
#' @rdname weights-methods
#' @aliases weights,weights-method
setMethod("weights", signature = "fmrsfit", weights.fmrsfit)

#' @rdname residuals-methods
#' @aliases residuals,residuals-method
setMethod("residuals", signature = "fmrsfit", residuals.fmrsfit)

#' @rdname nobs-methods
#' @aliases nobs,nobs-method
setMethod("nobs", signature = "fmrsfit", nobs.fmrsfit)

#' @rdname ncov-methods
#' @aliases ncov,ncov-method
setMethod("ncov", signature = "fmrsfit", ncov.fmrsfit)

#' @rdname ncomp-methods
#' @aliases ncomp,ncomp-method
setMethod("ncomp", signature = "fmrsfit", ncomp.fmrsfit)

#' @rdname mixProp-methods
#' @aliases mixProp,mixProp-method
setMethod("mixProp", signature = "fmrsfit", mixProp.fmrsfit)

#' @rdname logLik-methods
#' @aliases logLik,logLik-method
setMethod("logLik", signature = "fmrsfit", logLik.fmrsfit)

#' @rdname fitted-methods
#' @aliases fitted,fitted-method
setMethod("fitted", signature = "fmrsfit", fitted.fmrsfit)

#' @rdname dispersion-methods
#' @aliases dispersion,dispersion-method
setMethod("dispersion", signature = "fmrsfit", dispersion.fmrsfit)

#' @rdname coefficients-methods
#' @aliases coefficients,coefficients-method
setMethod("coefficients", signature = "fmrsfit", coefficients.fmrsfit)

#' @rdname BIC-methods
#' @aliases BIC,BIC-method
setMethod("BIC", signature = "fmrsfit", BIC.fmrsfit)

#' @rdname summary-methods
#' @aliases summary,summary-method
setMethod("summary", signature = "fmrsfit", summary.fmrsfit)

#' @rdname summary-methods
#' @aliases summary,summary-method
setMethod("summary", signature = "fmrstunpar", summary.fmrstunpar)

#' @rdname show-methods
#' @aliases show,show-method
setMethod("show", "fmrsfit", function(object){
    if (object@model == "FMR") {
        modelfmr = "Finite Mixture of Regression Models"
    } else if (object@disFamily == "lnorm") {
        modelfmr = "Finite Mixture of Accelerated Failure Time Regression Models
    Log-Normal Sub-Distributions"
    } else {
        modelfmr = "Finite Mixture of Accelerated Failure Time Regression Models
    Weibull Sub-Distributions"
    cat("An object of class '", class(object), "'\n", sep = "")
    cat(" ", modelfmr, "\n")
    cat("  ", object@ncomp, " Components; ", object@ncov, " Covariates; ", object@nobs, " samples.\n", sep = "")

#' @rdname show-methods
#' @aliases show,show-method
setMethod("show", "fmrstunpar", function(object){
    if (object@model == "FMR") {
        modelfmr = "Finite Mixture of Regression Models"
    } else if (object@disFamily == "lnorm") {
        modelfmr = "Finite Mixture of Accelerated Failure Time Regression Models
    Log-Normal Sub-Distributions"
    } else {
        modelfmr = "Finite Mixture of Accelerated Failure Time Regression Models
    Weibull Sub-Distributions"
    cat("An object of class '", class(object), "'\n", sep = "")
    cat(" ", modelfmr, "\n")
    cat("  ", object@ncomp, " Components; ", object@penFamily, " Penalty; ", sep = "")

#' @rdname fmrs.mle-methods
#' @aliases fmrs.mle-method
setMethod(f = "fmrs.mle", definition = function(y, delta, x, nComp = 2, disFamily = "lnorm", initCoeff, initDispersion, initmixProp, lambRidge = 0, nIterEM = 400, nIterNR = 2,
    conveps = 1e-08, convepsEM = 1e-08, convepsNR = 1e-08, porNR = 2, activeset) {
    if (missing(y) | !is.numeric(y))
        stop("A numeric response vector must be provided.")
    if (missing(x) | !is.numeric(x))
        stop("A numeric matrix for covariates must be provided.")
    if (missing(delta) & (disFamily != "norm"))
        stop("A censoring indicator vector with 0 or 1 values must be provided.")

    if ((nComp < 2)) {
        stop("An interger greater than 1 for the order of mixture model
    must be provided.")
    nCov = dim(x)[2]
    n = length(y)
    if (missing(initCoeff))
        initCoeff = rnorm((nCov + 1) * nComp)
    if (missing(initDispersion))
        initDispersion = rep(1, nComp)
    if (missing(initmixProp))
        initmixProp = rep(1/nComp, nComp)

    if (missing(activeset))
        activeset = matrix(1, nrow = nCov + 1, ncol = nComp)
    if (any(activeset != 0 & activeset != 1))
        stop("activeset must be a matrix of dimention nCov+1 by nComp with
    only 0 and 1 values.")

    coef0 <- matrix(c(initCoeff), nrow = nComp, ncol = nCov + 1, byrow = TRUE)

    if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
        xnames <- c("Intercept", c(paste("X", seq_len(nCov), sep = ".")))
    } else {
        xnames <- c("Intercept", colnames(x))
    comnames <- c(paste("Comp", seq_len(nComp), sep = "."))

    if (disFamily == "norm") {
        model = "FMR"
        delta = rep(1, n)
        res = .C("FMR_Norm_Surv_EM_MLE", PACKAGE = "fmrs", y = as.double(y), x = as.double(as.vector(unlist(x))), delta = as.double(delta), Lambda.Ridge = as.double(lambRidge),
            Num.Comp = as.integer(nComp), Num.Cov = as.integer(nCov), Sample.Size = as.integer(n), Num.iteration = as.integer(nIterEM), Max.iterEM.used = as.integer(0),
            Initial.Intercept = as.double(unlist(coef0[, 1])), Initial.Coefficient = as.double(unlist(t(coef0[, -1]))), Initial.Dispersion = as.double(initDispersion),
            Initial.mixProp = as.double(initmixProp), conv.eps = as.double(conveps), conv.eps.em = as.double(convepsEM), Intecept.Hat = as.double(rep(0, nComp)), Coefficient.Hat = as.double(rep(0,
                nComp * nCov)), Dispersion.Hat = as.double(rep(0, nComp)), mixProp.Hat = as.double(rep(0, nComp)), LogLikelihood = as.double(0), BIC = as.double(0),
            AIC = as.double(0), GCV = as.double(0), EBIC1 = as.double(0), EBIC5 = as.double(0), GIC = as.double(0), predict = as.double(rep(0, n * nComp)), residual = as.double(rep(0,
                n * nComp)), tau = as.double(rep(0, n * nComp)), actset = as.integer(activeset), disnorm = as.integer(1))
    } else if (disFamily == "lnorm") {
        model = "FMAFTR"
        logy = log(y)
        res = .C("FMR_Norm_Surv_EM_MLE", PACKAGE = "fmrs", y = as.double(logy), x = as.double(as.vector(unlist(x))), delta = as.double(delta), Lambda.Ridge = as.double(lambRidge),
            Num.Comp = as.integer(nComp), Num.Cov = as.integer(nCov), Sample.Size = as.integer(n), Num.iteration = as.integer(nIterEM), Max.iterEM.used = as.integer(0),
            Initial.Intercept = as.double(unlist(coef0[, 1])), Initial.Coefficient = as.double(unlist(t(coef0[, -1]))), Initial.Dispersion = as.double(initDispersion),
            Initial.mixProp = as.double(initmixProp), conv.eps = as.double(conveps), conv.eps.em = as.double(convepsEM), Intecept.Hat = as.double(rep(0, nComp)), Coefficient.Hat = as.double(rep(0,
                nComp * nCov)), Dispersion.Hat = as.double(rep(0, nComp)), mixProp.Hat = as.double(rep(0, nComp)), LogLikelihood = as.double(0), BIC = as.double(0),
            AIC = as.double(0), GCV = as.double(0), EBIC1 = as.double(0), EBIC5 = as.double(0), GIC = as.double(0), predict = as.double(rep(0, n * nComp)), residual = as.double(rep(0,
                n * nComp)), tau = as.double(rep(0, n * nComp)), actset = as.integer(activeset), disnorm = as.integer(2))

    } else if (disFamily == "weibull") {
        model = "FMAFTR"
        logy = log(y)

        res = .C("FMR_Weibl_Surv_EM_MLE", PACKAGE = "fmrs", y = as.double(logy), x = as.double(as.vector(unlist(x))), delta = as.double(delta), Lambda.Ridge = as.double(lambRidge),
            Num.Comp = as.integer(nComp), Num.Cov = as.integer(nCov), Sample.Size = as.integer(n), Num.iterationEM = as.integer(nIterEM), Num.iterationNR = as.integer(nIterNR),
            PortionNF = as.integer(porNR), Max.iterEM.used = as.integer(0), Initial.Intercept = as.double(c(coef0[, 1])), Initial.Coefficient = as.double(c(t(coef0[,
                -1]))), Initial.Dispersion = as.double(initDispersion), Initial.mixProp = as.double(initmixProp), conv.eps.em = as.double(convepsEM), Intecept.Hat = as.double(rep(0,
                nComp)), Coefficient.Hat = as.double(rep(0, nComp * nCov)), Dispersion.Hat = as.double(rep(0, nComp)), mixProp.Hat = as.double(rep(0, nComp)), LogLikelihood = as.double(0),
            BIC = as.double(0), AIC = as.double(0), GCV = as.double(0), EBIC1 = as.double(0), EBIC5 = as.double(0), GIC = as.double(0), predict = as.double(rep(0, n *
                nComp)), residual = as.double(rep(0, n * nComp)), tau = as.double(rep(0, n * nComp)), actset = as.integer(activeset))

        if (res$LogLikelihood == "NaN") {
            fmrs.mle2 <- function(y, x, delta, Lambda.Ridge, Num.Comp, Num.Cov, Sample.Size, Num.iterationEM, Num.iterationNR, PortionNF, Initial.Intercept, Initial.Coefficient,
                Initial.Dispersion, Initial.mixProp, conv.eps.em, actset) {
                x <- matrix(c(x), Sample.Size, Num.Cov)
                acs = matrix(c(actset), nCov + 1, nComp)
                new_pi0 <- pi0 <- c(Initial.mixProp)
                new_beta0 <- beta0 <- matrix(Initial.Coefficient, nCov, nComp)
                new_alpha0 <- alpha0 <- c(Initial.Intercept)
                new_sigma0 <- sigma0 <- c(Initial.Dispersion)

                phi <- matrix(0, Sample.Size, Num.Comp)
                W <- predict <- residual <- matrix(0, Sample.Size, Num.Comp)
                sumwi <- matrix(0, Num.Comp)

                emiter = 0
                CONV = 0
                while ((emiter < Num.iterationEM) & (CONV != 1)) {
                    sumwi[seq_len(Num.Comp)] = 0
                  for (i in seq_len(Sample.Size)) {
                    sumi = 0
                    for (k1 in seq_len(Num.Comp)) {
                      mui = sum(x[i, ] * beta0[, k1] * acs[-1, k1])
                      mui = mui + alpha0[k1] * acs[1, k1]
                      deni = (((1/sigma0[k1]) * exp((log(y[i]) - mui)/sigma0[k1]))^(delta[i])) * exp(-exp((log(y[i]) - mui)/sigma0[k1]))
                      if (deni == 0)
                        deni = 1e-06
                      phi[i, k1] = pi0[k1] * deni
                      sumi = sumi + phi[i, k1]
                    W[i,] = phi[i,]/sumi
                    W[i,W[i,]< 1e-10] = 1e-10
                    sumwi = sumwi + W[i,]
                    new_pi0 = sumwi/Sample.Size

                  for (k1 in seq_len(Num.Comp)) {
                    newX = x[, acs[-1, k1] == 1]
                    if (acs[1, k1] == 1) {
                      res <- survival::survreg(Surv(time = y, event = delta, type = c("right")) ~ 1 + newX, weights = W[, k1], dist = "weibull", init = c(alpha0[k1],
                        beta0[acs[-1, k1] == 1, k1]), scale = sigma0[k1], control = list(maxiter = Num.iterationNR, rel.tolerance = conv.eps.em, toler.chol = conv.eps.em,
                        iter.max = Num.iterationNR, debug = 0, outer.max = 10), parms = NULL, model = FALSE, x = FALSE, y = TRUE, robust = FALSE, score = FALSE)
                      new_alpha0[k1] <- as.double(coef(res)[1])
                      new_beta0[acs[-1, k1] == 1, k1] <- as.double(coef(res)[-1])
                      new_beta0[acs[-1, k1] == 0, k1] <- 0
                    } else {
                      res <- survival::survreg(Surv(time = y, event = delta, type = c("right")) ~ -1 + newX, weights = W[, k1], dist = "weibull", init = c(beta0[acs[-1,
                        k1] == 1, k1]), scale = sigma0[k1], control = list(maxiter = Num.iterationNR, rel.tolerance = conv.eps.em, toler.chol = conv.eps.em, iter.max = Num.iterationNR,
                        debug = 0, outer.max = 10), parms = NULL, model = FALSE, x = FALSE, y = TRUE, robust = FALSE, score = FALSE)
                      new_alpha0[k1] <- 0
                      new_beta0[acs[-1, k1] == 1, k1] <- as.double(coef(res))
                      new_beta0[acs[-1, k1] == 0, k1] <- 0
                    sumi3 = 0
                    sumi5 = 0

                    for (i in seq_len(Sample.Size)) {
                      mui = 0
                      mui = sum(x[i, ] * new_beta0[, k1] * acs[-1, k1])
                      mui = mui + new_alpha0[k1] * acs[1, k1]
                      sumi3 = sumi3 + W[i, k1] * (-delta[i]/sigma0[k1] + ((log(y[i]) - mui)/(sigma0[k1] * sigma0[k1])) * (exp((log(y[i]) - mui)/sigma0[k1]) - delta[i]))
                      sumi5 = sumi5 + W[i, k1] * (delta[i]/(sigma0[k1] * sigma0[k1]) + ((log(y[i]) - mui)/(sigma0[k1] * sigma0[k1] * sigma0[k1])) * (2 * delta[i] - (2 +
                        (log(y[i]) - mui)/sigma0[k1]) * exp((log(y[i]) - mui)/sigma0[k1])))
                    new_sigma0[k1] = sigma0[k1] - (1/sumi5) * sumi3

                  emiter = emiter + 1

                  diff = sum((new_sigma0 - sigma0)^2) + sum((new_alpha0 - alpha0)^2) + sum((new_beta0 - beta0)^2) + sum((new_pi0 - pi0)^2)
                  if (diff < conv.eps.em)
                    CONV = 1
                  sigma0 = new_sigma0
                  pi0 = new_pi0
                  alpha0 = new_alpha0
                  beta0 = new_beta0

                loglike1 = 0

                for (i in seq_len(Sample.Size)) {
                  sumi = 0
                  for (k1 in seq_len(Num.Comp)) {
                    mui = sum(x[i, ] * new_beta0[, k1] * acs[-1, k1]) + new_alpha0[k1] * acs[1, k1]
                    deni = (((1/new_sigma0[k1]) * exp((log(y[i]) - mui)/new_sigma0[k1]))^(delta[i])) * exp(-exp((log(y[i]) - mui)/new_sigma0[k1]))
                    phi[i, k1] = new_pi0[k1] * deni
                    sumi = sumi + phi[i, k1]
                  loglike1 = loglike1 + log(sumi)

                BIC = loglike1 - 0.5 * Num.Comp * Num.Cov * log(Sample.Size)
                EBIC5 = loglike1 - 0.5 * Num.Comp * Num.Cov * log(Sample.Size) - 0.5 * (Num.Comp * Num.Cov) * log(Num.Cov)
                EBIC1 = loglike1 - 0.5 * (Num.Comp * Num.Cov) * log(Sample.Size) - (Num.Comp * Num.Cov) * log(Num.Cov)
                AIC = loglike1 - (Num.Comp * Num.Cov)
                GCV = (loglike1)/(Sample.Size * (1 - Num.Comp * Num.Cov/Sample.Size)^2)
                GIC = loglike1 - 0.5 * (Num.Comp * Num.Cov) * log(Sample.Size)
                MaxEMiter = emiter

                for (i in seq_len(Sample.Size)) {
                  sumi = 0
                  for (k1 in seq_len(Num.Comp)) {
                    mui = sum(x[i, ] * new_beta0[, k1] * acs[-1, k1]) + new_alpha0[k1] * acs[1, k1]
                    deni = (((1/new_sigma0[k1]) * exp((log(y[i]) - mui)/new_sigma0[k1]))^(delta[i])) * exp(-exp((log(y[i]) - mui)/new_sigma0[k1]))
                    if (deni == 0)
                      deni = 1e-06
                    phi[i, k1] = new_pi0[k1] * deni
                    sumi = sumi + phi[i, k1]
                    W[i,] = phi[i,]/sumi

                for (k1 in seq_len(Num.Comp)) {
                  for (i in seq_len(Sample.Size)) {
                    mui = sum(x[i, ] * new_beta0[, k1] * acs[-1, k1]) + new_alpha0[k1] * acs[1, k1]
                    predict[i, k1] = exp(mui)
                    residual[i, k1] = y[i] - exp(mui)

                list(Intecept.Hat = c(new_alpha0), Coefficient.Hat = c(new_beta0), Dispersion.Hat = c(new_sigma0), mixProp.Hat = c(new_pi0), LogLikelihood = loglike1,
                  BIC = BIC, AIC = AIC, GCV = GCV, EBIC1 = EBIC1, EBIC5 = EBIC5, GIC = GIC, predict = c(predict), residual = c(residual), tau = c(W), Max.iterEM.used = MaxEMiter)

            res <- fmrs.mle2(y = as.double(y), x = c(as.double(as.vector(unlist(x)))), delta = as.double(delta), Lambda.Ridge = as.double(lambRidge), Num.Comp = as.integer(nComp),
                Num.Cov = as.integer(nCov), Sample.Size = as.integer(n), Num.iterationEM = as.integer(nIterEM), Num.iterationNR = 1, PortionNF = as.integer(porNR), Initial.Intercept = as.double(c(coef0[,
                  1])), Initial.Coefficient = as.double(c(t(coef0[, -1]))), Initial.Dispersion = as.double(initDispersion), Initial.mixProp = as.double(initmixProp),
                conv.eps.em = as.double(convepsEM), actset = as.integer(activeset))

            print("The results are based on using survreg in survival package.")

    } else {
        stop("The family of sub-distributions is not specified correctly.")

    fit <- new("fmrsfit", y = y, delta = delta, x = x, nobs = n, ncov = nCov, ncomp = nComp, coefficients = array(rbind(res$Intecept.Hat, matrix(res$Coefficient.Hat,
        nrow = nCov, byrow = FALSE)), dim = c(nCov + 1, nComp), dimnames = list(xnames, comnames)), dispersion = array(res$Dispersion.Hat, dim = c(1, nComp), dimnames = list(NULL,
        comnames)), mixProp = array(res$mixProp.Hat, dim = c(1, nComp), dimnames = list(NULL, comnames)), logLik = res$LogLikelihood, BIC = res$BIC, nIterEMconv = res$Max.iterEM.used,
        disFamily = disFamily, lambRidge = lambRidge, model = model, fitted = array(matrix(res$predict, nrow = n, byrow = FALSE), dim = c(n, nComp), dimnames = list(NULL,
            comnames)), residuals = array(matrix(res$residual, nrow = n, byrow = FALSE), dim = c(n, nComp), dimnames = list(NULL, comnames)), weights = array(matrix(res$tau,
            nrow = n, byrow = FALSE), dim = c(n, nComp), dimnames = list(NULL, comnames)), activeset = array(matrix(c(activeset), nrow = nCov + 1, byrow = FALSE), dim = c(nCov +
            1, nComp), dimnames = list(xnames, comnames)))

#' @rdname fmrs.tunsel-methods
#' @aliases fmrs.tunsel-method
setMethod(f = "fmrs.tunsel", definition = function(y, delta, x, nComp, disFamily = "lnorm", initCoeff, initDispersion, initmixProp, penFamily = "lasso", lambRidge = 0,
    nIterEM = 2000, nIterNR = 2, conveps = 1e-08, convepsEM = 1e-08, convepsNR = 1e-08, porNR = 2, gamMixPor = 1, activeset, lambMCP, lambSICA) {
    if (missing(y) | !is.numeric(y))
        stop("A numeric response vector must be provided.")
    if (missing(x) | !is.numeric(x))
        stop("A numeric matrix for covariates must be provided.")
    if (missing(delta) & (disFamily != "norm"))
        stop("A censoring indicator vector with 0 or 1 values must be provided.")

    if (missing(lambMCP))
        lambMCP = 2/(1 - max(cor(x)[cor(x) != 1]))

    if (missing(lambSICA))
        lambSICA = 5

    if ((nComp < 2)) {
        stop("An interger greater than 2 for the order of mixture model
    must be provided.")
    nCov = dim(x)[2]
    n = length(y)
    if (missing(initCoeff))
        initCoeff = rnorm((nCov + 1) * nComp)
    if (missing(initDispersion))
        initDispersion = rep(1, nComp)
    if (missing(initmixProp))
        initmixProp = rep(1/nComp, nComp)
    if (missing(activeset))
        activeset = matrix(1, nrow = nCov + 1, ncol = nComp)
    if (any(activeset != 0 & activeset != 1))
        stop("activeset must be a matrix of dimention nCov+1 by nComp with
    only 0 and 1 values.")

    coef0 <- matrix(c(initCoeff), nrow = nComp, ncol = nCov + 1, byrow = TRUE)

    if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
        xnames <- c("Intercept", c(paste("X", seq_len(nCov), sep = ".")))
    } else {
        xnames <- c("Intercept", colnames(x))
    comnames <- c(paste("Comp", seq_len(nComp), sep = "."))

    if (penFamily == "lasso")
        myPenaltyFamily = 1 else if (penFamily == "scad")
        myPenaltyFamily = 2 else if (penFamily == "mcp")
        myPenaltyFamily = 3 else if (penFamily == "sica")
        myPenaltyFamily = 4 else if (penFamily == "adplasso")
        myPenaltyFamily = 5 else if (penFamily == "hard")
        myPenaltyFamily = 6 else {
        stop("Penalty is not correctly specified.")

    if (disFamily == "norm") {
        model = "FMR"
        delta = rep(1, n)

        res = .C("FMR_Norm_Surv_CwTuneParSel", PACKAGE = "fmrs", y = as.double(y), x = as.double(as.vector(unlist(x))), delta = as.double(delta), myPenaltyFamily = as.integer(myPenaltyFamily),
            Lambda.Ridge = as.double(lambRidge), Num.Comp = as.integer(nComp), Num.Cov = as.integer(nCov), Sample.Size = as.integer(n), Initial.Intercept = as.double(c(coef0[,
                1])), Initial.Coefficient = as.double(c(t(coef0[, -1]))), Initial.Dispersion = as.double(initDispersion), Initial.mixProp = as.double(initmixProp), conv.eps = as.double(conveps),
            conv.eps.em = as.double(convepsEM), GamMixPortion = as.double(gamMixPor), Opt.Lambda = as.double(rep(0, nComp)), actset = as.integer(activeset), tuneGam1 = as.double(lambMCP),
            tuneGam1 = as.double(lambSICA))
    } else if (disFamily == "lnorm") {
        model = "FMAFTR"
        logy = log(y)
        res = .C("FMR_Norm_Surv_CwTuneParSel", PACKAGE = "fmrs", y = as.double(logy), x = as.double(as.vector(unlist(x))), delta = as.double(delta), myPenaltyFamily = as.integer(myPenaltyFamily),
            Lambda.Ridge = as.double(lambRidge), Num.Comp = as.integer(nComp), Num.Cov = as.integer(nCov), Sample.Size = as.integer(n), Initial.Intercept = as.double(c(coef0[,
                1])), Initial.Coefficient = as.double(c(t(coef0[, -1]))), Initial.Dispersion = as.double(initDispersion), Initial.mixProp = as.double(initmixProp), conv.eps = as.double(conveps),
            conv.eps.em = as.double(convepsEM), GamMixPortion = as.double(gamMixPor), Opt.Lambda = as.double(rep(0, nComp)), actset = as.integer(activeset), tuneGam1 = as.double(lambMCP),
            tuneGam1 = as.double(lambSICA))
    } else if (disFamily == "weibull") {
        model = "FMAFTR"
        logy = log(y)

        res = .C("FMR_Weibl_Surv_CwTuneParSel", PACKAGE = "fmrs", y = as.double(logy), x = as.double(as.vector(unlist(x))), delta = as.double(delta), myPenaltyFamily = as.integer(myPenaltyFamily),
            Lambda.Ridge = as.double(lambRidge), Num.Comp = as.integer(nComp), Num.Cov = as.integer(nCov), Sample.Size = as.integer(n), Initial.Intercept = as.double(c(coef0[,
                1])), Initial.Coefficient = as.double(c(t(coef0[, -1]))), Initial.Dispersion = as.double(initDispersion), Initial.mixProp = as.double(initmixProp), Num.NRiteration = as.double(nIterNR),
            Num.PortionNF = as.double(porNR), conv.eps = as.double(convepsNR), GamMixPortion = as.double(gamMixPor), Opt.Lambda = as.double(rep(0, nComp)), actset = as.integer(activeset),
            tuneGam1 = as.double(lambMCP), tuneGam1 = as.double(lambSICA))
    } else {
        stop("The family of sub-distributions is not specified correctly.")

    lambdafit <- new("fmrstunpar", ncomp = nComp, lambPen = array(res$Opt.Lambda, dim = c(1, nComp), dimnames = c(list(NULL, c(paste("Comp", seq_len(nComp), sep = "."))))),
        lambRidge = lambRidge, disFamily = disFamily, penFamily = penFamily, MCPGam = lambMCP, SICAGam = lambSICA, model = model, activeset = array(matrix(c(activeset),
            nrow = nCov + 1, byrow = FALSE), dim = c(nCov + 1, nComp), dimnames = list(xnames, comnames)))

#' @rdname fmrs.varsel-methods
#' @aliases fmrs.varsel-method
setMethod(f = "fmrs.varsel", definition = function(y, delta, x, nComp, disFamily = "lnorm", initCoeff, initDispersion, initmixProp, penFamily = "lasso", lambPen, lambRidge = 0,
    nIterEM = 2000, nIterNR = 2, conveps = 1e-08, convepsEM = 1e-08, convepsNR = 1e-08, porNR = 2, gamMixPor = 1, activeset, lambMCP, lambSICA) {
    if (missing(y) | !is.numeric(y))
        stop("A numeric response vector must be provided.")
    if (missing(x) | !is.numeric(x))
        stop("A numeric matrix for covariates must be provided.")
    if (missing(delta) & (disFamily != "norm"))
        stop("A censoring indicator vector with 0 or 1 values must be provided.")

    if (missing(lambMCP))
        lambMCP = 2/(1 - max(cor(x)[cor(x) != 1]))

    if (missing(lambSICA))
        lambSICA = 5

    if ((nComp < 2)) {
        stop("An interger greater than 2 for the order of mixture model
    must be provided.")
    nCov = dim(x)[2]
    n = length(y)
    if (missing(initCoeff))
        initCoeff = rnorm((nCov + 1) * nComp)
    if (missing(initDispersion))
        initDispersion = rep(1, nComp)
    if (missing(initmixProp))
        initmixProp = rep(1/nComp, nComp)

    if (missing(activeset))
        activeset = matrix(1, nrow = nCov + 1, ncol = nComp)
    if (any(activeset != 0 & activeset != 1))
        stop("activeset must be a matrix of dimention nCov+1 by nComp with
    only 0 and 1 values.")

    coef0 <- matrix(c(initCoeff), nrow = nComp, ncol = nCov + 1, byrow = TRUE)

    if (is.null(colnames(x))) {
        xnames <- c("Intercept", c(paste("X", seq_len(nCov), sep = ".")))
    } else {
        xnames <- c("Intercept", colnames(x))
    comnames <- c(paste("Comp", seq_len(nComp), sep = "."))

    if (penFamily == "lasso")
        myPenaltyFamily = 1 else if (penFamily == "scad")
        myPenaltyFamily = 2 else if (penFamily == "mcp")
        myPenaltyFamily = 3 else if (penFamily == "sica")
        myPenaltyFamily = 4 else if (penFamily == "adplasso")
        myPenaltyFamily = 5 else if (penFamily == "hard")
        myPenaltyFamily = 6 else {
        stop("Penalty is not correctly specified.")

    if (disFamily == "norm") {
        model = "FMR"
        delta = rep(1, n)

        res = .C("FMR_Norm_Surv_EM_VarSel", PACKAGE = "fmrs", y = as.double(y), x = as.double(as.vector(unlist(x))), delta = as.double(delta), myPenaltyFamily = as.integer(myPenaltyFamily),
            Lambda.Pen = as.double(lambPen), Lambda.Ridge = as.double(lambRidge), Num.Comp = as.integer(nComp), Num.Cov = as.integer(nCov), Sample.Size = as.integer(n),
            NumIterationEM = as.integer(nIterEM), Max.iterEM.used = as.integer(0), Initial.Intercept = as.double(c(coef0[, 1])), Initial.Coefficient = as.double(c(t(coef0[,
                -1]))), Initial.Dispersion = as.double(initDispersion), Initial.mixProp = as.double(initmixProp), conv.eps = as.double(conveps), conv.eps.em = as.double(convepsEM),
            GamMixPortion = as.double(gamMixPor), Intecept.Hat = as.double(rep(0, nComp)), Coefficient.Hat = as.double(rep(0, nComp * nCov)), Dispersion.Hat = as.double(rep(0,
                nComp)), mixProp.Hat = as.double(rep(0, nComp)), LogLikelihood = as.double(0), BIC = as.double(0), AIC = as.double(0), GCV = as.double(0), EBIC1 = as.double(0),
            EBIC5 = as.double(0), GIC = as.double(0), predict = as.double(rep(0, n * nComp)), residual = as.double(rep(0, n * nComp)), tau = as.double(rep(0, n * nComp)),
            actset = as.integer(activeset), tuneGam1 = as.double(lambMCP), tuneGam1 = as.double(lambSICA))

    } else if (disFamily == "lnorm") {
        model = "FMAFTR"
        logy = log(y)

        res = .C("FMR_Norm_Surv_EM_VarSel", PACKAGE = "fmrs", y = as.double(logy), x = as.double(as.vector(unlist(x))), delta = as.double(delta), myPenaltyFamily = as.integer(myPenaltyFamily),
            Lambda.Pen = as.double(lambPen), Lambda.Ridge = as.double(lambRidge), Num.Comp = as.integer(nComp), Num.Cov = as.integer(nCov), Sample.Size = as.integer(n),
            NumIterationEM = as.integer(nIterEM), Max.iterEM.used = as.integer(0), Initial.Intercept = as.double(c(coef0[, 1])), Initial.Coefficient = as.double(c(t(coef0[,
                -1]))), Initial.Dispersion = as.double(initDispersion), Initial.mixProp = as.double(initmixProp), conv.eps = as.double(conveps), conv.eps.em = as.double(convepsEM),
            GamMixPortion = as.double(gamMixPor), Intecept.Hat = as.double(rep(0, nComp)), Coefficient.Hat = as.double(rep(0, nComp * nCov)), Dispersion.Hat = as.double(rep(0,
                nComp)), mixProp.Hat = as.double(rep(0, nComp)), LogLikelihood = as.double(0), BIC = as.double(0), AIC = as.double(0), GCV = as.double(0), EBIC1 = as.double(0),
            EBIC5 = as.double(0), GIC = as.double(0), predict = as.double(rep(0, n * nComp)), residual = as.double(rep(0, n * nComp)), tau = as.double(rep(0, n * nComp)),
            actset = as.integer(activeset), tuneGam1 = as.double(lambMCP), tuneGam1 = as.double(lambSICA))
    } else if (disFamily == "weibull") {
        model = "FMAFTR"
        logy = log(y)

        res = .C("FMR_Weibl_Surv_EM_VarSel", PACKAGE = "fmrs", y = as.double(logy), x = as.double(as.vector(unlist(x))), delta = as.double(delta), myPenaltyFamily = as.integer(myPenaltyFamily),
            Lambda.Pen = as.double(lambPen), Lambda.Ridge = as.double(lambRidge), Num.Comp = as.integer(nComp), Num.Cov = as.integer(nCov), Sample.Size = as.integer(n),
            NumIterationEM = as.integer(nIterEM), NumIterationNR = as.integer(nIterNR), PortionNF = as.integer(porNR), Max.iterEM.used = as.integer(0), Initial.Intercept = as.double(c(coef0[,
                1])), Initial.Coefficient = as.double(c(t(coef0[, -1]))), Initial.Dispersion = as.double(initDispersion), Initial.mixProp = as.double(initmixProp), conv.eps = as.double(convepsNR),
            conv.eps.em = as.double(convepsEM), GamMixPortion = as.double(gamMixPor), Intecept.Hat = as.double(rep(0, nComp)), Coefficient.Hat = as.double(rep(0, nComp *
                nCov)), Dispersion.Hat = as.double(rep(0, nComp)), mixProp.Hat = as.double(rep(0, nComp)), LogLikelihood = as.double(0), BIC = as.double(0), AIC = as.double(0),
            GCV = as.double(0), EBIC1 = as.double(0), EBIC5 = as.double(0), GIC = as.double(0), predict = as.double(rep(0, n * nComp)), residual = as.double(rep(0, n *
                nComp)), tau = as.double(rep(0, n * nComp)), actset = as.integer(activeset), tuneGam1 = as.double(lambMCP), tuneGam1 = as.double(lambSICA))
    } else {
        stop("The family of sub-distributions is not specified correctly.")

    fit <- new("fmrsfit", y = y, delta = delta, x = x, nobs = n, ncov = nCov, ncomp = nComp, coefficients = array(rbind(res$Intecept.Hat, matrix(res$Coefficient.Hat,
        nrow = nCov, byrow = FALSE)), dim = c(nCov + 1, nComp), dimnames = list(xnames, comnames)), dispersion = array(res$Dispersion.Hat, dim = c(1, nComp), dimnames = list(NULL,
        comnames)), mixProp = array(res$mixProp.Hat, dim = c(1, nComp), dimnames = list(NULL, comnames)), logLik = res$LogLikelihood, BIC = res$BIC, nIterEMconv = res$Max.iterEM.used,
        disFamily = disFamily, penFamily = penFamily, lambPen = array(lambPen, dim = c(1, nComp), dimnames = list(NULL, comnames)), MCPGam = lambMCP, SICAGam = lambSICA,
        model = model, fitted = array(matrix(res$predict, nrow = n, byrow = FALSE), dim = c(n, nComp), dimnames = list(NULL, comnames)), residuals = array(matrix(res$residual,
            nrow = n, byrow = FALSE), dim = c(n, nComp), dimnames = list(NULL, comnames)), weights = array(matrix(res$tau, nrow = n, byrow = FALSE), dim = c(n, nComp),
            dimnames = list(NULL, comnames)), activeset = array(matrix(c(activeset), nrow = nCov + 1, byrow = FALSE), dim = c(nCov + 1, nComp), dimnames = list(xnames,

#' @rdname fmrs.gendata-methods
#' @aliases fmrs.gendata-method
setMethod(f = "fmrs.gendata", definition = function(nObs, nComp, nCov, coeff, dispersion, mixProp, rho, umax, disFamily = "lnorm") {
    if (missing(disFamily))
        disFamily = "lnorm"

    if (sum(mixProp) != 1)
        stop("The sum of mixing proportions must be 1.")
    if (sum(dispersion <= 0) != 0)
        stop("Dispersion parameters cannot be zero or negative.")
    if (rho > 1 | rho < -1)
        stop("The correlation cannot be less than -1 or greater thatn 1.")

    mu <- rep(0, nCov)
    Sigma <- matrix(seq_len(nCov), nCov, nCov)
    Sigma = rho^abs(Sigma-t(Sigma))

    X <- matrix(rnorm(nCov * nObs), nObs)
    X <- scale(X, TRUE, FALSE)
    X <- X %*% svd(X, nu = 0)$v
    X <- scale(X, FALSE, TRUE)
    eS <- eigen(Sigma, symmetric = TRUE)
    ev <- eS$values
    X <- drop(mu) + eS$vectors %*% diag(sqrt(pmax(ev, 0)), nCov) %*% t(X)
    nm <- names(mu)
    if (is.null(nm) && !is.null(dn <- dimnames(Sigma)))
        nm <- dn[[1L]]
    dimnames(X) <- list(nm, NULL)
    if (nObs == 1)
        cX = drop(X) else cX = t(X)
    cX <- scale(cX)
    colnames(cX) <- paste("X", seq_len(nCov), sep = ".")

    coef0 <- matrix(coeff, nrow = nComp, ncol = nCov + 1, byrow = TRUE)
    mixProp0 <- cumsum(mixProp)

    yobs <- c()
    c <- rep()
    dlt <- c()
    u <- c()
    tobs <- c()

    if (disFamily == "lnorm") {
        epss <- rnorm(nObs)
        u1 <- runif(nObs)
        u = sapply(seq_len(nObs), function(i){length(which(mixProp0<= u1[i])) + 1})
        yobs <- coef0[u, 1] + rowSums(coef0[u, -1] * cX) + dispersion[u] * epss
        c <- log(runif(nObs, 0, umax))
        tobs[yobs<=c] <- exp(yobs[yobs<=c])
        tobs[yobs>c] <- exp(yobs[yobs>c])
        dlt[yobs<=c] = 1
        dlt[yobs>c] = 0
    } else if (disFamily == "norm") {
        epss <- rnorm(nObs)
        u1 <- runif(nObs)
        u = sapply(seq_len(nObs), function(i){length(which(mixProp0<= u1[i])) + 1})
        tobs <- coef0[u, 1] + rowSums(coef0[u, -1] * cX) + dispersion[u] * epss
        dlt = rep(1, nObs)
    } else if (disFamily == "weibull") {
        ext <- log(rexp(nObs))
        u1 <- runif(nObs)
        u = sapply(seq_len(nObs), function(i){length(which(mixProp0<= u1[i])) + 1})
        yobs <- coef0[u, 1] + rowSums(coef0[u, -1] * cX) + dispersion[u] * ext
        c <- log(runif(nObs, 0, umax))
        tobs[yobs<=c] <- exp(yobs[yobs<=c])
        tobs[yobs>c] <- exp(yobs[yobs>c])
        dlt[yobs<=c] = 1
        dlt[yobs>c] = 0
    } else {
        stop("The family of sub-distributions are not specified correctly.")
    return(list(y = tobs, delta = dlt, x = cX, disFamily = disFamily))

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