junction[i], "\\|")[[1]][5],
        temp$readNumber[i] <-


#' @title Import circRNAs detected by an annotation-based circRNA
#' detection tool
#' @description
#' The function importOther() is designed to read output file from a
#' annotation-based circRNA detection tool. The user after the detection of the
#' crcRNAs must format the output file, so that it has the following columns
#' with header: gene, strand, chrom, startUpBSE, endDownBSE and coverage.
#' If more columns are present they will be discared.
#' @param pathToFile A character string specifying the path to the file
#' containing the detected circRNAs.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # Path to an example file containing circRNAs
#' pathToFile <- system.file("extdata", "other/circRNAs_001.txt",
#'     package="circRNAprofiler")
#' # Inner function.
#' # Import circRNAs
#' importOther(pathToFile)
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
importOther <- function(pathToFile) {
    options(readr.num_columns = 0)
    # Read a tab separated (\t) values
    importedPatientCircTable <- .readPathToFile(pathToFile, header = TRUE)

    adaptedPatientCircTable <- importedPatientCircTable %>%
            # back-spliced junction
            # back-spliced junction
            chrom = ifelse(.data$chrom == 'chrMT', 'chrM', .data$chrom))
    # Generate a unique identifier
    id <- .getID(adaptedPatientCircTable)

    adaptedPatientCircTable <- adaptedPatientCircTable %>%
        dplyr::mutate(id = id) %>%
        dplyr::select(.data$id, everything())


#' @title Import circRNAs detected by CircMarker
#' @description The function importCircMarker is specifically designed to read
#' and adapt the CircMarker (July.24.2018) output file (Brief_sum.txt).
#' See \url{https://github.com/lxwgcool/CircMarker} for more details.
#' @param pathToFile A character string specifying the path to the file
#' containing the detected circRNAs.
#' @param gtf A data frame containing the formatted GTF file. This is generated
#' with \code{\link{formatGTF}}.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # Load short version of the gencode v19 annotation file
#' data("gtf")
#' # Path to an example file containing circRNA detected by CircMarker
#' pathToFile <- system.file("extdata", "circmarker/circRNAs_001.txt",
#'     package="circRNAprofiler")
#' # Inner function.
#' # Import circRNAs.
#' # Due to the short version of the gtf file gene names might miss in the
#' # returned output.
#' importCircMarker(pathToFile, gtf)
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
importCircMarker <- function(pathToFile, gtf) {
    # Read a tab separated (\t) values
    importedPatientCircTable <- .readPathToFile(pathToFile, header = FALSE, sep =  " ")
    colnames(importedPatientCircTable) <- .getCMcolNames()

    # Find gene
    m1 <- match(importedPatientCircTable$start, gtf$start)
    m2 <- match(importedPatientCircTable$start, gtf$end)
    indexGenes <- dplyr::coalesce(m1, m2)
    genes <- gtf$gene_name[indexGenes]

    # Select the needed columns.
    adaptedPatientCircTable <- importedPatientCircTable %>%
        dplyr::mutate(gene = genes) %>%
            chrom = .data$chrom,
            startUpBSE = .data$start,
            # back-spliced junction coordinate
            endDownBSE = .data$end,
            # back-spliced junction coordinate
            chrom = ifelse(.data$chrom == 'chrMT', 'chrM', .data$chrom))
    # Generate a unique identifier
    id <- .getID(adaptedPatientCircTable)

    # Merge duplicated
    adaptedPatientCircTable <- adaptedPatientCircTable %>%
        dplyr::mutate(id = id) %>%
        dplyr::select(.data$id, .data$gene, everything()) %>%
        ) %>%
        dplyr::summarise(coverage = sum(.data$coverage))
    # Fix coordinates
    adaptedPatientCircTable <- .fixCoords(adaptedPatientCircTable)

# Get circMArker column names
.getCMcolNames <- function() {
    colNames <- c("chrom", "start", "end", "coverage", "strand", "type")

#' @title Import circRNAs detected by UROBORUS
#' @description The function importUroborus is specifically designed to reaad
#' and adapt the UROBORUS v2.0.0 output file (circRNA_list.txt).
#' See \url{https://github.com/WGLab/UROBORUS} for more details.
#' @param pathToFile A character string specifying the path to the file
#' containing the detected circRNAs.
#' @return A data frame.
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' # Path to an example file containing circRNA detected by UROBORUS
#' pathToFile <- system.file("extdata", "uroborus/circRNAs_001.txt",
#'     package="circRNAprofiler")
#' # Inner function.
#' # Import circRNAs.
#' importUroborus(pathToFile)
#' @import dplyr
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom utils read.table
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
importUroborus <- function(pathToFile) {
    # A character vector with the column names is created
    colNames <- .getURcolNames()

    # Read a tab separated (\t) values
    importedPatientCircTable <- .readPathToFile(pathToFile, header = FALSE)

    colnames(importedPatientCircTable) <- colNames

    # Select the needed columns and rename them
    adaptedPatientCircTable <- importedPatientCircTable %>%
            gene = .data$Parental_gene_name,
            chrom = .data$Chromosome,
            startUpBSE = .data$start_of_junction,
            # back-spliced junction coordinate
            endDownBSE = .data$end_of_junction,
            # back-spliced junction coordinate
            coverage = .data$read_counts
            chrom = ifelse(.data$chrom == 'chrMT', 'chrM', .data$chrom))
    # Generate a unique identifier
    id <- .getID(adaptedPatientCircTable)

    adaptedPatientCircTable <- adaptedPatientCircTable %>%
        dplyr::mutate(id = id) %>%
        dplyr::select(.data$id, everything())

    # Fix coordinates
    adaptedPatientCircTable <- .fixCoords(adaptedPatientCircTable)

# get uroborus column names
.getURcolNames <- function(){
    # A character vector with the column names is created
    colNames <- c(

# Read pathToFile
.readPathToFile <- function(pathToFile, header = FALSE, sep = "\t") {
    # Read a tab separated (\t) values
    importedPatientCircTable <-
            header = header,
            sep = sep,
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE

# If the function you are looking for is not here check supportFunction.R
# Functions in supportFunction.R are used by multiple functions.

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circRNAprofiler documentation built on March 6, 2021, 2 a.m.