
Defines functions rbokehPlotEset

Documented in rbokehPlotEset

#' visualize and \link{esetPlot} with the the 'rbokeh' package
#' @param object object of class \link{esetPlot}
#' @return \code{rbokeh} plot
#' @author Laure Cougnaud
rbokehPlotEset <- function(object){

	esetMethods <- getMethodsInputObjectEsetVis(object@eset)
	if(!requireNamespace("rbokeh", quietly = TRUE))
		stop(paste("The package 'rbokeh' need to be loaded to create",
			"interactive plots with rbokeh."))
	if(length(object@alphaVar) > 0 && is.factor(esetMethods$pData(object@eset)[, object@alphaVar])){
		warning("The transparency aesthetic (alpha) is not ",
			"yet implemented for factors in rbokeh interactive plot, ",
			"so no transparency is used.")
		alphaVar <- NULL; alpha <- 1
	}else{alphaVar <- object@alphaVar; alpha <- object@alpha}
	# bind data samples with annotation
	dataPlotSamplesWithAnnotation <- getDataPlotSamplesWithAnnotation(object)
	#define axes limits
	axesLimits <- getAxesLimits(object)
	## create empty figure
	argsFigure <- c(
			list(width = object@sizePlot[1], 
				height = object@sizePlot[2]
		if(object@title != "") list(title = object@title),
		if(object@xlab != "")	list(xlab = object@xlab),
		if(object@ylab != "")	list(ylab = object@ylab),
		if(length(axesLimits) > 0)	
			list(xlim = axesLimits[, "x"], ylim = axesLimits[, "y"]),
		list(xgrid = FALSE, ygrid = FALSE)
	g <- do.call(rbokeh::figure, argsFigure)
	# add axes limits
	## gene plot first
	if(object@cloudGenes & nrow(object@dataPlotGenes) > 0){
		# can only specify color as palette for color ramp: don't use white at lower palette
		paletteFctUsed <- colorRampPalette(
			c(colorRampPalette(c("white", object@cloudGenesColor))(10)[2], object@cloudGenesColor))
		hoverGenes <- object@dataPlotGenes
		hoverGenes[, c("X", "Y")] <- round(hoverGenes[, c("X", "Y")], digits = 2)
		g <- rbokeh::ly_hexbin(
			fig = g, 
			x = object@dataPlotGenes$X, 
			y = object@dataPlotGenes$Y,
			xbins = object@cloudGenesNBins, 
			palette = paletteFctUsed, trans = sqrt,
			hover = hoverGenes
		)#, alpha = 0.8
	## samples plot
	# need to remove NA values for glyph?
	varsPlot <- c(object@colorVar, object@shapeVar, object@sizeVar)
	if(length(varsPlot) > 0){
		idxRowsKept <- rowSums(is.na(dataPlotSamplesWithAnnotation[, varsPlot, drop = FALSE])) == 0
		dataPlotWithAnnotationWthtNA <- dataPlotSamplesWithAnnotation[idxRowsKept, ]
	}else	dataPlotSamplesWithAnnotation
	# possible to specify a data.frame for the hoover, 
	# so add additional variables if requested
	# remove variable if already present in the data
	# (so should have the same name several times)
	tooltipVars <- if(length(object@tooltipVars) > 0){
			!object@tooltipVars %in%  colnames(dataPlotWithAnnotationWthtNA)]
	}else character()
	hoverDf <- if(object@includeTooltip){
		hoverDf <- dataPlotWithAnnotationWthtNA
		hoverDf[, c("X", "Y")] <- round(hoverDf[, c("X", "Y")], digits = 2)
		if(length(tooltipVars) > 0){
			hoverDf <- cbind.data.frame(hoverDf, 
				esetMethods$pData(object@eset)[as.character(hoverDf$sampleName), tooltipVars]
			colnames(hoverDf) <- c(colnames(dataPlotWithAnnotationWthtNA), tooltipVars)
		# remove redundant column
		hoverDf <- as.data.frame(t(unique(t(hoverDf))))
	}else	NULL
	# samples plot
	color <- if(length(object@colorVar) > 0)	object@colorVar	else	object@color
	glyph <- if(length(object@shapeVar) > 0)	object@shapeVar	else	object@shape
	size <- if(length(object@sizeVar) > 0)	object@sizeVar	else	object@size
	alpha <- if(length(alphaVar) > 0)	alphaVar	else	alpha
	g <- rbokeh::ly_points(
		fig = g,
		data = dataPlotWithAnnotationWthtNA,
		x = "X", y = "Y",
		hover = hoverDf,
		#lname = "sample",
		legend = object@includeLegend,
		color = color,
		glyph = glyph,
		size = size,
		alpha = alpha
	## add horizontal/vertical lines
		g <- rbokeh::ly_abline(fig = g, v = 0, type = 2)
	g <- rbokeh::ly_abline(fig = g, h = 0, type = 2)
	# TODO: add custom palettes when will be available in rbokeh

Try the esetVis package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

esetVis documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 4:51 p.m.