
Defines functions summarizeSyntheticDataSet computeAval computeMval generateSyntheticData

Documented in generateSyntheticData summarizeSyntheticDataSet

#' Generate synthetic count data sets
#' Generate synthetic count data sets, following the simulation strategy detailed in Soneson and Delorenzi (2013). 
#' In the comparison function, only results obtained for data sets with the same value of the \code{dataset} parameter will be compared. Hence, it is important to give the same value of this parameter e.g. to different replicates generated with the same simulation settings.
#' For more detailed information regarding the different types of outliers, see Soneson and Delorenzi (2013).
#' Mean and dispersion parameters (if \code{relmeans} and/or \code{dispersions} is set to \code{"auto"}) are sampled from values estimated from the data sets by Pickrell et al (2010) and Cheung et al (2010). The data sets were downloaded from the ReCount web page (Frazee et al (2011)) and processed as detailed by Soneson and Delorenzi (2013). 
#' To get the actual mean value for the Negative Binomial distribution used for the simulation of counts for a given sample, take the column \code{truemeans.S1} (or \code{truemeans.S2}, if the sample is in condition S2) of the \code{variable.annotations} slot, divide by the sum of the same column and multiply with the base sequencing depth (provided in the \code{info.parameters} list) and the depth factor for the sample (given in the \code{sample.annotations} data frame). Thus, if you have a vector of mean values that you want to provide as the \code{relmeans} argument and make sure to use it 'as-is' in the simulation (for condition S1), make sure to set the \code{seqdepth} argument to the sum of the values in the \code{relmeans} vector, and to set \code{minfact} and \code{maxfact} equal to 1.
#' @param dataset A name or identifier for the data set/simulation settings. 
#' @param n.vars The initial number of genes in the simulated data set. Based on the filtering conditions (\code{filter.threshold.total} and \code{filter.threshold.mediancpm}), the number of genes in the final data set may be lower than this number. 
#' @param samples.per.cond The number of samples in each of the two conditions.
#' @param n.diffexp The number of genes simulated to be differentially expressed between the two conditions.
#' @param repl.id A replicate ID for the specific simulation instance. Useful for example when generating multiple count matrices with the same simulation settings. 
#' @param seqdepth The base sequencing depth (total number of mapped reads). This number is multiplied by a value drawn uniformly between \code{minfact} and \code{maxfact} for each sample to generate data with different actual sequencing depths. 
#' @param minfact,maxfact The minimum and maximum for the uniform distribution used to generate factors that are multiplied with \code{seqdepth} to generate individual sequencing depths for the simulated samples. 
#' @param relmeans A vector of mean values to use in the simulation of data from the Negative Binomial distribution, or \code{"auto"}. Note that these values may be scaled in order to comply with the given sequencing depth. With the default value (\code{"auto"}), the mean values are sampled from values estimated from the Pickrell and Cheung data sets. If \code{relmeans} is a vector, the provided values will be used as mean values in the simulation for the samples in the first condition. The mean values for the samples in the second condition are generated by combining the \code{relmeans} and \code{effect.size} arguments.
#' @param dispersions A vector or matrix of dispersions to use in the simulation of data from the Negative Binomial distribution, or \code{"auto"}. With the default value (\code{"auto"}), the dispersion values are sampled from values estimated from the Pickrell and Cheung data sets. If both \code{relmeans} and \code{dispersions} are set to \code{"auto"}, the means and dispersion values are sampled in pairs from the values in these data sets. If \code{dispersions} is a single vector, the provided dispersions will be used for simulating data from both conditions. If it is a matrix with two columns, the values in the first column are used for condition 1, and the values in the second column are used for condition 2. 
#' @param fraction.upregulated The fraction of the differentially expressed genes that is upregulated in condition 2 compared to condition 1. 
#' @param between.group.diffdisp Whether or not the dispersion should be allowed to be different between the conditions. Only applicable if \code{dispersions} is \code{"auto"}.
#' @param filter.threshold.total The filter threshold on the total count for a gene across all samples. All genes for which the total count across all samples is less than the threshold will be filtered out.
#' @param filter.threshold.mediancpm The filter threshold on the median count per million (cpm) for a gene across all samples. All genes for which the median cpm across all samples is less than the threshold will be filtered out.
#' @param fraction.non.overdispersed The fraction of the genes that should be simulated according to a Poisson distribution, without overdispersion. The non-overdispersed genes will be divided proportionally between the upregulated, downregulated and non-differentially expressed genes.
#' @param random.outlier.high.prob The fraction of 'random' outliers with unusually high counts.
#' @param random.outlier.low.prob The fraction of 'random' outliers with unusually low counts.
#' @param single.outlier.high.prob The fraction of 'single' outliers with unusually high counts.
#' @param single.outlier.low.prob The fraction of 'single' outliers with unusually low counts.
#' @param effect.size The strength of the differential expression, i.e., the effect size, between the two conditions. If this is a single number, the effect sizes will be obtained by simulating numbers from an exponential distribution (with rate 1) and adding the results to the \code{effect.size}. For genes that are upregulated in the second condition, the mean in the first condition is multiplied by the effect size. For genes that are downregulated in the second condition, the mean in the first condition is divided by the effect size. It is also possible to provide a vector of effect sizes (one for each gene), which will be used as provided. In this case, the \code{fraction.upregulated} and \code{n.diffexp} arguments will be ignored and the values will be derived from the \code{effect.size} vector.
#' @param output.file If not \code{NULL}, the path to the file where the data object should be saved. The extension should be \code{.rds}, if not it will be changed.
#' @return A \code{\link{compData}} object. If \code{output.file} is not \code{NULL}, the object is saved in the given \code{output.file} (which should have an \code{.rds} extension).
#' @export
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @examples
#' mydata.obj <- generateSyntheticData(dataset = "mydata", n.vars = 1000, 
#'                                     samples.per.cond = 5, n.diffexp = 100)
#' @references
#' Soneson C and Delorenzi M (2013): A comparison of methods for differential expression analysis of RNA-seq data. BMC Bioinformatics 14:91
#' Cheung VG, Nayak RR, Wang IX, Elwyn S, Cousins SM, Morley M and Spielman RS (2010): Polymorphic cis- and trans-regulation of human gene expression. PLoS Biology 8(9):e1000480
#' Frazee AC, Langmead B and Leek JT (2011): ReCount: a multi-experiment resource of analysis-ready RNA-seq gene count datasets. BMC Bioinformatics 12:449
#' Pickrell JK, Marioni JC, Pai AA, Degner JF, Engelhardt BE, Nkadori E, Veyrieras JB, Stephens M, Gilad Y and Pritchard JK (2010): Understanding mechanisms underlying human gene expression variation with RNA sequencing. Nature 464, 768-772
#' Robles JA, Qureshi SE, Stephen SJ, Wilson SR, Burden CJ and Taylor JM (2012): Efficient experimental design and analysis strategies for the detection of differential expression using RNA-sequencing. BMC Genomics 13:484
generateSyntheticData <- function(dataset, n.vars, samples.per.cond, n.diffexp, repl.id = 1, 
                                  seqdepth = 1e7, minfact = 0.7, maxfact = 1.4, 
                                  relmeans = "auto", dispersions = "auto", 
                                  fraction.upregulated = 1, between.group.diffdisp = FALSE, 
                                  filter.threshold.total = 1, filter.threshold.mediancpm = 0, 
                                  fraction.non.overdispersed = 0, random.outlier.high.prob = 0, 
                                  random.outlier.low.prob = 0, single.outlier.high.prob = 0, 
                                  single.outlier.low.prob = 0, effect.size = 1.5, 
                                  output.file = NULL) {
  ## Check output file name
  if (!is.null(output.file)) {
    if (!(substr(output.file, nchar(output.file) - 3, nchar(output.file)) == ".rds")) {
      stop("output.file must be an .rds file.")
  ## Generate a unique ID for the data set
  uID <- paste(sample(c(0:9, letters, LETTERS), 10, replace = TRUE), collapse = "")

	## Define conditions
  condition <- rep(c(1, 2), each = samples.per.cond)
  S1 <- which(condition == 1)
  S2 <- which(condition == 2)

	## Define sets of upregulated, downregulated and non-differentially regulated genes
  if (length(effect.size) == 1) {
    n.upregulated <- floor(fraction.upregulated * n.diffexp)
    if (fraction.upregulated != 0 & n.diffexp != 0) {
      genes.upreg <- seq_len(n.upregulated)
    } else {
      genes.upreg <- NULL
    if (fraction.upregulated != 1 & n.diffexp != 0) {
      genes.downreg <- (n.upregulated + 1):n.diffexp
    } else {
      genes.downreg <- NULL
    genes.nonreg <- setdiff(seq_len(n.vars), union(genes.upreg, genes.downreg))
  } else {
    if (length(effect.size) != n.vars) {
      stop("The length of the effect.size vector must be the same as the number of simulated genes.")
    } else {
      genes.upreg <- which(effect.size > 1)
      genes.downreg <- which(effect.size < 1)
      genes.nonreg <- which(effect.size == 1)
      n.upregulated <- length(genes.upreg)
      n.diffexp <- length(genes.upreg) + length(genes.downreg)
      fraction.upregulated <- n.upregulated/n.diffexp

	### Differentially expressed genes
	differential.expression <- rep(0, n.vars)
	differential.expression[genes.upreg] <- 1
	differential.expression[genes.downreg] <- 1
	upregulation <- rep(0, n.vars)
	upregulation[genes.upreg] <- 1
	downregulation <- rep(0, n.vars)
	downregulation[genes.downreg] <- 1
  if (is.character(relmeans) | is.character(dispersions)) {  # if they are 'auto'
    ### Load mu and phi estimates from real data (Pickrell data set and Cheung data set)
    mu.phi.estimates <- system.file("extdata", "Pickrell.Cheung.Mu.Phi.Estimates.rds",
                                    package = "compcodeR")
    mu.phi.estimates <- readRDS(mu.phi.estimates)
    mu.estimates <- mu.phi.estimates$pickrell.cheung.mu
    phi.estimates <- mu.phi.estimates$pickrell.cheung.phi
    ### Sample a mu and a phi for each gene in condition S1
    to.include <- sample(seq_len(length(mu.estimates)), n.vars, 
                         replace = ifelse(n.vars > length(mu.estimates), TRUE, FALSE))
    truedispersions.S1 <- phi.estimates[to.include]
    truemeans.S1 <- mu.estimates[to.include]
  if (!is.character(relmeans)) {
    if (length(relmeans) != n.vars) stop("The length of the relmeans vector must be the same as the number of simulated genes.")
    truemeans.S1 <- c(relmeans)
  if (!is.character(dispersions)) {
    if (nrow(cbind(dispersions)) != n.vars) stop("The number of provided dispersions must be the same as the number of simulated genes.")
    truedispersions.S1 <- cbind(dispersions)[, 1]
    if (ncol(cbind(dispersions)) > 1) {
      truedispersions.S2 <- cbind(dispersions)[, 2]
    } else {
      truedispersions.S2 <- truedispersions.S1
	### Generate sequencing depths (nfacts * Nk)
	nfacts <- stats::runif(2 * samples.per.cond, min = minfact, max = maxfact)
	seq.depths <- nfacts * seqdepth

	### If not all genes are overdispersed, let some of them be Poisson distributed (dispersion = 0)
	overdispersed <- rep(1, n.vars)
	if (fraction.non.overdispersed > 0) {
		overdispersed[genes.upreg[seq_len(round(fraction.non.overdispersed * length(genes.upreg)))]] <- 0
		overdispersed[genes.downreg[seq_len(round(fraction.non.overdispersed * length(genes.downreg)))]] <- 0
		overdispersed[genes.nonreg[seq_len(round(fraction.non.overdispersed * length(genes.nonreg)))]] <- 0

	### Find rates of mapping to each gene in each condition
	prob.S1 <- truemeans.S1
	prob.S2 <- rep(0, length(prob.S1))
  if (length(effect.size) == 1) {
    for (i in seq_len(n.vars)) {
      if (i %in% genes.upreg) {
        prob.S2[i] <- (effect.size + stats::rexp(1, rate = 1)) * prob.S1[i]
      } else {
        if (i %in% genes.downreg) {
          prob.S2[i] <- 1/(effect.size + stats::rexp(1, rate = 1)) * prob.S1[i]
        } else {
          prob.S2[i] <- prob.S1[i]
  } else {
    prob.S2 <- c(effect.size) * prob.S1
	true.log2foldchange <- log2(prob.S2/prob.S1)
	sum.S1 <- sum(prob.S1)
	sum.S2 <- sum(prob.S2)
	### Find new dispersions for condition S2, depending on what prob.S2 is. 
  ### From the mu/phi estimates, sample a phi value from 
	### the pairs where mu is similar to prob.S2.
  if (is.character(dispersions)) {
    truedispersions.S2 <- truedispersions.S1
    if (between.group.diffdisp == TRUE) {
      for (i in seq_len(length(truedispersions.S2))) {
        sample.base <- phi.estimates[abs(log10(mu.estimates) - 
                                           log10(prob.S2[i])) < 0.05]
        if (length(sample.base) < 50) {
          sample.base <- 
            phi.estimates[order(abs(log10(mu.estimates) - 
        truedispersions.S2[i] <- sample(sample.base, 1)
	truedispersions.S1 <- truedispersions.S1 * overdispersed
	truedispersions.S2 <- truedispersions.S2 * overdispersed
	### Initialize data matrix
	Z <- matrix(0, n.vars, length(S1) + length(S2))
	### Generate data
	for (i in seq_len(n.vars)) {
		for (j in seq_len(ncol(Z))) {
			if (j %in% S1) {
				if (overdispersed[i] == 1) {
				  Z[i, j] <- stats::rnbinom(n = 1, mu = prob.S1[i]/sum.S1 * seq.depths[j], 
				                            size = 1/truedispersions.S1[i])
				} else {
					Z[i, j] <- stats::rpois(n = 1, lambda = prob.S1[i]/sum.S1 * seq.depths[j])
			} else {
				if (overdispersed[i] == 1) {
				  Z[i, j] <- stats::rnbinom(n = 1, mu = prob.S2[i]/sum.S2 * seq.depths[j], 
				                            size = 1/truedispersions.S2[i])
				} else {
					Z[i, j] <- stats::rpois(n = 1, lambda = prob.S2[i]/sum.S2 * seq.depths[j])

	### Add 'random' outliers
	random.outliers <- matrix(0, nrow(Z), ncol(Z))
	random.outliers.factor <- matrix(1, nrow(Z), ncol(Z))
	if (random.outlier.high.prob != 0 | random.outlier.low.prob != 0) {
		for (i in seq_len(nrow(Z))) {
			for (j in seq_len(ncol(Z))) {
        tmp <- stats::runif(1)
				if (tmp < random.outlier.high.prob) {
          random.outliers[i, j] <- 1
          random.outliers.factor[i, j] <- stats::runif(1, min = 5, max = 10)
				} else if (tmp < random.outlier.low.prob + random.outlier.high.prob) {
          random.outliers[i, j] <- (-1)
          random.outliers.factor[i, j] <- 1/stats::runif(1, min = 5, max = 10)
    Z <- round(random.outliers.factor * Z)

	### Add 'single' outliers
	has.single.outlier <- rep(0, n.vars)
	single.outliers <- matrix(0, nrow(Z), ncol(Z))
  single.outliers.factor <- matrix(1, nrow(Z), ncol(Z))
	if (single.outlier.high.prob != 0 | single.outlier.low.prob != 0) {
	  has.single.outlier[genes.upreg[seq_len(floor((single.outlier.high.prob + 
	                                                  single.outlier.low.prob) * 
	                                                 length(genes.upreg)))]] <- 1
	  has.single.outlier[genes.downreg[seq_len(floor((single.outlier.high.prob + 
	                                                    single.outlier.low.prob) * 
	                                                   length(genes.downreg)))]] <- 1
	  has.single.outlier[genes.nonreg[seq_len(floor((single.outlier.high.prob + 
	                                                   single.outlier.low.prob) * 
	                                                  length(genes.nonreg)))]] <- 1
		for (i in seq_len(nrow(Z))) {
			if (has.single.outlier[i] == 1) {
				the.sample <- sample(seq_len(ncol(Z)), 1)
        if (stats::runif(1) < (single.outlier.high.prob/(single.outlier.high.prob + 
                                                    single.outlier.low.prob))) {
					single.outliers[i, the.sample] <- 1
          single.outliers.factor[i, the.sample] <- stats::runif(1, min = 5, max = 10)
				} else {
					single.outliers[i, the.sample] <- (-1)
          single.outliers.factor[i, the.sample] <- 1/stats::runif(1, min = 5, max = 10)
    Z <- round(single.outliers.factor * Z)
	### Assign variable names to rows
	rownames(Z) <- seq_len(n.vars)
	### Find number of outliers (random, single, up, down) in each group
	n.random.outliers.up.S1 <- apply(random.outliers[, S1] > 0, 1, sum)
	n.random.outliers.up.S2 <- apply(random.outliers[, S2] > 0, 1, sum)
	n.random.outliers.down.S1 <- apply(random.outliers[, S1] < 0, 1, sum)
	n.random.outliers.down.S2 <- apply(random.outliers[, S2] < 0, 1, sum)
	n.single.outliers.up.S1 <- apply(single.outliers[, S1] > 0, 1, sum)
	n.single.outliers.up.S2 <- apply(single.outliers[, S2] > 0, 1, sum)
	n.single.outliers.down.S1 <- apply(single.outliers[, S1] < 0, 1, sum)
	n.single.outliers.down.S2 <- apply(single.outliers[, S2] < 0, 1, sum)
	### Normalize (TMM) and compute A and M values from the pseudocounts
	nf <- calcNormFactors(Z)
	norm.factors <- nf * colSums(Z)
	common.libsize <- exp(mean(log(colSums(Z))))
	pseudocounts <- sweep(Z + 0.5, 2, norm.factors, '/') * common.libsize
	log2.pseudocounts <- log2(pseudocounts)
	M.value <- apply(log2.pseudocounts[, S2], 1, mean) - 
    apply(log2.pseudocounts[, S1], 1, mean)
	A.value <- 0.5*(apply(log2.pseudocounts[, S2], 1, mean) + 
	                  apply(log2.pseudocounts[, S1], 1, mean))
	### Create an annotation data frame
	variable.annotations <- data.frame(truedispersions.S1 = truedispersions.S1, 
	                                   truedispersions.S2 = truedispersions.S2, 
	                                   truemeans.S1 = prob.S1, 
	                                   truemeans.S2 = prob.S2, 
	                                   n.random.outliers.up.S1 = n.random.outliers.up.S1, 
	                                   n.random.outliers.up.S2 = n.random.outliers.up.S2, 
	                                   n.random.outliers.down.S1 = n.random.outliers.down.S1, 
	                                   n.random.outliers.down.S2 = n.random.outliers.down.S2, 
	                                   n.single.outliers.up.S1 = n.single.outliers.up.S1, 
	                                   n.single.outliers.up.S2 = n.single.outliers.up.S2, 
	                                   n.single.outliers.down.S1 = n.single.outliers.down.S1, 
	                                   n.single.outliers.down.S2 = n.single.outliers.down.S2, 
	                                   M.value = M.value, 
	                                   A.value = A.value, 
	                                   truelog2foldchanges = true.log2foldchange, 
	                                   upregulation = upregulation, 
	                                   downregulation = downregulation, 
	                                   differential.expression = differential.expression)
	rownames(variable.annotations) <- rownames(Z)
	### Create a sample annotation data frame
	sample.annotations <- data.frame(condition = condition, 
	                                 depth.factor = nfacts)
	### Include information about the parameters
	info.parameters <- list('n.diffexp' = n.diffexp, 
	                        'fraction.upregulated' = fraction.upregulated, 
	                        'between.group.diffdisp' = between.group.diffdisp, 
	                        'filter.threshold.total' = filter.threshold.total, 
	                        'filter.threshold.mediancpm' = filter.threshold.mediancpm, 
	                        'fraction.non.overdispersed' = fraction.non.overdispersed, 
	                        'random.outlier.high.prob' = random.outlier.high.prob,
	                        'random.outlier.low.prob' = random.outlier.low.prob,
	                        'single.outlier.high.prob' = single.outlier.high.prob, 
	                        'single.outlier.low.prob' = single.outlier.low.prob,
	                        'effect.size' = effect.size, 
	                        'samples.per.cond' = samples.per.cond, 
	                        'repl.id' = repl.id, 'dataset' = dataset, 
	                        'uID' = uID, 'seqdepth' = seqdepth, 
	                        'minfact' = minfact, 'maxfact' = maxfact)
	### Filter the data with respect to total count
	s <- apply(Z, 1, sum)
	keep.T <- which(s >= filter.threshold.total)
	Z.T <- Z[keep.T, ]
	variable.annotations.T <- variable.annotations[keep.T, ]
  filtering <- paste('total count >=', filter.threshold.total)
	### Filter the data with respect to median cpm
	cpm <- sweep(Z.T, 2, apply(Z.T, 2, sum), '/') * 1e6
	m <- apply(cpm, 1, stats::median)
	keep.C <- which(m >= filter.threshold.mediancpm)
	Z.TC <- Z.T[keep.C, ]
	variable.annotations.TC <- variable.annotations.T[keep.C, ]
  filtering <- paste(filtering, "; ", paste('median cpm >=', filter.threshold.mediancpm))
  ### Generate sample and variable names
  rownames(Z.TC) <- paste("g", seq_len(nrow(Z.TC)), sep = "")
  colnames(Z.TC) <- paste("sample", seq_len(ncol(Z.TC)), sep = "")
  rownames(sample.annotations) <- colnames(Z.TC)
  rownames(variable.annotations.TC) <- rownames(Z.TC)
  data.object <- compData(count.matrix = Z.TC, 
                          variable.annotations = variable.annotations.TC, 
                          sample.annotations = sample.annotations, 
                          filtering = filtering, 
                          info.parameters = info.parameters)
  ## Save results
  if (!is.null(output.file)) {
    saveRDS(data.object, file = output.file)

computeMval <- function(count.matrix, conditions) {
  if (length(unique(conditions)) != 2) stop("Must have exactly two groups to calculate M-value")
  nf <- calcNormFactors(count.matrix)
  norm.factors <- nf * colSums(count.matrix)
  common.libsize <- exp(mean(log(colSums(count.matrix))))
  pseudocounts <- sweep(count.matrix + 0.5, 2, norm.factors, '/') * common.libsize
  log2.pseudocounts <- log2(pseudocounts)
  M.value <- apply(log2.pseudocounts[, which(conditions == levels(factor(conditions))[2])], 
                   1, mean) - 
    apply(log2.pseudocounts[, which(conditions == levels(factor(conditions))[1])], 
          1, mean)

computeAval <- function(count.matrix, conditions) {
  if (length(unique(conditions)) != 2) stop("Must have exactly two groups to calculate A-value")
  nf <- calcNormFactors(count.matrix)
  norm.factors <- nf * colSums(count.matrix)
  common.libsize <- exp(mean(log(colSums(count.matrix))))
  pseudocounts <- sweep(count.matrix + 0.5, 2, norm.factors, '/') * common.libsize
  log2.pseudocounts <- log2(pseudocounts)
  A.value <- 0.5*(apply(log2.pseudocounts[, which(conditions == levels(factor(conditions))[2])], 
                        1, mean) + 
                    apply(log2.pseudocounts[, which(conditions == 
                          1, mean))

#' Summarize a synthetic data set by some diagnostic plots 
#' Summarize a synthetic data set (generated by \code{\link{generateSyntheticData}}) by some diagnostic plots.
#' @param data.set A data set, either a \code{\link{compData}} object or a path to an \code{.rds} file where such an object is stored.
#' @param output.filename The filename of the resulting html report (including the path).
#' @export
#' @author Charlotte Soneson
#' @examples
#' tmpdir <- normalizePath(tempdir(), winslash = "/")
#' mydata.obj <- generateSyntheticData(dataset = "mydata", n.vars = 1000, 
#'                                     samples.per.cond = 5, n.diffexp = 100, 
#'                                     output.file = file.path(tmpdir, "mydata.rds"))
#' if (interactive()) {
#'   summarizeSyntheticDataSet(data.set = file.path(tmpdir, "mydata.rds"), 
#'                             output.filename = file.path(tmpdir, "mydata_check.html"))
#' }
summarizeSyntheticDataSet <- function(data.set, output.filename) {
  ## Check that the output.filename ends with .html
  if (!(substr(output.filename, nchar(output.filename) - 4, 
               nchar(output.filename)) == ".html")) {
    stop("output.file must be an .html file.")
  ## Generate an .Rmd file
  ##output.filename <- normalizePath(output.filename)
  Rmd.file <- sub(".html", ".Rmd", output.filename)
  codefile <- file(Rmd.file, open = 'w')
  output.directory <- dirname(output.filename)
  writeLines("### Summary of synthetic data set", codefile)
  opts_chunk$set(fig.path = file.path(output.directory, "compcodeR_check_figure/"))
  opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 9, fig.height = 7)
  if (is.character(data.set) && 
        substr(data.set, nchar(data.set) - 3, nchar(data.set)) == ".rds") {
    dataset.filename <- data.set
    data.set <- readRDS(data.set)
    writeLines(paste("Data set from file:", dataset.filename), codefile)
  if (is(data.set, "compData")) {
    data.set <- data.set
  } else if (is.list(data.set)) {
    data.set <- convertListTocompData(data.set)
  } else {
    stop("Unknown input type")
  ## Print the data parameters
  writeLines(c("```{r settings, echo = FALSE}",
               "print(noquote(lapply(info.parameters(data.set), function(x) {
if (length(x) > 25) x <- noquote(c(x[seq_len(25)], '...'))
               x})), sep = '\n')",
               "```"), codefile)
  writeLines(c("```{r modifications, echo = FALSE}",
               "  variable.annotations(data.set)$differential.expression = as.factor(variable.annotations(data.set)$differential.expression)",
               "variable.annotations(data.set)$total.nbr.outliers = as.factor(variable.annotations(data.set)$n.random.outliers.up.S1 + variable.annotations(data.set)$n.random.outliers.up.S2 + variable.annotations(data.set)$n.random.outliers.down.S1 + variable.annotations(data.set)$n.random.outliers.down.S2 + variable.annotations(data.set)$n.single.outliers.up.S1 + variable.annotations(data.set)$n.single.outliers.up.S2 + variable.annotations(data.set)$n.single.outliers.down.S1 + variable.annotations(data.set)$n.single.outliers.down.S2)", 
               "```"), codefile)
  ## MA plots, colored by various annotations
  writeLines(c("```{r calcma, echo = FALSE, dev = 'png', eval = TRUE, include = TRUE}",
               "if (nrow(variable.annotations(data.set)) == 0) {",
               "variable.annotations(data.set) = data.frame(dummy = rep(NA, nrow(count.matrix(data.set))))}",
               "if (is.null(variable.annotations(data.set)$A.value)) {",
               "variable.annotations(data.set)$A.value = computeAval(count.matrix(data.set), sample.annotations(data.set)$condition)}",
               "if (is.null(variable.annotations(data.set)$M.value)) {",
               "variable.annotations(data.set)$M.value = computeMval(count.matrix(data.set), sample.annotations(data.set)$condition)}",
               "if (is.null(variable.annotations(data.set)$differential.expression)) {",
               "variable.annotations(data.set)$differential.expression = factor(rep('NA', nrow(variable.annotations(data.set))))}",
               "if (is.null(variable.annotations(data.set)$total.nbr.outliers)) {",
               "variable.annotations(data.set)$total.nbr.outliers = factor(rep('NA', nrow(variable.annotations(data.set))))}",
               "```"), codefile)
  ## Colored by true differential expression status
  writeLines("### MA plot, colored by true differential expression status", codefile)
  writeLines(c("```{r maplot-trueDEstatus, echo = FALSE, dev = 'png', eval = TRUE, include = TRUE, message = FALSE, error = TRUE, warning = TRUE}",
               "ggplot(variable.annotations(data.set), aes(x = A.value, y = M.value, color = differential.expression)) + geom_point() + scale_colour_manual(values = c('black', 'red'))",
               "```"), codefile)

  ## Colored by number of outlier counts
  writeLines("### MA plot, colored by total number of outliers", codefile)
  writeLines(c("```{r maplot-nbroutliers, echo = FALSE, dev = 'png', eval = TRUE, include = TRUE, message = FALSE, error = TRUE, warning = TRUE}",
               "ggplot(variable.annotations(data.set), aes(x = A.value, y = M.value, color = total.nbr.outliers)) + geom_point()",
               "```"), codefile)
  ## Plots of estimated log2-fold change (M-value) vs true log2-fold change, colored by true differential expression status
  writeLines("### True log2-fold change vs estimated log2-fold change (M-value)", codefile)
  writeLines(c("```{r logfoldchanges, echo = FALSE, dev = 'png', eval = TRUE, include = TRUE, message = FALSE, error = TRUE, warning = TRUE}",
               "if (!is.null(variable.annotations(data.set)$truelog2foldchanges)) {",
               "ggplot(variable.annotations(data.set), aes(x = truelog2foldchanges, y = M.value, color = differential.expression)) + geom_point() + scale_colour_manual(values = c('black', 'red'))}",
               "```"), codefile)
  knit2html(input = Rmd.file,
            output = output.filename, 
            title = "Synthetic data set summary", 
            envir = new.env())
  ## Remove the .Rmd file

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compcodeR documentation built on Nov. 10, 2020, 2 a.m.