
Defines functions remove_partition_methods remove_top_value_methods register_SOM register_NMF all_partition_methods register_partition_methods get_partition_method all_top_value_methods register_top_value_methods get_top_value_method

Documented in all_partition_methods all_top_value_methods register_NMF register_partition_methods register_SOM register_top_value_methods remove_partition_methods remove_top_value_methods

.ENV = new.env(parent = emptyenv())


get_top_value_method = function(method) {
	if(!method %in% .ENV$ALL_TOP_VALUE_METHODS) {
		stop_wrap(qq("top-value method '@{method}' has not been defined yet."))

# == title
# Register user-defined top-value methods
# == param
# -... A named list of functions.
# == details 
# The user-defined function should accept one argument which is the data
# matrix where the scores are calculated by rows. Rows with top scores are treated
# as "top rows" in cola analysis. Following is how we register "SD" (standard deviation) top-value method:
#   register_top_value_methods(SD = function(mat) apply(mat, 1, sd))
# Of course, you can use `matrixStats::rowSds` to give a faster calculation of row SD:
#   register_top_value_methods(SD = rowSds)
# The registered top-value method will be used as defaults in `run_all_consensus_partition_methods`.
# To remove a top-value method, use `remove_top_value_methods`.
# There are four default top-value methods:
# -"SD" standard deviation, by `matrixStats::rowSds`.
# -"CV" coefficient variance, calculated as ``sd/(mean+s)`` where ``s`` is the 10^th percentile of all row means.
# -"MAD" median absolute deviation, by `matrixStats::rowMads`.
# -"ATC" the `ATC` method.
# == return
# No value is returned.
# == seealso
# `all_top_value_methods` lists all registered top-value methods.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == examples 
# all_top_value_methods()
# register_top_value_methods(
#     ATC_spearman = function(mat) ATC(mat, method = "spearman")
# )
# all_top_value_methods()
# remove_top_value_methods("ATC_spearman")
register_top_value_methods = function(...) {
	lt = list(...)
	lt1 = lt[intersect(names(lt), .ENV$ALL_TOP_VALUE_METHODS)]
	lt2 = lt[setdiff(names(lt), .ENV$ALL_TOP_VALUE_METHODS)]

	rand_mat = matrix(rnorm(10*20), nrow = 20)
	if(length(lt1)) {
		for(i in seq_along(lt1)) {
			if(length(lt1[[i]](rand_mat)) != nrow(rand_mat)) {
				stop_wrap(qq("Top-value method of @{names(lt1[i])} should return a vector with the same length of matrix rows."))
		.ENV$ALL_TOP_VALUE_FUN[names(lt1)] = lt1
	if(length(lt2)) {
		for(i in seq_along(lt2)) {
			if(length(lt2[[i]](rand_mat)) != nrow(rand_mat)) {
				stop_wrap(qq("Top-value method of @{names(lt2[i])} should return a vector with the same length of matrix rows."))

# == title
# All supported top-value methods
# == details
# New top-value methods can be registered by `register_top_value_methods`.
# == return 
# A vector of supported top-value methods.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == examples
# all_top_value_methods()
all_top_value_methods = function() {

	SD = rowSds,
	CV = function(mat) {
		s = rowMeans(mat)
		rowSds(mat)/(s + quantile(s, 0.1))
	MAD = matrixStats::rowMads,

get_partition_method = function(method, partition_param = list()) {
	if(!method %in% .ENV$ALL_PARTITION_METHODS) {
		stop_wrap(qq("partition method '@{method}' has not been defined yet."))
	fun = .ENV$ALL_PARTITION_FUN[[method]]

	# if sample from columns, the columns which have not been samples should be filled with NA
	fun2 = function(mat, k, column_index = seq_len(ncol(mat))) {
		n = length(column_index)
		partition = do.call(fun, c(list(mat[, column_index, drop = FALSE], k), partition_param))
		if(is.atomic(partition)) {
			if(length(partition) != n) {
				stop_wrap("Length of partition should be the same as number of matrix columns.")
		} else {
			partition = cl_membership(partition)
			if(nrow(partition) != n) {
				stop_wrap("Length of partition should be the same as number of matrix columns.")
			partition = as.vector(cl_class_ids(partition))
		partition2 = rep(NA_integer_, ncol(mat))
		partition2[column_index] = partition

		x = as.cl_hard_partition(partition2)

		# nc = n_of_classes(x)
		# if(nc != k) {
		# 	cat(red(qq("!!! @{method}: number of classes (@{nc}) in the partition is not same as @{k} !!!\n")))
		# }

	attr(fun2, "scale_method") = attr(fun, "scale_method")
	attr(fun2, "execution_time") = attr(fun, "execution_time")

# == title
# Register user-defined partitioning methods
# == param
# -... A named list of functions.
# -scale_method Normally, data matrix is scaled by rows before sent to
#        the partition function. The default scaling is applied by `base::scale`.
#        However, some partition functions may not accept negative values which 
#        are produced by `base::scale`. Here ``scale_method`` can be set to ``min-max``
#        which scales rows by ``(x - min)/(max - min)``. Note here ``scale_method`` only means
#        the method to scale rows. When ``scale_rows`` is set to ``FALSE`` in `consensus_partition`
#        or `run_all_consensus_partition_methods`, there will be no row scaling when doing partitioning.
#        The value for ``scale_method`` can be a vector if user specifies more than one partition function.
# == details 
# The user-defined function should accept at least two arguments. The first two arguments are the data
# matrix and the number of subgroups. The third optional argument should always be ``...`` so that parameters
# for the partition function can be passed by ``partition_param`` from `consensus_partition`.
# If users forget to add ``...``, it is added internally.
# The function should return a vector of partitions (or class labels) or an object which can be recognized by `clue::cl_membership`.
# The partition function should be applied on columns (Users should be careful with this because some R functions apply on rows and
# some R functions apply on columns). E.g. following is how we register `stats::kmeans` partition method:
#   register_partition_methods(
#       kmeans = function(mat, k, ...) {
#           # mat is transposed because kmeans() applies on rows
#           kmeans(t(mat), centers = k, ...)$centers
#       }
#   )
# The registered partitioning methods will be used as defaults in `run_all_consensus_partition_methods`.
# To remove a partitioning method, use `remove_partition_methods`.
# There are following default partitioning methods:
# -"hclust" hierarchcial clustering with Euclidean distance, later columns are partitioned by `stats::cutree`.
#           If users want to use another distance metric or clustering method, consider to register a new partitioning method. E.g.
#           ``register_partition_methods(hclust_cor = function(mat, k) cutree(hclust(as.dist(cor(mat)))))``.
# -"kmeans" by `stats::kmeans`.
# -"skmeans" by `skmeans::skmeans`.
# -"pam" by `cluster::pam`.
# -"mclust" by `mclust::Mclust`. mclust is applied to the first three principle components from rows.
# Users can register two other pre-defined partitioning methods by `register_NMF` and `register_SOM`.
# == value
# No value is returned.
# == seealso
# `all_partition_methods` lists all registered partitioning methods.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == examples
# all_partition_methods()
# register_partition_methods(
#     random = function(mat, k) sample(k, ncol(mat), replace = TRUE)
# )
# all_partition_methods()
# remove_partition_methods("random")
register_partition_methods = function(..., scale_method = c("z-score", "min-max", "none")) {
	scale_method = match.arg(scale_method)[1]
	lt = list(...)
	lt = lapply(lt, function(fun) {
		# just in case people forgot to add the ...
		if(length(formals(fun)) == 2) {
			function(mat, k, ...) {
				fun(mat, k)
		} else {
	for(i in seq_along(lt)) {
		attr(lt[[i]], "scale_method") = scale_method

	m = matrix(rnorm(100), 10)
	if(scale_method == "z-score") {
		m2 = m
	} else if(scale_method == "min-max") {
		m2 = t(apply(m, 1, function(x) {
			(x - min(x))/(max(x) - min(x))
	} else {
		m2 = m
	for(i in seq_along(lt)) {
		t = microbenchmark(foo <- lt[[i]](m2, 2), times = 1)
		attr(lt[[i]], "execution_time") = mean(t$time)

	lt1 = lt[intersect(names(lt), .ENV$ALL_PARTITION_METHODS)]
	lt2 = lt[setdiff(names(lt), .ENV$ALL_PARTITION_METHODS)]
	if(length(lt1)) .ENV$ALL_PARTITION_FUN[names(lt1)] = lt1
	if(length(lt2)) .ENV$ALL_PARTITION_FUN = c(.ENV$ALL_PARTITION_FUN, lt2)

# == title
# All supported partitioning methods
# == details
# New partitioning methods can be registered by `register_partition_methods`.
# == return 
# A vector of supported partitioning methods.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
# == examples
# all_partition_methods()
all_partition_methods = function() {
	scale_method = sapply(x, function(nm) attr(.ENV$ALL_PARTITION_FUN[[nm]], "scale_method"))
	x = structure(x, scale_method = unname(scale_method))

	hclust = function(mat, k, ...) {
		hc = hclust(d = dist(t(mat)), ...)
		cutree(hc, k)
	kmeans = function(mat, k, ...) {
		kmeans(t(mat), centers = k, ...)
	skmeans = function(mat, k, ...) {
		skmeans(x = t(mat), k = k, ...)
	# hddc = function(mat, k, ...) {
	# 	i = 0
	# 	while(i < 50) {
	# 		suppressWarnings(cl <- hddc(data = t(mat), K = k, show = FALSE, ...)$class)
	# 		if(length(cl) != 0) {
	# 			return(cl)
	# 		}
	# 		i = i + 1
	# 	}
	# 	return(rep(1, ncol(mat)))
	# }, 
	pam = function(mat, k, ...) {
		pam(t(mat), k = k, ...)
	# cclust = function(mat, k, ...) {
	# 	cclust(x = t(mat), centers = k, ...)
	# },
	mclust = function(mat, k, ...) {
		pca = prcomp(t(mat))
		Mclust(pca$x[, 1:3], G = k, verbose = FALSE, control = emControl(itmax = c(1000, 1000)), ...)$classification
	# som = function(mat, k, ...) {
	# 	kr = floor(sqrt(ncol(mat)))
	# 	somfit = som(t(mat), grid = somgrid(kr, kr, "hexagonal"), ...)
	# 	m = somfit$codes[[1]]
	# 	m = m[seq_len(nrow(m)) %in% somfit$unit.classif, ]
	# 	cl = cutree(hclust(dist(m)), k)
	# 	group = numeric(ncol(mat))
	# 	for(cl_unique in unique(cl)) {
	# 		ind = as.numeric(gsub("V", "", names(cl)[which(cl == cl_unique)]))
	# 		l = somfit$unit.classif %in% ind
	# 		group[l] = cl_unique
	# 	}
	# 	group
	# }

# == title
# Register NMF partitioning method
# == details
# NMF analysis is performed by `NMF::nmf`.
register_NMF = function() {
	# package = match.arg(package)[1]
	package = "NMF"
	if(package == "NNLM") {
		# if(!requireNamespace("NNLM")) {
		# 	stop_wrap("You need to install NNLM package (https://cran.r-project.org/src/contrib/Archive/NNLM/) to support NMF.")
		# }
		# register_partition_methods(
		# 	NMF = function(mat, k, ...) {
		# 		fit = NNLM::nnmf(A = mat, k = k, verbose = FALSE, ...)
		# 		apply(fit$H, 2, which.max)
		# 	}, scale_method = "min-max"
		# )
	} else if(package == "NMF") {
		check_pkg("NMF", bioc = FALSE)
			NMF = function(mat, k, ...) {
				NMF::nmf.options(maxIter = 1000)
				suppressWarnings(fit <- NMF::nmf(mat, rank = k))
				NMF::nmf.options(maxIter = NULL)
				if(is.na(fit@residuals)) {
					sample(seq_len(k), ncol(mat), replace = TRUE)
				} else {
					apply(fit@fit@H, 2, which.max)
			}, scale_method = "min-max"

# == title
# Register SOM partitioning method
# == details
# The SOM analysis is performed by `kohonen::som`.
register_SOM = function() {
	check_pkg("kohonen", bioc = FALSE)	
	    SOM = function(mat, k, ...) {
	        kr = floor(sqrt(ncol(mat)))
	        somfit = kohonen::som(t(mat), grid = kohonen::somgrid(kr, kr, "hexagonal"), ...)
	        m = somfit$codes[[1]]
	        m = m[seq_len(nrow(m)) %in% somfit$unit.classif, ]
	        cl = cutree(hclust(dist(m)), k)
	        group = numeric(ncol(mat))
	        for(cl_unique in unique(cl)) {
	            ind = as.numeric(gsub("V", "", names(cl)[which(cl == cl_unique)]))
	            l = somfit$unit.classif %in% ind
	            group[l] = cl_unique

# == title
# Remove top-value methods
# == param
# -method Name of the top-value methods to be removed.
# == value
# No value is returned.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
remove_top_value_methods = function(method) {
	nm_keep = setdiff(.ENV$ALL_TOP_VALUE_METHODS, method)

# == title
# Remove partitioning methods
# == param
# -method Name of the partitioning methods to be removed.
# == value
# No value is returned.
# == author
# Zuguang Gu <z.gu@dkfz.de>
remove_partition_methods = function(method) {
	nm_keep = setdiff(.ENV$ALL_PARTITION_METHODS, method)

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