# This file was automatically generated by SWIG (
# Version 1.3.40
# Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify
# the SWIG interface file instead.
## Generated via the command line invocation:
## swig -c++ -r -o spams.cpp spams.i
# srun.swg #
# This is the basic code that is needed at run time within R to
# provide and define the relevant classes. It is included
# automatically in the generated code by copying the contents of
# srun.swg into the newly created binding code.
# This could be provided as a separate run-time library but this
# approach allows the code to to be included directly into the
# generated bindings and so removes the need to have and install an
# additional library. We may however end up with multiple copies of
# this and some confusion at run-time as to which class to use. This
# is an issue when we use NAMESPACES as we may need to export certain
# classes.
if(length(getClassDef("RSWIGStruct")) == 0)
setClass("RSWIGStruct", representation("VIRTUAL"))
if(length(getClassDef("ExternalReference")) == 0)
# Should be virtual but this means it loses its slots currently
setClass("ExternalReference", representation( ref = "externalptr"))
if(length(getClassDef("NativeRoutinePointer")) == 0)
representation(parameterTypes = "character",
returnType = "character",
contains = "ExternalReference")
if(length(getClassDef("CRoutinePointer")) == 0)
setClass("CRoutinePointer", contains = "NativeRoutinePointer")
if(length(getClassDef("EnumerationValue")) == 0)
setClass("EnumerationValue", contains = "integer")
function(value, obj = new(gsub("Ref$", "", class(value))))
setGeneric("delete", function(obj) standardGeneric("delete"))
SWIG_createNewRef =
function(className, ..., append = TRUE)
f = get(paste("new", className, sep = "_"), mode = "function")
function(value, obj = SWIG_createNewRef(class(value)))
defineEnumeration =
function(name, .values, where = topenv(parent.frame()), suffix = "Value")
# Mirror the class definitions via the E analogous to .__C__
defName = paste(".__E__", name, sep = "")
assign(defName, .values, envir = where)
name = paste(name, suffix, sep = "")
setClass(name, contains = "EnumerationValue", where = where)
enumToInteger <- function(name,type)
if (is.character(name)) {
ans <- as.integer(get(paste(".__E__", type, sep = ""))[name])
if ( {warning("enum not found ", name, " ", type)}
enumFromInteger =
itemlist <- get(paste(".__E__", type, sep=""))
names(itemlist)[match(i, itemlist)]
coerceIfNotSubclass =
function(obj, type)
if(!is(obj, type)) {as(obj, type)} else obj
##setClass("SWIGArray", representation(dims = "integer"), contains = "ExternalReference")
##setMethod("length", "SWIGArray", function(x) x@dims[1])
.values = c( "FALSE" = 0, "TRUE" = 1, "DEEP" = 2))
assert =
function(condition, message = "")
#if(FALSE) {
#print.SWIGFunction =
#function(x, ...)
# {
# }
R_SWIG_getCallbackFunctionStack =
# No PACKAGE argument as we don't know what the DLL is.
R_SWIG_addCallbackFunctionStack =
function(fun, userData = NULL)
# No PACKAGE argument as we don't know what the DLL is.
.Call("R_SWIG_R_pushCallbackFunctionData", fun, userData)
setClass('C++Reference', contains = 'ExternalReference')
## setMethod('[', "ExternalReference",
## function(x,i,j, ..., drop=TRUE)
## if (!is.null(x$"__getitem__"))
## sapply(i, function(n) x$"__getitem__"(i=as.integer(n-1))))
## setMethod('[<-' , "ExternalReference",
## function(x,i,j, ..., value)
## if (!is.null(x$"__setitem__")) {
## sapply(1:length(i), function(n)
## x$"__setitem__"(i=as.integer(i[n]-1), x=value[n]))
## x
## })
setAs('ExternalReference', 'character',
function(from) {if (!is.null(from$"__str__")) from$"__str__"()})
setMethod('print', 'ExternalReference',
function(x) {print(as(x, "character"))})
# Start of multLeftDiag
`multLeftDiag` = function(X, Y, XY)
.Call('R_swig_multLeftDiag', X, Y, XY, PACKAGE='flipflop')
attr(`multLeftDiag`, 'returnType') = 'void'
attr(`multLeftDiag`, "inputTypes") = c('_p_MatrixT_double_t', '_p_MatrixT_double_t', '_p_MatrixT_double_t')
class(`multLeftDiag`) = c("SWIGFunction", class('multLeftDiag'))
# Start of fistaFlat
`fistaFlat` = function(X, D, alpha0, alpha, num_threads, max_it, L0, fixed_step, gamma, s_lambda, delta, lambda2, lambda3, a, b, c, tol, it0, max_iter_backtracking, compute_gram, lin_admm, admm, intercept, resetflow, name_regul, name_loss, verbose, pos, clever, log, ista, subgrad, logName, is_inner_weights, inner_weights, size_group, sqrt_step, transpose, linesearch_mode)
num_threads = as.integer(num_threads)
if(length(num_threads) > 1) {
warning("using only the first element of num_threads")
max_it = as.integer(max_it)
if(length(max_it) > 1) {
warning("using only the first element of max_it")
fixed_step = as.logical(fixed_step)
it0 = as.integer(it0)
if(length(it0) > 1) {
warning("using only the first element of it0")
max_iter_backtracking = as.integer(max_iter_backtracking)
if(length(max_iter_backtracking) > 1) {
warning("using only the first element of max_iter_backtracking")
compute_gram = as.logical(compute_gram)
lin_admm = as.logical(lin_admm)
admm = as.logical(admm)
intercept = as.logical(intercept)
resetflow = as.logical(resetflow)
name_regul = as(name_regul, "character")
name_loss = as(name_loss, "character")
verbose = as.logical(verbose)
pos = as.logical(pos)
clever = as.logical(clever)
log = as.logical(log)
ista = as.logical(ista)
subgrad = as.logical(subgrad)
logName = as(logName, "character")
is_inner_weights = as.logical(is_inner_weights)
size_group = as.integer(size_group)
if(length(size_group) > 1) {
warning("using only the first element of size_group")
sqrt_step = as.logical(sqrt_step)
transpose = as.logical(transpose)
linesearch_mode = as.integer(linesearch_mode)
if(length(linesearch_mode) > 1) {
warning("using only the first element of linesearch_mode")
ans = .Call('R_swig_fistaFlat', X, D, alpha0, alpha, num_threads, max_it, L0, fixed_step, gamma, s_lambda, delta, lambda2, lambda3, a, b, c, tol, it0, max_iter_backtracking, compute_gram, lin_admm, admm, intercept, resetflow, name_regul, name_loss, verbose, pos, clever, log, ista, subgrad, logName, is_inner_weights, inner_weights, size_group, sqrt_step, transpose, linesearch_mode, PACKAGE='flipflop')
class(ans) <- "_p_MatrixT_double_t"
attr(`fistaFlat`, 'returnType') = '_p_MatrixT_double_t'
attr(`fistaFlat`, "inputTypes") = c('_p_MatrixT_double_t', '_p_AbstractMatrixBT_double_t', '_p_MatrixT_double_t', '_p_MatrixT_double_t', 'integer', 'integer', 'numeric', 'logical', 'numeric', 'numeric', 'numeric', 'numeric', 'numeric', 'numeric', 'numeric', 'numeric', 'numeric', 'integer', 'integer', 'logical', 'logical', 'logical', 'logical', 'logical', 'character', 'character', 'logical', 'logical', 'logical', 'logical', 'logical', 'logical', 'character', 'logical', '_p_VectorT_double_t', 'integer', 'logical', 'logical', 'integer')
class(`fistaFlat`) = c("SWIGFunction", class('fistaFlat'))
# Start of evalPathCoding
`evalPathCoding` = function(alpha0, dual_val, precision, weights, ir, jc, start_weights, stop_weights, num_threads, lambda1, lambda2, intercept, resetflow, name_regul, verbose, pos, clever, eval, eval_dual, size_group, transpose)
if(length(precision) > 1) {
warning("using only the first element of precision")
ir = as.integer(ir)
jc = as.integer(jc)
num_threads = as.integer(num_threads)
if(length(num_threads) > 1) {
warning("using only the first element of num_threads")
intercept = as.logical(intercept)
resetflow = as.logical(resetflow)
name_regul = as(name_regul, "character")
verbose = as.logical(verbose)
pos = as.logical(pos)
clever = as.logical(clever)
eval = as.logical(eval)
eval_dual = as.logical(eval_dual)
size_group = as.integer(size_group)
if(length(size_group) > 1) {
warning("using only the first element of size_group")
transpose = as.logical(transpose)
ans = .Call('R_swig_evalPathCoding', alpha0, dual_val, precision, weights, ir, jc, start_weights, stop_weights, num_threads, lambda1, lambda2, intercept, resetflow, name_regul, verbose, pos, clever, eval, eval_dual, size_group, transpose, PACKAGE='flipflop')
class(ans) <- "_p_SpMatrixT_double_t"
attr(`evalPathCoding`, 'returnType') = '_p_SpMatrixT_double_t'
attr(`evalPathCoding`, "inputTypes") = c('_p_MatrixT_double_t', '_p_VectorT_double_t', 'integer', 'numeric', 'integer', 'integer', 'numeric', 'numeric', 'integer', 'numeric', 'numeric', 'logical', 'logical', 'character', 'logical', 'logical', 'logical', 'logical', 'logical', 'integer', 'logical')
class(`evalPathCoding`) = c("SWIGFunction", class('evalPathCoding'))
# Start of sepCostsPathCoding
`sepCostsPathCoding` = function(alpha0, alpha, weights, ir, jc, start_weights, stop_weights, max_capacity, epsilon_flow, prices, num_threads, lambda, tol, delta, loss_weights, name_regul, name_loss, pos, mode_decomposition)
ir = as.integer(ir)
jc = as.integer(jc)
num_threads = as.integer(num_threads)
if(length(num_threads) > 1) {
warning("using only the first element of num_threads")
name_regul = as(name_regul, "character")
name_loss = as(name_loss, "character")
pos = as.logical(pos)
mode_decomposition = as.integer(mode_decomposition)
if(length(mode_decomposition) > 1) {
warning("using only the first element of mode_decomposition")
ans = .Call('R_swig_sepCostsPathCoding', alpha0, alpha, weights, ir, jc, start_weights, stop_weights, max_capacity, epsilon_flow, prices, num_threads, lambda, tol, delta, loss_weights, name_regul, name_loss, pos, mode_decomposition, PACKAGE='flipflop')
class(ans) <- "_p_SpMatrixT_double_t"
attr(`sepCostsPathCoding`, 'returnType') = '_p_SpMatrixT_double_t'
attr(`sepCostsPathCoding`, "inputTypes") = c('_p_MatrixT_double_t', '_p_MatrixT_double_t', 'numeric', 'integer', 'integer', 'numeric', 'numeric', 'numeric', 'numeric', '_p_VectorT_double_t', 'integer', 'numeric', 'numeric', 'numeric', 'numeric', 'character', 'character', 'logical', 'integer')
class(`sepCostsPathCoding`) = c("SWIGFunction", class('sepCostsPathCoding'))
# Start of solverPoisson
`solverPoisson` = function(y, X, beta0, beta, weights, delta, max_iter, tol)
max_iter = as.integer(max_iter)
if(length(max_iter) > 1) {
warning("using only the first element of max_iter")
.Call('R_swig_solverPoisson', y, X, beta0, beta, weights, delta, max_iter, tol, PACKAGE='flipflop')
attr(`solverPoisson`, 'returnType') = 'void'
attr(`solverPoisson`, "inputTypes") = c('_p_VectorT_double_t', '_p_SpMatrixT_double_t', '_p_VectorT_double_t', '_p_VectorT_double_t', '_p_VectorT_double_t', 'numeric', 'integer', 'numeric')
class(`solverPoisson`) = c("SWIGFunction", class('solverPoisson'))
# Start of solverPoissonFull
`solverPoissonFull` = function(y, X, beta0, beta, weights, delta, max_iter, tol)
max_iter = as.integer(max_iter)
if(length(max_iter) > 1) {
warning("using only the first element of max_iter")
.Call('R_swig_solverPoissonFull', y, X, beta0, beta, weights, delta, max_iter, tol, PACKAGE='flipflop')
attr(`solverPoissonFull`, 'returnType') = 'void'
attr(`solverPoissonFull`, "inputTypes") = c('_p_VectorT_double_t', '_p_MatrixT_double_t', '_p_VectorT_double_t', '_p_VectorT_double_t', '_p_VectorT_double_t', 'numeric', 'integer', 'numeric')
class(`solverPoissonFull`) = c("SWIGFunction", class('solverPoissonFull'))
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