
Defines functions help

Documented in help

# Just the graphic help of genArise

help <- function(){
  tt <- tktoplevel()
  tkwm.title(tt,"genArise Help")
  upper.frame <- tkframe(tt)
  frameOverall <- tkframe(upper.frame)
  yscr <- tkscrollbar(frameOverall, command=function(...)tkyview(txt,...))
  txt <- tktext(frameOverall,bg="white",font="Helvetica 12",yscrollcommand=function(...)tkset(yscr,...))
  tkgrid.configure(yscr, stick="nsw")

  tree.frame <- tkframe(upper.frame, relief = "groove", borderwidth=2)
  xScr       <- tkscrollbar(tree.frame,command=function(...)tkxview(treeWidget,...),orient="horizontal")
  yScr       <- tkscrollbar(tree.frame,command=function(...)tkyview(treeWidget,...))
  treeWidget <- tkwidget(tree.frame,"Tree",xscrollcommand=function(...)tkset(xScr,...),

   tkinsert(treeWidget,"end","root", "About genArise", text = "About genArise")
  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end","root", "Project", text = "Project")
  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",  "Project", "Creating a New Project", text = "Creating a New Project")
  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",  "Creating a New Project", "File Format", text = "File Format")
  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",  "Project", "Opening an Old Project", text = "Opening an Old Project")
  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end","root", "Diagnostic Plots", text = "Diagnostic Plots")
  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",  "Diagnostic Plots", "Intensity Ratio Plot", text = "Intensity Ratio Plot")
  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",  "Diagnostic Plots", "Background of Cy3 Plot", text = "Background of Cy3 Plot")
  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",  "Diagnostic Plots", "Background of Cy5 Plot", text = "Background of Cy5 Plot")
  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end","root", "Microarray Analysis", text = "Microarray Analysis")
  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",  "Microarray Analysis", "Background Correction", text = "Background Correction")  
  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",  "Microarray Analysis", "Normalization", text = "Normalization")
  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",  "Normalization", "By Grid", text = "By Grid")
  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",  "Normalization", "Global", text = "Global")
  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",  "Microarray Analysis", "Filter", text = "Filter")
  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",  "Microarray Analysis", "Duplicates Analysis", text = "Duplicates Analysis")
  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",  "Duplicates Analysis", "Mean Replicates Filter", text = "Mean Replicates Filter")
  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",  "Duplicates Analysis", "Non-extreme Values Filter", text = "Non-extreme Values Filter")
  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",  "Duplicates Analysis", "Geometric Mean Filter", text = "Geometric Mean Filter")

  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end","root", "Graphics", text = "Graphics")
  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",  "Graphics", "Cy3 -vs- Cy5", text = "Cy3 -vs- Cy5")
  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",  "Graphics", "R -vs- I", text = "R -vs- I")
  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",  "Graphics", "M -vs- A", text = "M -vs- A")

  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",  "root", "Write Output", text = "Write Output")

  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end","root", "Z-score", text = "Z-score")
  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end","root", "Post-Analysis", text = "Post-Analysis")

  tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",  "root", "genArise Keyboard Shortcuts", text = "genArise Keyboard Shortcuts")
  tkselection.set(treeWidget,"About genArise")
  topic <- as.character(tclvalue(tcl(treeWidget,"selection","get")))
  first <- substr(topic,1,1)
  last <- substr(topic,nchar(topic),nchar(topic))
  if(first =="{" && last == "}") topic <- substr(topic,2,nchar(topic)-1)
  line <- readLines(file.path(system.file(),"..","genArise","doc","help","contents"))
  title <- which(line == topic)
  lim <- which(line[title:length(line)] == "*")[1]
  text <- paste(line[title:((lim-1)+(title-1))],"",collapse="\n\t",sep="")
  events <- function(){
    tkconfigure(txt, state="normal")
    topic <- tclvalue(tcl(treeWidget,"selection","get"))
    first <- substr(topic,1,1)
    last <- substr(topic,nchar(topic),nchar(topic))
    if(first =="{" && last == "}") topic <- substr(topic,2,nchar(topic)-1)
    line <- readLines(file.path(system.file(),"..", "genArise","doc","help","contents"))
    title <- which(line == topic)
    lim <- which(line[title:length(line)] == "*")[1]
    text <- paste(line[title:((lim-1)+(title-1))],"",collapse="\n\t",sep="")
    tkconfigure(txt, state="disabled")

  tkbind(tt, "<Button-1>",events)  
  tkgrid(tklabel(upper.frame,text = "Contents" ), padx = "10")
  tkgrid(tree.frame, frameOverall,padx = "10", pady = "10")
  tkgrid(upper.frame, pady = "10")

Try the genArise package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

genArise documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:29 p.m.