
Defines functions reduce.contable make.contable

#' @include codonTable-class.R
#' @include genCode-class.R
#' @import data.table

#' An S4 class \code{crossTab}
#' Contingency table of sequences' annotations and the corresponding numeric
#' values.
#' @slot sequences Character vector of sequences annotations.
#' @slot variable Numeric vector of the coresponding CU values.
#' @slot table Contingecy table.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(5491)
#' s <- sample(LETTERS[1:3], 10, replace = TRUE)
#' v <- sample(1:5, 10, replace = TRUE)
#' crossTab(s, v)
#' crossTab(s, v, threshold = c(3,5))
#' crossTab(s, v, threshold = NULL, percentiles = c(0.5, 0.3))
#' ct <- crossTab(s, v)
#' contable(ct)
#' getSeqAnnot(ct)
#' getVariable(ct)
    slots = c(
        sequences = "character",
        variable = "numeric",
        table = "data.table"

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### crossTab constructor

make.contable <- function(genes,
                            threshold = 1L,
                            percentiles = NULL)

        genes <- as.factor(genes)
        all <- as.vector(table(genes))
        result <- data.table(category = levels(genes), all = all)

        if(!is.null(percentiles)) {
            top.perc <- lapply(percentiles, function(x) {
                as.vector(table(genes[variable >= quantile(variable, 1-x)]))
            names <- make.names(paste("top", percentiles, sep="_"))
            result[, (names) := top.perc]
        } else {
            top.perc <- NULL

        if(!is.null(threshold)) {
            top.thresh <- lapply(threshold, function(x) {
                as.vector(table(genes[variable >= x]))
            names <- make.names(paste("gt", threshold, sep="_"))
            result[, (names) := top.thresh]
        } else {
            top.thresh <- NULL


#' @rdname crossTab-class
#' @export
    name = "crossTab",
    def = function(sequences, variable, threshold = 1L, percentiles = NULL){
#' @describeIn crossTab Create a contingency table for the set of annotated
#' sequences and the corresponding codon usage (CU) values.
#' @param sequences Character vector of sequences' annotations (KO, COG).
#' @param variable Numeric vector of the coresponding CU values.
#' @param threshold A threshold value (or a vector of values) of the variable.
#'    Sequences with value of the given variable greater than threshold are
#'    taken as a subset. Default is 1. If no threshold should be set, specify
#'    \code{threshold = NULL}
#' @param percentiles A single value or a vector of values between 0 and 1.
#'    Sequences with value of the given variable in the top percentiles are
#'    taken as a subset. If no percentiles should be specified, the argument
#'    takes the value \code{NULL}.
#' @return Returns a \code{crossTab} object with category values in rows, and
#'    with separate columns for counts in background (all) and subsets, i.e.
#'    for diferrent thresholds/percentiles provided.
    f = "crossTab",
    signature = c(sequences = "character", variable = "numeric"),
    definition = function(sequences, variable, threshold, percentiles) {
            sequences = sequences,
            variable = variable,
            table = make.contable(sequences, variable, threshold, percentiles))

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### crossTab accesor methods

#' Display the object of \code{crossTab} class.
#' @docType methods
#' @name show-crossTab
#' @rdname show-crossTab
#' @aliases show-crossTab show,crossTab-method
#' @param object A \code{crossTab} object.
#' @return \code{show} returns an invisible \code{NULL}.
#' @export
    f = "show",
    signature = "crossTab",
    definition = function(object){
        l <- length(object@sequences)
        s <- capture.output(str(object@sequences))
        v <- capture.output(str(object@variable))
        tab <- object@table
        cat("crossTab instance for", l, "sequences.\n")
        cat("Sequence annotations:\n", s, "\n")
        cat("Corresponding variable values:\n", v, "\n")
        cat("Contingecy table:\n")

#' Length of \code{crossTab} object.
#' The length of \code{crossTab} is number of sequences for which
#' the contingency table is contained in the object.
#' @docType methods
#' @name length-crossTab
#' @rdname length-crossTab
#' @aliases length-crossTab length,crossTab-method
#' @param x A \code{crossTab} object.
#' @return Numeric, the length of \code{x}.
#' @export
    f = "length",
    signature = "crossTab",
    definition = function(x){

#' @rdname crossTab-class
#' @export
    name = "getSeqAnnot",
    def = function(x){

#' @describeIn crossTab Get sequence annotations from \code{crossTab} object.
#' @param x A \code{crossTab} object.
    f = "getSeqAnnot",
    signature = "crossTab",
    definition = function(x){

#' @rdname crossTab-class
#' @export
    name = "getVariable",
    def = function(x){

#' @describeIn crossTab Get values of the variable used to create contingency
#' table in \code{crossTab} object.
#' @inheritParams getSeqAnnot
    f = "getVariable",
    signature = "crossTab",
    definition = function(x){

#' @rdname crossTab-class
#' @export
    name = "contable",
    def = function(x){

#' @describeIn crossTab Get contingency table from \code{crossTab} object.
#' @inheritParams getSeqAnnot
    f = "contable",
    signature = "crossTab",
    definition = function(x){

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### reduce crossTab

reduce.contable <- function(contable, target) {
    if (target == "pathway") {
        DT <- KO_PATHWAYS
    } else if (target == "module") {
        DT <- KO_MODULES
    } else if (target == "cogfunction") {
        DT <- COGs
    values <- unique(DT[,CATEGORY])
    tt <- lapply(values, function(x){
        anns <- DT[CATEGORY == x, ANN]
        if (any(anns %in% contable[,category]))
            contable[category %in% anns,
            lapply(.SD, sum), .SDcols = names(contable)[-1]]
        else NULL
    names(tt) <- values
    out <- Filter(Negate(is.null), tt)
    rbindlist(out, idcol = "category")

#' Reduce \code{crossTab}.
#' Reduce the input contingency table by associating sequences with
#' KEGG Pathway, KEGG Module or COG functional category identifiers.
#' @param x A \code{crossTab} object to be reduced.
#' @param target Character vector indicating which onthology to use, either
#'    \code{"pathway"} or \code{"module"}, or \code{"cogfunction"}.
#' @return Returns input \code{crossTab} object, with updated contingency
#'    table, displaying new category values in rows, and updated counts
#'    in columns.
#' @examples
#' # create contingency table
#' s <- getKO(HD59)
#' v <- as.numeric(MELP(HD59, ribosomal = TRUE))
#' ct <- crossTab(s, v)
#' ct
#' # reduce contingency table
#' reduceCrossTab(ct, "pathway")
#' reduceCrossTab(ct, "module")
#' @rdname reduceCrossTab
#' @export
    name = "reduceCrossTab",
    def = function(x, target){

#' @rdname reduceCrossTab
    f = "reduceCrossTab",
    signature = c("crossTab", "character"),
    definition = function(x, target){
            sequences = x@sequences,
            variable = x@variable,
            table = reduce.contable(x@table, target))

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