#' @import data.table
#' @import ggplot2
### - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
### B plot
.makedt <- function(dt, annotations, ribosomal, reference) {
la <- length(annotations)
if (la != 0){
if (la != nrow(dt))
stop(paste0("Length of annotations vector, ", la,
", differs from the number of sequences, ", nrow(dt),
else dt[, annot := annotations]
dt[, genes := "other"]
if (ribosomal){
if (la == 0)
stop("Ribosomal is TRUE, but no annotations were given!")
else dt[annot %in% RPKOs, genes := "ribosomal"]
if (length(reference) != 0){
if (is.null(names(reference)))
stop("Reference must be a named list of length 1!")
if (all(is.logical(unlist(reference)))) {
r <- unlist(reference)
n <- names(reference)
dt[r, genes := n]
} else if (all(is.character(unlist(reference)))){
r <- unlist(reference)
n <- names(reference)
dt[annot %in% r, genes := n]
.bplot <- function(dt, size, alpha, guide){
gp <- ggplot(dt, aes(x, y, colour = genes)) +
shape = 20, size = size, alpha = alpha,
show.legend = I(guide)
) +
guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1))) +
if (any(dt$genes != "other"))
alpha2 <- alpha + 0.3
if (alpha2 > 1) alpha2 <- 1
gp <- gp + geom_point(
data = dt[genes != "other", ],
alpha = alpha2, shape = 20, size = 1.5*size)
#' Karlin B plot
#' Plot distances of each gene's CU frequency to specified gene (sub)sets
#' (given by \code{x} and \code{y}).
#' @param x,y Character, both must be in \code{colnames(data)}, or numeric
#' vectors of CU statistic values for two subsets of genes. If numeric,
#' the vectors must be of the same length.
#' @param data A matrix with CU statistic values for subsets of genes
#' in columns.
#' @param annotations A character vector giving KO annotations for sequences
#' for which the CU values were calculated, must be of length
#' \code{nrow(data)}.
#' @param ribosomal Logical, whether to indicate ribosomal genes in the plot.
#' Default is \code{FALSE}, if set to \code{TRUE}, then \code{annotation}
#' must be given.
#' @param reference A named list of length 1, containing either a logical
#' vector of \code{nrow(data)} of reference genes to be indicated
#' on the plot, or a character vector (of any length) of the reference
#' genes' anotations. If latter is the case, then \code{annotation}
#' must be given.
#' @param size Numeric, indicating points' size
#' @param alpha Numeric, between 0 and 1, indicating points' transparency
#' (default is 0.1).
#' @return A \code{ggplot} object.
#' @examples
#' require(ggplot2)
#' # calculate MILC distance to the average CU of the example DNA sequences,
#' # and to the average CU of ribosomal genes among the example DNA sequences
#' milc <- MILC(LD94, self = TRUE, ribosomal = TRUE)
#' Bplot(x = "ribosomal", y = "self", data = milc,
#' ribosomal = TRUE, annotations = getKO(LD94),
#' size = 3) +
#' labs(x = "MILC distance to ribosomal genes",
#' y = "MILC distance to genes' average CU")
#' @rdname Bplot
#' @export
name = "Bplot",
def = function(
x, y, data,
annotations = character(), ribosomal = FALSE, reference = list(),
size = 1, alpha = 0.5
#' @rdname Bplot
f = "Bplot",
signature = c(x = "character", y = "character", data = "matrix"),
definition = function(
x, y, data,
annotations, ribosomal, reference,
size, alpha
if (length(reference) == 0 &
ribosomal == FALSE) guide <- FALSE
else guide <- TRUE
dt <-[, c(x,y)])
setnames(dt, c(x, y), c("x","y"))
dt <- .makedt(dt, annotations, ribosomal, reference)
.bplot(dt, size, alpha, guide)
#' @rdname Bplot
f = "Bplot",
signature = c(x = "numeric", y = "numeric", data = "missing"),
definition = function(
x, y, data,
annotations, ribosomal, reference,
size, alpha
if (length(reference) == 0 &
ribosomal == FALSE) guide <- FALSE
else guide <- TRUE
dt <- data.table(cbind(x, y))
dt <- .makedt(dt, annotations, ribosomal, reference)
.bplot(dt, size, alpha, guide)
#' Intra-samples Karlin B plot
#' Plot CU frequency distances between two samples
#' (given by \code{x} and \code{y}).
#' @param x,y Objects of \code{codonTable} class.
#' @param names Character vector of length 2, giving names for samples.
#' @param variable A character, name of the function that will be used
#' to calculate CU statistic values for plotting. Must be one of
#' the following: \code{c("MILC", "B", "MCB", "ENCprime")}.
#' @param ribosomal Logical, whether to indicate ribosomal genes in the plot.
#' Default is \code{FALSE}.
#' @param size Numeric, indicating points' size
#' @param alpha Numeric, between 0 and 1, indicating points' transparency
#' (default is 0.1).
#' @return A \code{ggplot} object.
#' @examples
#' require(ggplot2)
#' # calculate MILC distance to the average CU of the example DNA sequences,
#' # and to the average CU of ribosomal genes among the example DNA sequences
#' milc <- MILC(LD94, self = TRUE, ribosomal = TRUE)
#' intraBplot(x = HD59, y = LD94, names = c("HD59", "LD94"),
#' variable = "MILC", size = 3)
#' @rdname intraBplot
#' @export
name = "intraBplot",
def = function(
x, y, names = c("x", "y"), variable, ribosomal = FALSE,
size = 1, alpha = 0.5
#' @rdname intraBplot
f = "intraBplot",
signature = c(x = "codonTable", y = "codonTable"),
definition = function(x, y, names, variable, ribosomal, size, alpha)
sl <- list(x, y)
names(sl) <- names
if (variable == "MILC") {
bpf <- function(...) MILC(...)
} else if (variable == "B") {
bpf <- function(...) B(...)
} else if (variable == "MCB") {
bpf <- function(...) MCB(...)
} else if (variable == "ENCprime") {
bpf <- function(...) ENCprime(...)
dtx <-, self = FALSE, subsets = sl))
dty <-, self = FALSE, subsets = sl))
rsl <- list(dtx, dty)
names(rsl) <- names
dt <- rbindlist(rsl, idcol = "sample")
gp <- ggplot(dt, aes(get(names[1]), get(names[2]), colour = sample)) +
geom_point(shape = 20, size = size, alpha = alpha) +
guides(colour = guide_legend(override.aes = list(alpha = 1))) +
labs(x = names[1], y = names[2]) +
if (ribosomal) {
alpha2 <- alpha + 0.3
if (alpha2 > 1) alpha2 <- 1
rows <- c(getKO(x) %in% RPKOs, getKO(y) %in% RPKOs)
gp <- gp + geom_point(
data = dt[rows, ],
aes(get(names[1]), get(names[2]), colour = sample),
alpha = alpha2, shape = 20, size = 1.5*size)
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