
Defines functions .check.slide.labels .check.reporter.labels .limma.to.dataframe

### dye bias normalization according to Margaritis et al. 2009
### Main routines. All functions starting with "dyebias." are exported

dyebias.estimate.iGSDBs <- function
 verbose=FALSE) {


  averaging.function <- mean               # to use when is.balanced==TRUE

  if (verbose) {
    print("Estimating the intrinsic gene-specific dyebiases ...")

  here <- ", in dyebias.R:dyebias.estimate.iGSDBs"
  if (! is(data.norm, "marrayNorm") ) {
    stop("Need marrayNorm object", here, call.= TRUE)

  data.norm.sorted <- data.norm[order(maLabels(maGnames(data.norm))), ]
  n.spots <- maNspots(data.norm.sorted)
  ## n.slides <- maNtargets(data.norm.sorted)  ## not available in marray ...
  n.slides <- maNsamples(data.norm.sorted) ## wrong name! we have 5 hybs, so 10 samples!

  ## for code using reporter.filter as a filter on the oligos for which to find iGSDBs, see  before revision 2890

  if (verbose) {
    print(sprintf("Found %d slides containing %d spots", n.slides, n.spots))

  ## average the replicate spots. (For version not averaging the replicate
  ## spots, see prior to rev. 2885)

  reporter.ids <- maLabels(maGnames(data.norm.sorted))
  if(length(reporter.ids)==0) {
    stop("No reporter IDs found (has maLabels been set?))",here, call. = TRUE)

  unique.ids <- unique(reporter.ids)
  n.unique <- length(unique.ids)

  if (n.unique == length(reporter.ids)) {
    Mavg <- maM(data.norm.sorted)
    Aavg <- maA(data.norm.sorted)
  } else { ## need to average the spots (which takes time, so only do if needed)
    if(verbose) {
      print(sprintf("Found %d spots, %d of them unique. Averaging replicate spots ...\n", length(reporter.ids), n.unique))
    Mavg <- matrix(0, n.unique, n.slides)
    Aavg <- matrix(0, n.unique, n.slides)

    for (i in 1:n.slides) { 
      Mavg[, i] <- .average.replicates( data.frame(id=reporter.ids, value=maM(data.norm.sorted)[,i], stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
      Aavg[, i] <- .average.replicates( data.frame(id=reporter.ids, value=maA(data.norm.sorted)[,i], stringsAsFactors=FALSE))

    if(verbose) {
      print("Done averaging replicate spots")

  if (is.balanced) {                    #we can just take average; much faster
    ### (in this case, reference argument is not used)
    if (verbose) { print("Balanced design, simply averaging") }
                      dyebias=apply(Mavg, 1, averaging.function, na.rm=TRUE),
                      A=apply(Aavg,1, averaging.function, na.rm=TRUE),

  warning("Your design is unbalanced; make sure that this is really what you want!\n")

  if(is.null(reference) || reference=="")
    stop("In unbalanced design, reference cannot be NULL or ''", here, call.=TRUE)

  ### else: do full limma model
  targets <- maInfo(maTargets(data.norm.sorted))

  design <- .set.design(targets, reference, verbose)
  if(verbose) {

  data.limma <- new("MAList", list(M=Mavg, A=Aavg, weights=matrix(1, n.unique, n.slides),
                                   printer=list(ndups=1, spacing=1),
  if (verbose) { print("fitting linear model ...")}
  fit <- lmFit(data.limma, design)
  { d <- unique(fit$coefficients[,"Dye"])
    if(length(d)==1) {
      stop("All dyebiases are ", d,
           ", this can't be right. You probably had a 'Coefficients not estimable'-error",
           here, call. =TRUE)

  efit <- eBayes(fit)
  results <- .limma.to.dataframe(efit)
  if(verbose) {
    print("intrinsic GSDB's:\n")
    print(summary(results$Coef.Dye))    # name 'Dye' comes from design
  if(verbose) {
    print("Done estimating the intrinsic gene-specific dyebiases.")
  final <- data.frame(reporterId = results$Genes.reporterId,
                      dyebias = results$Coef.Dye,

}                                       # dyebias.estimate.iGSDBs

dyebias.apply.correction <-  function
 ) {  
  here <- ", in dyebias.R:dyebias.apply.correction"

                          wanted.columns=c("reporterId", "dyebias", "A"),

  { d <- unique(iGSDBs$dyebias)
    if(length(d) == 1 && d != 0.00 ) {
      stop("All dyebiases have the same value:", d, ". Refusing to apply correction", here)
  if(any(duplicated(iGSDBs$reporterId))) {
    stop("table of intrinsic GSDB's contains duplicates, which confuses me greatly", here)

  if(length(application.subset)==1) {
    application.subset <- matrix(TRUE, nrow=nrow(maM(data.norm)),
  } else if ( length(application.subset) == maNspots(data.norm) )   {
    application.subset <- rep(application.subset, maNsamples(data.norm))
    dim(application.subset) <- dim(maM(data.norm))
  } else if ( !all(dim(application.subset) == dim(maM(data.norm)) ))  {
    stop("wrong dimensions for application.subset argument")

  ##  reporter.info <- maInfo(maGnames(data.norm))
  reporter.info <- data.frame(reporterId=maLabels(maGnames(data.norm)),

  ## put (replace) the dyebiases into reporter.info. If we don't have an iGSDB, make it zero
  reporter.info$dyebias <- NULL
  reporter.info$rank <- 1:length(reporter.info[[1]])
  reporter.info <- merge(reporter.info, iGSDBs, by="reporterId", all.x=TRUE)
  reporter.info[ is.na(reporter.info$dyebias), "dyebias"] <- 0.00
  reporter.info <- reporter.info[order(reporter.info$rank),] # sort back to original order
  reporter.info$rank <- NULL

#   if( is.null(iGSDBs$avgexpr) || all(iGSDBs$avgexpr == 0.00)) { 
#      if(verbose) {
#         print("average expression missing or deliberately ignored, basing on actual data")
#      }    
#      ......
#   }

  estimators <- .find.estimators(reporter.info=reporter.info,
  n.slides <- length(maInfo(maTargets(data.norm))[[1]])
##  slide.names <- maLabels(maTargets(data.norm))

  n.spots <- maNspots(data.norm)

  Mcor <- matrix(0, n.spots, n.slides)
  Rcor <- matrix(0, n.spots, n.slides)
  Gcor <- matrix(0, n.spots, n.slides)

  summary <- data.frame(slide=rep(0, n.slides), #length also applies to other columns

  for (i in 1:n.slides) {
    file <- maLabels(maTargets(data.norm))[i]

    if (verbose) {
      print(sprintf("Dyebias correcting slide %d (%s)...\n",i, file))
    ## actual dye effects of the bottom/top 5% percentile reporters on this slide:

    slide.corrections.green = maM(data.norm)[ estimators$green.subset, i] / estimators$green.iGSDBs
    slide.correction.green = median(slide.corrections.green, na.rm=TRUE) # for convience
    slide.corrections.red =   maM(data.norm)[ estimators$red.subset,   i] / estimators$red.iGSDBs
    slide.correction.red =   median(slide.corrections.red,na.rm=TRUE)
    slide.correction.avg <- median( c(slide.corrections.green, slide.corrections.red ), na.rm=TRUE)
    ## (old code used ratio of medians rather than median of ratios; see code before 22 apr 2009)

    if(verbose) { 
      print(sprintf("Estimated slide factor\n: green based: %g, red based: %g\nAverage correction %g\n",
                    slide.correction.green, slide.correction.red, slide.correction.avg))

    excluded <- !application.subset[,i]
    if( length(excluded) > 0) {
      if(verbose) {
        print(sprintf("Excluding %d out of %d spots from dyebias correction\n",
                      sum(excluded), n.spots))

    ## finally, apply the correction:
    Mcor[ !excluded, i ] <- maM(data.norm[ !excluded, i]) -
      as.matrix(reporter.info[ !excluded, "dyebias"] * slide.correction.avg)
    Mcor[  excluded, i ] <- maM(data.norm[excluded,i])

    var.ratio.included <- (sd(Mcor[!excluded,i], na.rm=TRUE) / sd(maM(data.norm)[!excluded,i], na.rm=TRUE))^2
    p.value <- (var.test(Mcor[!excluded, i], maM(data.norm)[!excluded, i]))$p.value
    ## Levene test (more robust with non-Normal distributions) always gives even lower
    ## p-values (!)
    reduction.perc <- 100*(1.0-var.ratio.included)

    if(verbose) {
      print(sprintf("variance ratio (i.e. corrected/uncorrected): %.3g\nOveral reduction in variance is %.1f %% (p=%.3g)\n",
                    var.ratio.included, reduction.perc, p.value))

    summary[i,] <- list(i, 
    Rcor[,i] <- 2^(maA(data.norm[,i]) + 0.5*Mcor[,i])
    Gcor[,i] <- 2^(maA(data.norm[,i]) - 0.5*Mcor[,i])

    if (verbose) {
      print(sprintf("Done correcting slide %d (%s)\n",i, file))
  } ## i in 1:nslides

  data.dyecorr <- data.norm             #start with existing object, then modify it

  maM(data.dyecorr) <- Mcor
  maA(data.dyecorr) <- maA(data.norm)
  if (is(data.norm, "marrayNormExt") ) {
    ## our own marray subclass 'marrayNormExt' has "maR<-" and "maG<-"
    ## functions, which will set the corresponding
    ## slots (absent in the 'real' marray).
    ## These errors can therefore be ignored when running R CMD check
    maR(data.dyecorr) <- Rcor           
    maG(data.dyecorr) <- Gcor          

  ##  maLabels(maTargets(data.dyecorr)) <- slide.names

  if(verbose) {
    print("Done dyebias-correcting the slides. Summary of the variance-reduction percentages:\n")

}                                      # dyebias.apply.correction

dyebias.application.subset <- function
 ) { 
  here <- ", in utils.R:dyebias.application.subset"

  n.slides <- length(maInfo(maTargets(data.raw))[[1]])

  subset <- matrix(TRUE, nrow=maNspots(data.raw), ncol=maNsamples(data.raw) )

  for (i in 1:n.slides) {

    if(use.background) {

      if  (  all(  dim(maRb(data.raw)) == 0 ) 
           || all(  dim(maGb(data.raw)) == 0 ) ) {
        stop("use.background==TRUE but no weights are available", here)
      unmeasurable <- ( ( maRf(data.raw)[,i] / maRb(data.raw)[,i] < min.SNR)
                       | (maGf(data.raw)[,i] / maGb(data.raw)[,i] < min.SNR))
    } else {                            #estimate it from min. foreground:
      minRf <- min(maRf(data.raw)[,i])
      minGf <- min(maGf(data.raw)[,i])
      unmeasurable <- (( maRf(data.raw[,i]) / minRf < min.SNR)
                       | (maGf(data.raw[,i]) / minGf < min.SNR))

    saturated <- (maRf(data.raw[,i]) > 2^maxA | maGf(data.raw[,i]) > 2^maxA )
    excluded <- unmeasurable | saturated
    subset[excluded, i] = FALSE

}                           #dyebias.application.subset

## --- support routines, not exported

.check.required.columns <- function
## simple checking function
(frame, wanted.columns, error.suffix) {
  for (col in wanted.columns) {
    if (is.null(frame[, col])) {
      stop(sprintf("column '%s' is missing. Columns found: %s.%s",
                   col, paste(names(frame),collapse=" "), error.suffix), call. = TRUE)
}                           #.check.required.columns

.find.estimators <- function
## returns a list( {green,red}.{ids,cutoff,subset,effect} of 
## reporters (and effects) having the strongest intrinsic gene-specific dye bias.
## These reporters and values are used to estimate the slide bias.
 estimator.subset=TRUE,          # subset of reporters to consider as estimators
 dyebias.percentile=5, # The percentile of iGSDB's to use for estimating the slide bias.
 minA.abs=NULL,                         # genes with average A lower than minA.abs or 
 maxA.abs=NULL,                         # higher than maxAbs are never used as slide bias
 minmaxA.perc=25,                       # estimators. If minmaxA.perc is given, a percentile
 verbose=FALSE                              # is used.
 ) {
  here <- ", in: dyebias.R: .find.estimators"

  if(is.null(estimator.subset)) {
    estimator.subset <- TRUE;                        #i.e.all
  } else { 
    if( (length(estimator.subset) > 1 ) &&
       length(reporter.info[[1]]) != length(estimator.subset)) {
      stop(sprintf("length estimator.subset: %d length reporter.info: %d; expected to be  to be of equal length",
                   length(reporter.info[[1]]), length(estimator.subset)), here, call. =TRUE)

  if ( !is.null(minA.abs) ) { 
    minA <- minA.abs
  } else {
    minA <- quantile( reporter.info[ estimator.subset , "A"], probs=0.01*minmaxA.perc, na.rm=TRUE )

  if ( !is.null(maxA.abs) ) { 
    maxA <- maxA.abs
  } else {
    maxA <- quantile( reporter.info[ estimator.subset , "A"], probs=(1-0.01*minmaxA.perc), na.rm=TRUE )
  if(verbose) {
    print(sprintf("Average log2(signal) for estimator genes: min=%g, max=%g\nExcluding those outside %g < A < %g\n",
                  min(reporter.info[,"A"]), max(reporter.info[,"A"]),
                  minA, maxA))

  rightrange <- (reporter.info$A > minA & reporter.info$A < maxA)
  subset <- ( estimator.subset & rightrange)
  large.dyebias.cutoff.green = quantile( reporter.info[ subset , "dyebias"], probs=0.01*dyebias.percentile, na.rm=TRUE ) 
  large.dyebias.cutoff.red = quantile( reporter.info[ subset , "dyebias"], probs= (1- 0.01*dyebias.percentile), na.rm=TRUE) 

  large.dyebias.green.ids = reporter.info[ (subset & reporter.info$dyebias < large.dyebias.cutoff.green), "reporterId"]
  large.dyebias.red.ids = reporter.info[ (subset & reporter.info$dyebias > large.dyebias.cutoff.red), "reporterId"]

  green.subset = reporter.info$reporterId %in% large.dyebias.green.ids
  red.subset = reporter.info$reporterId %in% large.dyebias.red.ids

  if (sum(green.subset) < 10 ) {
    stop("could not find enough green estimator genes", here, call. = TRUE)
  if (sum(red.subset) < 10 ) {
    stop("could not find enough red estimator genes", here, call. = TRUE)

    green.ids = large.dyebias.green.ids
    , green.cutoff = large.dyebias.cutoff.green
    , green.subset = green.subset
    , green.iGSDBs = reporter.info[ green.subset , "dyebias"]
    , red.ids = large.dyebias.red.ids
    , red.cutoff = large.dyebias.cutoff.red
    , red.subset = red.subset
    , red.iGSDBs = reporter.info[ red.subset , "dyebias"]

  if(verbose) {
    print(sprintf("Top %g %% reporters (%d spots; %d of them candidates, %d of them in the right range, %d both) used to estimate the slide bias:\n\tgreen:\tcutoff: %g, nprobes: %d (%d spots)\n\tred:\tcutoff: %g, nprobes: %d (%d spots)\n",
                  dyebias.percentile, length(reporter.info[[1]]), sum(estimator.subset), sum(rightrange), sum(subset), 
                  strongest$green.cutoff, length(strongest$green.ids), sum(strongest$green.subset), 
                  strongest$red.cutoff,   length(strongest$red.ids),   sum(strongest$red.subset)
  return( strongest)
}                                     # .find.estimators

.average.replicates <- function
## average replicate spots within one slide.
(frame,                                 #has to have columns "id" and "value"
 averaging.function=mean) {             #(median is much slower!)
  here <- "dyebias.R: .average.replicates"

  avg.data <- tapply(frame[, "value"], frame[, "id"], averaging.function, na.rm=TRUE)
  ids = rownames(avg.data)
  if (! all(order(ids) ==  1:length(ids))) { 
    stop("averaging mixed up the id's", here, call. = TRUE)

  ## mean of a factor level with only NA's becomes NaN, which is bit useless; make them NA's:
  avg.data[ is.nan(avg.data)] <- NA
}                                       #average.replicates

.limma.to.dataframe <- function(fit, results = NULL, digits = 3, adjust = "none") {

  ## my.is <- function(thing, expected.class) # see revision. 3338 and earlier

  if (!is(fit, "MArrayLM"))
    stop("fit should be an MArrayLM object")

  if (!is.null(results) && !is(results, "TestResults"))
    stop("results should be a TestResults object")

  if (is.null(fit$t) || is.null(fit$p.value))
    fit <- eBayes(fit)
  p.value <- as.matrix(fit$p.value)
  for (j in 1:ncol(p.value)) p.value[, j] <- p.adjust(p.value[,j], method = adjust)

  rn <- function(x, digits) {
    if (is.null(x))
      round(x, digits=digits)

  ### note: weird way of doing this, but needed to preserve the structure
  tab <- list()
  tab$A <- rn(fit$Amean, digits = digits - 1)

  ## following three 'columns'  (i.e. Coef, t and p.value) have as many 'sub-columns'
  ## as there are effects. So the "mutVSwt" effect will end up in 
  ## tab$Coef.mutVSwt, tab$t.mutVSwt and tab$p.value.mutVSwt, etc.
  tab$Coef <- rn(fit$coefficients, digits = digits)
  tab$t <- rn(fit$t, digits = digits - 1)
  tab$p.value <- rn(p.value, digits = digits + 2)

  ## HOWEVER, if there's just one effect (say mutVSwt), there is an R-(or limma) bug that results in
  ## completely wrong column names (i.e.
  ##   A mutVSwt mutVSwt.1 mutVSwt.2 F F.p.value Genes.Name Genes.rid
  ## rather than
  ##   A p.value.mutVSwt t.mutVSwt p.value.mutVSwt F F.p.value Genes.Name Genes.rid
  ## i.e. they seem to be overwritten #$%^&*). Solve this by redoing the 
  ## assignment explicitly for this case:
  if (ncol(fit$design) == 1) {
    tab$Coef =NULL
    tab$t =NULL
    tab$p.value =NULL


    colname=paste("Coef",effect.name, sep=".")
    tab[[ colname ]]= as.vector(rn(fit$coefficients, digits = digits))

    colname=paste("t",effect.name, sep=".")
    tab[[ colname ]]= as.vector(rn(fit$t, digits = digits))

    colname=paste("p.value",effect.name, sep=".")
    tab[[ colname ]]= as.vector(rn(fit$p.value, digits = digits))

  ### following is single columns
  tab$F <- rn(fit$F, digits = digits - 1)
  tab$F.p.value <- rn(fit$F.p.value, digits = digits + 2)

  tab$Res <- unclass(results)

  ### Genes consist of sub-columns Name, rid and Controls:
  tab$Genes <- fit$genes
  return(data.frame(tab, check.names=FALSE, stringsAsFactor=FALSE));
} ## .limma.to.dataframe

.set.design <- function (targets, reference, verbose) {
  ## finds design to be used
  here <- ", in dyebias.R: set.design"
  n.slides <- length(targets[[1]])

  if (length(reference)==1) {
    if(verbose) { print("Found common-reference design") } 
    design <- modelMatrix(targets, ref=reference)
    return(cbind(design, Dye=1))
  if(verbose) { print("Found set-of-common-references design") } 
  ## see if all refs and non-refs (which have must have ref as a prefix)
  ## sum up properly:
  cy.any <- c(as.character(targets$Cy3), as.character(targets$Cy5))
  ## since they may be factors, see mail by Guido Hooiveld
  list <- apply(as.array(paste("^",reference, sep="")), 1,
  if ( do.call("sum", args=lapply(list, length))  != 2*n.slides) {
    stop("Problem with naming of non-reference samples: must all start with reference name",
         here, call.= TRUE)
  ## (other errors are caught by modelMatrix)
  sub.matrices <- lapply( as.list(reference), 
                         function(ref){modelMatrix( targets[grep(sprintf("^%s",ref), as.character(targets$Cy3)),], ref=ref)}) 
  design <- do.call("blockDiag", args=sub.matrices)

  if(sum(abs(design)) != n.slides) {
    stop("Problem with design: sum(absolute(design)) != n.slides", here, call.= TRUE)

  # see if we have at least one dye swap
  missing.orientations <- unlist(apply(design, 2, function(col){setdiff(c(-1,1),unique(col));}))
  if (length(missing.orientations) > 0) { 
    stop("Problem with design: following reference group miss one of the dye orientations:\n",
         paste(names(missing.orientations)) , "\n")
  design <- cbind(design, "Dye" = rep(1,n.slides))
  return(design[order(rownames(design)), ]) 
}                                       # .set.design

.check.reporter.labels <- function(data) {
  is <- length(unique(maLabels(maGnames(data))))
  at.least <- floor(maNspots(data) / 10) # random 

  if ( is < at.least ) {
    stop(sprintf("plotfunctions.R: found %d labels for the reporters, expected at least some %d", is, at.least, call.=TRUE))

.check.slide.labels <- function(data) {
  should <- maNsamples(data)
  is <- length(unique(maLabels(maTargets(data))))

  if ( is != should) {
    stop(sprintf("plotfunctions.R: found %d labels for the slides, expected %d", is, should, call.=TRUE))
}                                       # .check.slide.labels

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