
#'@title Estimate Normalization Factors for GC content Bias Correction.
#'@param sep a \code{\link{SummarizedExomePeak}} object returned by \code{\link{exomePeak2}} or \code{\link{exomePeakCalling}}.
#'@param txdb a \code{\link{TxDb}} object for the transcript annotation,
#' If the \code{TxDb} object is not available, it could be a \code{character} string of the UCSC genome name which is acceptable by \code{\link{makeTxDbFromUCSC}}, example: \code{"hg19"}.
#'@param gff_dir optional, a \code{character} which specifies the directory toward a gene annotation GFF/GTF file, it is applied when the \code{TxDb} object is not available, default \code{= NULL}.
#'@param bsgenome a \code{\link{BSgenome}} object for the genome reference,
#' If the \code{BSgenome} object is not available, it could be a \code{character} string of the UCSC genome name which is acceptable by \code{\link{getBSgenome}}, example: \code{"hg19"}.
#'@param fragment_length a positive integer number for the expected fragment length in nucleotides; default \code{= 100}.
#'@param binding_length a positive integer number for the expected binding length of the anti-modification antibody in IP samples; default \code{= 25}.
#'@param feature a \code{character} specifies the region used in the GC content linear effect estimation, can be one in \code{c("Background","All","Modification")}; default is \code{"Background"}.
#'  \item{\strong{\code{Background}}}{
#'  The GC content linear effects will be estimated on the background regions.
#'  By default, the background is defined as the exon regions not overlapping with peaks / modification sites flanked by the fragment length.
#'  You could select alternative background finding methods with \code{background} at \code{\link{exomePeakCalling}}.
#'  }
#'  \item{\strong{\code{Modification}}}{
#'  The GC content linear effects will be estimated on the regions of modification peaks/sites.
#'  }
#'  \item{\strong{\code{All}}}{
#'  The GC content linear effects will be estimated on all regions, i.e. both the region of modification and the background control regions.
#'  }
#' }
#'@param qtnorm a \code{logical} of whether to perform subset quantile normalization after the GC content linear effect correction; default \code{= FALSE}.
#' If \code{qtnorm = TRUE}, subset quantile normalization will be applied within the IP and input samples seperately to account for the inherent differences between the marginal distributions of IP and input samples.
#'@param effective_GC a \code{logical} of whether to calculate the effective GC content weighted by the fragment alignment probabilities; default \code{= FALSE}.
#'@description \code{normalizeGC} estimates the feature specific size factors in order to reduce the technical variation during modification peak statistics quantification.
#'PCR amplication bias related to GC content is a major source of technical variation in RNA-seq.
#'The GC content biases are usually correlated within the same laboratory environment, and this will result in the batch effect between different studies.
#'The GC content normalization can result in an improvement of peak accuracy for most published m6A-seq data,
#'and it is particullarly recommended if you want to compare the quantifications on methylation levels between different laboratory conditions.
#'@return a \code{SummarizedExomePeak} object with the updated slot \code{GCsizeFactors}.
#' ### Load the example SummarizedExomPeak object
#' f1 = system.file("extdata", "sep_ex_mod.rds", package="exomePeak2")
#' sep <- readRDS(f1)
#' ### Normalize the GC content biases
#' sep <- normalizeGC(sep)
#'@import SummarizedExperiment
#'@import cqn
#'@importFrom BSgenome getBSgenome
#'@docType methods
#'@seealso \code{\link{estimateSeqDepth}}
#'@aliases normalizeGC
#'@rdname normalizeGC-methods

                                 bsgenome = NULL,
                                 txdb = NULL,
                                 gff_dir = NULL,
                                 fragment_length = 100,
                                 binding_length = 25,
                                 feature = c("Background","Modification","All"),
                                 qtnorm = FALSE,
                                 effective_GC = FALSE
                                 ) {
feature <- match.arg(feature)

#check if the sep object is abscent of the collumn wised size factors.
if(is.null(colData( sep )$sizeFactor)){
  sep <- estimateSeqDepth(sep)

if(any(is.null(elementMetadata( sep )$GC_content),
          is.null(elementMetadata( sep )$feature_length))) {

if(is.null(bsgenome)) {
stop("Require BSgenome objects in GC size factor estimaton.")

if(!is.null(gff_dir)) {
  txdb <- makeTxDbFromGFF(gff_dir)
} else {
  if (is.null(txdb)) {
    stop("require transcript annotation in either GTF/GFF file or txdb object.")

  if (!is(txdb, "TxDb")) {
    txdb <- makeTxDbFromUCSC(txdb)

bsgenome <- getBSgenome(bsgenome)

#retrieve the vector of the exon level GC content from Genome.

elementMetadata( sep ) <- GC_content_over_grl(
                                      bsgenome = bsgenome,
                                      txdb = txdb,
                                      grl = rowRanges( sep ),
                                      fragment_length = fragment_length,
                                      binding_length = binding_length,
                                      effective_GC = effective_GC


#Reserve any potential NA in the GC_content vector
GC_size_factors <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(sep), ncol = ncol(sep))

rownames(GC_size_factors) = rownames(sep)

GC_na_index <- is.na(elementMetadata( sep )$GC_content)

if(feature == "All"){
  Subindex = which( rowMeans(assay(sep)[!GC_na_index,]) > 50 )
} else {
  if(feature == "Modification") {
    Subindex = which( rowMeans(assay(sep)[!GC_na_index,]) > 50 & grepl("mod",rownames(sep))[!GC_na_index] )
    Subindex = which( rowMeans(assay(sep)[!GC_na_index,]) > 50 & grepl("control",rownames(sep))[!GC_na_index] )

if(length(Subindex) < 10) Subindex = which( rowMeans(assay(sep)[!GC_na_index,]) > 50 )

if(!qtnorm) {

cqnObject <- quiet( suppressMessages(
                                     lengths = elementMetadata( sep )$feature_length[!GC_na_index],
                                     lengthMethod = "fixed",
                                     x = elementMetadata( sep )$GC_content[!GC_na_index],
                                     subindex = Subindex,
                                     sizeFactors = sep$sizeFactor,
                                     sqn = qtnorm,
                                     verbose = FALSE) )

GC_size_factors[!GC_na_index,] <- cqnObject$glm.offset

assays(sep, withDimnames=FALSE)$GCsizeFactors <- GC_size_factors

} else {

cqnObject_IP <- quiet(  suppressMessages(
                                     cqn(assay(sep)[!GC_na_index, sep$design_IP],
                                     lengths = elementMetadata( sep )$feature_length[!GC_na_index],
                                     lengthMethod = "fixed",
                                     x = elementMetadata( sep )$GC_content[!GC_na_index],
                                     subindex = Subindex,
                                     sizeFactors = sep$sizeFactor[sep$design_IP],
                                     sqn = qtnorm,
                                     verbose = FALSE)

cqnObject_input <-  quiet( suppressMessages(
                                      cqn(assay(sep)[!GC_na_index, !sep$design_IP],
                                      lengths = elementMetadata( sep )$feature_length[!GC_na_index],
                                      lengthMethod = "fixed",
                                      x = elementMetadata( sep )$GC_content[!GC_na_index],
                                      subindex = Subindex,
                                      sizeFactors = sep$sizeFactor[!sep$design_IP],
                                      sqn = qtnorm,
                                      verbose = FALSE)

GC_size_factors[!GC_na_index,sep$design_IP] <- cqnObject_IP$glm.offset

GC_size_factors[!GC_na_index,!sep$design_IP] <- cqnObject_input$glm.offset

rm(cqnObject_IP, cqnObject_input)

assays(sep, withDimnames=FALSE)$GCsizeFactors <- GC_size_factors




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exomePeak2 documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:27 p.m.