simsam <- function(f.out, chr, pos, strands, chromosomes, mapq=199, is.dup=NULL, names=NULL, is.paired=FALSE, len=10, cigar=NULL)
# Constructs a simulated SAM file, compresses it to BAM and indexes it.
# Accepts a set of names, positions and strands, and fills in the rest if not supplied.
# Also handles creation of paired-end data with correct mate information.
samFile <- paste0(f.out, ".sam")
out <- file(samFile, open="w")
# Adding SAM header.
for (rname in names(chromosomes)) {
write(c("@SQ", paste("SN:", rname, sep=""), paste("LN:", chromosomes[[rname]], sep="")), ncolumns=3, file=out, sep="\t");
# Setting up values in the CIGAR, names and flags.
if (is.null(cigar)) {
cigar <- paste0(len, "M")
seq <- strrep("N", len)
qual <- strrep(".", len)
if (is.null(names)) {
names <- sprintf("x%i", seq_along(pos))
flags<-ifelse(strands, 0, 16)
if (!is.null(is.dup)) {
flags <- flags + ifelse(is.dup, 1024, 0)
.expander <- function(x) rep(x, length.out=length(names))
stuff <- data.frame(QNAME=names, FLAG=flags, CHR=chr, POS=pos, MAPQ=.expander(mapq), CIGAR=.expander(cigar), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# Setting a whole host of paired end information in the relevant fields.
if (is.paired) {
is.first <- !duplicated(stuff$QNAME)
first.dex <- which(is.first)
second.dex <- which(!is.first)
first.m <- second.dex[match(stuff$QNAME[first.dex], stuff$QNAME[second.dex])]
second.m <- first.dex[match(stuff$QNAME[second.dex], stuff$QNAME[first.dex])]
counterpart <- integer(nrow(stuff))
counterpart[first.dex] <- first.m
counterpart[second.dex] <- second.m
mate.strand <- bitwAnd(stuff$FLAG[counterpart], 0x10)==0L
mate.chr <- stuff$CHR[counterpart]
mate.pos <- stuff$POS[counterpart]
reflags <- stuff$FLAG + 1
reflags <- reflags + ifelse(is.first, 64, 128)
reflags <- reflags + ifelse(mate.strand, 0, 32)
mate.chr.size <- chromosomes[mate.chr] + 1L # Keep above mate.chr reassignment!
mate.chr <- ifelse(mate.chr==stuff$CHR, "=", mate.chr)
my.cigar <- GenomicAlignments::cigarWidthAlongReferenceSpace(stuff$CIGAR)
mate.cigar <- GenomicAlignments::cigarWidthAlongReferenceSpace(stuff$CIGAR[counterpart])
isize <- pmin(pmax(mate.pos + mate.cigar, pos + my.cigar), mate.chr.size) - pmin(mate.pos, pos)
isize[mate.pos < pos] <- isize[mate.pos < pos]*-1
isize[mate.chr!="="] <- 0
stuff$FLAG <- reflags
stuff <- cbind(stuff, data.frame(MATECHR=mate.chr, MATEPOS=mate.pos, ISIZE=isize))
} else {
stuff <- cbind(stuff, data.frame(MATECHR=.expander("*"), MATEPOS=.expander(0), ISIZE=.expander(0)))
stuff <- cbind(stuff, data.frame(SEQ=.expander(seq), QUAL=.expander(qual), stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
write.table(file=out, stuff, row.names=FALSE, col.names=FALSE, quote=FALSE, sep="\t")
# We sort and compress to BAM as well.
tempName <- paste(f.out, "_temp", sep="")
tempName <- asBam(samFile, destination=tempName, overwrite=TRUE, indexDestination=FALSE)
newName <- sortBam(tempName, destination=f.out)
regenSE <- function(nreads, chromos, outfname, ...)
# Convenient single-end simulations, auto-filling read positions and alignment statistics.
# We generate some complicated CIGAR strings with soft clips for some variety.
chr <- sample(length(chromos), nreads, replace=TRUE)
pos <- integer(nreads)
str <- logical(nreads)
for (i in seq_along(chromos)) {
current <- chr==i
pos[current] <- round(runif(sum(current), 1, chromos[i]))
str[current] <- rbinom(sum(current), 1, 0.5)==1L
isdup <- rbinom(nreads, 1, 0.8)==0L
mapq <- round(runif(nreads, 0, 40))
len <- 20
left.clip <- round(runif(nreads, 0, len/4))
right.clip <- round(runif(nreads, 0, len/4))
cigar <- sprintf("%iM", len - left.clip - right.clip)
cigar[right.clip > 0] <- sprintf("%s%sS", cigar[right.clip > 0], right.clip[right.clip > 0])
cigar[left.clip > 0] <- sprintf("%sS%s", left.clip[left.clip > 0], cigar[left.clip > 0])
simsam(outfname, names(chromos)[chr], pos, str, chromos, is.dup=isdup, mapq=mapq, cigar=cigar, len=len, ...)
regenPE <- function(npairs, chromos, outfname)
# Convenient paired-end simulations, auto-filling read positions and alignment statistics.
# The number of reads is simply double the number of pairs involved. Note the use of seq_len
# to provide consistent behaviour when npairs = 0.
qnames <- sprintf("READ%i", c(sample(seq_len(npairs)), sample(seq_len(npairs))))
regenSE(npairs * 2L, chromos, outfname, is.paired=TRUE, names=qnames)
makeDiscard <- function(ndisc, sizeof, chromos)
# Construct a set of blacklisted regions to use in read extraction.
chosen <- sample(length(chromos), ndisc, replace=TRUE)
chosen.pos <- runif(ndisc, 1, chromos[chosen]-sizeof)
reduce(GRanges(names(chromos)[chosen], IRanges(chosen.pos, chosen.pos+sizeof)))
generateWindows <- function(chrs, nwin, winsize)
# Construct genomic windows of specified number and size for general use.
for (x in names(chrs)) {
stopifnot(max.step >= 1)
pos<-cumsum(round(runif(nwin, 1, max.step)))
suppressWarnings(allregs<-c(allregs, GRanges(x, IRanges(pos,
pmin(chrs[[x]], pos+winsize-1L)))))
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